Will this zerging ever stop?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Remem said:
1st u r pet aggroed me at auto wasnt sent in anyway came 1st after i landed mezz

2nd time u had pet followin me i went to rest 1 min from there then saw pet suddenly comin to me and ofc u , grymulv 2 mincers and some infil too .

Just curois how u can miss me so much 1 time when i mezzed u even emoted u before i casted mezz but u and pet stood still :p

No reason to whine about imbalance when u play like that just improve e.g start pan cam a bit and i m sure will work better

1st time my pet was sent in because as a solo sorc its imperative that the pet is on passive when your running (to avoid any mishaps with mezz breaking)

2nd time yeah as i said u came from behind but i sent pet again just before u got mezz in

both times i was panning camera however when your running towards amg you tend to worry about shadowblades popping infront of you and i was on cyclodia corner the 2nd time you got me so cant be to careful

but whatever, gj with the mezzing, finally a bard who doesnt use instas straight away.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
liloe said:
Fedaykin, I can remember a few fg encoutners TD vs. TB (pretty much the NO team I think, right?) and well, I think the winning was around 50/50. QUOTE]

i was never in the brethren so those fights you wouldn't have met me as the sorcerer

i seem to remember the "ice ice baby" video magmativ made showed them beating 2fg TD though

as i said though wasn't me playing :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Freppe said:
Previous owner was Yannis fyi. And WoS(wrathofsauron/badger) was sick irl. Threatening a person at a forum is just sick. Nothing else, and dont see why you're even bringing it up, its in the past. AND wos didnt give him the adress, he wanted tykas. Try sort ur facts first before you go qq.

LOL and I qq where? Muppet. I was picking up on his "Tell me irl" comment...which is just as stupid now as it was when WoS and the old Tyka were going at it. You never know what sicko you're going to bait from the safety of behind your keyboard ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Hibernia/Midgard only survive duo to skilled players and good teamwork.

don't even wanna reply to that one...

everyone that ever picked ALB at selection screen 2 years ago must be a mindless noob...and all that picked MID & HIB are just born skillfull players.


It's my birthday today!
Jan 25, 2004
Fedaykin said:
i was never in the brethren so those fights you wouldn't have met me as the sorcerer

i seem to remember the "ice ice baby" video magmativ made showed them beating 2fg TD though

as i said though wasn't me playing :)

ups =) getting mixed up on my old days :) then we need to do this fight ofc =))

I've seen the iceicebaby video =) well done and ouuuch...the TD part hurts me, was only 1fg though, but the 2nd grp incoming also got some red/yellow emblem (can't remember name atm though, sry). Should also make a video one day =) just need to get all that stuff to work.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 23, 2004
Krane said:
Oh really? its the same?

Do we have 4 healing classes also?
Do we have 2 of our support classes in cloth with caster HP?


let the whine about bof and "insta-win" sos commence...

Alb sure is in a worse position but after playing a long time in mid with a PE member I find it extremely hard to believe that albs cant win.

Raid is allways telling about "how a high RR alb group beats a mid group".

The difference between pryd & excal could be of course that prydish mids would be total morons with no idea how to play their classes and therefore giving albs there the upper hand ;)

Tbh, give me an account in exc/alb... I´d *really* like to try playing alb :)


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
kinda funny seeing tyka farming blue/yellow cons every couple of months as he has just been traded/ebayed again.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 7, 2004
i find it funny how hibs who are not much better than ur avg warder bost about how they are so much better than all of alb when any decent rvr guild on alb/excal pounds em to the ground. having people from the likes of TD saying how easy alb is is just insulting.

just ccuz a larger amount of alb like the emain cg zerg shit doesnt meen all of alb are like that. granted, the proportion is larger in alb but all realms have their zergs and brehons die easily to a decent alb fg. the same brehons who think albs are all noobs.


It's my birthday today!
Jan 25, 2004
[NO]Subedai said:
i find it funny how hibs who are not much better than ur avg warder bost about how they are so much better than all of alb when any decent rvr guild on alb/excal pounds em to the ground. having people from the likes of TD saying how easy alb is is just insulting.

just ccuz a larger amount of alb like the emain cg zerg shit doesnt meen all of alb are like that. granted, the proportion is larger in alb but all realms have their zergs and brehons die easily to a decent alb fg. the same brehons who think albs are all noobs.

Saying that all albs are noobs might not be true, but "from the likes of TD" is just the same crap I think. I've great respect for NO and TB in albion and I think dragging any guild into smth because of one player is unfair. Don't kill the good impression I got of you :wub:

P.S. seems ppl are mistaking every guild with yellow/red for TD :p (i.e. New Dawn, Hearts of Fire, Draconis Alumni to mention the biggest ones).


Dec 23, 2003
btw, its fun seeing gol/fc/bf/bob etc claiming they want fg fights, but still are very fast with the /c help!! 1fg hibs!! :touch:


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 25, 2003
vintervargen said:
btw, its fun seeing gol/fc/bf/bob etc claiming they want fg fights, but still are very fast with the /c help!! 1fg hibs!! :touch:
you're so full of it
you never saw a bf or fc group call for help in a cg
try again


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
Neomancer said:
Players atm:
5.022 (41.94%)

2.833 (23.66%)

4.120 (34.41%)

Albion continue to grow, Hibernia/Midgard only survive duo to skilled players and good teamwork.

In Hibernia we have 5500 chars active, where albs have 10.000 Chars active?
Will this problem never be solved?

The RvR is kickin back in these days, but many hib's have experienced MANY encounters with Albions in large numbers. Actually hard to build and run a few runs without players leaving duo to zergs. Odins/hadrians is dead these days besides a few players XP'ing their artifacts. So only place left is Emain really for decent RP's.
But how should Mid/Hib's survive with those massive zergs going on 24/7 ? We do encounter a few 1fg vs 1fg, but since most Albs are Guardians and Warders they don't seem to survive long. Then they return with numbers bigger than I can count to outzerg us....
Then RvR grp's split and you can start building another grp?

With Artifacts zerging will be even more easily with Area chants/heals etc.

Why is it that Alb's run 2-5fg at a time?
In Hibernia people run 1fg, Mids aswell. WTF is wrong with albion then?

It's deff. not the classes. 1fg Albs can easily wipe another full group if they knew what to do.? :(

So If a Albion player would be kind to explain this zerging?

Would also like to hear other players point of view of this matter aswell.

(We build a full group, you build a Battlegroup of 40 people) :confused:

And yes, I'm a whining ebay newb flamin fledgling , Deal with it. :twak:
cba to read 7pages of reply to ebay noob
only thing im wondring why are so many ppl replying?
hope its the same reason as mine


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
Asha said:
you're so full of it
you never saw a bf or fc group call for help in a cg
try again
asha hon
another ebayor
why bother to reply :x


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 17, 2004
vintervargen said:
btw, its fun seeing gol/fc/bf/bob etc claiming they want fg fights, but still are very fast with the /c help!! 1fg hibs!! :touch:

our grp dont even run in emain or a cg, try again please :fluffle:


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 31, 2003
vintervargen said:
btw, its fun seeing gol/fc/bf/bob etc claiming they want fg fights, but still are very fast with the /c help!! 1fg hibs!! :touch:

once I saw gorre yelling for help in the cg :(


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
Kalba said:
Tbh, give me an account in exc/alb... I´d *really* like to try playing alb :)

yeah we would like to get rid of yah aswell ;(

Anyway .. as someone said earlyer "The alb zerg" is apart of Emain ...

Not like its that big a problem with Nolby camping amg room with their 25%castratestuff ..

I SAW GOL WITH ONLY 2FG's lastnight.

Thyx for breaking up the box mobstomper /bow


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 25, 2004
Meril said:
Thyx for breaking up the box mobstomper /bow

Normaly I dont like adding, but that was pretty enjoyable to watch tbh.. ;)

kodus mobstomber :clap:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
lol sure we run in emain all the time vintervargen :p

i havnt been there for more than 6 months, and i aint exagerating


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
Mids deserve to be zerged - everything else they get too easily.

Albs only zerg - that's only tactic they can figure out and that's sad.

Hibs diminish - trial and error with too much balance on last one can be frustrating.


When day comes to an end only thing that matters is pure numbers.

Which side has most CC in game? (hint. Do you see almost every alb/hib group running with 3 classes(or more) with CC (ae mez/root)?)


Which side outnumbers other 3 to 1 ?


After dusk when dust settles only winner is selfishness.



Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
Gobarnachta said:
Albs only zerg - that's only tactic they can figure out and that's sad.
Yep, yep, and you can take that one to the bank, Guv! :rolleyes:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
It's for realms as whole (how can you not generalize there) if you want some say on individuals or rather guilds here's some:

RvR guilds - downfall of RvR
PvE guilds - downfall of RvR

Idiotic BB users - downfall of RvR

Very idea of realm vs. realm is to have huge epic battles but alas with game engine like one we are suffering from this is impossible to be called as fun. On other hand making private groups and guilds that isolate themselves off from rest of the realm is as bad for gameplay for majority. Stealthers are funny...who would be so dumb that they'll pay twice to GoA to have a decent play? Stealth itself should have been removed right from beginning and make assasin/archer classes more group friendly.

What can we do then ? Whine ?
Sure we can but it won't do no good here as mythic listens to _their_ customers: usa players.


We could have some fun within limits. Eg. move in 2 fgs at tops and if /who emain shows in as 3 figure number (or even more than 50) rather go Odins or HW and spread RvRing. About stealthzerg...well my lack of respect against them doesn't come from wtfpwning my caster arse but simply how idiotic system they have made (not only meaning BBs) for themselves or would u rather pay twice your sub and go camp most of time alone in game that should be about interaction with also people you don't simply kill.

Well bit of class-generalization there but really I'm not going to name&shame nor name&praise anyone here atleast not without helluva good reason.



Fledgling Freddie
Mar 2, 2004
Gobarnachta said:
Which side has most CC in game? (hint. Do you see almost every alb/hib group running with 3 classes(or more) with CC (ae mez/root)?)

2 imo...

Pac healer (Maybe backup pac healer with 37~pac sometimes)
and a shammy...

Can hardly call aug healers 1st level AE stun a viable means of CC, nor do they have a root worth using :touch:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
Gobarnachta said:
We could have some fun within limits. Eg. move in 2 fgs at tops and if /who emain shows in as 3 figure number (or even more than 50) rather go Odins or HW and spread RvRing.

This is where I am really praying that Frontiers will have a big impact.

Firstly, the 'in' zone for RvR will change from night to night depending upon the ebb and flow of keep takes. As no one zone, unlike the current Emain, should be more favourable for RvR geographically then the big fights will move between zones and between realms.

Secondly, the in-game map will direct Realm players to the current front-line, whilst also allowing those who want to avoid the flashpoint to do so. Players can see before porting the relative sizes of the opposing forces.


Pity we have to wait another 4-5 months :(


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Skilgannon said:
This is where I am really praying that Frontiers will have a big impact.

Firstly, the 'in' zone for RvR will change from night to night depending upon the ebb and flow of keep takes. As no one zone, unlike the current Emain, should be more favourable for RvR geographically then the big fights will move between zones and between realms.

Secondly, the in-game map will direct Realm players to the current front-line, whilst also allowing those who want to avoid the flashpoint to do so. Players can see before porting the relative sizes of the opposing forces.


Pity we have to wait another 4-5 months :(

maybe u will stop adding on us then? no? didnt think so..


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Belomar said:
Get lost, pathetic troll.
as i said didnt think so. why dont u port emain and join the warder zerg and leave us alone huh :puke:
thats all ur good for anyways, havnt seen that SS grp win shit ever

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