Will this zerging ever stop?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Marc said:
And Ghostfeet. What exactly, do you have to brag about? There are some skilled people in BoB. I dont dispute that. YOU are not one of them. I have been in emain groups where you have been MA and you DO suck at it. Sorry, but its true. I really cant believe, that you of all people have the gall, to slag off anyone for being a crap MA.

We arn't all guild hoppers, trying to get in to an ubah *cough cough* RvR guild.

oki the first part is an outright lie. i never played as an MA in a grp with even 1 SS, so keep spreading bull shit. i only ever was in 1 SS grp and believe me that was the last time to....

and me changing guilds is none of ur buissniess! atleast as long as i cant been in ur guild, lol which i never would but then again u wouldnt have me either so nps there ;)

and about u guys never adding on us that again is an outright lie. so far ur posts have mainly consisted of either fantasies or lies. so from now on lets atleast keep it to the facts even if we dont like eachother. i dont lie i just say what ive been thru when SS have added. and pretoa u guys added on us 24/7 out of principle, and that aint a lie unlike ur "facts".


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Carrera said:
Just like to add this is pharals own point of view and doesnt represent the guild as a whole. He will get a spanking from me for some of the things he has said for sure ;) Sorry to anyone in SS who was offended.

and to this id like to add:

i agree, my point of view is not my guilds point of view.

if i have offended any SS ppl i appologies. even to belomar :p


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
Ghostfeet said:
and to this id like to add:

i agree, my point of view is not my guilds point of view.

if i have offended any SS ppl i appologies. even to belomar :p

How can you totally slag off a guild and then say....

"if i have offended any SS ppl i apologise"


It seems at every opportunity you get you diss our guild. Why don't you like us ghostfeet? Cos we "added" on you? So.....in that case you dislike all the albion guilds? However, i dont see you dissing them at every given chance.

Now kindly leave SS alone please. We are sick of your dissing and you are only burning more and more bridges.

Enough, we zerg, blah blah, we add, blah blah, we suck blah blah.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 16, 2004
ppl who can't play or dont bother getting decent gear or team up randomly with noobs everyday = zerg.. so they get 1000 rp per night..


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Marc said:
How can you totally slag off a guild and then say....

"if i have offended any SS ppl i apologise"


It seems at every opportunity you get you diss our guild. Why don't you like us ghostfeet? Cos we "added" on you? So.....in that case you dislike all the albion guilds? However, i dont see you dissing them at every given chance.

Now kindly leave SS alone please. We are sick of your dissing and you are only burning more and more bridges.

Enough, we zerg, blah blah, we add, blah blah, we suck blah blah.

fine :m00:
but tbh i didnt have a grudge against SS till i came baq and got about 5 rude comments about my person, from SS members including ateast 1 /o. and at this particualr time i had never said a negative thing about SS.
this was ofc reported.

so dont come here and say u r all innocent cuz thats a load of bull... but u seem good at that. u marc not SS.

the adding part is just a side effect. but as u so finely said, ill leave u alone. but then u and belomar can do the same plz :touch:


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Pff we are ubar l33t rvr group! :m00:
Now givf an end to TOA so i can go back out there without being chain owned by 25% melle dmg savages in shade form :p


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
swords said:
Now givf an end to TOA so i can go back out there without being chain owned by 25% melle dmg savages in shade form :p

somethings we can only dream of. savages being balanced, me stop wajning and blue grass. oo w8 ive seen that somewhere..? hmmm strange :S


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 16, 2004
Belomar said:
Are you still here, Ghostfeet? You have been dismissed. Continue trying to pick a fight with SS if you wish, I, and the rest of SS, have nothing at all against BoB (nor in fact most other Albion guilds -- we do not go in with the attitude of being better than others in any regard). I, on the other hand, will rest assured in the capabilities and virtues of my own guild, and your angry little voice shouting at me on a forum won't disturb me the slightest.

So no, Carrera, don't worry. ;)

Belomar I think it is pointless to continue to argue with the twat. There will always be some pll that think talking shit about other players or guilds will make them look “better”. We all play this game for different reason and enjoy different aspects of the game. Such ignorance and total lack of respect that Ghostfeet time and again displays on this board is imho very childish, but the dude simply cannot or will not stop.


Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
I'm not going to come back to this anymore, but I can't help but react at the following quote:
Ghostfeet said:
but tbh i didnt have a grudge against SS till i came baq and got about 5 rude comments about my person, from SS members including ateast 1 /o.
I just don't see where this comes from? Five SS members, one of them an officer, insulting you? Seems a little overkill to me. On FH or in-game? From my viewpoint, what started all of this off was this little gem, totally unprovoked and from a clear sky.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
nice to see BW hasn't changed in the last few months :clap:


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Oi, if I have PMed you with something with that Marc, Im sure I had a good reason, but I dont remember that I have, tho :x

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