Yeah, right. And when we gonna get FG up u gonna run with 2 FG ? :worthy:Bubble said:(Btw Nice one forming and running a Group Aldoran, maybe fill it up and your have better luck against us)
Yeah, right. And when we gonna get FG up u gonna run with 2 FG ? :worthy:Bubble said:(Btw Nice one forming and running a Group Aldoran, maybe fill it up and your have better luck against us)
bigchief said:I told Saitoh we'd get a qq for thatShame a fg albs came and spoiled our fun :<
Bibi said:Yeah, right. And when we gonna get FG up u gonna run with 2 FG ? :worthy:
bigchief said:I told Saitoh we'd get a qq for thatShame a fg albs came and spoiled our fun :<
when hib goes to relic raid we send 85%+ of our active players to rvr...alb send what? 50%? and why cant u mids send like 80%? and to bad u got selfish guild grps that refuse to help u on keep takes...hib and alb got gg that help..maybe thats a reasonBrite said:Last week RP
Albion - 19,803,851 (44%)
Hibernia - 13,526,365 (30%)
Midgard - 11,712,885 (26%)
and thats with -
Active Characters
Albion - 2,951 (42%)
Hibernia - 1,851 (26%)
Midgard - 2,240 (32%)
Borvo said:when hib goes to relic raid we send 85%+ of our active players to rvr...alb send what? 50%? and why cant u mids send like 80%? and to bad u got selfish guild grps that refuse to help u on keep takes...hib and alb got gg that help..maybe thats a reason
Everybody rolls these stats out but they aren't an accurate reflection of people playing Mid. Whenever I remember I do a /who just after login now, the last week and a bit we have been averaging a shade over 25% of the total pop. We can just hope that the 7% are taking an extended break I guessActive Characters Albion - 2,951 (42%) Hibernia - 1,851 (26%) Midgard - 2,240 (32%)
Gups said:I would guess that more mids are playing alts at the moment.
Puppet said:Without any proof I would guess more Hibs play alts because we can do TOA and ML's in 3 days with 17 animists and have all our arti's up to lvl 10.
According to Mids ofcourse :O
Old.Ilum said:Can't we just go back to the basics? Normal good old roaming RvR and the odd relic raid every once in a blue moon....
Puppet said:Without any proof I would guess more Hibs play alts because we can do TOA and ML's in 3 days with 17 animists and have all our arti's up to lvl 10.
According to Mids ofcourse :O
Old.Ilum said:They don't bring anything to the table?
As far as ranged attacks go, a runemaster is better than any other class. Access to the bes spec dd, access to bolts, access to debuff nukes, access to nearsight. What else do you want?
That hardly seemed to be worth the bother imo, most of the times you wouldn't get enough bombers out after it to deal more damage than using a regular bomber in the first place would've done.Bone_Idle said:Animists can debuff their own spec bomber nuke with a baseline body debuff bomber.
Zapsi said:2 chars to 50 full toa sc with sash tart cs etc and ml 3 in 12 days now wouldnt try that without animist btw no PL.
Puppet said:Can PL to 50 as fast on red-caps in Moderna as Mid. Non PL'ing I would guess Mid chars level as fast as Hib ones; argueably even faster with AE-stun and PBAE. Obtaining artifacts well it takes ABIT more trouble but be reasonable: 80% of the artifacts you honestly dont *NEED* an animist to do it with less then 2fg. I did Danos with 1fg without animists during the beginning on TOA. (I just gotten FOP on Puppet)
Im pretty sure if u are dedicated on Midgard as u where on Hibernia (coz u where) u can do the same in about the same time on Midgard. Most time is really the levelling of artifacts; and thats something an animist doesnt exactly help due to the XP-drain of the shrooms.
Vermillon said:When the compatition evens the al mighty mids start the QQ, and mithyc set up the new "toy" to calm them down.