What things could improve the game?



in this talkin about the GAME not the service..

an in-game Email system where you could leave notes for players when they logged on... would be good for crafters telling people to collect there stuff.

A Auto Style key when meleeing instead of having to repeatedly hit a style key if in a group with shammy end regen then most people do the 1time style so if you cold press it once it would save pressing it continusely

Kharok Svark

An increase in cap possible from Dropped items, to make them better than SC.

Example ;

Axe 16.5 Dps 99% Qual

Axe 4
Strength 12
Spirit Resist 9%
Axe Overcap +1

Meaning it would be possible to get +12 Axe from Items


I would remove many of the features introduced in the last few patches ie, /assist. Gone are the days when skill playing a character mattered that much, now skill is negated by ra`s and commands. In short a turning back of the game clock would greatly improve the game..... well for me anyway ;)


I agree with that, too many "balancing" things have also screwed gameplay.

Id like to see Collision Detection, especially in RvR


I think that drops should be made better than sc'd stuff. As it stands atm most the best weapon/armor drops out there can be made by using sc (and u're guarenteed to get wot u want when u want with sc'd, off a raid u might not get the thing u wanted cos of lotto :D) also u get a choice of yr alch effect if u buy teh sc'd. Making all high lvl mob drops stats higher and make the dots/dd/effect's more desirable/effective would i think add a new twist to the game (rather than everyone having same axe/sword/hammer ect with dot effect)


How about, and this is just a suggestion, something that walks with more then two feet and looks more like a new race and less like something a kobold and a troll made in a private hut up the hill?

old.Trine Aquavit

Originally posted by old.Elfslayer
I would remove many of the features introduced in the last few patches ie, /assist.

/assist has been in the game since the start, iirc. EQ had it too. It's not an unreasonable command given the problems with targetting you can suffer in a 3d game.

/stick is a bit of a cheat, though :)


the graphics could be emproved, like in the tree's..and texture of them.. mb they could move in the wind a bit.. and the plants on the ground,, would give a more reality feeling to the game.. also i agree on a totali new race mb with more than 2 legs,, and some neat skills..

also should be more bind stones would be helpfull,


I would like it if you did a /send <player name> it would send to any of there alts on that account. (You would have to be able to turn it off it you didnt want it)


Some thing's I feel would improve the game.

All Stealthers from all realms have equal stealth (dependent on spec) so there's none of this stupid Camo for Scouts.

Have a preset cg for RvR. /cg join emain /cg join odins /cg join hadrians This would help to stop multiple chat groups forming. Of course if a few groups wanted to start their own then fair enough.

Make Necro's more RvR friendly again.

Necro's Abomination is customable. Dye his armour, give him a cloak, an different weapon. Necro's are the one class who really need their pet to be able to last but they don't in RvR.

Get rid of the SC system. Or at least create some NPC's who can do crafted quality armour/weapons/SCing etc because we all know that sometimes it can be very difficult to get a Legendary Crafter. Make the prices higer than player crafter's to give people an incentive to try and find one.

Be able to have more than one quickbar on screen at once. 10 slots for styles etc isn't enough.

DO NOT nerf buffbots. At the end of the day a buffbot is available to everyone. Why penalise those who can afford one?

On Xmas day have it so in RvR we can't fight but play football. Now that would be cool.

Increase RvR. I know they are going to but come on Mythic.

Do something so people's Level 50's have something else to do in PvE apart from PLing or farming cash. But don't increase the max level. I don't know about anyone else but I'm sick of the exp grind now.

Set up a banking system in each realm, a bit like relics, so we can rob from them. But make it a lot harder than relic raids so the risk is great but the reward is sweeter.

Have some sort of penalty in RvR for when you die. Maybe a loss of some RP's?

Um thats all I can think of for now. If you've read this far then excellent. It was boring me writing it.


Originally posted by astriix
the graphics could be emproved, like in the tree's..and texture of them.. mb they could move in the wind a bit.. and the plants on the ground,, would give a more reality feeling to the game.. also i agree on a totali new race mb with more than 2 legs,, and some neat skills..

also should be more bind stones would be helpfull,
Wait for Trials of Atlantis, its coming.

As for wind, well we cant all afford a new PC every time theres a patch or engine is upgrade, and this more about gameplay than looking pretty. Eat more beans if you want better wind.

Races, again wait for TOA.

Bind stones, theres plenty in all realms, dont be so lazy :p

Making necros RvR freindly again, you mean give them back their nonLOS issue? nah.

Make pets customable, firstly why, when u log they die, when they go rvr they die, so why waste materials?

XMas day is pushing it, GOA have families too, although they did put a lil something up last year for us all :)

Cap thre SC system, dont get rid of it, no over charging at all.

Boff Bots - hmm, well I say ok for PvE but not for RvR, id luv to see some of the more uber RvRers fight without boofs, would level the playing feild a lot and may encorouge ppl to actually play BB chars.


Originally posted by Whoodoo_RD
Races, again wait for TOA.

Your point being?

The races that come to the players have two legs and DO look like something a troll and his lovely kobold wife made on one cold afternoon.

Some innovative race design isn't that much to ask for.


Originally posted by astriix
the graphics could be emproved, like in the tree's..and texture of them.. mb they could move in the wind a bit.. and the plants on the ground,, would give a more reality feeling to the game..

The graphics will be improved in the next expansion, Trials of Atlantis. But who knows when it'll be available here as we still haven't got Foundations yet..


Originally posted by Whoodoo_RD
Wait for Trials of Atlantis, its coming.

Races, again wait for TOA.

Boff Bots - hmm, well I say ok for PvE but not for RvR, id luv to see some of the more uber RvRers fight without boofs, would level the playing feild a lot and may encorouge ppl to actually play BB chars.

ToA has NICE trees :) *drools*

races in toa are all two-legged humanoids again :(
(shar, frostalfs and half-ogres)

Make the enhance specs better so there's a reason to have an enhance specced _active_ character, possibly make buffbots have to be put somewhere where they can die :)


Originally posted by Whoodoo_RD
Make pets customable, firstly why, when u log they die, when they go rvr they die, so why waste materials?

Make it so once you customise the pet the game will always give you the pet that way until you change it. My necro used to be in a necro guild and on hunts sometimes it got confusing :D


Originally posted by charmsdark
The graphics will be improved in the next expansion, Trials of Atlantis. But who knows when it'll be available here as we still haven't got Foundations yet..

3 months after ToA hits the US I imagine - same as SI.

just in time to get a load of bug fixes etc too ;)


1. Remove See Hidden completely..its just fucking lame. not fair on archer classes. even with CAMO its too overpowered.

2. Collision Detection would rock...no more running thru dungeons..i'd like to be like Felucca in Ultima Online, you lose END for running through things.

3. Remove Assist...dont like it.

4. More use of water in Emain, Hadrians, Odins, rivers streams that you HAVE to cross to go places...would make it slightly more interesting.

5. Grant an Extra XP bonus for RvR'ing in Hadrians and remove a LOT of the aggro shit in Alb Frontier..its too cluttered for any kind of RvR.

6. Remove IP, Purge and Determination... jees i hate those things, really lame to sit there beat down a tank to death then to see his HP full again is just gay. Purge im 50/50 on that one. Det either remove or make it UBER RSP to buy like 30 or something so you only get it late on and have to sacrifice more to get it.


Originally posted by Keogh
Some thing's I feel would improve the game.

Have some sort of penalty in RvR for when you die. Maybe a loss of some RP's?

Bad idea. This would strongly discourage RvRing ESPECIALLY if you are not in the "uber guilds of gankdom".


Originally posted by Keogh
All Stealthers from all realms have equal stealth (dependent on spec) so there's none of this stupid Camo for Scouts.

Have a preset cg for RvR. /cg join emain /cg join odins /cg join hadrians This would help to stop multiple chat groups forming. Of course if a few groups wanted to start their own then fair enough.

DO NOT nerf buffbots. At the end of the day a buffbot is available to everyone. Why penalise those who can afford one?

1. yes agree totally

2. Nice idea, send it in to Mythic...seriously

3. On the other side why penalise people who CANT afford a 2nd account...i agree tho but something needs to be done to even the playing field..the range idea is an ok one i.e max range of something like 4000 units, that way any real healer, buffer will be fine but those stuck of TK's will be nerfed.


Few things i have thought inthe past.

1: Remove all caps for resists / stats etc. (i dont see the problem with some one having say 50% to all combat resits but only having 15% to magic, or 400 str but only 100 dex etc)
Would definatly make char creation a bit more interesting.

2: More RvR areas such like the mile gates.
(ruin towns that u can hide in and ambush from, somthing to take away from the normal running from mile gate to mile gate)

3: Remove IP, keep purge and make all ra's work properly i.e MO Arms.

4: Alow all races to be able to train in 1 or 2 other skills such as bow / healing etc but only up to lvl 25 equivilent, also make it race dependable (trolls can train in cave / aug / B songs, but not pac / bow / darkness etc)

5: Agree with the costom pet thing, u should be able to customise a pet, but then i also think a pet should train up with its master, ie will die but can be rezed or u can release it when u do etc.

Just ideas :)


Originally posted by asorek
1. Remove See Hidden completely..its just fucking lame. not fair on archer classes. even with CAMO its too overpowered.

2. Collision Detection would rock...no more running thru dungeons..i'd like to be like Felucca in Ultima Online, you lose END for running through things.

3. Remove Assist...dont like it.

4. More use of water in Emain, Hadrians, Odins, rivers streams that you HAVE to cross to go places...would make it slightly more interesting.

5. Grant an Extra XP bonus for RvR'ing in Hadrians and remove a LOT of the aggro shit in Alb Frontier..its too cluttered for any kind of RvR.

6. Remove IP, Purge and Determination... jees i hate those things, really lame to sit there beat down a tank to death then to see his HP full again is just gay. Purge im 50/50 on that one. Det either remove or make it UBER RSP to buy like 30 or something so you only get it late on and have to sacrifice more to get it.

Caster i take it :)

The Real Redi

Collision detection (never gonna happen)

More siege equipment - Siege towers, ladders, boiling oil etc.

The ability for stealthers to climb trees as well as keep walls.

Stealth to be overhauled completely. Someone once sugessted a more "Predator" approach to it - the stealther appears like water, sort of, but if stood dead still, or moving in heavy cover, you are virtually invisible, however moving in open ground or light cover, you are seen as the Predator is.

Desgins for crafters to apply to weapons and armours. As a weaponsmith, i would prefer to be able to craft perhaps a Sabre with either a design applied to the blade, or perhaps various shapes of blades and hilts?

Better AI, although the Draks outside Avalon City are much better than most. They show common sense, and fight more like an enemy would, in the fact that caster will run away from you. Maybe even a paranoid race of creatures who actually run away from a particular race in fear, but will fight like nutters if they are trapped or whatever. Maybe beasties that fear certain colours or hold grudges? Factions need a shuffle up.

Ranges on Buffs and changes to resists.

Oh, and Keogh, don't come with all that "don't penailse us cos we can afford a bot" crap - your trying to tell me that if Buffs had a limited range (say in the same zone for example even) thats victimising those with more money IRL? RL should have no sway on any decision in this game, or any other game, and saying that nerfin bots is harming rich kids we all know is bs. Don't vicitimise me cos i have rent to pay, and bills to cover and arent as reliant on mom, dad, aunty, friends etc to pay for me to continue with RL.

If you have more money than sense, and need to own a bot cos your talents unbuffed are lame, then fair enough, but this game is supplied as working and if the bot trend carries on, combine it with the apathy that RvR is causing most nowadays, and you'll end up with only bot users and crafters on the server.

Bot's achieve nothing but frustrating non-bot users and making once half decent classes redundant. Lets not let that happen, eh?


Originally posted by The Real Redi
Oh, and Keogh, don't come with all that "don't penailse us cos we can afford a bot" crap - your trying to tell me that if Buffs had a limited range (say in the same zone for example even) thats victimising those with more money IRL? RL should have no sway on any decision in this game, or any other game, and saying that nerfin bots is harming rich kids we all know is bs. Don't vicitimise me cos i have rent to pay, and bills to cover and arent as reliant on mom, dad, aunty, friends etc to pay for me to continue with RL.

If you have more money than sense, and need to own a bot cos your talents unbuffed are lame, then fair enough, but this game is supplied as working and if the bot trend carries on, combine it with the apathy that RvR is causing most nowadays, and you'll end up with only bot users and crafters on the server.

Bot's achieve nothing but frustrating non-bot users and making once half decent classes redundant. Lets not let that happen, eh?

So since you know me so well you know my talents unbuffed are lame? Nice. I have a mortgage to pay, I have all the regular bills to pay just like most other people. So don't try and act all hard done by cause I think it's unfair if they nerf buffbots because you can't afford one. Simple fact is, if Mythic nerf buffbots with distance lim itations on buffs they'll lose money. So I can't see them doing it. When you have fg's of all realms wiping out stealthers what chance do they stand? Even buffed they don't stand a chance, but at least maybe they can last long enough for help to intervine. So going by your logic, how is it fair to unbuffed people if a group with a buffing class in it wipes them out? So i'm all for completely doing away with buffs to level the playing field.


Well, a game engine upgrade that would combine all the 3 frontiers instead of having zones like atm could possibly cause some interesting situations (and make relic raids a lot less obvious). Provided the engine could handle it, RvR would work a lot smoother this way. Player/guild houses out in the frontiers would be somewhat cooler than having separate housing zones too.


well it had to turn into a whine about whinning about whinners who whine about whinning threat:D


Saw a nice suggestion on VN boards for making a list of public chat groups available - and that the cg leader could set a description line like "beno retake cg".


Btw... there was a zone cg on 1.60 but every1 would endup on the same cg no matter what realm u were from, so was kinda fun,
np la and outlaw on the same emain cg, but face it, that would take #celticfist out of business, so it was nerfed within 2-3 days:p

The Real Redi

Originally posted by Keogh
So since you know me so well you know my talents unbuffed are lame? Nice. I have a mortgage to pay, I have all the regular bills to pay just like most other people. So don't try and act all hard done by cause I think it's unfair if they nerf buffbots because you can't afford one. Simple fact is, if Mythic nerf buffbots with distance lim itations on buffs they'll lose money. So I can't see them doing it. When you have fg's of all realms wiping out stealthers what chance do they stand? Even buffed they don't stand a chance, but at least maybe they can last long enough for help to intervine. So going by your logic, how is it fair to unbuffed people if a group with a buffing class in it wipes them out? So i'm all for completely doing away with buffs to level the playing field.


eh? now 90% of that i miss the relevance, as you obviously did with my post. You quite clearly state that to adjust a (previously perfectly playable, and fun class) buffbot would be to victimise those who can afford it. what the hell are you talking about?? Are you saying that just because we prefer to play a game as it is provided without "the upper hand" as it were, WE should be victimised? Simply stated, Buffbots suck arse - they make the playing field uneven. And i didnt say your skills were lame, i don't even know what you play, im saying that if a buffbot is used to make up for a lack of skill, fair enough, if not it's a blatant example of more money than sense (or social life)

To have a buffing class in your group has nothing to do at all with what i said - i'd PREFER to see buffing classes played as CLASSES, not bots. Thats that one thrown out the window. Distance limitations would only mean the Bot-dependants would have to /stick them to their main, and maybe once in a while actually suffer the indignety of losing it and <gasp!> having to fight UNBUFFED!! end of the world, blah blah blah...

If Mythic DONT nerf em, they'll lose money, as it will be a game populated by rich kids with bots and crafters, as no one else will get a look in. simple! maybe not simple enough hmm....

Next point - whats with all the stealther love?? Have you never noticed the armies of stealthers at the Milegates? or do you ONLY travel "en zerg" as it were? Solo classes can't pass a milegate most of the time, without having some stealther jump you. Ok, if that stealther has got the testicular fortitude to do it solo, or "sans buffs" then furry, but when you are standing there in open ground, and three stealthers suddenly appear from nowhere, it makes you wonder where they were hiding, no? The changes suggested are simple and so fucking obvious it's making me sit here and spam myself in sympathy. Let me try to explain it in the most simplified way i can:

OPEN GROUND/MIDDAY/MOVING RAPIDLY = not so stealthy, and visible as a blur to the untrained eye.

The only people who whine about See Hidden are stealthers, but without it i doubt many groups would make it past most Milegates.

hmm, im starting to think i play a different game to some of you, as i have one disc, i apply one set of rules and play the game i enjoy. Maybe i should try the other way- get two discs, make a bot, farm RP's like my balls will drop off if i don't get a set amount, or don't pwn everything i meet.

All bot's have done to albion have made Clerics a non-viable class to play, unless you're already 50. I have a rejuv/enhance, gimped to group friendlyness Cleric at 28. I woke him up and was denied by three seperate groups, as they had bots and wanted PBT or PBAoE. That's going to get worse, the more Bot's we get in the realm. now THATS so simple, even my dog just nodded...


Just get rid of buffbots.

Single biggest improvement you could possibly make.

Mid - Kirinia

In Ultima Online, there is a 'profile' system, in which you can select a player and choose to view their profile. In this profile they can write any number of things. If they are a roleplayer they might write a description of their character, if they are a trader they might list what items they have/make and the prices for each. Some players might simply list info about their guild and joining requirements, or a list of the people they really hate/love.

It would be good in DAoC to be able to click on each character and get a rough opinion of them. Example, if an armourcrafter has 4 pending orders to deal with, and knows he will be busy for hours to come, he could write 'Busy with orders for xx hours, please try later' in his profile, and people would select him and read it, and know not to bother spamming him with messages just yet :)

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