What RvR has come to - Disgusting !

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Originally posted by svartalf

I'd be after fair fights, too, if I was 8 realm ranks higher than my enemy :).

As Orwell observed;
"Everyone is equal, but some are more equal than others".



I think it's sad that people are doing this sort of thing. It's not about fair fights or whatever it's about being able to rely on your realm mates. I'd like to think that if there were other albs nearby and I was in trouble, they'd assist. Would never occur to me not to help others if I could. Once you've lost that you can't regain it, you'll always pause to wonder if they're with you or not.
If BO, PE or whoever want to play that way then imo they're playing a different game to the rest of us.


tbh if its all about fair fights go play TFC with 8 vs 8... 100% skill, everyone has same abilities and no bugs, no adds, no insta cc, no ra's, no high RR's...

fps 4 teh win


i think so called RvR guilds would be better off on the PvE server. After they're all about running around with your'gang' fighting other gangs.

Aule Valar

Originally posted by scarffs
I made this post in anger and disbelief that this could happen, thats all. I dont damage anyones name, their actions do so.

i think you've managed to damage your name pretty well
hope grps your in don't have perma sprint so you can't follow our guild around trying to add and leech


So many morons there are on this server, wanting to create a new excal with zerging all, no i will never think zerging anyone is any fun and if i can avoid it i will and all that doesnt like that go play on excal and u can zerg how much you want.

There is a big difference between guarding your realm against ppl that are on relicraid and fighting in emain, to defend our realm of course there must be alot of ppl and running together etc, but for emain there is no such need unless someone is gonna do a keeptake. Emain is mostly about fighting against each others and gain some rp. Some ppl want to have fun when rvr:ing and for us that means by not zerging ppl, excuse us for that, of course we should allways zerg ppl so that there would never be any hibs or albs in emain only 134fg mids that runs together.

Must be alot of fun for hibs to allways meet 2fg+ because of the ppl that wants zerg4tehwin.


Originally posted by Balbor
i think so called RvR guilds would be better off on the PvE server. After they're all about running around with your'gang' fighting other gangs.

hahaha, yes we should join a PVE server, thats what we are all about, PVE.


Who's a moron?
If playing the game the way it's meant to be, and not leaving realm mates to get farmed whilst wanking over realm points makes you a moron then I'd rather be that then an 'uber-player' like you guys.
Helping people is not the same thing as zerging. If you can't see why then go and play team quake or something if you insist on equal numbers per side.


you still cant decide how other people play the game chretien.


Originally posted by chretien
Who's a moron?
If playing the game the way it's meant to be, and not leaving realm mates to get farmed whilst wanking over realm points makes you a moron then I'd rather be that then an 'uber-player' like you guys.
Helping people is not the same thing as zerging. If you can't see why then go and play team quake or something if you insist on equal numbers per side.



fighting 17 ppl you say?

such as 1fg + 7 + 2 stealthers = 17?

1) we ran alongside BO from mmg, no one else close by.
so there cant have been another random mid group there.
2) i saw that there wasnt another group there except mine
and BO.

And you counting how many we were...that is what you do the first thing you do in a battle...right...

Regarding who was where...well, we ran right behind you to drop off at amg and would have seen if you would back off.

What it feels like here is that you are trying to protect the respect and reputation you have from albion players more then helping realm mates in a war that is out there.
You can help your realm and realm mates even if it isnt in home frontier.


Kahland I'm not telling anyone how to play. I don't pay your subs, play how you like, do what you want, just don't be surprised when people judge you based on your style. If your idea of a good time is contrary to how a lot of other people expect you to behave then you have to accept the fallout from that.
I can see exactly where Kelmorian is coming from (and as far as the principle is concerned it doesn't matter whether you're right or he's right about the other group of Mids who may or may not have been there), I'd imagine so can most other people except yourselves and your friends from uberguilds.


I thought you were a roleplayer, shouldnt you hate mids ? ;)


Arid : making an impossible fight even tougher ? Come on mate, you slaughtered us bigtime without even stretching it. Anyway, one or two of you died, so far from impossible.

Aule : I have no fear about my reputation, I said what had to be said. Want to outrun me ? PLease do so then, couldnt care less.

Thanks for the support from last posts. These are guys I dont know but who post something they think is right instead of saying it not to be outrun and left behind by Aule and co.


Originally posted by scarffs
Thanks for the support from last posts. These are guys I dont know but who post something they think is right instead of saying it not to be outrun and left behind by Aule and co.

You'll never convince the "RvR guilds" that what they are doing is not in the spirit of the game. To them everyone else in the game are nothing but "adds" and objects to be farmed for realm points.

But when they hit RR10 the majority of them quit the game as they have come to despise it, so just look at each death inflicted by an uber guild as helping them on their way to the next game they can get pwnage at ;)


BO is a bunch of twats. Steal 1 or 2 rp and you get PM's, rudes, /yells etc telling you what an idiot you are.

I hope they leave for good. I think they are scum, turds and needs some diperchange.


Originally posted by Kelmorian
What it feels like here is that you are trying to protect the respect and reputation you have from albion players more then helping realm mates in a war that is out there.
You can help your realm and realm mates even if it isnt in home frontier.

Err you what?

The reason the group left the mids and albs to it was to stop mids whining about being rp horny, stealing their rp etc.



If you help they whine at you for adding/stealing rps, if you dont help they whine at you for beeing selfish and not caring about the realm and there realm mates.. ZZZZZZZZZZ


Originally posted by Azal
Err you what?

The reason the group left the mids and albs to it was to stop mids whining about being rp horny, stealing their rp etc.

to stop who whining at who? other people whining at BO? for helping them out?

only people i have ever seen complain about "adds" and "leeching" in RvR is BO and Forsete's Circle. how can you sue the word "add" in RvR?

its a war ffs, you should be happy that there's someone there to back you up, and you definetly should not be helping the enemy realm :p

however not all BO are bad, some are quite nice and come to help if you are in trouble :)


Originally posted by ormorof
only people i have ever seen complain about "adds" and "leeching" in RvR is BO and Forsete's Circle.

thats just silly, i even never heard anyone saying that in alb :p

(well i did but that was meant as a joke, and if it wasnt, fine they can crawl up my ass)


To be honest, I dont know why you bother posting this on here - everyone knows what BO are like - just look at that thing that Chronicle posted. We know the type of people in BO - just let them get on with it.

Seriously, just dont accept BO people into any groups (pve or rvr)- they do occasionally leave the safety of their uber group bussom.

I'm not saying they're all like that - but they do tend to grow a pair of bollocks when they group together.


Originally posted by Azal
Err you what?

The reason the group left the mids and albs to it was to stop mids whining about being rp horny, stealing their rp etc.

Originally posted by Cush

If you help they whine at you for adding/stealing rps, if you dont help they whine at you for beeing selfish and not caring about the realm and there realm mates.. ZZZZZZZZZZ

To both of you.

I respect you both as great players of daoc and midgard, i know you know alot about the game and how to play it.

But you stand clueless if you think a random group should whine about a gank group killing a superior enemy.

Originally posted by Farnis
To be honest, I dont know why you bother posting this on here - everyone knows what BO are like - just look at that thing that Chronicle posted. We know the type of people in BO - just let them get on with it.

Seriously, just dont accept BO people into any groups (pve or rvr)- they do occasionally leave the safety of their uber group bussom.

I'm not saying they're all like that - but they do tend to grow a pair of bollocks when they group together.

This has nothing to do with BO, tho the majority of the group was from BO there was other ppl in it. Hannah is one of em (/hug ;)).

What is post is about is that we got left to our death by fellow mids that more then well could have helped us out.

A random group dont whine about adds, elitists do.
Also if the rvr guilds only want fair fights, you should talk to Kemor and Mythic to have a new rvr zone where only 16 ppl at the time can enter and you have to be grouped. Emain isnt the arena of the rvr guilds, it is what it has turned to be.

//Grivne Kelmorian - GM Sons of Nidhug


This is all very sad, and unfortunately it's very indicative of what Midgard RvR has descended into.

The rights and wrongs of the particular incident referred to here I will not comment on, I wasnt there so I dont know the details but ANY Mid grp that backs off from a conflict where fellow mids have a better than even chance of getting wiped should be thoroughly ashamed of themselves.

As far as BO are concerned well... I have a great deal of respect for Blejsarus and many in BO as I have been guilded with most of them either in EoO or Onslaught at times. However, rightly or wrongly the reputation of BO is not a good one and is getting worse, sadly BO (in general) do not seem able or willing to even begin to see this.

With regard to leeching in RvR (a concept totally alien to me as I think a dead enemy is a good enemy regardless how many ppl killed it but nm that) BO have said they TRY not to leech. Well I would suggest that if you want others to follow your example then you adhere to your own standards a little more judiciously. At the present time you expect others to leave your RP farming alone whilst at the same time you see absolutely nothing wrong in "adding" yourselves.

Several occasions recently in Odins Gate...

1. 4 Onslaught (including me) + Dagger/Mystikstew... through AMG comes 3 Albs... Albs engaged 1 dead 2 dying.... Full BO group runs past from HMG to AMG/APK and slaughters the Albs.

2. 3 or 4 Onslaught (including my RL other half) + 1 other again at AMG again fighting Albs again BO group runs in and kills Albs. This time Blej /yells I DIDNT LEECH! Well Blej, you didnt but... the rest of your group did.


3. 6 Onslaught + 2 at AMG - in /cg with Zapsi grp who were at HMG. Inc to AMG 1.5+ FGs Albs. Tells /cg help maybe? 2 in my grp still alive and 3 Albs when Zapsi grp arrives. /cg Zapsi: Just heal Noita (was playing Neito my Bonedancer) heals come in and Im 100% - me and remaining member of my grp (savage) kills remaining Albs - Zapsi grp rezzes our dead and stays with us til RI over and we are ready to fight again.

/salute Zapsi

Now.. personally I really dont give a flying fuck how many Mids kill enemies - only good Alb/Hib are the dead ones in my opinion. But having read all of this thread (and others) and using my own personal experience and the experiences of members of Onslaught I do feel that there is some hypocrisy here.

Furthermore, I have personally seen several (only 2 but even 2 is 2 too many) occasions where a BO grp has run past dead Mids and not rezzed them and have heard of many more, including from people in my own guild.

BO are very rarely involved in the "protection" of their own realm in so far as retaking keeps are concerned. When was the last time a full BO grp was present at a keep retake unless it was DC (for DF so they can suicide to "clean" DF ie farm more RPs). Personally I cant recall a single time recently when a full BO grp was present at any home frontier keep retake or defence.

Even at Relic Raids BO are not always present - about a month or so ago we were raided by Albs - FG BO in Emain... who then proceeded to stay there throughout the raid (which failed but no thanks to BO) even though the grp was PM'ed by the /cg leader and BO refused to come help.

From my detached and objective viewpoint I see BO becoming a "guild apart" by which I mean a group of aspiring elitists who set themselves above and beyond the mainstream day-to-day Realm affairs and consequently their Realm mates. There is however, nothing wrong with this and such aspirations should be admired and emulated by those with similar such desires but the difference between arrogance and greatness is humility - a commodity seemingly in short supply here.

BO do operate a "black list" as Blej has already said in this thread - they will help some Middies but by no means all Middies. This in itelf is an appaling attitude and one which I would STRONGLY urge Blej and his officers to reconsider.


I know what you mean Grivne

All im saying is that people should be fully aware by now that this is what you can expect if you have dealings with these peeps.

Its no biggie - just learn from the experience (ie trust) and move on (hope that doesnt sound patronising).


Well spoken my friend.
<The large troll scratches his head, looking like he is thinking>

<grunts and spits, patting the head of his hammer>

Uhh...what pretty norse said..

<puts the hammer in his belt and salutes Noita>


Originally posted by GrivneKelmorian
To both of you.

I respect you both as great players of daoc and midgard, i know you know alot about the game and how to play it.

But you stand clueless if you think a random group should whine about a gank group killing a superior enemy.

Think you realy missunderstod what i said. I was mearly pointing out atm its very difficult to impossible to do the right thing in situations like that. If you do it one way some whines at you and if you go the other direction others whine at you. And this is desicions that has to be made fairly fast. My self never whines at ppl adding its part of the game and close to impossible many time in a zone like emain. Sure sometimes when having a nice fight against for example PE or FL and we are about to beat them and another group runs in and help us finnish them off i can feel a <Sigh> but still part of the game and i wont go off and flame someone for doing so. And everyone "adds" from time to time just the ones that say they dont lives in denial.


Ah, I see what you mean Cush <patts head>

As far as i know (dont like to use afaik :p) I have only seem BO and FC groups say: i leech/add in /s and /send. :)

And I can also understand about the "we are beating them" thingie...

Happens too, but it what happens. Happens to everyone alot, but then we know, we would have beaten you and we can do it again with abit of luck. :)

Good fights is the best as in Thane vs 2x NS = Thane lives :p
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