What do you believe?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 18, 2005
This could not be interesting cause you know the answer already and so the outcoming situation is clear for both of us. You will say that my view sucks without remotely trying to understand my pov…so why again should I answer?

The bible tells you to do a million things (including killing people who work on sundays). One of those things is that we should be killing gay people too. So my question is, if you dont have anything against people that work on sundays (atleast i hope so-,-) then why would you have a problem with gay people? Who makes the decision whats not true and what is? The church? I thought it was all word of god?

If you do take the time to explain your view then i promise you that i will try to understand it, even though i have to admit that you will have a hard time convincing me.

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