Yeah just learn a safe standard opening and the triggers you need to scout for so you can react to cheese in time. It then usually comes down to who has the best micro (which is usually you because people who like to cheese a lot on ladder are generally terrible at sc).
The ladder resets are because they are planning on having regular ladder 'seasons' where it will be reset for each season. Although you will still keep your achievements and more importantly hidden rating, so it will still place you vs the same difficulty opponents straight away each season. They are also introducing 2 new leagues above diamond: Master League, and Grand Master League. I hear that master league will be ~top 5% of diamond and GM league will be the top 100 players on the entire server.
when they say top 5% does that depend on your ladder rating or the hidding rating thing?
Also, what is the point of the bonus pool? I dont actually know how much i have improved since getting into diamond because of it.
Ive had two baneling rushes in two games, absolutely owned me. Ive tried hellion harass, but they just get overwhelmed eventually by the extreme numbers and apart from that, bunkers are the only other early game decent baneling counter (that I know of, anyway). Now I can safely assume that any zerg fucker I come upo against will be baneling rushing me, what would you do?
If you suspect they will go for a baneling bust, make a wall at your ramp with only large buildings like barracks/factory or if you have already partly walled with a supply depot then put another depot/bunker behind it. If you can make your wall strong enough then it will take so many baneling to break it that they won't have enough speedlings left to kill your army.
Walling in and then rushing to cloaked banshee straight up smashes baneling busts because he will likely only have 16 drones, no lair and 1 queen: so no economy, no tech/detection and 1 anti-air unit which will lose in a 1v1 vs a banshee.
Yeah, the regular supply-supply-rax doesn't stop banelings, but if you use your factory, rax, other rax etc, then it stops banelings for sure.
Hell, i've even blocked off the ramp with my command center until i get siege tanks out to stop any amount of busties
Planetary Fortress <3
Oh yes, it's a very under-appreciated mechanic
Much like using the "extra supply" on supply depots.
Do you like in some twilight world where people only makes tier 1 units ?
Ah I see the twilight world of not having played for 3 months
I just said under-appreciated
Though i still don't get how "haven't played in 3 months" gets into it?
Or the "only use tier 1 units" thing.
Has PF become some kind of basic go to tactic?
And if it has, like you now suggest, wouldn't it support the "only tier 1 units" thing?
You see, explaining things in a way that leaves no one guessing works a lot better
I'm not being elitist, I just can't be bothered getting into a 200000 word pissing contest with you, it isn't worth it. Take it for what it's worth and try and understand me or don't reply because I'm not going to get baited into being your free source of online entertainment. ( I'm sure you're perfectly aware of my meaning in previous posts anyway ).
Holy epic games batman
Clide vs Leenock.... wow