News Tottenham riots


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
very nice thought

Raised so far: £8,146.19

3 Mini-buses in Leicester got set on fire that were donated for Age-Concern...

3 lads got killed defending their street, and they got ran over...

Im sure there's hundreds of more cases, but Im not gonna go find them all, im too lazy :p

Think there needs to be a general pot for all the victims.


Gold Star Holder!!
Jan 16, 2005
BBC1 tonight: There will be an extra edition of Question Time on Thursday 11 August to discuss this week's riots. The panel will include John Prescott, Brian Paddick, Camila Batmanghelidjh, John Sentamu and Fraser Nelson.

- English -

Resident Freddy
Apr 7, 2004
3 Mini-buses in Leicester got set on fire that were donated for Age-Concern...

3 lads got killed defending their street, and they got ran over...

Im sure there's hundreds of more cases, but Im not gonna go find them all, im too lazy :p

Think there needs to be a general pot for all the victims.

Ofcourse, i'm not prioritising anything and perhaps you're right there should be a pot for this stuff.


J Peasemould Gruntfuttock
Dec 22, 2003
yea but to a certain extent, if you are a UK resident then its bad, but that poor bloke had been over here for 4 weeks, so might be feeling somewhat more worse off
Bet the malay-uk tourist trade drops like a stone for the next 12 months ;)

and its not practical to give everyone something - we do already, its called tax/insurance premiums

but its a nice gesture to show we arent a country made entirely of wankers


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
The police could only remove facemasks in a specific geographic location and for a certain amount of time before? I wouldn't have thought you need a "new power" for this... If a policeman suspects something and tells you to show your face, you just do it. Honestly wtf has gone wrong with policing in this country, where they need specific powers granted to them in order to carry out such basic "policing" tasks.


I am a FH squatter
Apr 3, 2006
He doesn't seem too bothered, says he still loves it here and is determined to stay. Bears no ill will to those who attacked him but feels sorry for them :)


Aug 24, 2008
He probably will be ok...but still, getting your jaw broken & then mugged is a pretty unpleasant & traumatic event...
I'd fall off my bike and have a chav take a phone from my bag for the 8 grand. I agree it's very unpleasant and traumatic and I wouldn't wish it on anyone.

But I've had thai training partners here take a fight for £20 and come off worse then that. It's bad but nothing shocking, what's shocking is what kind of person someone most be to do that to someone. I'd like to give the cnunt a beating but certainly wouldn't donate ..... much more people worse off that could use the money imo.

And Malaysian's are pretty well off so he's not living in poverty.

Uncle Sick

One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 23, 2003
Say about the U.S. what you want... looters -would- be shoot, no doubt about it.

I'd be sitting in my second floor bedroom, facing my yard with a bottle of Rolling Rock, a 1927 Mosin Nagant rifle ($98 including bayonet, cleaning kit and ammo pouches - took 30 minutes to get after background check) and a case of 7.62x54 ammo.

Fuck gun control, I use both hands. :p


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
The Us will have far worse than us, our economy is thriving in comparison.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Yeah , me and my mates were hiring a car in Florida and my dickwad of a friend decides to wheelspin away from the office across the pound, the two security guards on the gate went for their guns at the noise.
Freakin private security guards ffs..with a car hire!

Imagine those riots in New York, there would be Uzi 9mm's going off like car alarms.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
Say about the U.S. what you want... looters -would- be shoot, no doubt about it.

I'd be sitting in my second floor bedroom, facing my yard with a bottle of Rolling Rock, a 1927 Mosin Nagant rifle ($98 including bayonet, cleaning kit and ammo pouches - took 30 minutes to get after background check) and a case of 7.62x54 ammo.

Fuck gun control, I use both hands. :p

So you'd happily kill someone that knows nothing better than being a criminal and a thug?


FH is my second home
Jan 21, 2004
As predicted it happens, the riots used as an excuse to remove yet more freedoms
They are pushing to allow the authorities to monitor and disable your mobiles, bbm and social networking.
F'in tories...​olitics-14492876

The hilarious thing is the mindless masses will support the policy as well :/


Official Licensed Lump of Coal™ Distributor
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
The review should conclude that it's pointless and that only intelligence gathering would be of any use (which I'd imagine they already do).

It would be hard for that to be effective anyway imho as surely they'd have to take down the entire internet and phone network to be effective (which would just cause mass panic). My logic being that downing a single conduit would just lead to a switch in the traffic. For example, shutting down twitter isn't going to stop people ringing each other or switching to facebook.

Uncle Sick

One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 23, 2003
So you'd happily kill someone that knows nothing better than being a criminal and a thug?


He threatens my wife, kids, me, dogs, property, disregards the fence marking my property?

Damn right he catches a bullet. Good riddance.
I, under no circumstances, feel any pity for human garbage like that.

And yes - the US will get it as well, no doubt about it.
Depends on the state you live in, too. In Florida security guards might reach for their guns because it's a high crime state.
Here in Maine, they'd probably just raise an eye brow. Security guard here are armed with a cell phone and pepper spray. :p

- English -

Resident Freddy
Apr 7, 2004
So you'd happily kill someone that knows nothing better than being a criminal and a thug?

Everyone knows the difference between right and wrong, regardless of how they have been brought up. The difference is they just decide to blatently ignore the right.

ford prefect

Can't get enough of FH
Aug 27, 2006
- English - said:
Everyone knows the difference between right and wrong, regardless of how they have been brought up. The difference is they just decide to blatently ignore the right.

I agree with the sentiment that everyone knows right from wrong and that is the way it should be, I wish it was because life would be much less confusing for me. Sadly though, most people don't see things as that black & white. I'm not talking about the riots here per se, but phrases like victimless crime, benefit fraud or playing the system are seen as ok in some sectors of society. As I mentioned earlier, I view that as an endemic flaw in the way we view and fail to act with regard to that sector of society.

I will add though, that it is a very small minority we are talking about here and it is the solution on which i disagree.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
It's just like school. always the few idiots who spoil it for everyone.
Bring on Big Brother I say, I've got loads to hide, but luckily it's so boring
and lost in the noise, no-one will bother me.
Except maybe that Google search string I always end up on.

Privacy was invented when we got numerous enough to allow it, as hunter gatherers and cavemen there was no such thing, everyone knew when you went for a poo or had sex, or started sleeping with your sister.
Then we built houses and walls and started keeping secrets and now it's a 'right'.

Uncle Sick

One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 23, 2003
I don't understand why I should have any kind of understanding for looters, rapists, thieves, pedophiles, terrorists just because they 'had it rough' when they were kids.

Or cultural differences.
"Oh, you guys allow female circumcision in your third world country? Why go right ahead, snip away her sins!" kind of bullshit makes me ill.

Or ideological differences.

What is 'normal' is defined by the largest common denominators defined by the society we live in. Your rights end where they infringe on mine. We don't have the right to loot, murder, rape or set shit on fire that doesn't belong to us.

And there's no need to try and understand that. Thanks for making the little fascist in me come out and have a parade with drums and torches and shit.


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
As predicted it happens, the riots used as an excuse to remove yet more freedoms
They are pushing to allow the authorities to monitor and disable your mobiles, bbm and social networking.
F'in tories...​olitics-14492876

The hilarious thing is the mindless masses will support the policy as well :/

If you want to get political you need to look hard at the last government who took absolute liberties... with our liberties.


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
If they are attacking your property then why not?

Completely agree, which is why I was glad a couple months back when Cameron said that people that take resonable force to defend themselves or their property will not prosecuted.. just for a couple of days later for this to be proven by no charges placed against someone that Knived a robber, whom died.

If anyone breaks into my property whilst im there, I be doing all I can to be sure they wont be walking out of it. Plenty of ways to prove that lethal force is reasonable force !


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
I think the faceless corporate high street is partly to blame as well, the steady replacing of local community into anytown, Tesco, Next,Maccies, KFc etc.
People feel justified in taking from these super rich corporations and soon they're pinching from everyone.
We shove materialism down the throats of those who can never achieve it, advertisers (the second against the wall when the revolution comes) drill into un educated and gullible minds how pathetic they are if they're not buying their goods.
Meanwhile David Beckham sits on an obscene fortune earned off the back of millions of unpaid credit card debts and loan shark loans, like some mainstream drug dealer and all his cronies sticking their names on overpriced branded bullshit
for their oversized cut so they can boast about their excesses in trash magazines that further fuel the frenzy.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
And there was me thinking that David Beckham had earned his fortune by being an excellent professional football player, good-looking and a decent role model, the latter earning him sponsorship deals with companies willing to pay him to advertise their products.

I think you're a little bit bitter.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Meanwhile, 68-year-old Richard Mannington Bowes, who was critically injured in an attack as he tried to stamp out a fire during riots in Ealing, has died.
Another murder inquiry. :(


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Well, anyone who would be willing to kill another person due to loss of material bullcrap, need to be removed from the genepool along with all those who would cause said loss of material bullcrap.

Only fair right?

Kill or be killed i'm willing to accept, but kill or lose a tv i'm not.

Access Denied

It was like that when I got here...
Jun 14, 2006
The Rioters Prayer:

Our father, who art in prison, even my mum knows not his name. Thy rioting done, you'll read about it in the Sun, in Birmingham much as it is in London. Give us this day our welfare bread & forgive us for being true wankers, as we forgive those who got ASBOS against us. Lead us not to an employment situation but deliver free housing. For thine is the petrol bomb, the plunder & its glories, forever and ever...I'm a dickhead!


Balls of steel
Dec 22, 2003
Another murder inquiry. :(

I saw him :( He's dead because he lay on the pavement with only first aid for about 45 minutes. No ambulance crew would go near him. It was a member of the public and a police officer trying to help him out. I took some photos around there but didnt really want to take one of a man down.

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