I have an alibi.
I was having a wank.
I have sock with dna that will back me up.
Can I say "cunt" ?
Oh fuck off. When I grew up there was NO youth centre, NO daily activity. No fuckall. A group of us (around 20) would meet up each evening and find something to do that didn't involve breaking the law.
How did we know that? Our parent taught us. For fuck sake, you can live in poverty but still educate your children about what is right or wrong. That does not cost any fucking money.
...and the right way to change it is to loot and plunder?
Let's see if the MPS are trawling sites:
Sydrik robbed a Currys last night in Clapham. He is a cunt and has a large widescreen tv for sale. Cunt cunt cunt.
Sydrik, thanks for the offer of a tv but I do not buy stolen goods. Try the Croydon high street.
again? you'll ahve to ban yourself at this rate
again? you'll ahve to ban yourself at this rate
This is why you cut benefit payments to criminals, you go commit a crime you're gonna have no fucking house or free cash. And with all that money saved, we can afford more prisons with longer sentences if they're tempted to do it again. F*ck them all.
Your failing basic arithmetic 101 - it costs far more to put someone up in prison than the cost of benefits.
Also people with no money and nowhere to live will thieve and break into places - what else would you expect?
having a nice tv and so forth vs a small concrete room with a tiny window is an argument for another day, no ?![]()
I think my point was fairly clear, albiet tongue in cheek
no you can't you hypocrit
To be fair my prison reforms would mean a prison place cost more like £500 a year than £30k. It's fucking bare stone rooms for the lot of them, no perks, basic rations to keep them alive, no swanky gyms and playstations. Just a cold dark roomQuote:
Originally Posted by Utini
This is why you cut benefit payments to criminals, you go commit a crime you're gonna have no fucking house or free cash. And with all that money saved, we can afford more prisons with longer sentences if they're tempted to do it again. F*ck them all.
Your failing basic arithmetic 101 - it costs far more to put someone up in prison than the cost of benefits.
Also people with no money and nowhere to live will thieve and break into places - what else would you expect?
It costs £40k a year (mostly staff costs) but it costs £120k to create one extra prison place - gets expensive pretty fast eh?
To be fair my prison reforms would mean a prison place cost more like £500 a year than £30k. It's fucking bare stone rooms for the lot of them, no perks, basic rations to keep them alive, no swanky gyms and playstations. Just a cold dark room![]()
i realise that which is why i said my comment was tongue in cheekContext
Jokes among friends
.< the mark
.< you
I did the other day, I didn't post for a day. Your point is what? Please be quick as I stepped in dogshit and need to clean it off.... and cleaning dogshit off is more important than you... thanks.
To be fair my prison reforms would mean a prison place cost more like £500 a year than £30k. It's fucking bare stone rooms for the lot of them, no perks, basic rations to keep them alive, no swanky gyms and playstations. Just a cold dark room![]()
No matter how much you save on the buildings you still need staff - it will never be cheap.
If your going to completely de-humanise them you better never let them out because you dont want them coming back to the streets.
The stats show things like drug rehab though initially more expensive actually save money overall due to lower re-offending rates.
as ive said before
executing people has a ZERO reoffend rate![]()
Costs a lot in legal fees and appeals though - I dont think even the US save anything by it.
I think the parent(s) of these kids need to step up & take some responsibility. If they're letting 13 year olds out at 11pm, what does that say about their standard of parenting? If you let your child out in the wee small hours to roam the streets, I'm sorry, but you're a bad parent.
If so I can ensure that the moderators of FH can ban me.