News Tottenham riots


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
what ?
im fed up of this bullshit attitude that its "funny" or "ok" especially when it effects OTHER people. its disgusting and people who think like that should fuck off :\

But you want to hurt people too, some of your views have been so hard line it's unreal. Anger is fine, I'm angry, I know lots of people who have been directly affected, but get some perspective. None of the silly suggestions made against these people will happen. We need to move on with fixing it, I don't agree with Marc's view, I'm not going to label him over it - it's one opinion about one thing.


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
I want to make it clear, im against these riots and the people committing them are sub human scum, but if history has taught us anything, police dishing out beatings does nothing to help and can actually have an adverse effect.

Here you go Mabs, where did he laugh at anyone or say it was ok? Get a grip mate.


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
As for my moderating skills, I merely highlighted both posts where you are name calling a fellow forum member.

Did Marc report Gohan's post? If he didn't, he is adult enough to deal with it himself isn't he? Just saying because I think you'll be warning a LOT of people if we can't swear at each other :)

edit:// triple post mania!


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
I like the idea of indelible ink cannons.

I saw some show on discovery or something where they used a type of foam gun, basically the target gets stuck in this foam and can't go anywhere. They could use that and round the fuckers up at their leisure.


FH is my second home
Nov 7, 2004
What did you study at Uni?

Accountancy and Finance, going into a gap year for work hence my massive search for work which has resulted in two interviews. However 2 prior years I've applied for well over a 1000 jobs resulting in three interviews (mcdonalds, whs smith and totesport) one of which resulted in a job. Not much lazy about it eh? A major manual workforce area such as Wolverhampton is stupidly insane to get work in.


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
Have you tried outside of wolves mate? Much easier to get a job in London with those skills. Of course you'd have to live in a box, and eat from a bin. But that must be like a penthouse and caviar compared to where you come from ;p


Dec 26, 2003
How would you suggest they are punished for theft and destruction of property then?

Community service? If the judicial system renders people un-employable we all pay for it.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Accountancy and Finance, going into a gap year for work hence my massive search for work which has resulted in two interviews. However 2 prior years I've applied for well over a 1000 jobs resulting in three interviews (mcdonalds, whs smith and totesport) one of which resulted in a job. Not much lazy about it eh? A major manual workforce area such as Wolverhampton is stupidly insane to get work in.

Maybe the area then. I know around here there is loads of temporary work in that field, accounts assistant type stuff.

You come live in my barn if you like! 12 foot by 10 with lovely view of the stars in parts of the roof.


Resident Freddy
Jan 19, 2004
jap, community service is definatly the way to go, along with education possibly with the long term sight of employment

You come live in my barn if you like! 12 foot by 10 with lovely view of the stairs

fixed it for ya


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
Rynnor's got a point Raven, if we criminalise every one of these looters then we just ensure they do more damage to society and cost it more over their life. I'd love to see them locked up, but maybe we need more creative ways of making them pay their debt.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Community service? If the judicial system renders people un-employable we all pay for it.

Not much of a deterrent though is it? Burn a building down and get 200 hours soft labour? easy street.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Trouble is, the last couple of generations have been brought up beleiving that

1. if you havent got something, someone else will give it to you

2. no matter what you do, it's always someone else's fault

3. there is no need to work because (see #1)

4. there is no need to learn at school because (see #1)

Then when challenged on this, just say "oh it's because the immigrants stole our jobs".

Most people here would know that I'm not exactly pro unchecked immigration, but that is the rational being offered.

Truth of the matter is if we drastically lessened social security etc, and signed off the European Human Rights bullshit, not only would more indiginous people work (because they had to) but also we would probably get less immigration too (less jobs for immigrants who want to work, making our country less attractive, and less dole for immigrants on the scrounge, also making our country less attractive.

Job's a good 'un ...


I am a FH squatter
Jul 24, 2004
Not much of a deterrent though is it? Burn a building down and get 200 hours soft labour? easy street.

Acctaully i think prison would be prefrable to any kind of work for 90% of these wasters 200 hours would feel like the death sentance to them


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
National service gor 6months in the in the community they trashed fixing the damage and improving the place (whilst also learning a decent skill) is the only way to go with this . And if they kick off doing community service, whang em in solitary confinement for 2 weeks


Dec 26, 2003
Acctaully i think prison would be prefrable to any kind of work for 90% of these wasters 200 hours would feel like the death sentance to them

Plus they pick things up from the other scrotes inside - its like a criminal training camp - you want to keep them out of the prison system if possible.

- English -

Resident Freddy
Apr 7, 2004
Accountancy and Finance, going into a gap year for work hence my massive search for work which has resulted in two interviews. However 2 prior years I've applied for well over a 1000 jobs resulting in three interviews (mcdonalds, whs smith and totesport) one of which resulted in a job. Not much lazy about it eh? A major manual workforce area such as Wolverhampton is stupidly insane to get work in.

1000+ jobs?

Jesus, perhaps consider concentrating on the quality of your CV and not mass produce them to anyone you see. You should tailor your CV to every job, as each is different, also include covering letters.

Consider each job takes 30 mins to tailor, + 15 for cv ..

So lets say 30 mins as some are quicker than others .. thats 30,000 mins, or 500 hours purely CV and job applying .. or 20.8 days solid.

And you just heard from McDs and WHS)

I smell porkies


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
I dunno... I know a few people who ended up in prison who picked up a trade there, painter/decorator, a plumber. I guess it depends on the attitude of the individual.


Gold Star Holder!!
Jan 16, 2005
I like the idea of indelible ink cannons.

I saw some show on discovery or something where they used a type of foam gun, basically the target gets stuck in this foam and can't go anywhere. They could use that and round the fuckers up at their leisure.

Now THAT is a great idea :clap:


Chief Arsewipe
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 11, 1997
Did Marc report Gohan's post? If he didn't, he is adult enough to deal with it himself isn't he? Just saying because I think you'll be warning a LOT of people if we can't swear at each other :)

edit:// triple post mania!

The post does not have to be reported by someone to be actioned upon if it breaks The CoC.

Personal attacks will not be tolerated, if you use FreddysHouse to wage virtual war you aren't just a very sad individual who probably likes to bash the bishop to streaming goat pr0n but you will also not be welcome here.

If you want to take this further then send me a private message. Let's keep moderation out of this thread please Chet or anyone else for that matter.


Resident Freddy
Mar 29, 2004
1000+ jobs?

Jesus, perhaps consider concentrating on the quality of your CV and not mass produce them to anyone you see. You should tailor your CV to every job, as each is different, also include covering letters.

Consider each job takes 30 mins to tailor, + 15 for cv ..

So lets say 30 mins as some are quicker than others .. thats 30,000 mins, or 500 hours purely CV and job applying .. or 20.8 days solid.

And you just heard from McDs and WHS)

I smell porkies
I did around 600 applications in 2 years and got 5 interviews out of it. I tailored my CV, and cover letter to every single application. But when it doesn't include much to start with, it'll usually go into the shitpile no matter how pretty or interesting it looks. This is the reality for young people today, if they don't know anyone in the business it all comes down to pure luck.


FH is my second home
Nov 7, 2004
Maybe the area then. I know around here there is loads of temporary work in that field, accounts assistant type stuff.

You come live in my barn if you like! 12 foot by 10 with lovely view of the stars in parts of the roof.

Have you tried outside of wolves mate? Much easier to get a job in London with those skills. Of course you'd have to live in a box, and eat from a bin. But that must be like a penthouse and caviar compared to where you come from ;p

Maybe should have been more clear, a good chunk are applied in Wolvo but also applied for all over the West Midlands and Gloucestershire. Totesport (the job I got) was in Reading hah. Doubt I could afford London hah, plus already moved out, don't feel the hassle of moving. But as said I got two interviews with good companies who give the impression they want me (organizing my interviews times to fit around my trip etc). Just saying however that the majority isnt laziness but lack of jobs, especially in poor areas.


FH is my second home
Feb 17, 2006
1000+ jobs?

Jesus, perhaps consider concentrating on the quality of your CV and not mass produce them to anyone you see. You should tailor your CV to every job, as each is different, also include covering letters.

Consider each job takes 30 mins to tailor, + 15 for cv ..

So lets say 30 mins as some are quicker than others .. thats 30,000 mins, or 500 hours purely CV and job applying .. or 20.8 days solid.

And you just heard from McDs and WHS)

I smell porkies

Not really. Seems consistent with everyone I know in that position, or who has been - myself for one. I have a job right now, applying for a new job to take the next step in my career and after 3 months of applying for jobs I've had one interview, which was at the Daily Telegraph. Sadly didn't get the job, but still one interview in 3 months of applying is pretty depressing. I'm well qualified - 1st class degree in the field I'm applying to work in, 1 year+ industry experience with a reputable firm in the field, good references, good work experience including voluntary work, freelance work in the field, held jobs steadily since 15, only time I was unemployed was after Uni while looking for my first 'proper' job. Etc, Etc.

The job market is just insanely tough. For example we advertised a position for a trainee reporter at work last week, 5 days on we had over 100 applicants and that included people with MAs, two Bachelor's degrees, good experience, blabla. Scary :(.


FH is my second home
Nov 7, 2004
1000+ jobs?

Jesus, perhaps consider concentrating on the quality of your CV and not mass produce them to anyone you see. You should tailor your CV to every job, as each is different, also include covering letters.

Consider each job takes 30 mins to tailor, + 15 for cv ..

So lets say 30 mins as some are quicker than others .. thats 30,000 mins, or 500 hours purely CV and job applying .. or 20.8 days solid.

And you just heard from McDs and WHS)

I smell porkies
I had my CV done by job center and then by the uni and a friend. I'd be happy to post my CV up to give you an idea. As in all cases my CV has been noted for being professional and well laid out and informative. The same for cover letters which would be proof read also. I was and still am signed up to about 30 job websites also (how I got whsmith interview) and signed up to numerous companies job alert services.

This is over 2 years do remember this, maybe not enough looking at that perspective?

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