They had apparently been chased from a building that had just been torched.
They had apparently been chased from a building that had just been torched.
You know you really shouldn't try and tar all these people not getting jobs purely as a problem of immigration, the simple fact is a number of those who could go for such a job from the inside the UK simply won't because they view the job as being below them.
Wait what? So gohan you would like police to have a free reign to dish out beatings just incase someone looks guilty? Insanity and can only incite more violence if that was the case. Only have to look at the West Midlands Police who have no quarms about beating women and children during a match day if they see fit.
So they should have been arrested if thats the case
and what Everz says. So calm down Gohan and get back in your box.
they have absoloutly no fear of being arrested as our joke of a legal system means without concrete evidence they will walk in 24 hours and be off setting fires again
a good fucking beating may make them think twice
Simply won't? I've applied for every job under the sun and still come up empty handed most the time ( thankfully got two interviews when I get back). There are the lazy fuckers and then those who can't get work no matter what.
Gohan, you seem pretty mad brah.
Just because we dont agree with your neanderthal views, doesnt mean you need to spit your dummy out with the obscenities.
I don't remember reverse tarring all of the people with one brush, I said a certain number don't.
because people in genral piss me off. they say they want the police to do more and actively stop the riots then have a cry when they do just that, fucking desktop heroes sat at home commentating on what should be done with no intention of acctaully making any sort of stand or doing anything to help that requires more effort than typing
If kids were getting up at 6.30 in the morning to do a proper job and a job that they actually wanted to keep, they'd be too tired to loot and too scared of losing their job to get in trouble.
If it was me, I'd held him down and got the gayest looking officer to arse rape him with a baton and then put it on the bbc. Fuckers would stay at home then, apart from Lamp maybe ...
with no lube I might add.
You are the one being a desktop hero here, baying for blood. Why dont you go out with the police and dish out a few beatings?
I want to make it clear, im against these riots and the people committing them are sub human scum, but if history has taught us anything, police dishing out beatings does nothing to help and can actually have an adverse effect.
Go get em Gohan rawwwwwwwr
Step it up with cannons, rubber bullets. Not random beatings.
Step it up with cannons, rubber bullets. Not random beatings.
This.~I got to be honest - pretty much every single person I've spoken to in the past few days, and the overwhelming majority of ppl on the radio has been in favour of heavy handed police tactics. Do you think French & German police would stand around cacking themselves incase they get prosecuted? They'd storm in & get the job done on day 1 & we can leave the loony liberals to worry about the political correctness, human rights issues later.
~I got to be honest - pretty much every single person I've spoken to in the past few days, and the overwhelming majority of ppl on the radio has been in favour of heavy handed police tactics. Do you think French & German police would stand around cacking themselves incase they get prosecuted? They'd storm in & get the job done on day 1 & we can leave the loony liberals to worry about the political correctness, human rights issues later.