News Tottenham riots


Aug 24, 2008
As far as I'm concerned, if you take a gun to the streets and being tottenham and his past. You deserve to get shot, you certainly risk a chance of getting shot by the Police taking a gun into public.

This isn't the states ...

And you wouldn't be against the shooting if he pulled a gun on you outside the pub in a scuffle.


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
Gimley I don't disagree with that, however that is neither here nor there concnering the looting youths.

Also, this is quite sobering: BBC reporter at Highbury Magistrates Court, John Brain, tells BBC 5 live: "the first person who appeared in the dock this morning was a 31-year-old teacher called Alexis Bailey. She pleaded guilty to being part of the looting of the Richer Sounds store in Croydon".

A teacher. I wonder how many of her students where there with her? No wonder some of these kids have no values.


Chief Arsewipe
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 11, 1997
Tony, it was a joke mate :)

I don't think we should using violence to answer violence no. I was angry on that first night of Croydon looting, but decisions like that should never be made in anger. The police did a good job last night. If you think hurting these looters is going to do anything but distance them from society further then you are mistaken.

No problem about the joke.

But, if the parents won't discipline their scum children and let them grow up to be like this and (possibly even more violent as they get older) then I would prefer to live in a society without them. I stand by my point, remove them.


J Peasemould Gruntfuttock
Dec 22, 2003
they can chemically castrate people
use it more often, go to the root of the problem :p


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Looters get shot on site in many countries including the states once
a curfew or riot law is enforced, do you remember the 15 year old girl shot in the head in Haiti?



Dec 26, 2003
I think the saddest thing about all this is that the fixes to prevent these kids turning out like this are pretty much beyond our power.

We cannot create full employment for the kids so we cannot give them a realistic way of bettering themselves and the perception of no hope poisons them long before they leave school.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
they can chemically castrate people
use it more often, go to the root of the problem :p

forced chemical castration went badly wrong in the US when they tried it (because it started off as a "lets stop poor people breeding" idea and become a eugenics program)


J Peasemould Gruntfuttock
Dec 22, 2003
Looters get shot on site in many countries including the states once
a curfew or riot law is enforced, do you remember the 15 year old girl shot in the head in Haiti?

was she looting ?
then i dont care
this culture of child worship can fuck off

if it was a mistake, well thats a shame, but it happens. the age has NOTHING to do with it


J Peasemould Gruntfuttock
Dec 22, 2003
forced chemical castration went badly wrong in the US when they tried it (because it started off as a "lets stop poor people breeding" idea and become a eugenics program)

not if you use it as part of a punishment it doesnt ;)


J Peasemould Gruntfuttock
Dec 22, 2003
well no i mean to qualify for it you have to be convicted of something

not just be foreign, black, jewish, mentally handicapped, etc :p


I am a massive cock who isn't firing atm!
Dec 22, 2003
isnt shooting people what started this thing in the first place?

Well it was actually the shooting of someone carrying a weapon that had been converted from shooting blanks to something that can shoot live rounds. Everyone complains about the amount of illegal gun carriers around london, well there is one less now. He was carrying it for a reason, I'm assuming it wasn't because he had a small penis and needed to make up for it.

Was nice to see the Police in Manchester taking a bit of a tougher line against the kids, giving them a smack now and again.

What really interested me, was The Turkish Community who stood watch, and then last night the Sikhs were out in force and when interviewed the gentleman was well spoken and his vision was a one that included the looters, their parents and the community with regards to fixing the issues. Then they had the football fans on pissed out of their skulls pretty much on a hunt for anyone not of their colour. It's just insane.

Ch3t was the dude that had his window of his estate agents kicked in your Cousin??


J Peasemould Gruntfuttock
Dec 22, 2003
I think the saddest thing about all this is that the fixes to prevent these kids turning out like this are pretty much beyond our power.

We cannot create full employment for the kids so we cannot give them a realistic way of bettering themselves and the perception of no hope poisons them long before they leave school.

im sure there are plenty of jobs rebuilding parts of london going free now....


I am a massive cock who isn't firing atm!
Dec 22, 2003
I think the saddest thing about all this is that the fixes to prevent these kids turning out like this are pretty much beyond our power.

We cannot create full employment for the kids so we cannot give them a realistic way of bettering themselves and the perception of no hope poisons them long before they leave school.

While I agree with you to a certain extent, every country has unemployment, and the people that are capable will find work, whether it's in this country or another. I employed a 16 year old about 3 years ago, he was as chavvy as you can get, He's now 3 years away from his degree having got a distinction on his foundation degree in building services.

He has moved on from my company to a one that offered him more money due to his willingness to learn. He still has a bit of the chavy attitude in him, however him and his mother (single parent) keep in touch with me regularly on his progress and both have thanked me for making him realise that he had two choices. Thankfully he took the tougher option, which was to make something of himself. These kids can be helped but they have to understand that it requires effort from themselves.


I am a massive cock who isn't firing atm!
Dec 22, 2003

Ah saw him on Sky news early in the morning, and thought I recalled you meantioning something about him!

Pleased to hear it was just the window and it wasn't torched!


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
He was on sky news? LOL. Dick, how dare he be interviewed by that peace of trash!


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
damn my spelling.

Anyway, I phoned him, that wasn't him. Was another agency closer in to the town centre.


Dec 26, 2003
Also, this is quite sobering: BBC reporter at Highbury Magistrates Court, John Brain, tells BBC 5 live: "the first person who appeared in the dock this morning was a 31-year-old teacher called Alexis Bailey. She pleaded guilty to being part of the looting of the Richer Sounds store in Croydon".

You know that 'she' was a bloke right - I saw him walking out of court with a newspaper trying to cover his face.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Haringey youth club closures: 'There'll be riots' - video | Society |

There really is nothing to do as a young person in central Lodon over the summer holidays without money tbf

Jumpers for goalposts?

There was nothing to do when I was a kid either.

Nothing laid on, nothing paid for, nothing subsidised, no charities or state funded youth workers either.

We spent almost every summer rioting, when we could squeeze it in between fighting rival gangs, or getting 15 year olds knocked up.

Oh no, wait, no we didn't. We made fun for ourselves. We played footie in the park, sometimes we did odd jobs for people for a bit of pocket money. Paint a fence, cut a hedge etc.

We even took ourselves off on our bikes camping for a couple of nights sometimes.

It's not that long ago, I'm not that old. Why are these kids such utter cunts.

The answer? I don't know.

A bullet to the back of the neck and sending the parents the bill would seem to me to be a good way to hit the reset button.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
yeah they have no imagination if they cant find things to do other than harrass people o_O


I am a FH squatter
Apr 3, 2006
Jumpers for goalposts or playing video games is all I can think of, but there's nowhere to play football in most of these areas and not everyone can afford video games or wants to play them all day.


Aug 24, 2008
Have to agree with Aoln, fuck all to do in London with out a tone of cash apart from playing football / video games. But I still found shit to do when I was young, mostly a park and vid games though .....

Places like northwick park, west london and what not have pretty fucking big parks. Maybe govs in London should organise bus's and what not, but how long before some cnunt stabbed someone on a bus or stole the wheels? In places like Hackney, brix etc I can't see it being long ...

And imo there is no poverty in the UK, they should fk off back to Africa, somalia or where ever they came from and see poverty.


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
Haringey youth club closures: 'There'll be riots' - video | Society |

There really is nothing to do as a young person in central Lodon over the summer holidays without money tbf

Sorry mate, my parents had to pay to send us to youth centres, and there were hardly any when I grew up. They needed money to send us on activities.

I played football in the street, played with kids on our road. We went to friends houses, oh and both my parents worked so me and my sister looked after ourselves. It was the same for everyone I knew in my age group.

It's a bollocks excuse, the problem is the feeling that they should be given something to do, and a lack of drive to go and do something for themselves.


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
You know that 'she' was a bloke right - I saw him walking out of court with a newspaper trying to cover his face.

I was just quoting from the beeb: Latest on the teacher from the telegraph

London riots: primary school worker admits burglary - Telegraph

31 year old from battersea, so instead of looting his local area (clapham junction), he was in croydon doing it. Teaches a school in stockwell.

Alexis Bailey, 31, from Battersea, south London, who was arrested in Richer Sounds in Southend Road, Croydon, pleaded guilty to burglary with intent to steal.
The 31-year-old, who, the court heard, works full-time in a primary school in Stockwell and lives with his parents, was given bail but must adhere to a curfew.
His case, along with the majority of others, was committed to Wood Green Crown Court for sentencing.
Magistrates in London are ploughing through hearings of people accused of looting and being involved in recent riots.
A steady stream of defendants, ranging from teenagers to people in their 40s, were appearing today.


Chief Arsewipe
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 11, 1997
When I was growing up my Mum would kick all of us outside after school until tea was ready. Around 3 hours.

No video games, no youth centres. We still managed to find things todo which kept us out of trouble. The only thing we had was an empty park and a ball.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
Youth centres, lol. You didn't need youth centres or money when I was growing up, you made your own entertainment.

We used to scramble around derelict industrial buildings, throw stones into the river, build dodgy rope swings from crumbling bridges, that kind of thing.

Youth centres my arse.

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