News Tottenham riots


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
i'm backing you to back eskdee. Riots ? this is small fry. Buildings and goods can be replaced, they are ALL insured, lives cannot. I'd rather have spent the last 3 nights tucked up in a bedsit in cosy Tottenham than in the equivalent area of ANY major US city.

Dunno what planet you come from but not everything is insured and even stuff that is will just result in higher premiums, not exactly sure the extra cost is something that is need by retailers and residents at the present time.

I see eksdee is still sticking to his guardian lefty theories which of course I naturally say in response to his self righteousness labelling of everyone else as DM readers.

Sorry, I just don't buy that argument. Social Welfare in the UK is a fraction of the kind of money you get in other EU countries (like here in Ireland). Being on the dole in the UK is no picnic. As I said, some of them will always be scum, but a lot could be "saved", or if not them, at least their children.

Not really sure you can use Ireland as some sort of example considering the financial mess it is in.

You'll find me being more on the side of those that abide by the law than those that break it all over the place while others try and wedge in excuses or pigeon hole those doing so in certain categories of the disadvantaged which quite a few clearly aren't. In no way does this mean I'm not aware of the issues in society but I'll never accept them as an excuse to ruin other peoples lives.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
im backing you eskdee, and im scared that so many "middle/upper-middle class" people here have the opinions displayed so far.

So few realize how deep this problem runs and should instead be ashamed and scared that society, which they are apart of for good and for bad, has failed in so many ways

Those involved in the violence are part of a very small minority. Most normal people in this country work hard and do their bit.

I really couldn't give a shit about the rights of those caught breaking into people's private businesses. The two stupid bints interviewed by the BBC wouldn't be missed by anyone if they ended up with army bullets through their necks.


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
Not really sure you can use Ireland as some sort of example considering the financial mess it is in.

indeed, but the financial mess isn't the point he's making.


Resident Freddy
Jan 19, 2004
Those involved in the violence are part of a very small minority. Most normal people in this country work hard and do their bit.

I really couldn't give a shit about the rights of those caught breaking into people's private businesses. The two stupid bints interviewed by the BBC wouldn't be missed by anyone if they ended up with army bullets through their necks.
sorry, but i have a hard time trying to follow why you quote me on this. I would say if they wouldnt be missed, neither would you. So, your point being?


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
indeed, but the financial mess isn't the point he's making.

No silver fox he isn't but his point is it isn't some sort of cake walk being on the least not for everyone any way.


I am a massive cock who isn't firing atm!
Dec 22, 2003
sorry, but i have a hard time trying to follow why you quote me on this. I would say if they wouldnt be missed, neither would you. So, your point being?

Boris getting a caning on sky news atm!


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
sorry, but i have a hard time trying to follow why you quote me on this. I would say if they wouldnt be missed, neither would you. So, your point being?

You said that society had some deep problems, but the people doing this are representative of a very small minority. Most people are shaking their heads in disbelief.

I contribute to the society in which I live, in more ways than one. These people do not. They are leeches.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
A lot of it is pointed at a felling that the police haven't really been that useful and because everyone in government was on holiday they are too late to the party.


I am a massive cock who isn't firing atm!
Dec 22, 2003
A lot of it is pointed at a felling that the police haven't really been that useful and because everyone in government was on holiday they are too late to the party.

The Police can't win, their hands are so fucking tied up. The second they respond with a baton attack, everyone starts moaning about going over the top. Fuck that, if you are in the face of a policeman/woman being aggresive a baton to the head should be a given. Oh know i'm being kettled I better respond with petrol bombs and aggression.

It's going to be interesting to see what exactly Robust policing means. If it means cracking a few teenagers scum bags skulls to get the message across, then so be it.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Yeah but in the back of my mind I can't help but feel part of the police action is to play towards getting a better hand in the upcoming changes to the police.


FH is my second home
Feb 17, 2006
A lot of it is pointed at a felling that the police haven't really been that useful and because everyone in government was on holiday they are too late to the party.

I liked how Parliament will get together on... Thursday. Obviously putting a real rush on things. Ineffectual, weak leadership at its 'best'.


Dec 26, 2003
The Police can't win, their hands are so fucking tied up. The second they respond with a baton attack, everyone starts moaning about going over the top.

I'm not sure its that - I think the police adopted the strategy they used at demo's - try to contain it and video everyone to nick later.

What they didnt take into account was how powerless this made them look and the massive escalation this caused as people realised it was playtime and the teachers werent going to intervene...


FH is my second home
Feb 17, 2006
You said that society had some deep problems, but the people doing this are representative of a very small minority. Most people are shaking their heads in disbelief.

I contribute to the society in which I live, in more ways than one. These people do not. They are leeches.

Well surely the problem is that these deep problems in our society effect the majority, relatively speaking in terms of the population, but those people conversely represent the minority in terms of those with any sway on how those problems are solved.

Bad sentence, but hopefully the point is still evident.


FH is my second home
Apr 6, 2008
The whole thing is ridiculous and makes me ashamed to be British. God knows what will happen tonight. Rubber bullets and tear gas?
The hours of policing and paperwork to penalise them all is going to be crazy. I hope it stops now, before innocent people get caught up and hurt. Take care Chet.


I am a massive cock who isn't firing atm!
Dec 22, 2003
I'm not sure its that - I think the police adopted the strategy they used at demo's - try to contain it and video everyone to nick later.

What they didnt take into account was how powerless this made them look and the massive escalation this caused as people realised it was playtime and the teachers werent going to intervene...

They still couldn't have covered every area. The kids were just hitting and running all night long. As they did during the last riots.


Resident Freddy
Jan 19, 2004
You said that society had some deep problems, but the people doing this are representative of a very small minority. Most people are shaking their heads in disbelief.

I contribute to the society in which I live, in more ways than one. These people do not. They are leeches.
well, can we not agree that society has failed since this happend? That theres a large problem letting these kids deteriorate into this carnage? it doesnt matter how much tax you pay or that you vote. we're (i should say you're since im not UK citizen) all part of this society and everybody holds responsibility.


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
The whole thing is ridiculous and makes me ashamed to be British. God knows what will happen tonight. Rubber bullets and tear gas?
The hours of policing and paperwork to penalise them all is going to be crazy. I hope it stops now, before innocent people get caught up and hurt. Take care Chet.

They wont even authorise watercannons, let alone rubber bullets and teargas... it is a joke in that regards. If people want to be violent then at least make them think about the fact they could get injuried in return. We be the laughing stock.

Looting in shops like this in the US wouldnt really happen, after the first night the shop owners not hit would just sit in their shop, shotgun in hand and anyone that breaks into the premises would find themself with a sharp case of deadness! Really wouldnt blame shopowners for arming up with something and attacking the fuckers to defend their property from these mindless thugs.

This isnt a protest about anything. It mindless violence and as such should be met with stronger responses then "lets just watch and hope no one gets hurt, we catch them later"


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Not to be anal too much but they use plastic bullets not rubber any more due to bouncing.

A bit more on the Met's confirmation that plastic bullets, or baton rounds to give them their proper name, will be made available to officers. They have been used before in Britain although it is not thought this was in a public order situation.


Dec 26, 2003
If they arrest more people tonight where will they put them? London's police cells are full already?

- English -

Resident Freddy
Apr 7, 2004
If they arrest more people tonight where will they put them? London's police cells are full already?

They can put 10 to a cell for all I care. Innocent people should have their rights intact before criminals.


Loyal Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Wembley, since they arent gonna use it tommorow, then maybe we can chuck in some lions


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
Well surely the problem is that these deep problems in our society effect the majority, relatively speaking in terms of the population, but those people conversely represent the minority in terms of those with any sway on how those problems are solved.

Bad sentence, but hopefully the point is still evident.

Nope, read it twice, still don't understand.


Official Licensed Lump of Coal™ Distributor
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
They better start rounding the criminals up if it starts up again tonight.

Tie the fuckers up and leave them face down on the floor.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
well, can we not agree that society has failed since this happend? That theres a large problem letting these kids deteriorate into this carnage? it doesnt matter how much tax you pay or that you vote. we're (i should say you're since im not UK citizen) all part of this society and everybody holds responsibility.

The people responsible for this are the ones doing the damage. Society isn't "responsible" for their behaviour. Government isn't "responsible" for the rioting. The police aren't "responsible" for the lack of control.

This is hundreds, maybe a few thousand, rat-faced little cunts who've suddenly realised that the police can't be everywhere at once, and who have decided en masse to trash businesses that normal folk have worked to improve for years.

They're scum. They decided to be scum, they're the ones who fucked around in school, they're the ones who won't get a job because they've been watching X-Factor for the last five years. My solution would be very simple - allow the police and army to deal with them, and harshly. The instant the hooded little fuckers start seeing heads split open like watermelons is the instant they'll run back under the rocks they crawled out from.

Violence is the only thing they understand, and thus respect. Show them that violence works two ways and they'll shit their pants.


I am a FH squatter
Apr 3, 2006
Yeah they all grew up with the perfect same lifestyle as everyone else and just decided to be like this. CHRIIIIIIIIIIST

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