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Probably Scottish
Dec 23, 2003
There is homosexuality in all species, unfortunately there is only one species that practices homophobia and unfortunately that's man

Interesting point. When studying homosexual behaviours in goats, do you think researchers waited around to see if there was a lynching after a heavy male goat on goat session? Or maybe some homophobic remark passed in goatish?


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
tbh the haters will argue against anything they don't find fitting in their tiny minds. fat chicks, taxes, foreigners, gingers, LGBT crowd, religions, left handed people, anything "different" will be twisted enough to fit whatever they want to hate up next. think schoolyard, but with less depth tbh.


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
Interesting point. When studying homosexual behaviours in goats, do you think researchers waited around to see if there was a lynching after a heavy male goat on goat session? Or maybe some homophobic remark passed in goatish?

"Steve was baaaaaaanging Eric all night again"



Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
So gays need to be smarter then your average joe to have kids eh? You're half a Job there.

Yes, they kind of do. Because they usually adopt (unless they go down the surrogacy route, which implies a certain amount of wealth anyway), they will subject to a LOT of screening by adoption agencies, which more often than not means kids go to well-educated "middle class" types who can give kids a good home. Whereas for everyone else the only criteria for having kids is possession of functioning genitals.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Yes, they kind of do. Because they usually adopt (unless they go down the surrogacy route, which implies a certain amount of wealth anyway), they will subject to a LOT of screening by adoption agencies, which more often than not means kids go to well-educated "middle class" types who can give kids a good home. Whereas for everyone else the only criteria for having kids is possession of functioning genitals.

So do hetero couples who adopt, have to compare equal parties ;)


FH is my second home
Jan 9, 2004
tbh the haters will argue against anything they don't find fitting in their tiny minds. fat chicks, taxes, foreigners, gingers, LGBT crowd, religions, left handed people, anything "different" will be twisted enough to fit whatever they want to hate up next. think schoolyard, but with less depth tbh.

We can only hope that people like that some day wake up to the realization that the fault does not lie within thier target of choice,
but rather with thier own discomfort and limitations.

Having lived in both Africa and Europe, having met "all kinds" I've come to a point in my life where I can actaully be ok with, even friends with someone who dislikes gays, blacks etc...what ever
as long as they admit to one fact: That the problem lies in thier own discomfort, rather than there being any actual moral or factual reasoning behind it.


Is now wearing thermals.....Brrrrr
Apr 21, 2008
That clip is a year or so old now but I have seen a few times and it's brilliant


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
tbh the haters will argue against anything they don't find fitting in their tiny minds. fat chicks, taxes, foreigners, gingers, LGBT crowd, religions, left handed people, anything "different" will be twisted enough to fit whatever they want to hate up next. think schoolyard, but with less depth tbh.

If we're talking outside homophobia and racism, isn't hating true for almost all people? Chavs, gypsies, women with ugly eyebrows that Scouse wouldn't f*ck. I consider myself to be extremely tolerant, but even i have to admit that there's still some form of hatred in there somewhere.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
Clear cut homosexuality and heterosexuality is definitely a social construct, but why? What stopped the Spartan attitude towards it? Partial to a bit of dick and vagina. With said social constructs, would it now offend homosexuals to say you're straight, but you're more partial to le dick?

I can see religion being the primary factor, but why, people argue it's Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve, but shirley that isn't the reason why? Were medieval societies getting torn apart by men running off with other men?

Don't know, and I doubt we'll ever know..

That's a bit of an oversimplification tbh; the problem with the Spartan brand same-sex relationships was it was almost as forced as the modern hetero default. (Thebes was probably the most extreme example of this where to be in the elite level of society you had to be in an exclusively homosexual relationship. Women were a necessary evil for procreation and nothing more).

Most of our modern attitudes towards homosexuality come almost entirely from the Old Testament (there are three or four possible references in the New Testament, only one that's really explicitly anti, although interestingly none of them actually come from Jesus...) and frankly the Old Testament has literally nothing to commend it as a modern moral code (quite the reverse in my opinion), whereas the New Testament in general isn't a bad set of messages so long as you ignore the whole actual bit about God.


FH is my second home
Jan 9, 2004
If we're talking outside homophobia and racism, isn't hating true for almost all people? Chavs, gypsies, women with ugly eyebrows that Scouse wouldn't f*ck. I consider myself to be extremely tolerant, but even i have to admit that there's still some form of hatred in there somewhere.

Disliking something is fine (imho) at least. after all, we cant all agree on everything. in fact, admitting to it, even if it's social tabu I'd say is quite important. The point for me is, that just because we feel unconfortable or dislike something.That in it self should never be reason enough to deny others thier freedom or equal rights. I haver never and will never to my dying day understand how someone else
being gay or black or both would affect me in any way.

Well, unless he tried to rape me, then we'ed have an issue ;)


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Disliking something is fine (imho) at least. after all, we cant all agree on everything. The point for me is, that just because we feel unconfortable or dislike something.
That in it self should never be reason enough to deny others thier freedom or equal rights. I haver never and will never to my dying day understand how someone else
being gay or black or both would affect me in any way.

Well, unless he tried to rape me, then we'ed have an issue ;)

To quote a famous boozeseller; fair enough :p

And yeah, i don't get bothered by anyone ding anything really unless it affects me directly(or somewhat indirectly via friends etc). You can be a raging queen drug addict racist for all icare, can even have a discussion and a beer with you, bas long as it's not harming me.


J Peasemould Gruntfuttock
Dec 22, 2003
thing people forget is, "sexual preference" and "decent parent" have nothing to do with each other

and as has been said many times before, if straight people dont like gay people, then they should stop having so many gay kids


Official Licensed Lump of Coal™ Distributor
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
There is homosexuality in all species, unfortunately there is only one species that practices homophobia and unfortunately that's man
...and religion. How are we so advanced and yet we're still shackled by all this nonsense?
Because collectively we aren't advanced at all, the majority of progressions we have all come from one time and place and like a virus the remainder of us then learn how to copy and use these progressions, e.g. fire, bows and arrows, electricity, etc, etc, etc. It's the way the world works, which is how we have both Job and Stephen Hawking existing at the same time.

The majority of these issues stem from people trying to put their point of view over as acceptable, I don't care about people being straight/gay/whatever and doing what they want with someone else that consents to it, I do care about having to listen to those who prattle on about how what they think is the one correct viewpoint and if you don't agree you're an idiot/damned for all eternity/etc.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
Do you guys know of any simple program to keep a list clients for a contiued period of time (sales figures, projections etc).

Bit vague. How many, what kind of stuff, how long for, what do you want to do with the information?


Official Licensed Lump of Coal™ Distributor
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
I´ll ask again, stop fucking around with the homo stuff now.
You can use FreeAgent for that but it's not a program its a subscription based accounting package thats web hosted.


J Peasemould Gruntfuttock
Dec 22, 2003
lol that was a bit surreal, till i clicked the "show ignored bigots posts"


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
If we're talking outside homophobia and racism, isn't hating true for almost all people? Chavs, gypsies, women with ugly eyebrows that Scouse wouldn't f*ck. I consider myself to be extremely tolerant, but even i have to admit that there's still some form of hatred in there somewhere.

yes. while hatred may be too strong a word sometimes, it's more or less built in to the human psyche. like I said, people tend -at the least- to be mistrustful of anything "different". (tbh, I'd personally be much more distrustful if I ever encountered someone exactly like myself, but hey ho)


FH is my second home
Jan 9, 2004
I do care about having to listen to those who prattle on about how what they think is the one correct viewpoint and if you don't agree you're an idiot/damned for all eternity/etc.
Super imposing anything onto others is a silly notion, no matter the context. It's the very reason why I for example "allthough i do not belive in any god or gods" would'nt be comfortable being labelled as an athiest.


I am a FH squatter
Jul 18, 2004
Bit vague. How many, what kind of stuff, how long for, what do you want to do with the information?

Friend of mine started selling monthly- and annually- based packages to customers via a company, and needs to input names, dates, reminders etc. It's somewhat unclear what exactly she needs but yeah, she was not impressed by Excel.

You can use FreeAgent for that but it's not a program its a subscription based accounting package thats web hosted.

FreeAgent, thanks mate, i´ll confer the information to her.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
Friend of mine started selling monthly- and annually- based packages to customers via a company, and needs to input names, dates, reminders etc. It's somewhat unclear what exactly she needs but yeah, she was not impressed by Excel.

FreeAgent, thanks mate, i´ll confer the information to her.

FreeAgent is really an accounting package, I think she's talking about a basic CRM package here. SugarCRM is good (cheap, not free though), very easy to use.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Can put reminders and all that stuff in outlook now. And keep track of your contacts.


Balls of steel
Dec 22, 2003
That's a good point actually. Literally just use google calendar?

Works on all devices, data wont ever get lost, you can share it. etc.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
Regardless of hypocritical peoples opinions can be,,taking your kid on a gay march dressed
in gay colours waving a flag is practically child abuse.
just wait til he's older and people find that image...FFS.
Gay people should NOT be allowed to have kids...who's kidding who here, no one really wants it
and the mass denial of our true feelings will simply end in tears further down the line.

Here's the funny part, gay people would make better parents than people like you. Gay people have been through all the name calling under the sun, its only naturally they'd raise their kids to be different than bellends like yourself.

Now bugger off and join your westboro baptist church friends.


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
Soooo, apparently it's legal to marry a dead person in France as long as they were engaged before they died?

Oh well, at least they lifted the ban on females wearing trousers a while ago. So now they can legally wear jeans when marrying their DEAD FIANCE...

Seriously world, stop it with the retard laws...

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