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I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
You argue against job then accuse him of sexism and racism to the extreme of ethnic cleansing with no basis. You are an idiot, more so than job. Please stop.
Oh fuck off, there's so many different views on things on this forum, the rest of us are normal people and respect what's right, whereas Job would love to see see women out of the work place, black people being lynched and the furnaces of Auschwitz lit again.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
At what point did I say kids would be swayed by gay parents...I said the social consequences of people finding out your parents are gay are very real..I would go as far to say that many kids would keep it quiet...which is outrageous a situation to put xhildren in


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
You can't structure society around the risk that kids might get bullied. As others have pointed out, kids are little bastards and bullies need only the slightest pretext. However, it can go the other way. There was only one Indian family in my town when I was I kid (Beaumaris on Anglesey), everyone wanted to be friends with the kids. You often find minorities only become an issue for the bigots when there's a (perceived) risk of them becoming a majority, not really likely with gay marriage.


Gold Star Holder!!
Jan 16, 2005


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
Bear in mind I'm pro gay-adoption:

1. Some kids will get bullied. However, wang a label on the "gay parent kid" and he'll have to toughen up quick or have a very horrid time. It's definitely an additional obstacle to overcome that other kids wouldn't have to deal with.

2. That's a cheap shot at Bigmac Gwad. He's putting a viewpoint across which doesn't make him homophobic - and he's felt the need to justify that - correctly as it turns out. It looks like you're throwing "you're homophobic" in an attempt to stifle.

3. Unless you're arguing that being gay is going to become the norm - then it's never going to become "the norm".

It's always going to be the exception because of the sexual makeup of society. And because of that they'll always be a target for (additional) bullying.

However, just to reiterate, I'm pro gay-adoption. All things being equal I'd choose to give a kid to a woman and a man, but if the gay couple are well-educated and the straight couple are thick chavs, then kid goes to well-educated people every time.

(on my phone so I can't be bothered to break up all the quotes because my phone will most likely melt in the process)

2. I know, it was tongue in cheek.. - It's just the old 'im not so and so because my relative is so and so'

1 & 3. That's exactly what I'm implying, if we don't make the room for homosexuals to adopt and gain more and more rights when exactly will it become the norm? It's something that will have consequences whenever you implement it, but its far better to implement it sooner than later, because it's a joke that there's perfectly good homosexual couples out there that could have kids.

From personal experience I met this lad in Cyprua whos dad came out when he was at school, naturally he told everyone because his dad's new partner was a really cool guy etc. He claimed never to get bullied, and this is at secondary school... Mind you its at a pretty good secondary school, but a state one, nevertheless.


FH is my second home
Jan 9, 2004
I'm not homophobic some of my friends are gay/bisexual but I think children are better off with a Mum and Dad than 2 Dads, mainly due to the bullying the child will receive through secondary school. People who say the child won't be bullied are idiots, there are always immature kids at school who are looking for anything to use against anyone.

I'm not a racists, infact......
As for children and bullies: children are bullied for any number of reasons. big ears, low witt, skinny, big nose, fat, black, aisian, smelly, poor, rich, the list goes on and on and on and on. I would argue that it's insignificant in the grande scheme of school life that you have a daddy and daddy or 2 x mommies. if your proned to being bullied, and someone wants to bully you, they will always find some excuse.


FH is my second home
Jan 9, 2004
"Yeah, you might chalk his amazing survival up to the fact that in South Africa drivers sit on the starboard side of the car,"

huh? they also drive on the left side of the road so it would be exactly the same!
and who starts a sentence in an article with - yeah ?


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
@caLLous and @Scouse have you been bullied? Did it make your life that much more difficult? Are you now unable to perform due to being called names in school?

I was, it was a living hell at the moment, but after turning 18 it had f*ck all to do with my life.

As said, if not extreme, it's just part of growing up no matter how sucky it is.


FH is my second home
Sep 5, 2008
Bullying could negatively influence someone in later life I think. Maybe you've turned out ok, but not everyone does. Some kids end up killing themselves due to bullying.

Having said that: the correct response to children being bullied for having gay parents isn't to prevent gay people from adopting children, since they will often make perfectly good parents. Instead you should educate children about gay people and adoption so that they are less likely to be cruel and to continue to punish bullies so that they hopefully learn their lesson. Not all of them will, and there will always be bullying, but ignorant children being mean isn't reason enough to prevent gay people from having equal rights or to prevent a child from having parents.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Like said; if not taken to extremes.

Someone pretty much forced to kill themselves, or someone getting a lifetime emotional problems isn't your regular schoolyard bully stuff anymore.

And no before the wordtwisters come rushing through; i'm not defending bullying.


FH is my second home
Sep 5, 2008
Yeah true you did say if not taken to the extreme which is probably correct.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
As said, if not extreme, it's just part of growing up

Not if it's extreme. And yep, my knowledge ties into the single parent thing and lack of a pair of role models where if one parent fails the second would provide an alternative.

Teasing is part of growing up. Short term "bullying" is part of growing up - if you understand how to deal with it and get over it.

Long-term bullying is what I'm talking about - because, frankly, that's all that counts in this discussion.


FH is my second home
Jan 9, 2004
Like said; if not taken to extremes.

Someone pretty much forced to kill themselves, or someone getting a lifetime emotional problems isn't your regular schoolyard bully stuff anymore.

And no before the wordtwisters come rushing through; i'm not defending bullying.

so you are saying a bad case of bullying is ok as long as it doesnt turn to suicidael extremes?


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
I'm not saying any bullying is ok, i'm saying it's not detremental in the long run.

Long-term bullying is what I'm talking about - because, frankly, that's all that counts in this discussion.

I wouldn't say it's just about long term bullying, that would imply that having gay parents is an automatic long-term bullying situation.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
I wouldn't say it's just about long term bullying, that would imply that having gay parents is an automatic long-term bullying situation.

Nope. Bullying is not a good thing per se, but it's only a problem if it's long-term. That's what I was saying - you're making leaps, as usual.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
You said that longterm bullying is the only thing that counts in this discussion(gay parents and bullying), so you ARE implying gay parents have something to do with it. It doesn't.

Otherwise you're just disagreeing with me on principle, while saying the exact same thing.

Bullying is bullying, levels of it vary, other things don't factor into it.


Part of the furniture
Jul 26, 2007
Interview with Deloitte on Friday. I need to do a presentation on the following: Given the state of the UK economy and public finances, suggest changes to the UK tax system.

Not sure what this has to do with my service line but whatever. Anyone know any unusual tax laws I could look at? I want to avoid economic or political arguments if I can.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
The whole clusterfuck that is commodity codes on imports/exports. Thousands of the fucking things, mostly misused and misunderstood. Though they are the same across the US, EU and UK. Some sound like pretty much the same but attract different rates of duty.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Given the state of the UK economy and public finances, suggest changes to the UK tax system.

Was trying to find "fuck taxes" imagery, something to fit your need, google gave me this;


I think i rest my case.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
I think it should be mandatory to post the names of women people post pictures of...

@TdC I summon thee

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