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Has a sexy sister. I am also a Bodhi wannabee.
Dec 22, 2003
Straight parents a have child. That child is brought up in a straight environment with straight ideals.

That child turns out to be gay. Therefore, straightness breeds gays.

Do you see where I'm going with this? A child could be adopted by the gayest queens in the world, but that doesn't mean that child will grow up being gay with a gay point of view. Infact, they may grow up to be a much more opened minded person which I think will break down homosexual intolerance even further.

I knew from a young age that I was straight - I was obsessed with tits as a child, and I'm still obsessed with tits. Having gay parents would not have mattered a shit to that.


No longer scrounging, still a bastard.
Dec 22, 2003
You're all missing the point here. Number one cause for the entrenched feelings towards gay people is religion. As long as we have religion as an integral part in our social fabric and decision making mechanics, we will have homophobic tendencies, because "God forbids it."

It'll be hundreds of years until we collectively will evolve out of religion and skewed vision on what sexuality is and should be. Until then, all we can do is accept that some people being PC is better than picketing christians with poorly spelled signs advocating their imaginary friend's rules.

As to Job, "god forbid" his spawns will turn out to be gay.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
I don't know what is more insulting, being mistaken for a homophobe or being mistaken for Job :p


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
Here you all go towing the PC line..youre the men adopting babies...its outrageous until being gay is widely accepted...which it most certainly is not...unless you are all metrosexual uni hipsters fed on enlightement.
Would you let a gay couple adopt your kid...or would you rather have a straight couple...and try not to say what you think you should say.

As a 'metrosexual student', I'd rather allow my child to go to a gay couple that raise children with the right morals and values to better future generations, rather than seeing them with an absolute homophobic dinosaur such as yourself, I don't care if you're going to argue you're not homophobic because you're just stating society is not ready, fuck the status quo of society, you can change that, and you stating such things just portrays you as a homophobe in my book.

People aren't towing the PC line, they're towing the what you think is right line, and you're fully entitled to your opinion, but that should not be your opinion, unless you are truly a homophobic fossil.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Here you all go towing the PC line..youre the men adopting babies...its outrageous until being gay is widely accepted...which it most certainly is not...unless you are all metrosexual uni hipsters fed on enlightement.

I felt like that when I was a teenager Job. But not now.

Would you let a gay couple adopt your kid...or would you rather have a straight couple...and try not to say what you think you should say.

Yep and yes. I'd prefer a straight family for a child because I can see advantages for the child to grow up with examples of different sexes right in the home. But it's not really that big a deal tbh. I'd certainly choose a well-off, well-educated gay couple over a thick straight couple any day.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Actually much more likely given that its generally acknowledged being gay isn't a learned behaviour.

There's got to be a selective advantage to having gay people if it's a genetic basis. It's a normal part of nature at the end of the day.

To be fair, I'm not sure the "gay" label really helps informed debate tbh. It could be argued that there's a spectrum of sexuality and we all sit somewhere on it...


Gold Star Holder!!
Jan 16, 2005


Part of the furniture
Jul 26, 2007
That picture made me shudder. Had a close encounter with one of those rasclats when I was in Spain that I'd like to forget about.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
I'd certainly choose a well-off, well-educated gay couple over a thick straight couple any day.

So gays need to be smarter then your average joe to have kids eh? You're half a Job there.

And now to be more serious ;) ...

There's got to be a selective advantage to having gay people if it's a genetic basis. It's a normal part of nature at the end of the day.

Gay isn't part of nature, it's just a term humans came up with. While animals DO hump the same sex(when need be to release thee) i doubt there's doggies out there who are only attracted to other males. With humans it's love and emotions and attraction and all that extra "thinking" stuff, that makes it gay(as per term).

But in a nutshell if I'd hazard a guess i'd say it's one way to combat over-population.(IF nature even gives a f*ck about human evolution anymore).


I am a FH squatter
Jul 18, 2004
Do you guys know of any simple program to keep a list clients for a contiued period of time (sales figures, projections etc).


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Falling over ourselves to be the most acceptive of something that the vast majority of people are uncomfortable with but are too scared to admit is a recipe for disaster...we are conducting a social experiment using children as the test subjects without their permission..I stand by my day it will be classed as child abuse....


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
So gays need to be smarter then your average joe to have kids eh? You're half a Job there.

Nope. I just feel there's an advantage to having both sexes around as role models. Part of my reasoning is that I was being brought up by a single female since the age of 4 and have long-reasoned thoughts on that subject.

For instance, I'd say there would be advantages of being brought up in a gay couple household over a single-parent household.

All things being equal, I'd say the ideal set of parents are a male-female couple. But a thick male-female couple would have to go some to be better than a clever, well-off gay couple IMO.

Gay isn't part of nature, it's just a term humans came up with.....

But in a nutshell if I'd hazard a guess i'd say it's one way to combat over-population.(IF nature even gives a f*ck about human evolution anymore).

Exclusively homosexual does exist in nature IIRC, in some primate species (dunno about others).

The thinking isn't that it's anything to do with overpopulation. It's more likely, funnily enough, to do with better child-rearing across a social group.

Gays are good for your kids, in other words :)


Currently a stay at home dad
Jan 24, 2004
Falling over ourselves to be the most acceptive of something that the vast majority of people are uncomfortable with but are too scared to admit is a recipe for disaster...we are conducting a social experiment using children as the test subjects without their permission..I stand by my day it will be classed as child abuse....
I sincerely hope you don't have any, and never will have, any children


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004

Yeah wasn't being serious with the comment and i know what you mean, though i would ay there's good points and bad points in both family set-ups. Tolerance, lack of father figure all those kinds of things.

Exclusively homosexual does exist in nature IIRC, in some primate species (dunno about others).

Yeah there are cases of homosexuality in nature, but can't say for sure if there's gays per say since we can't really measure feelings. That's why i said gay is a human term. It's a feed/breed kind of thing in animals(as is everything they really do). Humans are out of the natural circle anyway, my opinion here, since tech has taken us pretty much out of the rigid natural evolution loop.

Mind you, i'm not saying there's anything wrong with gay etc, just that all things human can't be conferred to nature anymore, if you know what i mean.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Which leads us to believe that it isn't just "feelings" (which are a human construct) and more to do with natural attraction.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
tech has taken us pretty much out of the rigid natural evolution loop...

..human can't be conferred to nature anymore

Disagree. Human homosexuality has been about since as long as we've had humans - strongly evidenced too - long predating any technological advances.

The advent of tech doesn't separate us from nature, it just makes the interrerlationships of natural selection more difficult to discern. And it's still "natural" - tech is a natural consequence of brains and thumbs and tool use.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Well those two comments took things a bit out of context. I didn'y say homosexuality is just feelings, or that it hasn't been around for ages.

I stated that when talking about homosexuality and the term "gay", there's a difference. Gay involving feelings etc, homosexuality(nature) not necessarily so. That's why gay is a human term.

And i disagree with tech being natural.

EDIT: Actually this is getting a bit off-topic and seems to be leading to some misunderstandings one way or other, so maybe best we stop here :p
Last edited:


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Yes you're right, I might teach them to find the truth and not follow popular opinion

Not all popular opinion is untrue Job.

All the evidence strongly suggests that it isn't a problem. There's no evidence to suggest otherwise.


Is now wearing thermals.....Brrrrr
Apr 21, 2008
There is homosexuality in all species, unfortunately there is only one species that practices homophobia and unfortunately that's man


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Don't worry, we're moving out of it....straight into being shackled by facebook, twitter and other social media. All hail Gabe! :p


FH is my second home
Jan 9, 2004
I'd argue that a butch lesbo could easily fill a father figure role aka be masculine
and vice versa for a fem.quire. :p

I find that most of the couples that I know, have to some extent, a form of role assignment in thier relationship.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
Clear cut homosexuality and heterosexuality is definitely a social construct, but why? What stopped the Spartan attitude towards it? Partial to a bit of dick and vagina. With said social constructs, would it now offend homosexuals to say you're straight, but you're more partial to le dick?

I can see religion being the primary factor, but why, people argue it's Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve, but shirley that isn't the reason why? Were medieval societies getting torn apart by men running off with other men?

Don't know, and I doubt we'll ever know..

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