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I am a FH squatter
Jul 18, 2004
Soooo, apparently it's legal to marry a dead person in France as long as they were engaged before they died?

Oh well, at least they lifted the ban on females wearing trousers a while ago. So now they can legally wear jeans when marrying their DEAD FIANCE...

Seriously world, stop it with the retard laws...

Hey, you don't want it to turn out like Camlann now do you?


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
I'm sorry, what? I can't even mention a stupid law in France without people trying to drag Camlann trolls into it? :)


FH is my second home
Sep 5, 2008
It's probably just for legal reasons so the dead person's fiance can get their stuff isn't it?


I am a FH squatter
Oct 29, 2007
Falling over ourselves to be the most acceptive of something that the vast majority of people are uncomfortable with but are too scared to admit is a recipe for disaster...we are conducting a social experiment using children as the test subjects without their permission..I stand by my day it will be classed as child abuse....
This will never, ever happen. Unfortunately for you the world is more progressive and less regressive these days.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
I find it odd that you should personally attack me for telling the truth because it is uncomfortable to you.
The vast majority of people find homosexuality difficult to deal with and being a gay man is still seen in
popular culture and amongst most straight men as weak , it is the opposite of the straight male psyche
and is seen as an inferior way to be...thats the cold hard facts, not my opinion.
In this enforced acceptance the old prejudices are holding their own and before they fade away I still believe
gay people should refrain from pushing their sexuality and all the social consequences of it on
children who have no say or understanding of the prejudices they will experience through no fault of their own.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
and being a gay man is still seen in
popular culture and amongst most straight men as weak , it is the opposite of the straight male psyche
and is seen as an inferior way to be...thats the cold hard facts, not my opinion.

Tell that to Gareth Thomas.

Why would a gay couple push their sexuality on to their children? And what makes you think it would make any difference anyway? Sexuality isn't a learned preference.

Society has matured enough to mean nobody cares about sexuality...or at least to normal people, same as race or sex. You haven't which goes to show how out of touch you are. I feel sorry for your kids, I really do.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Captain America: The Winter Soldier is called Captain America: The Return of the First Avenger (in english not translated) in many non-english speaking countries, seems a bit bizarre if its not even translated


Is now wearing thermals.....Brrrrr
Apr 21, 2008
Ok, look a person is born being straight or gay, sexuality is not decided on by anyone else but the genes within that person from birth

I have gay friends and they are uncle's to nephews and nieces, and although they are now too old to adopt children, they would have made wonderful parents, and raised very well rounded members of the society because they aren't held back by the constraints of what other people deem right and wrong

You seem worried that a person will somehow be swayed by having gay parents? It wont make a straight person gay by living with gay people in the same way a gay person will become straight if they move in hetrosexual circles, we have established that, a persons sexuality cannot be influenced by anyone but themselves

What can be influenced within a person is homophobia, racism, bigotry, ignorance and arrogance, but that is usually done by the kind of homophobic, racist, bigoted, ignorant and arrogant people who still live in a world where they are so narrowminded to accept the human race has evolved and moved on from the 1950's

I don't agree with your opinions @Job, but I respect your right to have them, but please accept that other people have different opinions, and just because you don't agree with them, doesn't make them wrong.

That's my last comment on this


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
It wont make a straight person gay by living with gay people in the same way a gay person will become straight if they move in hetrosexual circles

This @Job.

I wouldn't waste your energy even responding to him, Ed.

Disagree with this. It's more important to respond. Hopefully not in the venomous way that a lot here really want to.

You don't change people's opinions by calling them a cunt. They listen a lot harder to calm reason...

Edit: This place would be fucking boring if we all felt the same way. Free and frank exchange of opinion is what's required.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
You don't change people's opinions by calling them a cunt. They listen a lot harder to calm reason...
Job, listening to reason? You're bonkers. :)

He's clearly just trolling, best thing is to facepalm and ignore him imo.


Resident Freddy
Dec 23, 2003
There is a difference between trying to change someones opinion and feeding a troll. In this case I think @Job is just trying to troll us. Most sensible people know that a good gay couple would make good parents and a bad gay couple would probably be bad parents.


I am a FH squatter
Oct 29, 2007
Go on then Scouse, change his ye olde world view on homosexuality with pats on the head and calm reason. I'm not saying calling him a cunt will work either, but good luck changing his mindset on this through either tactic.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
I'm not saying calling him a cunt will work either, but good luck changing his mindset on this through either tactic.

Don't think we will. But we could rage at him so much he leaves. And do we want a forum with voices that only agree with our own?


FH is my second home
Sep 5, 2008


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
Don't think we will. But we could rage at him so much he leaves. And do we want a forum with voices that only agree with our own?
Oh fuck off, there's so many different views on things on this forum, the rest of us are normal people and respect what's right, whereas Job would love to see see women out of the work place, black people being lynched and the furnaces of Auschwitz lit again.


Part of the furniture
Mar 14, 2011
I'm not homophobic some of my friends are gay/bisexual but I think children are better off with a Mum and Dad than 2 Dads, mainly due to the bullying the child will receive through secondary school. People who say the child won't be bullied are idiots, there are always immature kids at school who are looking for anything to use against anyone.


I am a FH squatter
Oct 29, 2007
Problem is, kids will get bullied for absolutely fuck all anyway. Your dad has a old car? Fucking tramp. Your shoes are over 2 months old? Swagless cunt. Mothers on the sick? Sponging tramp. etc etc etc

Kids are simply bastards.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
I'm not homophobic some of my friends are gay/bisexual but I think children are better off with a Mum and Dad than 2 Dads, mainly due to the bullying the child will receive through secondary school. People who say the child won't be bullied are idiots, there are always immature kids at school who are looking for anything to use against anyone.

I'm not racist I know brown people.

The first black kid to go to a former whites only school would've got bullied.

The first woman at university would've been looked at like what the fuck are you doing?

Schools create the future, if a kid at school having gay parents becomes the norm then it becomes the norm for society and it's up to the schools to take a stand and protect those children from bullying.

In the western world it's a disgrace for us to say we're liberal on sexuality, for us to say yes, you can be together, that's fine, and yeah youre a couple in the eyes of the state, but you're a separate type of couple, and that is what needs to change.

Fuck Prejudice.

Besides, if we used this forum as a poll of the UK, it would seem that Job would be the only person that'd let their kid bully them because their parents are different.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Bear in mind I'm pro gay-adoption:

bullying the child will receive through secondary school. People who say the child won't be bullied are idiots, there are always immature kids at school who are looking for anything to use against anyone.

This is true. Kids will be bullied for it.

Problem is, kids will get bullied for absolutely fuck all anyway.

Kids are simply bastards.

Some kids will get bullied. However, wang a label on the "gay parent kid" and he'll have to toughen up quick or have a very horrid time. It's definitely an additional obstacle to overcome that other kids wouldn't have to deal with.

I'm not racist I know brown people.

That's a cheap shot at Bigmac Gwad. He's putting a viewpoint across which doesn't make him homophobic - and he's felt the need to justify that - correctly as it turns out. It looks like you're throwing "you're homophobic" in an attempt to stifle.

Your next point, is ludicrous:

if a kid at school having gay parents becomes the norm then it becomes the norm for society

Unless you're arguing that being gay is going to become the norm - then it's never going to become "the norm".

It's always going to be the exception because of the sexual makeup of society. And because of that they'll always be a target for (additional) bullying.

However, just to reiterate, I'm pro gay-adoption. All things being equal I'd choose to give a kid to a woman and a man, but if the gay couple are well-educated and the straight couple are thick chavs, then kid goes to well-educated people every time.

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