What's the best non-Apple tablet you can buy right now for watching movies and browsing?
That means you have a justification for the ivory, and that only only encourages.http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-24956176
Seems a waste - could have been used in restoration of old ivory pieces like piano's?
That means you have a justification for the ivory, and that only only encourages.
Feel like a drug dealer driving a pimped out a3 around Thornton heath and Croydon.
Well, Profiling
- for secutrity reasons, is a different issue. A very tender issue, but a different one none the less.
I dont think security personel care or spend much time or energy on political correctness.
However, when it turns into prejudice, thats another story all together, and thus a very very bad thing to have to encounter/deal with in 2013/14 - Pathetic even
Indeed, you most liekly right about that.
But you cant just leave it to chance, hope and a prayer based on the of chance you might have a bad apple or two.
The object/task would therefore be to scan/screen for and identify any such trend or behavior and deal with it accordingly.
or bigorty ofcause, although I fear that the latter beeing an uphill climb.Yes - the key is getting people to be self aware of their own prejudices then they can consciously ignore them.
at least she's trying ? you gotta give her for the effort no ?
Saving the day while raising the spirits of a major U.S. city was pint-sized Miles Scott, 5. Miles is in remission from leukemia, and, thanks to the Make-A-Wish Foundation, managed to turn his obsession with comic book heroes into the real thing. Well, almost. There was no way Penguin was going to get away with anything on Friday.
Thousands of San Franciscans responded to an avalanche of social media blasts, lining the streets wherever Miles and a full-sized Batman swooped into action. At Hyde and Green streets, there was a damsel in distress to rescue, and the bat duo arrived in a Lamborghini with Batman decals. At 550 Montgomery St., a burgled bank vault needed to be liberated. And at Union Square, there was a hamburger to down.
good awareness by the driver...
Oh and On the horse meat thing that makes sense that we look after our livestock over those that serve no use. Why not eat horse meat it's better for you that beef and would mean that horses are on the whole treated better than they are now because they have a worth, would be he same if we could eat badgers or any other animal we persecute.