If someone gets bolt cutters and gets their way into a Lion enclosure at a Zoo, and the Lion has a nice snack, I think the zoo-owner and all the staff should be executed by chimpazees with spud guns.
On a completely sidetracked note;
Completely disagree with this thought and i think it's the problem with humans in general. Sometimes sh*t just happens and you don't have to blame someone.
jumping to the conclusion that every single incident will end with a life sentence, that's not what the law change is about.
I don't see the need for an increase in sentence. No point whatsoever.
Most of these incidents are horrifying for the owners themselves - so to add a harsher jail sentence for something that is probably completely out of their control anyway just adds to injustice.
If my sister's dog went batty and killed my girlfriend then my sister would commiserate with me. I wouldn't blame her I'd blame the dog.
If my girlfriend's family then pushed for a prosecution and jail sentence from my sister that would compound the problem - not make it better.
For most cases you might be right but in this case I disagree. This lady is know to have bread aggressive dogs and loads of complaints had been made. So yes the dogs acted out of character by attacking that particular girl the woman still knew the dogs were aggressive and was proud of that.Most of these incidents are horrifying for the owners themselves - so to add a harsher jail sentence for something that is probably completely out of their control anyway just adds to injustice.
For most cases you might be right but in this case I disagree. This lady is know to have bread aggressive dogs and loads of complaints had been made. So yes the dogs acted out of character by attacking that particular girl the woman still knew the dogs were aggressive and was proud of that.
She and people like her deserve a nice long stay in prison.
Still missing the point
she didn't have have it on a lead or a muzzle on its mouth then yes she'll likely be held accountable and probably receive a longer sentence.
For most cases you might be right but in this case I disagree. This lady is know to have bread aggressive dogs and loads of complaints had been made. So yes the dogs acted out of character by attacking that particular girl the woman still knew the dogs were aggressive and was proud of that.
She and people like her deserve a nice long stay in prison.
its the exact type of thing the longer sentences are aimed at.
Way to miss the point entirelyall I can say is I think you, Raven, Scouse and Gwadien need to have a read of it properly rather than jumping to the conclusion that every single incident will end with a life sentence, that's not what the law change is about.
I am getting bored of this discussions with you never go anywhere so it is agree to disagree time.
Harsher prison sentences for people who weren't even present when their dogs went nuts?
dangerous dog?
I don't disagree with you on that - but:
Like I said - ALL dogs are potentially dangerous, just like all men are potentially rapists.
The papers like to paint "dog attacks" as if it's almost exclusively chavs with angry mutts. But that simply isn't the case. And still nobody has even addressed the question of how a harsher sentence will help a situation where everybody is distraught...
How would the extended jail time help?
soze said:Seeing ans the majority of scum bags are not scared of prison it most likely would not help at all in terms of being a deterrent. But for victims families it might give a sense of justice. And might deter some of the scum bag getting these dogs that they can't control.
Seeing ans the majority of scum bags are not scared of prison it most likely would not help at all in terms of being a deterrent. But for victims families it might give a sense of justice. And might deter some of the scum bag getting these dogs that they can't control.
Semantics; the minute a dog does something dangerous it is a de facto "dangerous dog". It actually doesn't matter why, and it doesn't matter that the owner is upset. I'm sure plenty of gun owners are upset when they left their Glock on the dressing table and their kids blow their own faces off, and I'm sure plenty of factory owners are distraught when an employee sticks his arm in an unguarded power-saw, it doesn't alter the fact they're responsible for the gun and the saw.
And once again Scouse illogical way of thinking rules the day. Just give it up Soze, I honestly think none of them will understand until one of their family members is torn apart by a dog and it's owner gets away with a slap on the wrist or a measly fine while you are robbed off a family member. Until that happens they'll just keep going "OH BUT ITS NOT FAIR BOO HOO" well that's life, life isn't fair, deal with it.
If I lost a family member to a dog I wouldn't be baying for the owner's blood like some demented idiot.
The easy solution is to just get a cat instead
IF you lost a family member to a pack of dogs that were poorly kept by the owner and knowingly released by the owner DESPITE knowing they were vicious and were likely to attack someone
We shall hit 1000 this year!!11one![]()
In that fantasy scenario the current laws would suffice.
oh no doubt, especially if you ladies carry on like you have been in the last few posts![]()
So your telling me you could happily see someone go to jail for 2 years and be out in 1 year if say for pure example your 5 year old sibling was killed by a pack of dogs? I'm quite disappointed in you if so.