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FH is my second home
Mar 13, 2004
OMG THEY MENTIONED FRANCE TWICE OMFG The government want us to become French!!!


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Well they counted right, the french probably would just get uppity if they weren't mentioned twice :p


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
The first image says it all; "Step off b*tch."

Sealie had to do the old "we're so cute he hurt us!" trick.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003


I am a FH squatter
Jan 22, 2004
I'm pleased for you Job. Next time I have a big scary spider in my house I will think of your bravery while I run away screaming like a little girl :(
I only fear animals that I can not take in a one on one fight. 99% of spiders in this country do not bother me at all. But I will never go to Australia ever. Spiders that can jump bite and kill me? Fuck the fuck off. I will never swim in an ocean that has a Tiger Shark, that is their domain I have no business there. I will never do on Safari unless I have a Challenger 2 Tank or an Apache. A Hippo could kill me for shits and giggle, then there are Lions and shit. Nope don't think so.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
I only fear animals that I can not take in a one on one fight. 99% of spiders in this country do not bother me at all. But I will never go to Australia ever. Spiders that can jump bite and kill me? Fuck the fuck off. I will never swim in an ocean that has a Tiger Shark, that is their domain I have no business there. I will never do on Safari unless I have a Challenger 2 Tank or an Apache. A Hippo could kill me for shits and giggle, then there are Lions and shit. Nope don't think so.



Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Go on then, shoot why you think people should not be held accountable for vicious dogs.

You first m8. I've already responded to your post with reasoned argument. I'll respond again - after you've bothered to respond to the points I made.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
You first m8. I've already responded to your post with reasoned argument. I'll respond again - after you've bothered to respond to the points I made.

Stubborn bugger

Not really.

It's harsh to sentence someone who's dog might just flip and act totally out of character.

ALL dogs are "dangerous". In the same way that all men are potential rapists...

How does this deter dogs from mauling people? Do they read the news now?

What would you rather happen? dog gets destroyed, owner goes out and buys a new dog and the cycle restarts and the person attacked is still scarred for life or at worse deceased, just because people are banned from keeping animals doesn't mean they abide by it.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
Go on then, shoot why you think people should not be held accountable for vicious dogs.

From what I've read, a lot of the cases of dog attacks are when people go around friend/relatives houses, as Scouse said, after all, they're animals, and they can switch for no apparent reason, what happens if X and her son goes 'round her new BFs gaff, and the kid gets killed randomly? - The owner of the dog takes the dog for a walk all the time on a short chain with a muzzle on, because he's worried about his dog attacking people (although he has never done it before.)

Should the BF go to prison, for life?


Also, as it stands, does that mean if you have super vicious guard dogs that tress pass, kill someone, it's not illegal, but if you kill them yourself??


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Stubborn bugger

You're the stubborn one. You've decided to answer only a single point, wilfully missing the whole gist of the argument, and you've made a hash of it anyway:

What would you rather happen? dog gets destroyed, owner goes out and buys a new dog and the cycle restarts

How can you be sure that an owner is at fault rather than an errant or hugely out of character dog?


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
yada yada Scouse blah blah

Not relevant, someone has to be held accountable and whether you agree with it or not and that someone is the owner. Agree with it or not I really couldn't care less. The way you're going on is as anything that happens people will automatically get life sentences, that isn't the case at all, the whole thing is to raise the maximum sentences that can be given out from 2 years (which is the current maximum) to life (which can be anywhere up to 30 years depending on the severity of it), in that respect nothing changes from now other than in extreme cases where its been blatantly obvious its fighting dogs or someone who has purposely raised a vicious dog and let it run rampant.

"Killer dogs' owners in England and Wales could face life in prison"


"Killer dogs' owners in England and Wales will face life in prison"


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
I only fear animals that I can not take in a one on one fight. 99% of spiders in this country do not bother me at all. But I will never go to Australia ever. Spiders that can jump bite and kill me? Fuck the fuck off. I will never swim in an ocean that has a Tiger Shark, that is their domain I have no business there. I will never do on Safari unless I have a Challenger 2 Tank or an Apache. A Hippo could kill me for shits and giggle, then there are Lions and shit. Nope don't think so.

I went to Oz, was great! Still, I loathe spiders, especially the small and generally aggressive ones that come in to contact with humans in housing, etc. Not the euro house spider and that gayness, but indeed the ones that "jump up on your leg while you're having a piss" types. Also, the insta-movement of jumping spiders creeps me out. That aside, I'm fine :D


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Go on then, shoot why you think people should not be held accountable for vicious dogs.

Because any dog can be vicious. Dogs should be treated like children, child services take your kid away if it's violent etc.

Only true offense a person can do is order the dog to attack, which should be punishable. Otherwise it's just like throwing a mother to jail because their son flipped and shot up a school.

Are you accountable for your kids? Yes. Do you get punished for their crimes? No. Same deal.

just because people are banned from keeping animals doesn't mean they abide by it.

Same goes for guns, guess what happens to people who keep guns they shouldn't ;)


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
On a completely sidetracked note;

Not relevant, someone has to be held accountable

Completely disagree with this thought and i think it's the problem with humans in general. Sometimes sh*t just happens and you don't have to blame someone.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 22, 2004
Dogs are a very good example of Nature vs Nurture you can see two dogs of the same breed one that is wild and strains to get of the leash to bite everyone. These are normally being walked by some idiot teenager who uses the dog as a status symbol and does not train it at all. The same breed could also be owned by someone who has taken the time to train it and then be perfectly well behaved and cause no problems at all.

To me the easiest thing to do would be a dog license for £20 at your local vet. You register that you are the owner of that Dog. Then if a dag is being a pain you can report it and track the dogs history. If one dog is constantly being reported for being aggressive and the owner does nothing to change its behavior then the owner should absolutely be held responsible for its actions. This would also then show that for 8 years the dog has never bitten anyone or anything so it proves it is a one off and then there is no need to punish the owner so severely. And it would also then let the police take the dogs off these chav twats who did not bother to get a license.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
but but, someone has to be blamed then it can't be your fault?!

If a kid is constantly pulling on a dogs tail and it turns round and bites their face off then it is the kids fault, not the owner of the dog, or the dog.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
If someone gets bolt cutters and gets their way into a Lion enclosure at a Zoo, and the Lion has a nice snack, I think the zoo-owner and all the staff should be executed by chimpazees with spud guns.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 22, 2004
but but, someone has to be blamed then it can't be your fault?!

If a kid is constantly pulling on a dogs tail and it turns round and bites their face off then it is the kids fault, not the owner of the dog, or the dog.
There will be witness to that. And if the dog has a history of snapping at and biting people then the owner should not have it in a situation where the kid can pull its tail or kicking it or anything. Dog homes do not take dangerous dogs to the public park where they might bite a kid.

And if your dog has no history of biting people and is well behaved and it bites a kid who people say was pulling its tail while it will still be put down I doubt they will try to send you down for life.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
You have heard of fight or flight? Mine is the stay out the way reflex :)

One of life's great adrenaline rushes is coming face to face with an animal that could fuck you up. I don't like Australian spiders either, but I'm far more likely not to go back to Australia because of Australians than spiders, box jellyfish, sharks, crocodiles, poisonous platypi and of course, drop bears. I've been ten feet from a lion in the wild, swam with sharks and been confronted by a hungry grizzly bear while I was sat in a hot tub. The only thing that's ever really freaked me out was a millipede the length of my arm that ran across my (bare) foot in Kenya; that scared the shit out of me.

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