Watched dinner date...girl visits 3 guys for dinner etc etc...last guy was arabic, big rugby player, muslim, didn't drink.
She picked another guy, usual format, they leave microwave meal outside his door, first time ever I saw a guy lose it, threw the meal in the road and slammed the rose down.
Interview, he says rejection is the worst thing a girl can me whatever, but right there I saw the male domination anger of backward muslim culture against women, that ends up in acid attacks and honour killings, he was incensed that she had the audacity to reject his advances.
Truly a diseased people.
You're a bent carrot
Pair of documentaries on the beeb regarding to food waste.
I picked up on the food cosmetics ages ago - I was led to believe that it was EU law rather anything else.
Anyway if you're not going to watch the documentary I suggest you go on that site and sign the petition.
Bent carrots are just as good as straight carrots!
Or maybe that one guy has anger issues and it isn't an indication of an entire race of people?Watched dinner date...girl visits 3 guys for dinner etc etc...last guy was arabic, big rugby player, muslim, didn't drink.
She picked another guy, usual format, they leave microwave meal outside his door, first time ever I saw a guy lose it, threw the meal in the road and slammed the rose down.
Interview, he says rejection is the worst thing a girl can me whatever, but right there I saw the male domination anger of backward muslim culture against women, that ends up in acid attacks and honour killings, he was incensed that she had the audacity to reject his advances.
Truly a diseased people.
Nope, it's endemic in their culture towards women, it's right there in front of us and in their own countries they can get people to come forward and stone a woman to death while half buried in the ground for sleeping with another man.
Forget xenophobia or racism, that's simply on par with burning witches and belongs to the mindset of tribal people disconnected from society, then you see a 3/4 generation muslim showing his affront at being turned down by a practical stranger, if the cameras weren't there and she told him herself, you can bet it would have turned violent.
In situations like these you have to ask yourself: "Can I be bothered to click @Job's bigoted link on a Sunday?"
Today the answer is no...
Everyone is entitled to an opinion. Just because it isnt the same as yours you dont need to be a dickDid some quick googling
Found you a forum where you can go and spout your bullshit and have a nice circle jerk.
I hope you one day see that what you're implying is absolutely ridiculous and dangerous, on a par with the thinking of ISIS, and if you don't see that, you get arrested for it.
Everyone is entitled to an opinion just as much as some crazy people are entitled to an opinion to support terrorist organisations.Everyone is entitled to an opinion. Just because it isnt the same as yours you dont need to be a dick
It's a fact he said it, it's up you to decide wether he is a demented old bugger or his views reflect the feelings of muslim culture, I go for the latter, hopefully it is the start of young muslims rejecting these outrageous ideas by having them spouted out in the modern world; or it will simply reinforce their own handed down cultural superiority over women.Facts? An old man with some weird view on the world is news to you? You shared the story because is Muslim, right?
Everyone is entitled to an opinion just as much as some crazy people are entitled to an opinion to support terrorist organisations.
Let's not turn every thread into a middle East discussion but if you can't see that if we don't tell Job he's an absolute twat for spouting these ridiculous views then all he's gonna do is end up joining Britain First marches calling out innocent Muslims as terrorists and causing these people to resist the horrible white people by bombing them.
I like the fact that we have relative freedom of speech so its easier to use people like Anjem Choudry as magnets for extremists to go to, this also applies to nutters in the other camps.
Job has already called for us to wipe out Muslims. What's the difference between what he's saying and what the like of Choudry are saying?