The truth!



belomar isnt disagreeing with you afaik, hes stating facts.


I'm playing SWG right now, U want to see the imbalances here .


Originally posted by old.Zoyster
I'm playing SWG right now, U want to see the imbalances here ?



I thought this too. 10 man group. then I thought

'Gah! Waiting for a 8 man perfect group to fill is hard enough'

So I thought

Let's make 4 man groups maximum but have battlegroups. That way the realm vs realm can be played the way it's meant to be played with full scale RvR rather this this sanitised 1fg bollocks we have now.


Originally posted by old.Zoyster
Im not moaning k

Has Anyone seen what a Rune master can do : Aoe, debuff, Nearsight, Speed, Group BT, DD's, bolts, the list goes on and on.

No1. Name me 1 Albion Caster, that can do all this ?

No2. why Do we never see any in emain ?

Answer: Becoz all the other classes are sooo Advantaged, it makes the RM look crap.

Now, all this isn't news......... it makes me wonder if anyone from Mythic have ever actually played.

I'm not bitter, I'm just confused, why is this the case?

wajn bigtime ^^
go play prydwen look at PE and learn how to play as an alb instead of crying and spam Forums with BS we´ve heard atleast 10000 times already. Albs can do very good 1fg RvR if they actually know wtf they doing and they got all the stuff they need in this group

should be a sig at this place but who the hell cares :p


Originally posted by Nazghul-
Midgard and Hibernia needs an equivalent of the Minstrel. Hello mythic we have been playing for 2 years now it is time!

Also we want an end provider in plate and a bolt aoe mezz please.


skald, bard.

minstrel: rogish bardic
bard: healerish bardic
skald: tankish bardic

and we want insta mezz & root, baseline stun, insta ae amnesia, no double spec, a tank with a free 40% heal and hit adder every 30 sec, a primary healer who can actually defend itself, a speed char that can rez, etc etc etc etc etc


Originally posted by Nazghul-
Midgard and Hibernia needs an equivalent of the Minstrel. Hello mythic we have been playing for 2 years now it is time!

Also we want an end provider in plate and a bolt aoe mezz please.

And we want chain weared ae mezzer and ae stunner with buffs, tanks with match 5 speed, insta ae disease, bugged classes who Mythic nerfs 1 year before everybody knows deals many more damage should do, mages with tank contitution, 4 sec insta drain life and zergs of pets, nukers/pbaoers with very high dexterity, insta interrupts, insta mezz, insta snare, tanks with buffs and determination, insta ae stun, archers with pet and spear, all abilities in few classes instead less abilities spread in lots of classess, bolt dot in chain weared class, full shield and full 2 handed damage in main tank class, classes with iwinbutton, defendable power relic keep

Or we want balanced game intead god mode realms


Originally posted by old.Zoyster
Lets Look at the Shammie: Healing, roots and Aoe disease.

Cleirc : Healing.

You must be fucking joking ? shammy cant heal its useless cant use a shammy mend spec in RVR and fyi we have to have atleast 3 healers with diffrent spec one pac 1 mend one aug so its just as hard for mids to make a good grp as it is for albs its just excal albs most of em who cant make good grps


I'd rather have a skald in a group then a minstrel, put it that way. I don't want these bloody hybrids in the group, or for group RvR to have a line that isn't used at all. Take stealth away from minstrels and give us extra combat power ANY day of the week.

As it is clerics/sorcs/minstrels all have these extra lines which tbh i'd much rather the realm scrapped. We have classes that are better solo then in the other realms, so what. I'm sure it'd make the hib/mid stealthers a LOT happier if minstrels lost their stealth line and were given somethingelse, as would it make groups happier because they don't have ridiculous low dmg hitting '30 points in a line which isnt gonna help the group' people

Clerics, take away smite DD and give us aoe disease/root/snare or SOMETHING better then a 30 second pbaoe

Sorcerers, take away theior damage and give them chain+2instas and heals imo, but wait, that'd make them overpowered wouldnt it. Ooh no it wouldn't, it'd make them into healers.

For the good of the realm, i'd MUCH rather swap the sorc+cleric for the healer, as well as the skald for the minstrel, the savage for the armsman and the shaman for friar and pally.

That pretty much sums up alb RvR atm. Yes we can compete in FG warfare but only if we outplay our enemies


Originally posted by kirennia
I'd rather have a skald in a group then a minstrel, put it that way. I don't want these bloody hybrids in the group, or for group RvR to have a line that isn't used at all. Take stealth away from minstrels and give us extra combat power ANY day of the week.

As it is clerics/sorcs/minstrels all have these extra lines which tbh i'd much rather the realm scrapped. We have classes that are better solo then in the other realms, so what. I'm sure it'd make the hib/mid stealthers a LOT happier if minstrels lost their stealth line and were given somethingelse, as would it make groups happier because they don't have ridiculous low dmg hitting '30 points in a line which isnt gonna help the group' people

Clerics, take away smite DD and give us aoe disease/root/snare or SOMETHING better then a 30 second pbaoe

Sorcerers, take away theior damage and give them chain+2instas and heals imo, but wait, that'd make them overpowered wouldnt it. Ooh no it wouldn't, it'd make them into healers.

For the good of the realm, i'd MUCH rather swap the sorc+cleric for the healer, as well as the skald for the minstrel, the savage for the armsman and the shaman for friar and pally.

That pretty much sums up alb RvR atm. Yes we can compete in FG warfare but only if we outplay our enemies

ur crazy, mins>skald anyday of the week. yes in grp not just solo.


im just bored of daoc :(

was thinking maybe Homeworld 2 ..


ur crazy, mins>skald anyday of the week.

i think kirenna is comparing with a skald as an assister in the tank train....

and for that he is rigth.. but for everything else minser got shitloads of toys compared to skald...


Originally posted by -yoda-
friars? lol no det . no pf . we aint even wanted in rvr grps.. we cant root . we cant ae disease , we cant Dot . only thing we bring to a grp is resist buffs and base buffs . our healing sucks . our rez's suck ... we got low hp . low weapon skill . leather armor . only defence is from the front (unlike savages/mercs/bm's etc who have all round evade) we have no grp stuff that is needed basically . yes we are good in 1v1's but if you think the status of us 1v1 is how you base your ideas then u r stupid.
hmmz... wait a second. where have i read about this before. lemme see... i think it might, no wait.. i think i got it ... is it copy/paste from bonedancer forum?


Originally posted by Nazghul-
Well a scout can stun for 9 secs and block a lot with speccable shield+high dex, apart from that they hit hardest of all classes in the game. Harder than pbaoe sometimes... Best range too.

Anyway glad we agree minstrels and infils need a nerf.

Savages are getting nerfed so you can't really cry anymore over them just wait for the patch.

Anytime stun? Try hit a super buffed assasin with shield especially when it is proved that it counts weaponskill for that and we all know how low weapon all scouts have in order to have high bow, 42 shield and a respectable stealth. Even my funny scout with 50thrust had problem hitting with slam, let alone normal scouts with about 30 in weapon...

Ah, btw. Don't tell me that instant summoning pet isn't a bit too much for hunters? They could easily provide yellow con pets near mtk and other places for hunters to charm but no they chose summon


What has the world coming too? Zoyster is speaking non-nonsense?!?


Originally posted by -Nuked-
im just bored of daoc :(

was thinking maybe Homeworld 2 ..

bored too, but nothing as good around to play...:(


Originally posted by -Nuked-
im just bored of daoc :(

was thinking maybe Homeworld 2 ..

or deus ex2

or kotor

all three are fucking ace


Originally posted by Jergiot
ur crazy, mins>skald anyday of the week. yes in grp not just solo.

tbh I'm just annoyed that mythic seem to have given most of albions classes all these stupid 'extra-specs' which are pointless for proper RvR, just makes them better soloers.

Clerics smite class shouldn't have a retarded damage line, okay they can solo better then a healer

Meleers can't heal and hit at the same line so why give friars a stupid line like rejuvenation apart from for solo

Another support class in the sorcerer, so why give them DD's, why not give them heals...i'll tell you what, swap DD's with friar rejuv line, THEN we're getting somewhere.

Minstrel stealth. Another grouping char so why make another damn stealth class as a third of their options :/

Armsmen being forced to double spec, again just annoying and silly.

Am all up for toys for classes but seemingly playing 'pin the tail on the donkey' do decide which classes should get what abilities in alb is silly. Since when could a jester make themselves unseen. Ffs, their sole purpose in life was TO BE NOTICED!

Silly silly programmers :D


lol Zoyster, the Shammy heals rocks! :]
Tbh i think this setup would work:
Sorc, Mincer, Cleric, Cleric, Pally, Merc, Merc, Merc..
Its like,
Pac Healer, Skald, Mend Healer, Mend Healer, Shammy(endregen, buffs at the cleric), Zerker/Savage, Zerker/Savage, Zerker/Savage.

Or..? :x


Originally posted by old.Filip
i think kirenna is comparing with a skald as an assister in the tank train....

and for that he is rigth.. but for everything else minser got shitloads of toys compared to skald...

i dont think skald hits much harder over time then a mins ina assist train.

minsers having sos(best ra in the game) and ablativ chant makes them >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>skald.... by far.


minsers having sos(best ra in the game)

in tank wars yes that is the best....(and for the record i allso would pick minser any day ... even though im rather sure the dam potential of a troll skald is higher allso remember they have dam add for the group ...)

imho for the realm fun GP is better or equal becuase it makes caster groups an option..

Its like,
Pac Healer, Skald, Mend Healer, Mend Healer, Shammy(endregen, buffs at the cleric), Zerker/Savage, Zerker/Savage, Zerker/Savage.

ya etcetc we know the setup..

and it becomes more viable with the high RR's...

but in the alb group still need AE desease/AE root/ae Stun and cloth vs chain makes a hugh difference...+ 3 demezzers

allso try compare the fotm thrust/dw styles vs the savage's rear stun style....

(and ya i know we got sos....)

btw those groups are so boring :p


Originally posted by old.Filip
in tank wars yes that is the best....(and for the record i allso would pick minser any day ... even though im rather sure the dam potential of a troll skald is higher allso remember they have dam add for the group ...)

imho for the realm fun GP is better or equal becuase it makes caster groups an option..

ya etcetc we know the setup..

and it becomes more viable with the high RR's...

but in the alb group still need AE desease/AE root/ae Stun and cloth vs chain makes a hugh difference...+ 3 demezzers

allso try compare the fotm thrust/dw styles vs the savage's rear stun style....

(and ya i know we got sos....)

btw those groups are so boring :p

this wasnt about balance, this was about skalds and minstrels and their roll in a grp. yes troll skalds hit hard, but they also swing very slowly... and no ur wrong if u think that sos is just good in tank wars.... its gives a albion class free mach5 for 30 sec nomatter what he is doing. i mean u do see how good this is even for a caster right?


And we can't beat the damage output of 3 savages with 3 mercs or the healing power of 2 mend healers and pac healer, shaman with 2 clerics.
Don't tell me it is balanced?


Originally posted by kirennia
tbh I'm just annoyed that mythic seem to have given most of albions classes all these stupid 'extra-specs' which are pointless for proper RvR, just makes them better soloers.

Clerics smite class shouldn't have a retarded damage line, okay they can solo better then a healer

Meleers can't heal and hit at the same line so why give friars a stupid line like rejuvenation apart from for solo

Another support class in the sorcerer, so why give them DD's, why not give them heals...i'll tell you what, swap DD's with friar rejuv line, THEN we're getting somewhere.

Minstrel stealth. Another grouping char so why make another damn stealth class as a third of their options :/

Armsmen being forced to double spec, again just annoying and silly.

Am all up for toys for classes but seemingly playing 'pin the tail on the donkey' do decide which classes should get what abilities in alb is silly. Since when could a jester make themselves unseen. Ffs, their sole purpose in life was TO BE NOTICED!

Silly silly programmers :D
Some good points there.


What is the problem with GP? I don't know what its like for a healer or sorc, but you can just remezz ? :>

If you get the jump, mezz 2-3 times, and after GP you cast / QC a new mezz? Just curious :eek:


Originally posted by ilienwyn

Ah, btw. Don't tell me that instant summoning pet isn't a bit too much for hunters? They could easily provide yellow con pets near mtk and other places for hunters to charm but no they chose summon

Hunters cant charm pets equal to their own level, get a clue. Low blues at max.

I think its weird to compare alb caster group with mid melee, we all know its dark age of tanklot, mid caster groups dies very fast to good alb melee groups as well.

If you wanna wtfpwn as alb or whatever, ask Faderull how he did, because he surely did it. Caster groups isnt what they used to be because of RAs like det and baod, so hop on the wagon and roll mercs instead.



Originally posted by VodkaFairy
What is the problem with GP? I don't know what its like for a healer or sorc, but you can just remezz ? :>

If you get the jump, mezz 2-3 times, and after GP you cast / QC a new mezz? Just curious :eek:

GP have been fixed, it actually gives mezz immunity now


Originally posted by -yoda-
some people whine about classes cos they may of been pwnd by the uber buffbotted RR's ones .

Ever faced a savage thats not uber buffbotted?

Would people whine about savage if they were unbuffed?


Originally posted by Glyph_mid
GP have been fixed, it actually gives mezz immunity now

Really? Didn't know that :eek: Nerf GP ! :D

Garbannoch Nox

Originally posted by Glyph_mid
GP have been fixed, it actually gives mezz immunity now

what people do forget, however, is that bard is the worst CCer compared to healer and sorc:
healer = insta stun + aoe mezz combo
sorc = bolt range mez, low cast time as pure caster class, QC

additionally a hib group has 1 demezzer compared to 3 in mid and at least 2 in alb

anyway back to the original topic:
not sure if extending the group capacity to 10 would help alb a lot cause the real key to the problem is redundancy: more of the same class is better than many different classes (see healers, druids, mercs, BMs, savages, chanter/elds) - you can recover better if you lose one char cause you have the same 'functionality' in another one.

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