The truth!



Originally posted by Asha
I think 10 man groups would only result in more Alb whjine ... think about it. The problem we have is that mid/hib classes can do multitasking more. A cleric is a straight shot healer with a dd that is only good for interupt. An armsman has to choose dmg or defense. A sorcerer is there to mez/interupt - no heal, no end, no rez. An icewiz is a one trick pony.

If we got 2 more slots each, mids and hibs could pick up 2 more chanters or 2 more savages = more dmg output and same tools they have now.

Albs add 2 mercs, more dmg output but doesn't solve anything about no disease, not enough healing, not enough rezzing, a cloth wearing mezzer.

Ok so albs add cabalist and theurgist. Now we have pbt (doesn't do much vs assist trains) and disease, but the opposition has much more dmg output from adding 2 damage dealers. On top of that we have added 2 cloth wearers.

Because we have the tools that mid gets on chain wearers on cloth wearers, I don't think adding 2 more ppl will solve the problem. Casters need a boost somehow. Not sure how :)

Maybe the panther thing that everyone is bitching about on VN boards :p

Agree with this, but what about mage groups? Pally, minstrel, cleric, cleric, mind sorc, body sorc, 3 x wizzards, another wizzard or cabalist for pet/dis/interrupts. Don't think that would be too bad?

old.Cruel Heart

Take demezz from healers and give it to skalds as a shout usable once every 20-30sec.


Originally posted by Arnor
dont be sad, post that sos isnt an active ra and for running away, not offense and youll get a cute picture too :x

Ok, I won't feel pity for u :), if thats what u want.


Originally posted by old.Zoyster
exactly, how many classes do you guys have that can heal ?

Please don't mention friars. A tank that can do tiny heals, haha whats the point.

SOS helps, BOF helps, GP is cool, Boad is Fun. All these are what makes us different. But Insta Mezz/stun and multiple healers is what it all boils down to. Clear and unadulterated ADVANTAGE.

I don't really care, I just think its wierd.

All their decisions are based on American servers. We on Excaliber have the most competitive RvR.

same as warden


Originally posted by -yoda-
friars? lol no det . no pf . we aint even wanted in rvr grps.. we cant root . we cant ae disease , we cant Dot . only thing we bring to a grp is resist buffs and base buffs . our healing sucks . our rez's suck ... we got low hp . low weapon skill . leather armor . only defence is from the front (unlike savages/mercs/bm's etc who have all round evade) we have no grp stuff that is needed basically . yes we are good in 1v1's but if you think the status of us 1v1 is how you base your ideas then u r stupid.

you cant compare a shammy toa friar at all.... even 1v1 a shammy would pwn (in open combat) a friar. if you dont think so roll a friar and find out :)

and a friar would own a warden so what you moaning about

we all have our own uniqueness use it

i have come to understand a warden is no uber toon, but is usefull in different ways. never going to be an outstanding class but is still usefull in rvr apart from when the savage gank grp is about ; but wtf get on with it you chose that class cos u liked it if not retire it and chose a fotm class.wait no you won't cos you don't want to be considered a FOTMer so will roll another gimp that u can moan about


1 last point a lot of you are just going on about alb and mid start including hib you see it does balance it out

not much difference between GoL NP DH

most groups gonna lose to them would like to see grp duels between these three see who is best rvr grp


Originally posted by finbahr

not much difference between GoL NP DH

ye sure , gol is like the shittyes guild on excal, after vigilance ofc


Icreasing groups to 10 members would be very bad. Group RAs would become even more powerful, and groups would have access to some of those RAs more often as well.

Imagine the assist trains in groups of 10 members, now wouldn't that be fun :)

Let's all roll tanks so we can wtfpwn even more shall we? :eek:


Originally posted by Arnor
dont be sad, post that sos isnt an active ra and for running away, not offense and youll get a cute picture too :x
Ok Arnor what does SoS do in practice, im not talking what is says on RA lists and such, what does it do ingame...?

If you get CC'ed can you then nuke, style, heal do anything but run when SoS is on?

Im asking you because you seem to be the expert...


most groups gonna lose to them would like to see grp duels between these three see who is best rvr grp

pffftt at the ppl who still think DAOC can be used as a competetative game..............


Originally posted by VodkaFairy
Agree with this, but what about mage groups? Pally, minstrel, cleric, cleric, mind sorc, body sorc, 3 x wizzards, another wizzard or cabalist for pet/dis/interrupts. Don't think that would be too bad?

this works for hibs imo because they have 2 x GP. If this group got mezzed they would be screwed. Adding in more casters doesn't fix the det issue... plus you still have to have a paladin and a minstrel instead of bard, which leaves no room for a det slam tank. You still have two healers vs god knows how many mids and hibs could pack in and only 3 rezzers out of 10 ppl?

Maybe I am wrong and it could work for albs but it just seems to me that hibs & mids can get way more in those two slots. We wouldn't gain any ground imo.


Originally posted by MesS°
Ok Arnor what does SoS do in practice, im not talking what is says on RA lists and such, what does it do ingame...?

If you get CC'ed can you then nuke, style, heal do anything but run when SoS is on?

Im asking you because you seem to be the expert...

sos allows you to kill enemy support fast as fuck with no room for escape, while keeping your own support alive. Im not gonna tell you how you can avoid the "only can run" thingy except from purge, your the alb here.


Originally posted by Arnor
sos allows you to kill enemy support fast as fuck with no room for escape, while keeping your own support alive. Im not gonna tell you how you can avoid the "only can run" thingy except from purge, your the alb here.

The only way i see possible is :
a) beeing demezzed.
<a sorc an mins demezzing a fg while running from the assist train, hmmm dont think so>

b) Get damaged.
<wich means the whole grp needs get hit at least once, havent seen many mid's dealing out single blows>

3) Use purge.
<wich is obvious, but demands everyone in grp to have/use purge>

What else? TELL MEH DAMNIT !!!!1,
plz make me look stupid... blind us with your knowlege... :)


you all run to the shaman and threaten him so he farts and you're all free! ;)

edit: forgot to add - you then insta-kill him with 4/5 rear positionals :p


Originally posted by MesS°
Ok Arnor what does SoS do in practice, im not talking what is says on RA lists and such, what does it do ingame...?

If you get CC'ed can you then nuke, style, heal do anything but run when SoS is on?

Im asking you because you seem to be the expert...

sos is the best RA in the game


Originally posted by Pin
you all run to the shaman and threaten him so he farts and you're all free! ;)

edit: forgot to add - you then insta-kill him with 4/5 rear positionals :p
Iwe tried that, didnt work... Seems shammys dont get scared if you just run up to em, and just stand there b/c you cant draw ur mace to hit him...

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