The Great Duelling Event.... TGDE.. .-)



Had a fun time, but as always there are some a**holes that have to ruin the fun from time to time, Motom, Jadow, Nandan i guess you must be weak since you prey on the weak, you all three killed me sitting down, not fully healed and rezz sick, so not much trouble there. Yes i know there where mids that where doin the same.

And to the bastard Kedalin that must have had a tough upbringing that cause him to lash out in anger and kill the same few mids over and over and over and over and over and over again, he stopped attacking me after i charged him from behind, but he still killed me again.

Sorry to see so few targets at my con, mostly oranges and reds, some blue but they didt accept challanges from me.

Have to thank you albs and hibs that showed true honor just to name a few Yelisar, Nala, Kryst, Warbar?, Scunner, Myshra and 95% of the others and of course Gombur that killed me in a duel. :). I salute you all. I surly hope an event like this will take place soon again, but with more targets for me that con yellow.
Pity i was rezzsick when i spotted you Coren otherwise i would have challaged you.

Thoose mids i talked to before i logged also had a blast. So again i salute you all that showed honor, and fellowship on a event like this. Hope to meet you all in real rvr soon so i can zap like i'm used too.. :)

old.Gombur Glodson

It was a great night indeed, it was very fun to go around amongst your enemies waving, cheering and so forth.
Pity the mids had to raid us, next time can we have a big duel without any raids on all fronts?

And yes Kedalin is a moron but dont worry he also pesters us albs :(

Jon truly showed how gimped he was running around hitting people who were duelling, hitting people who had just been rezzed and so forth, so we ganked his gimped ass, not respect from me.
But a salute to all the mids and hibs who duelled me and won/lost
it was great

- Pathfinder -

I've learnt to hate my mez - failed 50% of them tonight :( That said I still managed to kill most of the people I faced :) Jon the gimp apparently fund killing people duelling funny, so I couldn't resist killing him ;)

Annoyance award also goes to the Hibs who stunned/shot me while I was duelling a Hero ;)


Organized duelling is not honourable. It is realm point farming. It's only just this side of cheating, as it makes the whole realm point system pointless. It's ridiculous for the same people who come on these boards criticising this or that realm for hiding behind their guards etc etc etc, then come here and criticise people for actually attacking them. You want a game where you get to decide when and where you get attacked and by whom ? Go get yourself a single-player game.

What Jadow and any others did was far more honourable and in the spirit of the game than this pre-arranged duelling, which undoubtedly also involved many of the same people who trade accounts, have multiple characters on different Prydwen realms and chat together on IRC (thereby leaking details of raids of one sort or another). This is very clear cut - all those activities listed above go against the spirit and intention of the game. Having an infiltrator kill any enemy he sees is entirely withing the spirit of the game.

If I'd have known there was a large-scale duelling event on, I would have brought the whole guild up there and done everything possible to kill as many unsuspecting Mids and Hibs as we could. Their own stupid fault for expecting anything different.


After a somewhat rocky start, where somee hibbie dude (no names <cough> Mahar<cough>) decidedly, and intentionally killed me EVERY ime he saw me, even while dueling, it got up to a point where i didnt stealth at all.

Infils with no PA = gimp 1on1 :D

Still managed to take a yellow con tank(of some sort) Springer out :clap:

WICKED fun, wicked fun.
Especially fun, was it to notice, that mids went raiding while most ppl were in RvR dueling, and still didnt manage to get to our relics


/EDIT: Typo is KING


Pathetic, absolutely pathetic. I went around killing people because I detest such things. To make it clear, this is the most pointless exercise ever. I know I was killing the recently rez sick, I did so because that way no one could accuse me of RP farming.

However that's exactly what you sorry bunch of idiots where doing.

What disappoints me most of all is that fellow albs will sit there and get mad at people like motom and me for doing this when we are two of the few people who can actually be bothered to get off our arses and take back keeps to cause the relic guards to repop.

Tonight a 7 man (i shit you not) team took back berkstead and almost got sursbrooke too until an insane triple guard respawn. Surs was subsequently retaken by another force arriving late after a defense at excal.

I was a part of this team, as was motom. As far as 'so weak' is concerned - come say that to me on the frontier sometime friend, in a real fight. I'll show you weak and it won't be me.

To the Albs who took part in this travesty:
Well done lads, while you did that we lost four keeps and had an attack on excalibur - brilliantly played. Next time you can defend excal yourself and go retake your own keeps.

To the Mids:
Nice one, good diversion, gullible albs.

To the Hibs:
I rather thought better of you lot, especially you robin.

As a point of idealism I didn't actually gank any hibs there, just about 10 or so mids. Still it was ridiculous, not an 'event' simple RP farming, pure and simple, which I may remind you, is against GOA rules. Pratts.

Lvl 45+ Infiltrator
The Order of The Knights Templar


Surely if they are having fun you should leave them alone, what if I came along to one of your guild hunts and started attacking everything? Would that be any different from interrupting a duelling event? Surely camping is a bit lame? Duelling is sorta the same thing, except RP's are the reward (if death was involved, i was not there). With camping the rewards are different but it's still a test of skills, if you were soloing a mob would you like it if I ran up and killed it?

Yes the rp bit is dodgy but duelling down to 10% hp or so is acceptable. Heck even Hendrick duels and he is in Templars seeing that it's mainly that guild that is preaching. Everyone is going to have different ideas of fun, its up to people how they play the game. Don't dictate. just have fun.

(Incoming flames I bet, flame away it's my opinion)


Originally posted by Gombur Glodson
Pity the mids had to raid us, next time can we have a big duel without any raids on all fronts?

Now that is utterly brilliant, dueling at it's best is lame RP farming now you want the ONE solitary reason that we all level up to be put on hold because you want to up your point tally. (and dont say that isn't why you're there because one of my guild posted about how he'd got xx points for killing a yellow con, other people will be no different).

And to the great almighty Midgard alliance, cut the whining for people to come on raids. It pisses me off enough that you use the guilt complex implying i'm supposed to drop exp partys in Malm and come on keep raids to save the realm(using up the limited time 'I' have to exp). But then we get Alliance broadcasts from senior members saying dont come near emain and kill the enemy because we've decided not to fight them today.

Hey how about I arrange the next duel? All you Albs and Hibs we'll have a duel outside Yggdra relic keep but remember Mids no intervening you go wander round emain or hadrians for the night ok?

:puke: <---- says it all


Yussef, your pointless attempt at argument, and your presence itself frankly is so beneath me I will not flame you.

There is -no- comparison.

The guild leaders of the Templars appear to have spoken now, I am of the -lowest- guild rank possible so cannot comment officially, however I suspect that there will be a full clarification to every templar on this subject.

Lvl 45+ Infiltrator
The Order of The Knights Templar.


explain why the argument is so weak almighty one


The purpose of this game is realm vs realm combat. Not shit little duels between individuals. The whole point of the game is based upon not even being able to communicate with others in different realms. Where suddenly did this become about 'testing ones skill'?

You test your skill PvE as you level up, and then exercise that skill against the invading hordes. That is the entire purpose of the game. Beating one another up in some ludicrous attempt to increase your measly realm rank is -not- the purpose of the game.

Co-operating with your realm mates, by not killing their mobs is not only common courtesy, but is also in your own enlightened self interest. Killing the enemy realm whenever you see them is also in your own interest. Sitting next to a member of an enemy realm while they quietly regenerate is NOT.

The whole thing is distasteful and I can happily advise you that if I ever hear of it again I will show up and this time I won't destealth. I'll just wander around PAing everything in sight, and will bring a few 40+ infy pals with me too. As it happens, I noticed the spam about keeps being taken and wanted a quick lift, so i just went loco and took down 3 mids before being mezzed and killed. Sorry I wasn't worth many points equal, i'd gone and fought a bunch of mobs just before to make sure no one got my full value. (Thanks for that tip kaylin!)

Lvl 45+ Infiltrator
The Order of The Knights Templar


So you heard about all the duels in Emain then ran and killed everyone, why not just go to hardians, pennines, snowdonia, odins, yggdra, uplland, jamtland, breifine, gorge or that other hibbie spot and go and RvR. You're trying to dictate to people what they can and cannot do, as long as it's not breaking the CoC then what is the problem.

Some tanks cant even earn rp's without having to group in rvr whereas little stealthers can just run up behind whoever they want to and kill. Tanks love the oppurtinity to duel, commanders of armies used to duel one another without interference on the field of battle. I should not have to rely on mez to kill someone, i find that lame. Perhaps I dont want to use PvE to raise skills for RvR, perhaps I would prefer the RvR abilities for PvE.

Yes if you want to kill the duelers do so, but if you lose I wouldnt expect a rez from the duelers you just interrupted. Arrogance gets you nowhere, everyone is entitled to their opinion and freedom so don't try to neglect them of this.


Ok some quotes here...

[So you heard about all the duels in Emain then ran and killed everyone, why not just go to hardians, pennines, snowdonia, odins, yggdra, uplland, jamtland, breifine, gorge or that other hibbie spot and go and RvR. You're trying to dictate to people what they can and cannot do, as long as it's not breaking the CoC then what is the problem. ]

So err because someone is 'organising' some duelling event in emain i'm not allowed to go there now and kill anything I want to? Hmm I think you're the one trying to dictate to me there, seeing as I've never heard anyone complaining when I killed mids there in the past. Oh and i'm still waiting for clarification from GOA about if it breaks the Code of Conduct. Last I heard was that mythic said it didn't but wouldn't interfere if someone wanted to ruin it because it was so close to the wind, however, remember that they are not the same company. . . watch this space.

[Some tanks cant even earn rp's without having to group in rvr whereas little stealthers can just run up behind whoever they want to and kill. Tanks love the oppurtinity to duel, commanders of armies used to duel one another without interference on the field of battle. I should not have to rely on mez to kill someone, i find that lame. Perhaps I dont want to use PvE to raise skills for RvR, perhaps I would prefer the RvR abilities for PvE. ]

Tanks can't even earn RPs? Is that supposed to be a reason why this should be ok? if so, forget it. Tanks earn RPs by grouping. Casters stay alive in RvR by grouping with tanks. Clerics earn Rp by keeping grouped tanks and casters alive.. just like in PvE. What's that about mez? Are you drunk? i'm an infiltrator not a bloody minstrel. Not using PvE to raise skills for RvR but rather using RvR abilities for PvE? Not even sure what you're trying to say here. So you'd rather go RP Farming in pointless duels than spend a couple of hours levelling? Hmm...

[Yes if you want to kill the duelers do so, but if you lose I wouldnt expect a rez from the duelers you just interrupted. Arrogance gets you nowhere, everyone is entitled to their opinion and freedom so don't try to neglect them of this.]

Thanks for your permission to kill members of an enemy realm :) I never 'expect' a rez from anyone, other than a guildmate. When I was eventually killed I immediately released... and... *ran to excal to defend our relics and retake our keeps* . Will you get some priorities going here?

Lvl 45+ Infiltrator
The Order of The Knights Templar

Uncle Sick(tm)

/salute Jadow
/salute Aethelstan

Well, you pretty much said it. Arranged duels are rp-farming events.. nothing else...

Hm, I liked Yussef's little "Army commanders used to duel all the time.." remark.

Sure- that's how they did it.
Assemble one huge, bad arse army... find the other huge, bad arse army... then set up camp. Then you declare a truce- because those bad arse army commanders have decided they are going to battle it out up close and personal..
Bad arse army commander 1 cuts open Bad Arse army commander 2's tummy, decapitates him, plays soccer with his head, then feeds the corpse to the dogs. After that he gets to do the princess/get all the cash/half the kingdom etc. etc..
The assembled army of Bad Arse army commander 2 meanwhile sit on their thumbs while watching their boss getting the shaft.
Both armies /bow and /wave or /cheer to each other... then everyone starts duelling for fun.

... sure. That's how it happened ALL the time.
Bite me.


Some ppl do like duels, some others dont.

if ppl wanna screw up the others duels, i cant see why not?

if ppl wanna take advantage of the sitiuation, go ahead.

And, duels for like 8h at mmg in emain without _any_mids_screwing it up....that is ........amazing

Nice little twist on the rvr thou.

:clap: :m00: :clap: :m00: :clap: :m00:


Why you people have to say its Rp farming??? maybe the whole point was to have fun?
I woudl have loved to be in one one of those events, not for the rp's but the fun. My goal have been to reach realm rank 2 and now thats done so I dont care much for getting more rp's now.

I am only a paladin and dont really do much damage and mostly get rp's from being in a group.


The best time in RvR is when you can find an equally good enemy and the more time you get alone with eachother the more fun you have =)
still remember that alliance hunt with the hibs where I find a nice firbolg lady to duel with, would have won but some little celt came and healed her :D

having fun is the main purpous of this game isnt it? (or maybe Ive been hanging hanging out to much with Mckfly?)

Uncle Sick(tm)

Originally posted by Isos
Why you people have to say its Rp farming??? maybe the whole point was to have fun?

It's a rule of the game, smarty pants. No arranged duels.
You know how many arranged duels US GM's busted?
"But it's fun!"*stomps foot*

Originally posted by Isos
I am only a paladin and dont really do much damage and mostly get rp's from being in a group.

Now let's find the evil SOB who forced you to pick Paladin as your class... ah, got him...
What about you get a group and your whiny buttocks to Odin's?
If you stumble over a Thane looking for a brawl, you can /beckon him all day long and fight it out mano a mano. Why? Because it would not be an arranged duel. Got the idea? You people are just too fucking scared or too lazy to actually LOOK for a decent fight..

Originally posted by Isos

Awww... don't cry. Perhaps you should have rolled a stealther if you think your Paladin is too gimped to be effective in RvR?
/hands out some hankies to the sobbing Paladin
Careful! Your tears will make your tinman outfit rusty.

Originally posted by Isos
having fun is the main purpous of this game isnt it? (or maybe Ive been hanging hanging out to much with Mckfly?)

Yes... having fun is the goal of the game. Here is your booby prize for finding that out. The problem is that arranging duels is NOT the goal of the game.
People are supposed to go RvR to smash/annihilate/slaughter etc. etc. members of the opposing realms.
"But it's fun!" *stomps foot*
But it is against-the-rules-to-arrange-duels-because-it-is-rp-farming. Feel free to pass your ideas for the "/turn rp off to duel cuz it's funner" commando to Mythic.
Sure they will change the code for you ASAP...
Bite me.

Oh, yes... perhaps you have been hanging out too much with Mckfly (perhaps one should get Biff to have a word with him?).
I remember the little beggar ... 2 or 3 months ago, he followed me from Eastgate all the way to my vault ranting and whining that he couldn't fight monsters and had no gear tralala.. a /who revealed that little Mckfly was level 3. A good level to hang around in Camelot and bother players who actually hunted for their gear... get Biff, yes. Sounds like a plan....
Bite me again.

Nemesis Warlock

To all the whiners here a big


I do what i want and youll NEVER stop me !!

If u dont wanna come u dont have to come , stay at home!

Yes u can come and try to spoil our " event" .... lol sadly u didnt take more than 3 hits and even your realmmates didnt help u !

And thats why ur so angry .. cuz ur losers

Uncle Sick(tm)

Originally posted by Nemesis Warlock
To all the whiners here a big


I do what i want and youll NEVER stop me !!

If u dont wanna come u dont have to come , stay at home!

Yes u can come and try to spoil our " event" .... lol sadly u didnt take more than 3 hits and even your realmmates didnt help u !

And thats why ur so angry .. cuz ur losers

Bahahahahahaha... please... send me a decoder sheet before you spew off in dewd next time. Please.

Tell me... all you illiterate kids... what is your problem with putting in some commas etc.?
"You" instead of "u"... what's the matter with that gibberish crap?
Do you need to drink bong water in order to come up with that craphead alphabet?

Now go ahead- giv me ur best in kewl doodspeak, r0xx0r man from outer space.

Bite me.


I heard about this so called event as I was coming back from foreign parts (ie Alb Land) earlier this evening and...never having seen anything like that before...much like when we first got our Dragon...curiosity got the better of me and off I trotted for a look see. Well for the most part it was kind of boring and a little pointless in my opinion but then thats only my opinion of course and matters little in the grand scheme of things. However, it was lovely to see the less pointy end of some very nice people who I have a great deal of respect for such as Araudry, Lourker, Tradolf and Furball...always a pleasure gentlemen no matter the circumstances :)

During said event nomercy aggroed my pet and when I healed it both he and godfather proceeded to kill me...they both con red to me at 42 so nice job guys...well are real men...what an achievement for you both. However, I wasnt totally surprised at it and to be honest I expected something like that to happen so Im not whining about it and Ill just put it down to experience. I hope you enjoyed the realm points that you farmed from me as much as I enjoy the realm points I have gained from both of you several times each in fact in legitimate combat.

Realm point farming...well...maybe not as much as you think cos most people die and therefore the realm point pool is a constantly diminishing one.

Jadow: do you have a right to kill an enemy wherever you find one...yes of course you do if thats the moral standpoint which you stamp upon your own gaming experience and I agree with your argument, personally thats not the way I would choose to kill an enemy but then thats just the way that I choose to play the other people have the right to enjoy the game in the way they see fit...yes of course they do however, they should attend EXPECTING someone to kill them in a less than duelistic way...are events like this against the CoC well lets just wait til GOA come out on the subject before any of us start pontificating and waving the CoC around like some flag at the peak of the moral highground. I do believe the *jury* is still out on this one.

However, if you do start holding up the CoC Jadow then be very careful....we have screenies of Albs flagrantly breaking the CoC by exploiting at least 3 different bugs at a recent Middie retake of Bledmeer keep and these werent *sailing close to the wind* of the CoC they were in direct breach of it and I do so hope that those who have said screenies have sent them off to the GMs and GOA by now as they have been advised so to do. I hope you will be as forthright in your condemnation of this actual abuse of the CoC as you are of the duel events possible breach. The bugs Im talking about by the way were...2 casters abusing the *Log* jumping bug to gain access to the roof of the keep in order to do damage to those who couldnt damage archer using the same bug to gain access to the top of a flag pole whereby he could shoot without being able to be shot in return, another archer hiding inside a wall inside the main keep compound and another Alb hiding in a wall in the lord room, I believe healing the Lord.

Tbird: You wanna play with Drakulvs all day long then you go ahead...turn off alliance chat...there is an option to do this...PM me in game and Ill show you how if you want its really quite simple and if you are in Malmo all day then Alliance chat is basically useless to you anyway cos the information should only pertain to RvR and is of no value at all if you are xping so far away from the frontier. You dont wanna come to RvR and help with taking keeps or reclaiming relics then dont is the answer thats quite simple too. However, when DF is upon us I suspect you and all the other xp farmers will be amongst the first to want to explore this new area and if you aint the dominant keep holder you dont get access to DF. I dont however expect this fact to change anyones mind about RvR, sad as it is some people will always be willing and eager to reap the benefit of others hard work, and by the way...if you feel guilty dont point a finger at alliance and whine that they are making you feel that way, if you feel guilty about something it usually means you have something to feel guilty about. Personally, I reckon your guilt trip says more about you than it does about the Alliance.

Noita Helsdottir
Spiritmaster of 42 Winters

Nemesis Warlock


if u call that dood speech i wanna see what u call a brain...

dont wonder ur answers are like that.

Uncle Sick(tm)

Come again? ... please?

I feel great relief that you've had the grace to use "dewd light" only...

And oh! I call a brain... brain! What do you call a brain, brain?
And aren't you late for grammar class? Or r u skiping skool agen?

Suckofit... an actual pun! Good boy. Make sure you take your vitamin C.

Nemesis Warlock

Na wie siehts jetzt mit deiner Grammatik aus du lutscher ?

Bevor du andere wegen ihrer Grammatik anmachst lern erstmal so gut deutsch wie wir englisch!

du hast verloren! ;)

P.S Im 26 a bit older than u kid

Uncle Sick(tm)

Originally posted by Nemesis Warlock
Na wie siehts jetzt mit deiner Grammatik aus du lutscher ?

Bevor du andere wegen ihrer Grammatik anmachst lern erstmal so gut deutsch wie wir englisch!

du hast verloren! ;)

P.S Im 26 a bit older than u kid


Hmm... lets see...
"What about your grammar, sucker?
Learn to speak German as well as we speak English (you are fucking kidding me, aren't you? YOU, GOOD and ENGLISH in the same sentence? ... you ARE fucking kidding me...) before you blast off (sorry... my German is not THAT good, mein Herr...) about other people."
You lost!;)"
[End of jerk-off's pathetic attempt to get me 'gut' by using a different language. Mr. 26 years-old-god of bad grammar-I-need-to-insult-people-in-my-native-language-because-they-might-not-happen-to-understand-a-frikken-word...well, some do.]

Now feck me for speaking/understanding more than one language, eh? Smart ass.

Hm... you have a magical eight ball telling you how old people are? Or what?
And sorry ("soz") I give a flying fuck about how old you are. There are gazillions of 30+ dimwits out there.

"Du hast verloren."
Bite me...


i dont give a monkees what people think, i came here to duel and i did, i pay for the game, ill play it how i feel like.

thanks to fafnir, some nasty skald (im never gonna duel a skald again ;) ) ronanr (sp?) i think you were a champion, and a couple of others including maelstrom who i dueled twice (staff duel between and eldrich and a wizard, thats a real test of power!), sorry for the second time when i lagged and wandered miles away, dunno what happened then, but i do know some skald tried to stun me out of the blue, so i nuked him and his low con make (you even touch me and ill make you pay sorry :) )

also sorry to the troll i apparently irritated when i buffed his dueling enemy, well come on, blue con v greycon? of course im gonna earth and Dmg shield buff him, poor sod had no chance :(

cheers for the duels, was good fun :)


ps i made bugger all rp last night, i want my farmed total :(

Nemesis Warlock

End of jerk-off's pathetic attempt to get me 'gut' by using a different language. Mr. 26 years-old-god of bad grammar-I-need-to-insult-people-in-my-native-language-because-they-might-not-happen-to-understand-a-frikken-word...well, some do.]

well according to your post u dont speak german better than me english
and writing it in german was only to show u how it is to get blamed not perfectly speaking a foreign language IN a foreign laguage

And sorry ("soz") I give a flying fuck about how old you are. There are gazillions of 30+ dimwits out there.

yes and youre not one of them ure one of the 14 year olds.
Older people would answer different. Well nobody cares about 14 years old comments.

Quote U:
Mr. 26 years-old-god of bad grammar-I-need-to-insult-people-in-my-native-language-because-they-might-not-happen-to-understand-a-frikken-word...well, some do.]
YOU, GOOD and ENGLISH in the same sentence? ... you ARE fucking kidding me...)

Quote me:
Learn to speak German as well as we speak English before you blast off about other people."

What is more insulting?


People are too tight arsed about duels.

Do you owe anything to GOA ? Do you feel that obliged to follow their idea of rvr like sheeps ?

If you don't want duels (GOA!) then start putting the patch machine into gear - because this is obviusly the early signs of generel boredom across the realms....

I can't fault people for trying to bust them up but some of the posts in this thread made me giggle.... I mean, get real there's a million ways of farming rps and quite a few of those takes place every single night in emain. Duels, in this case, is just one of those.

Unfortunally the idea of duels is flawed since some people will meet up buffed to the hilt while others come unbuffed - and subesequent whines begin :)

conclusion: People will always find ways of enhancing their game fun - duels, for some, is one way. More than anything it's an expression of the lack of high lvl content in this game that drives people to this (imho).


This was cut from Rightnow (DAoC FAQ for those who dont know).
can someone show me do a similliar cut from the CoC and show me that duals are illegal?

There is only one rule in RvR, and this rule is applicable for everything in the game : you must respect the code of conduct you agreed on when you created your account. Everything else is perfectly acceptable.
(short cut for leangth issues)
- Siegfried, a young and brave level 20 paladin offered to duel Grrak, a berserker troll (using an out of game forum or something). The last comes to the meeting with all his guild, 30 characters level 50, and they totally annihilate the poor paladin.
(short cut for leangth issues)
Of course those example are perfectly “legal” in DaoC even if they are not what you should see too often.

[Edit: typo]


If you see someone exploiting a bug. Report it. Simple as that. If Kemor is online then he'll be very interested I'm sure, as he was when I reported a middie caster who was sat inside the AMG at emain knocking off albs, or the middie caster who was exploiting the jumping bug and getting on top of the keep walls at bledmeer - actually that has a funny story attached to it, camillo shot her with a catapult knocking her off the roof causing her to die with falling damage - heh, never seen an inf use a catapult in RvR before <chuckle>.

Get a grip on reality. Oh and it wasn't just 3 people it was about 9 or 10 and if you had actually -bothered to read- you'll see that I said that the moment I got the spam about keeps I went 'loco' - this basically means I suicided to go and do something more constructive than crappy RP farming.

Lvl 45+ Infiltrator
The Order of The Knights Templar

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