The current Emain arena

Dec 31, 2003
Vodkafairy said:
one thing i dont understand though. every single time i pass crau bridge, there are several anis spamming shrooms. minute after minute, hour after hour, day after day, they are there spamming shrooms. doesn't it get boring? :D

Well, they play to get alot of rps, just like any other caster do. Guess it is as fun to spamm 1111111111 and sometimes rest mana, and spamming /face 1111111 instead and add left n right. :p


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 21, 2004
xxManiacxx said:
If you really want clean fights don´t go to iRvR....
Aye. Go irvr for the easy rps and Agramon for decent fights :p
Vodkafairy said:
one thing i dont understand though. every single time i pass crau bridge, there are several anis spamming shrooms. minute after minute, hour after hour, day after day, they are there spamming shrooms. doesn't it get boring? :D
They made up a new tactic now; spamming ml9 shrooms :p
Uberlama said:
I don't want to call you short-sighted (aka idiot) so take it I didn't but asking what's the difference between agramon and irvr makes me wonder if you'r jokeing or you are what I didn't want to call you.
He's right about the possibility to get decent fg-fg fights in Emain/HW tho, when trying ;p


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Uberlama said:
I don't want to call you short-sighted (aka idiot) so take it I didn't but asking what's the difference between agramon and irvr makes me wonder if you'r jokeing or you are what I didn't want to call you.

its the morality thats the problem. either you dont add (regardless of situation), or you do. i don't understand how you can do both really. :p

whats the difference between a good 8v8 fight in irvr and in agramon? if you wanna join in some huge zergfight, sure, feel free, nobody will call that adding either.

i didnt add on you guys in irvr yesterday, should i have? not really, theres no reason to.


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 21, 2004
Matriarch|Sneakers said:
Well, they play to get alot of rps, just like any other caster do. Guess it is as fun to spamm 1111111111 and sometimes rest mana, and spamming /face 1111111 instead and add left n right. :p
Are you implying that there's something wrong with the way I play sorc? :p


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
must admit, its been fooking great last couple of nites...

done solo & duo with Ransid Ranger, and made maybe 25-30k on and off...

occasinally get zerged (fair enough) but plenty of 1v1, 2v1, 2v2, 1v2 action to keep it interesting :)

givf more i'd say, but guess its up to the hibs how long they wanna live without the keeps...


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
its more like how long it will take for (probably) alb to start taking more keeps to try and go for the relics. :p


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 27, 2003
Vodkafairy said:
its the morality thats the problem. either you dont add (regardless of situation), or you do. i don't understand how you can do both really. :p

whats the difference between a good 8v8 fight in irvr and in agramon? if you wanna join in some huge zergfight, sure, feel free, nobody will call that adding either.

i didnt add on you guys in irvr yesterday, should i have? not really, theres no reason to.

morality? Do I understand this word wrong or you guys take this game waaaaaaaaaaaay too seriously? :eek:
And which part is unclear in we dont add in agra but we dont care about adding if irvr because about 90% of other grps are adding on us too regardless if we add or not ? :) Ye we tried to find fg actions at the start but failed all the time, so we adapted to the situation.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 27, 2003
Vodkafairy said:
its the morality thats the problem. either you dont add (regardless of situation), or you do. i don't understand how you can do both really. :p

whats the difference between a good 8v8 fight in irvr and in agramon? if you wanna join in some huge zergfight, sure, feel free, nobody will call that adding either.

i didnt add on you guys in irvr yesterday, should i have? not really, theres no reason to.

as an alb u can hardly get an fg vs fg fight if there's iRVR anywhere. scouts are everywhere, following u with mincer m8s so u can't even do shit about it. i had a "nice" conversation with some excal dudes yesterday and i couldn't convince em that following us is shit for our group. tbh i'd rather have half the action but more normal fights on agra than doing this. and after septina's group ran at us with another fg behind em i was quite surprised at the whine on irc (this was even at an early time as we were waiting for Stalky's ld). well shit happens in a shit rvr situation, i wasn't qq-ing at em when they attacked about 2 groups of albs with 3fg-s and they emote spammed ppl after they were so glorious. that's really the difference between agramon and irvr, u can't get backup in 2 mins on agra. well anyways aod will most likely do something totally different tonight so u guys can have your nice fg fights in emain without these jerks from aod.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Uberlama said:
morality? Do I understand this word wrong or you guys take this game waaaaaaaaaaaay too seriously? :eek:
And which part is unclear in we dont add in agra but we dont care about adding if irvr because about 90% of other grps are adding on us too regardless if we add or not ? :) Ye we tried to find fg actions at the start but failed all the time, so we adapted to the situation.

so because you couldnt find fights, you decided to ruin it for other people too? adding in revenge makes for a nice vicious circle where everyone either ends up logging or ruining every fight for everyone all the time.

well, upto you i guess.. its still time you waste on daoc, may aswell make it a good time no? :p

and lujo, i was on my ns. :p just replying to the situation as people say it happened, but ofcourse septina is as biased as anyone else


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 7, 2004
hmm, at work for another 45 minutes, is iRvR still on? might try it later..
not usually my prefered place to hang out though.. but on a good side it does draw many of the WLs away from brynja..

that bridge isn't as depressing right now as it usually is. :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 27, 2003
Vodkafairy said:
so because you couldnt find fights, you decided to ruin it for other people too? adding in revenge makes for a nice vicious circle where everyone either ends up logging or ruining every fight for everyone all the time.

well, upto you i guess.. its still time you waste on daoc, may aswell make it a good time no? :p

and lujo, i was on my ns. :p just replying to the situation as people say it happened, but ofcourse septina is as biased as anyone else

You know vf i have a feeling you are just replying to a part of my post where you can twist the meanings of the words the way you can seem to be hmm without better words on a higher standard if you know what I mean. But here comes again the part where you take this game too serious. Its a game, thats the keyword, ppl playing it to have fun, to relax after a hard day. (and whos fight do i ruin when if irvr there is noone who didnt add on us ? only a very , very few alb grp ran past, repeat ALB grp not hib or mid, and such as we didnt add on fl fights neither) And you cant ruin the fun of ppl with adding when they do the very same, can you?


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 11, 2004
Vodkafairy said:
problem with this situation is that its too easy coming back. rebuff/cure-rs/port back and its back into action within 1-2 mins. makes me really careless and die due to stupid mistakes i normally (hopefully) wouldnt make

yeah, but it is fun :p

/salute :worthy:


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 11, 2004
Vodkafairy said:
its more like how long it will take for (probably) alb to start taking more keeps to try and go for the relics. :p

shhhh, you are spoiling the secret, irvr is the new secret RR trick... you wear em down with a week of irvr, and then easely snatch the relics at night after trying a few days in a row. Mids did that to albs last time a relic changed hands, strategy works perfectly.

you indeed realise you`ll lose relics within a week unless irvr stops ;)


Part of the furniture
Mar 18, 2004
Muylaetrix said:
shhhh, you are spoiling the secret, irvr is the new secret RR trick... you wear em down with a week of irvr, and then easely snatch the relics at night after trying a few days in a row. Mids did that to albs last time a relic changed hands, strategy works perfectly.

you indeed realise you`ll lose relics within a week unless irvr stops ;)

We took back our relic the dirty albs stole of us :> We didn't relic raid your relics though. Took back what is rightfully ours! Thieving Alb Scumbags :>

Oli - Illu


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Muylaetrix said:
yeah, but it is fun :p

/salute :worthy:

at this point i need a /roll-over-and-die-of-embarassment emote :D

did everything perfect jumping you guys there, except for the fact i picked a fucking SMITE CLERIC as target. rez pbae mez, purge down, game over. nerf smite clerics ffs. :p


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 11, 2004
illu said:
We took back our relic the dirty albs stole of us :> We didn't relic raid your relics though. Took back what is rightfully ours! Thieving Alb Scumbags :>

Oli - Illu

LIES !!!

May the rightious anger of Albion descend upon Midgard soon to restore law and order and put ALL the relics back in the only hands who deserve them !



Can't get enough of FH
Jan 11, 2004
Vodkafairy said:
did everything perfect jumping you guys there, except for the fact i picked a fucking SMITE CLERIC as target. rez pbae mez, purge down, game over. nerf smite clerics ffs. :p

it was soo funny


English WAR Community Manager
Apr 21, 2004
Ogen said:
So the "Banned for flaming" was a mistake, and should´ve said "banned for telling the truth" ? ;) Anyway, was on hols ski´ing so it dosent mean a great deal :) Really awsome to see they actually fixed the problem(oddly the day after i send in the pingplot to rightnow;)), tho. Gotta give credits for that.
Sorry to drag this off topic again. If you take the time to read the news you refer to, the maintenance was on OpenTransit's equipment not on our network. Therefore as you'll note that when Erivoss said there was no issues reported on our network, he was not 'talking bullshit' as you claimed and neither was he contradicted by the news. You may want to take more time to read and understand in future as wild and uninformed speculation often makes the poster look foolish.


Aug 23, 2005
Requiel said:
Sorry to drag this off topic again. If you take the time to read the news you refer to, the maintenance was on OpenTransit's equipment not on our network. Therefore as you'll note that when Erivoss said there was no issues reported on our network, he was not 'talking bullshit' as you claimed and neither was he contradicted by the news. You may want to take more time to read and understand in future as wild and uninformed speculation often makes the poster look foolish.
Calling the customers fools \o/
If I was your boss, I sure wouldnt be for long o_O
Really makes me wonder what the managment at goa does :eek:


English WAR Community Manager
Apr 21, 2004
CuddleBunny! said:
Calling the customers fools \o/
If I was your boss, I sure wouldnt be for long o_O
Really makes me wonder what the managment at goa does :eek:
I'm not calling anyone a fool, I'm pointing out a fact. Jumping to an incorrect assumption and clingng to that interpretaton in the face of direct evidence to the contrary does indeed make you look foolish. Claiming that the direct evidence backs up your version of events when in fact it does the opposite also helps this perception along.

I firmly believe in being polite and professional to customers. I also firmly believe that when a customer is wrong, he should be told this and that those who insist on being wrong in an offensive manner should be made to understand that they are simply making themselves look bad.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
CuddleBunny! said:
Calling the customers fools \o/
If I was your boss, I sure wouldnt be for long o_O
Really makes me wonder what the managment at goa does :eek:
You jerk not even worth a :wanker:


Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
CuddleBunny! said:
Calling the customers fools \o/
If I was your boss, I sure wouldnt be for long o_O
Really makes me wonder what the managment at goa does :eek:
Reading and comprehending too difficult for you, you miserable child?


Can't get enough of FH
Apr 20, 2004
Back to the point of the thread. iRVR is kinda nice for a change, but way too boring after a couple of days. There is almost no fight add-free, and personally I don't even expect any such fights. However it seems that everyone and his dog will just go to emain and try to zerg whatever they find.

I think about time we take those keeps back.


Fledgling Freddie
May 31, 2004
Uberlama said:
I don't want to call you short-sighted (aka idiot) so take it I didn't but asking what's the difference between agramon and irvr makes me wonder if you'r jokeing or you are what I didn't want to call you.

no reason to get rude. i wasn't asking what the difference between agramon and iRvR is. i was wondering what the difference between a fg fight in agramon and a fg fight in iRvR is.

higher possibility that the iRvR-fight will be added on? it's going to get added on anyways, might as well be you? doesn't make sense to me. either you add or you don't (mistakes etc happen and so on). simple as that.

Vodkafairy said:
its the morality thats the problem. either you dont add (regardless of situation), or you do. i don't understand how you can do both really. :p

whats the difference between a good 8v8 fight in irvr and in agramon? if you wanna join in some huge zergfight, sure, feel free, nobody will call that adding either.

i didnt add on you guys in irvr yesterday, should i have? not really, theres no reason to.

spot on.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2003
pjuppe said:
no reason to get rude. i wasn't asking what the difference between agramon and iRvR is. i was wondering what the difference between a fg fight in agramon and a fg fight in iRvR is.

higher possibility that the iRvR-fight will be added on? it's going to get added on anyways, might as well be you? doesn't make sense to me. either you add or you don't (mistakes etc happen and so on). simple as that.

Not that I was there last night (wireless networks are lame ^^). I dont believe in revenge adding either, but also with so many people around I imagine its hard to make fg-fg happen. According to some people on this thread it can though, which makes me happy more than anything else :)


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 19, 2004
iRvR is fun, mainly because it’s a whole new ball game. The art is no longer killing your opponent, it's actually to try and kill your opponent and not get added on and to remain alive afterwards. This actually takes a fair amount of skill.

I was solo last three nights, I died on average seven times each night, on average the number of players that caused a death was 3. Not once was I killed in a 1 v 1. Some got close but either a FG came and killed my attacker or killed me to leach the soloers rps!.

I also noticed that "Honour" has really gone out the window it's like an old 1980's football riot other there, to show honour is a weakness and to have any means you’ll be hugging you BB far more often!.

I've never seen so many Hibs either and many low RR ones too, and this must be a good thing for the server as a whole, well as long as no one takes the piss and nicks a relic.

The Cinderella effect is quite noticeable too, as soon as 12:00 arrives only Alb seems to be playing on the server.

Could I do this for eternity? Nah.

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