Lorfo said:Using IRVR as an excuse to add is really really pathetic. You are saying "septinas" group added on you ? (I have no memory of it what so ever). And even if we did it wouldn't give you the right to zerg with 3-4 fullgroups for a few hours. From my POV, we killed you flawless like 5 times. After that you started adding and ran with the zerg + accusing us of radar. Either you add or you dont add, AoD _adds_ and runs around happily with 3-4 fullgroups. High realmrank zerglings that never puts up a good fights. Dont pretend to be a serious fg vs fg guild anymore. Bitter losers that make up stupid excuses
Even if the guy really is a fool?CuddleBunny! said:Calling the customers fools \o/
If I was your boss, I sure wouldnt be for long
Really makes me wonder what the managment at goa does![]()
Your mole respecced out of charge?Belomar said:Reading and comprehending too difficult for you, you miserable child?
You're not making such a great impression yourself ;x I honestly don't understand why you remain on these forums, or why you haven't been banned yet, as you're one of the most anoying and clueless active posters on the forum, spamming pointless shit in every_single_post. If I'd have a rough guess, I'd say you were trying to be funny, and failing miserably.CuddleBunny! said:You amuse me, you really do.
I have really no idea why you try so bad to insult me on each opertunity you see, but keep at it. Ask gamah for some tips tho, cause you really suck at it.
Don't you think that's just, seeing who he replied to? Cuddlebunny is acting like a bloody 10 y/o, so let him be treated like one.Dorimor1 said:Belomar, your repetative use of the word 'child' is just annoying and patronising. It amazes me how people think they can prance around and act like god because they have 6 or 7 green dots below their name.
Dimmer said:Well IRVR is a nice way for us low RR to get some nice RP's i'm actually able to find fights without having to wait for 20 min to find the 1 person I might have 10% chance to gank, now I know where the fight is, and ofc I die more then I kill but I actually make rp's, from RR2L6-3L1 in 2 days is ok for me solo. however I don't feel it's fair that we need IRVR in a frontier land, this was actually what I thought we got agramon for, but try to solo out there is imposible when not RR6+ it seams cause it's mostly balaced GG's and RR8-11 Sth's out there, so running along as a solo RR2 char you get blasted off the ground before you even know where you are. My 10 cent
Zede said:you are totally and utterly deranged, and i might add a liar.
Enli said:iRvR roxx
even tried smth to make it fun, i rp-pl'ed a guildie ranger (42) some 20k rpsin 2 hours ^^
ps. Himse, cry but dont whine
and faril /slap be a good boy, give Himse his lollypop back
Septina said:I do complain when high rr, set guildgroups must resort to adding after losing one or two fights.
We had two fg vs fg fights vs your group during the ENTIRE night, first we killed you in ~20 seconds other fights was a very long one.
After that YOUR group added on us fighting anything, you didnt get alb adds YOU did the adding.
We had loads of fg vs fg fights with Revolver, Cloudz group, Horde and some very nice fights at that.
Just a shame some people have to resort to zerging![]()
what he said.Matriarch|Sneakers said:I think it's a plain dissaster that iRvR is even possible in a mmrpg it's a mayor setback for the whole genre.
Its what sets daoc apart from the other mmorps out there i`d say and all the more fun for it.I loved crim port, seeing loads of new names and people making pickup grps straight outside crim doors .Now its back to long bloody boat rides or hanging out for ages hoping 1 of the irc cru have a spot free.Matriarch|Sneakers said:I think it's a plain dissaster that iRvR is even possible in a mmrpg it's a mayor setback for the whole genre.
Matriarch|Sneakers said:I think it's a plain dissaster that iRvR is even possible in a mmrpg it's a mayor setback for the whole genre.