Man this thread made me rofl, i miss Kzn, Karren and the other fun players from CM
After Kzn drank a few beers and started geting horny on Karren.. muhaha
They are in my alliance on Ywain, but you seem to be stuck in the past on a dead server
Well atleast I have people to be gay with, unlike you running about Dyvet all alone with a major stiffy only waiting to get bummed
What annoys me more is that CM are PROUD of helping to kill Dyvet off for good.
Lulz, you all should just admit that you miss teh CM
I miss CM, you don't get such easy rp cows to farm on US
This thread is older than Thadius's cum stained boxer shorts - let it die :< no one really gives a shit about CM anymore.
I do not. They are in my alliance on Ywain, but you seem to be stuck in the past on a dead server
Lewl, we didn't kill dyvet.
Most of CM left dyvet a along time before the shit went down.
FH killed dyvet.