from hated for a very bad tackle, to loved for destroying shitty single handedly.Mcmanaman (sp?) destroyed city. I bet everton are kicking themselves, released at 16
That was a goal.
Chuffed for Wigan. They deserved it, better team by far.
Also - I have no idea about the context of this or where it came from, but I'm really happy about it:
Aada are you watching? Silently I hope.
The button to close the ad's on my stream won't appear. First world problems.
I have that, there's a couple it doesn't block though :/ There's a shit load more if I turn it off mind.AD Blocker?
Debuchy is doing my head in, absolute liability!
Seeing this makes me feel a lot better though:
"#QPR's Players' Player of the Year is the fans#ForeverRs"