sumthing i want to say

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Fledgling Freddie
May 30, 2005
about ppl who just simply and constantly post on uthere ppls posts about riads thay try to run

the ppl i am on about are them who seem to be nothing but sheep in side any of the ml riads or any riad at all the ppl who never seem to be bortherd about even trying to run a riad of any sort

now for ppl who wish to run riads and try to keep the FH posts free of useles spam by ppl the likes of elbeek/kelio/legaen/toggers and i asume meny more FH riads that will be araned by me or meny utheres will get spam from ppl like this i personal think all thay can do is be sheep not the dog to lead the sheep by


lets see what thay have to say about this small posts shall we

o yess and plz plz plz pick out all of my spelling mistakes and or tipos as i am dislexsik and can not help the way i spell things that are black on wite i find very very hard to make out

so if u wish to flam me ( the ppl i have named [not shamd yet] but will try to if thay even bother to post on any of my ferther riads i post on FH)

well guys and gals ill say by for now and hope the sheep who try to spam nonsens on any 1 elses riad FH posts stop it so uthere ppl who wish to run them can get on with the biznes of it and not the crap the named and shamd put on

Regards Graeme Bell member of DP


Fledgling Freddie
May 30, 2005
i forgot to say sumthing i do not mined replaying on any of my posts to up date it or to answer uthere ppl questions about the riad i have posted like say my ml5 riad on saturday sum ppl askd was it for all grp and bg steps

btw i do hope the named and shamed do post on here ide love the chance to shame them even more in a fully open FH flaming post :flame: :flame: :flame: :flame: o plz do


Part of the furniture
Jan 9, 2004
darkho said:
now for ppl who wish to run riads and try to keep the FH posts free of useles spam by ppl the likes of elbeek/kelio/legaen/toggers and i asume meny more FH riads that will be araned by me or meny utheres will get spam from ppl like this i personal think all thay can do is be sheep not the dog to lead the sheep by

LOL wtf are you on about?

I don't know you, I have never spammed you, and to be perfectly fucking honest, I havn't got the time or inclination to try and decipher your bullshit. So lets try again shall we?


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 22, 2004
elbeek said:
LOL wtf are you on about?

I don't know you, I have never spammed you, and to be perfectly fucking honest, I havn't got the time or inclination to try and decipher your bullshit. So lets try again shall we?

BaAaAaAa. Amen.


Fledgling Freddie
May 30, 2005
Legaen said:
BaAaAaAa. Amen.

dude all u have to do is check out ur replays ot my ml5 riad post atthis link

how meny noncence replays did u do on that riad post god only knows i cba to count em and o yess the truth dus hert dusent it spamer and yess why bother to swear in an open post have i swor at u in an open post i think not

get a life spamer of fh riad posts


Fledgling Freddie
May 19, 2004
darkho said:
dude all u have to do is check out ur replays ot my ml5 riad post atthis link

how meny noncence replays did u do on that riad post god only knows i cba to count em and o yess the truth dus hert dusent it spamer and yess why bother to swear in an open post have i swor at u in an open post i think not

get a life spamer of fh riad posts
erm ?? he posted 1 time... hardly count's as spamming ?


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 22, 2004
Erm, yeah once... and I was replying to a guild member of mine. If thats classed as spamming then, I really don't know what kind of drugs your on.



Fledgling Freddie
May 30, 2005
trycorn said:
again, he aswell only posted 1 time...

can u count or not at least look at the post for how meny nonsense replays he made dude



Fledgling Freddie
Jul 6, 2004
Firstly these are My opinions if u did not agree thats your prerogative:

Got a lot of time for people who want to enter the world of ML raid leading, Albs atm have lost the meaning of Community and Realm, I personally didn't come to ML5 when u had mentioned group steps, having done them 3 times on my Ice wiz didn't want to do again, agree with people that say Group steps and BG steps should be separate (ML5 groups are a pain in the ass especially if u don't have a specific class)

secondly without being patronizing I use spell check on my posts may I suggest u do to, as u will come into contact with people who are not as enlightened to the difficulties of dyslexia as others

Thirdly To all people willing to do raids the new and the old, thanks and keep up the good work :cheers: :cheers:

Good luck all and Happy hunting


Fledgling Freddie
May 19, 2004
darkho said:
can u count or not at least look at the post for how meny nonsense replays he made dude

unless they have been deleted by the mod's, i can only see 1 reply from them both.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 22, 2004
darkho said:
can u count or not at least look at the post for how meny nonsense replays he made dude


I'd give up now if I was you, before you make your self look even more of a prat. Friendly advice.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 23, 2004
tbh m8, i said in my post i admired you for leading the ml and trying to get people the grp steps too, but like i said ml5 is normally only bg steps for obvious reasons, i also said gl and hope it works.

i still dont understand why me saying that got you on your high horse, sending me abusive pms telling me to stfu and how it should be left to people who know about mls to lead them. i could say something about that to you but tbh i cba to argue with you anymore.

i was sorely tempted to post that pm you sent me, cos tbh its ridiculous and makes you sound like an idiot, not for your spelling or anything but for what you said.

next time dont take everythign as a personal attack, you might get on with people better, gl with ur future raids :drink:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 31, 2005
Legaens post about smart arse was directed at me, due tho the fact that he quoted what I said and then added his comment underneath. :touch:


Part of the furniture
Jan 9, 2004
darkho said:
urm check this link out and count how meny times u stuck a post on it and then tel me u dident do non sens spams on it

You may be dyslexic but you are also fucking stupid, learn the difference between one post and spam. Also try and learn when a sense of humour is needed.

You obviously have a very inflammed opinion of your importance. I couldn't care less if you run a ml raid, to be brutally honest, if your initial post is anything to go by, I would sooner spend an evening with Fanny the penis hacker than spend hours watching you try and mis spell your way through a raid.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
elbeek said:
if your initial post is anything to go by, I would sooner spend an evening with Fanny the penis hacker than spend hours watching you try and mis spell your way through a raid.

LOL I have to say that's cruel but awfully funny, rep point inc! :cheers:


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 22, 2004
elbeek said:
You obviously have a very inflammed opinion of your importance. I couldn't care less if you run a ml raid, to be brutally honest, if your initial post is anything to go by, I would sooner spend an evening with Fanny the penis hacker than spend hours watching you try and mis spell your way through a raid.

ROFL, cruel but quality :)


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
this is either getting nasty or has already got nasty and is getting spammy...

either way - locked
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