Some thoughts on 'adding'...


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 1, 2004
about whiners..

The only reason ppl whine is coz someone is "destroying" something they think is important with the game .. i mean if an arti is important to the person getting it "stolen" they will whine ..and yes the arti is imporntant after a few hours of camping it :p ..

a whine on an add is the same thing .. something important is "stolen" from the whiner .. in this case a fair fight which prolly what he thinks is the most important thing in the game ..

id say show more respect towards other ppl and start looking at the problems from the right angle instead if attacking the product which ultimatly will become whine/abuse. the right angle of looking upon these scenarios is the action not the product .. the action beeing the "stealing" of something from the other person .. this might sound idiotic .. but its ppl we are dealing with here .. not CoC/Rules ..

/The most imporntant thing is to stay friends :] .. coz war sux!


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
really isnt hard, if you dont want adds dont go to where the big crossed swords cup/tree/hammer is on the map. if you want add free fights go to agramon, you know, that area that is a lot like old emain in so many ways, your RPs wont be as much but, hey at least you get your add free fights....or maybe we are missing something here, maybe you arent actually interested in the fights, its all about the RPs?

i am against adding but i understand that if i get adds near a bridge/keep/whatever there is nothing i can do about it, maybe ask them nicely to not add in future, or kill them (assuming its an enemy)


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 7, 2004
duact said:
No you cant be more wrong aim, reason ppl "stole" artifacts was ofcourse to satisfy themselves by griefing a n00b

imo it be more satisfying griefing sum hardcore gamer who is on 18/24, like Horner or sum1 :p


Loyal Freddie
Jul 29, 2004
Svartmetall said:
It's war. It's not Realm Team Deathmatch, it's not Realm 1v1 Tournament Deathmatch, it's a 3-way Realm War. There is no such thing as 'adding'; it's just a term invented by people who wanted to jealousy cling to 'their' RPs. Every single enemy is fair game. All the time. Everywhere. I've always found it interesting that the people who whine the loudest about 'adding' are often the same people who are first to sneer 'someone died in an RvR zone' at anyone they don't consider part of their own little l337 clique.
Which is more than a little bit hypocritical.

You want guaranteed 1v1? Play Quake Tournament Deathmatch.
You want guaranteed 8v8? Play Quake Team Deathmatch.
You want war? Play DAOC.

A bunch of l337-kiddies will probably now leap in and flame me to death for saying this (oh noes, I only have one RR5 toon so far, how could I possibly know anything about the game?), but those are that facts. You can splutter in indignation all you want, but those are the facts.

DAOC is not a 1v1 game.
DAOC is not an 8v8 game.
DAOC is a realm war game.

If you want to try and have 1v1 or 8v8 fights in DAOC, fine, great, more power to you. But the game isn't set up for that, so don't whine if an enemy of your enemy helps kill your enemy. If your FG is fighting an enemy FG and more of either side or the third side piles on, oh well. Deal with it. It happens, and it's going to keep on happening...because that's how the RvR part of this game is set up.


Quick tip: if you want a 1v1 - or even an 8v8 - fight with someone with no chance of someone adding, do it down in the southern end of the Irish Sea. No bugger ever goes there, and the chances of you getting 'added on' are about as great as the chances of George Bush using a five-syllable word (and knowing what it means).

Don't try to have a 1v1 fight 10 feet to the left of Brynja Bridge and then howl in indignation when someone else piles in as well; it's a bit like deciding to have a screaming argument with someone in the middle of a restaurant and then going "FFS stop eavesdropping!" at everybody else.

lol nice post..and fair points!


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 10, 2004
rure said:
I'll continue my crusade versus people who compare computer games with wars. For those of you that still are doing these comparisons; how on earth can you not differentiate the very basic differences/consequences between a computer game and a war? Please start thinking.

Dark Age of Camelot is a MMORPG - Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game

In this one you play the role of a person in a world during a time of war.

This is why the comparison comes up.

It is not a war (which is why we don't send each other mailbombs), it is a game in which we consider the other realms an enemy (unless you are roleplaying an unpatriotic character - or ignoring roleplaying entirely).



Fledgling Freddie
Mar 5, 2004
noaim said:
You think people ran around and "stole" artis for fun?! Or to ruin the fun for someone else? Ofc they did it because they needed the artifact, and that was how they played to get artis, make a good grp, if its up you do it, if its down, you do another artifact, you dont camp 1 at a time. And since most fg´s got those grps ready faster, its only natural that people that did not run in as organised guilds had artis stolen from them more often, and thus whined more about it.

You still dont see the difference i see:p
Example. Moron comes up to danos night spawn. He sees "poor campa man" sitting there. Moron calls his fellow morons to kill danos. Poor campa man yells in desperation: Pleeease i camped this spot for 10 hours, let me get it.
Moron answers( though most of the time the morons just did it and didnt say anything:p): You cant camp an artie looser!!.
1 hour later on FH.: A fg from guild Moron stole my artie!!
Answers: Yeh you cant camp and artie...tough luck!( many times stated by people that also liked fg action and hated adds)

And the rvr situasion: Crau bridge. Zerger squirrelbear comes out with 5 friends expecting fun fights around their bridge.
From other direction the fg chineese popcorns comes in full speed towards another fg near crau.
Zerger squirrel bear sees enemies, doesnt recognise any of them and attacks with his friends to drive enemies from bridge. At same time stealthers pops everywhere and addas to confusion:p

Ok..The difference in these two examples are clearly that in first example the artie stealers knew about the camper in before and totally disrepected him.
In second example the zerger just played for fun and saw a fight and attacked enemys near bridge. He didnt do it to ruin for them...he just played the game as he always have.
see difference?
over and out..


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 1, 2004
i seriously doubt there is any roleplayers at all on excal/prydwen .. i mean in the right sens of the word .. if ppl want to RP they shouldent pick excal/prydwen cluster .. there are far better servers to play then ..

so the RP argument vs Rure there is bad .. but yes .. its a roleplaying game .. though when games are concerned that dossent mean you actually roleplay in them .. its only a mark on games to make it easier for the consumers to know what type of game they are buying in the stores ..

so i still totally agree with Rure on this matter .. WAR in computergames is silly.. especially in mulitplayers ones .. coz the behaviour of WAR is retarded and idiotic and shouldent be justified just coz ppl say its a computergame.. i have said it b4 and ill say it again .. its ppl behind the computers whether some of you guys like it or not. and whenever there is ppl involved we all need to make a effort to respect eachother and behave in a civilized manner... skills that somehow is diminished on the internet ... sad.


Gamah said:
Oh god the PvE Warrior giving his views on RvR :rolleyes:
I think its funny how its always the random nobodies who would never ever make it into a decent 8v8 and only run in crap grps,therefore chaindying from 8man and needing to add to get any rps,therefor probably ending up being jealous/envyous/bitter to the 8man crowd...who are trying to ruin our gamestyle without actualy having a clue about how it is and what drives us.

the random reliczerger #225884477 telling us how to play and telling us adding is allowed,cause he knows damn well that his casual rvr grp with smite clerics and wizards holds no chance of rps if they didnt :)



Fledgling Freddie
Jan 10, 2004
Phake said:
i seriously doubt there is any roleplayers at all on excal/prydwen .. i mean in the right sens of the word .. if ppl want to RP they shouldent pick excal/prydwen cluster .. there are far better servers to play then ..

so the RP argument vs Rure there is bad .. but yes .. its a roleplaying game .. though when games are concerned that dossent mean you actually roleplay in them .. its only a mark on games to make it easier for the consumers to know what type of game they are buying in the stores ..

So, you don't play a role in the game ? So you're playing yourself ?

Personally I only play someone who goes out to kill other characters in the frontier. I'm not in real life a homicidal maniac.

There is a better server than the only english cluster in a european timezone for a UK player ? Which one is that, then ?

Phake said:
so i still totally agree with Rure on this matter .. WAR in computergames is silly.. especially in mulitplayers ones .. coz the behaviour of WAR is retarded and idiotic and shouldent be justified just coz ppl say its a computergame.. i have said it b4 and ill say it again .. its ppl behind the computers whether some of you guys like it or not. and whenever there is ppl involved we all need to make a effort to respect eachother and behave in a civilized manner... skills that somehow is diminished on the internet ... sad.

I think I'm agreeing with you on that, sort of. I know it's other people out there. It's a roleplaying game, they are playing roles. That's sort of the point of roleplaying. The people at the other end are real people, with real feelings, and real lives, spending some of that real time on a shared entertainment. That's why the flaming and abuse that many get given for whatever reason is so unfortunate.

What I don't understand is why the idea of fighting a battle between realms is 'retarded and idiotic and shouldn't be justified', but running around 1 vs 1 and 8 vs 8 isn't.

I just see it as a big, virtual team sport, with 100's of players a side. (Though I guess that explains the flaming, plenty of that around football matches)

My view of it as that is why I get disappointed when people on my team step aside and let the opposition score, cos one striker vs the goalie was a fair fight. Where was the defence ! <grin>.

I don't ever complain directly about any particular incident to the perpetrator, or anyone here, though. I keep that to myself/friends in private bitching. They have a right to do whatever they want.



Fledgling Freddie
Jan 28, 2004
Eruptix said:
I think its funny how its always the random nobodies who would never ever make it into a decent 8v8 and only run in crap grps,therefore chaindying from 8man and needing to add to get any rps,therefor probably ending up being jealous/envyous/bitter to the 8man crowd...who are trying to ruin our gamestyle without actualy having a clue about how it is and what drives us.

the random reliczerger #225884477 telling us how to play and telling us adding is allowed,cause he knows damn well that his casual rvr grp with smite clerics and wizards holds no chance of rps if they didnt :)


Silly post where it sounds like you actually think you'r better then someone else.

Whatever someone do ingame it's his choice and just because you'r choice has been RvR dosent make you better then him in any way.

I like RvRing also, and it's more or less the only thing I do atm, but not like I think Im better because of it.

"Only thing that really matters are who you are IRL, there you see who is the nobody and who's not"


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 1, 2004
Darzil somewhat missed my point .. no worries .. alot of ppl do :p .. hehe .. mebbe its coz my english aint the best ... but anyways ..

first part .. the roleplaying thing .. no i dont roleplay anything .. u could look at my characters as buildingstones to Asylums FG .. buildingstones which makes a complete team .. you had football as an example in your post .. ill have the same .. we have one fast runner one heavy kicker etc etc .. u get the idea .. :p .. hehe

anyways to the important stuff its not the idea of realm vs realm concept im disagreeing with .. its the policy of WAR .. i mean the generall attitued that comes with it .. WE DO AS WE WANT thing becase its WAR .. thats what bothering me ..

we can look at DAoC world as a huuge space with alot of ppl .. where there are different interestgroups etc.. just as irl .. i mean .. if a few ppl are playing a cardgame somewhere do you come over to them with your deck of cards and assjam them with 4 aces? .. dont think so .. thats what im talking about .. the respect of others feelings .. the abuse and whine comes AFTER the actions have been taken .. not b4 .. so therefor we need to look at the actions not the reactions .. if u get what i mean :p .. hehe

anyways ... i could go on and on about this .. but sadly in an enviroment of thousands of ppl there will allways be ppl that dont give a shit about others and just continuing acting upon their own selfish ways.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 1, 2004
Elrandhir said:
Silly post where it sounds like you actually think you'r better then someone else.

Whatever someone do ingame it's his choice and just because you'r choice has been RvR dosent make you better then him in any way.

I like RvRing also, and it's more or less the only thing I do atm, but not like I think Im better because of it.

"Only thing that really matters are who you are IRL, there you see who is the nobody and who's not"

true .. though eruptix likes flaming and flames .. :/


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 5, 2004
Phake said:
i seriously doubt there is any roleplayers at all on excal/prydwen .. i mean in the right sens of the word .. if ppl want to RP they shouldent pick excal/prydwen cluster .. there are far better servers to play then ..

so the RP argument vs Rure there is bad .. but yes .. its a roleplaying game .. though when games are concerned that dossent mean you actually roleplay in them .. its only a mark on games to make it easier for the consumers to know what type of game they are buying in the stores ..

so i still totally agree with Rure on this matter .. WAR in computergames is silly.. especially in mulitplayers ones .. coz the behaviour of WAR is retarded and idiotic and shouldent be justified just coz ppl say its a computergame.. i have said it b4 and ill say it again .. its ppl behind the computers whether some of you guys like it or not. and whenever there is ppl involved we all need to make a effort to respect eachother and behave in a civilized manner... skills that somehow is diminished on the internet ... sad.

the reason why some poeple dont see it as a war between the realms anymore is cause they are arranging their fights over irc..and over vents and get to know eachother very well, that kinda kills the roleplaying aspect quite quickly. Which is fine for me...they can do that as much as they want.
But many people never experianced daoc that way...they never been on irc..they never wanted that contact when they are playing the game. I for once would quit daoc directly if i knew everyone i played against fun would that be...some arranged dueling down at crau bridge everyday,(puke). I am starting to hate that everytime you have a fight you are gonna be weighed and looked at how you performed. Someone feel the need to contact you for being killed and say that it was a good fight but but he only used this and that and it wasnt really fair. Its truning into something very silly this game..
Also only reason a person behind a computer screen would start crying if he was added on is cause he takes the darn game too seriously. That cant be blamed on the people that buy this game and goes in and wanna play as they liked, im sorry but they cant. I play lots of games with my rl friends and we kill eachother all the time , laugh it off and kill eachother again. Sure you get anoyed and adrenaline rushes but its all good teasing. if i would tell them to calm down and dont use this and that weapon and that i was a human being with feelings behind my screen, they would slap me and ask me what the heck i was on a bout and prolly call me wimp an wuss a few times:p
Its a believe how rediculous this game is becoming.

Evryone that feel anger or serious frustration in this game. Comon..leave the game or get some serious tranqueliser pills. Rest of the players dont wanna feel ur wrath cause you cant seperate reality from gaming..
over and out..


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
Eruptix wins the prize for the most clueless, most arrogant poster ever. Seriously, take a break if you feel that way, I know it's tough when you're finding hair growing from funny places, but making yourself look a tit on a forum won't make puberty happen any faster for you.

Here's a question:
If it's not about the RPs but only about fair fights then why do nearly all the opted groups go to iRvR areas to farm the zerg instead of fighting each other on Agromon or in a quiet zone? If it was only about the fair fights and making sure you got no adds, then surely you'd avoid the busy areas like the plague. However when there's a zerg RvR situation, all the 'good groups' seem to forget the 'it's not about the RPs meights!' argument and hoover up the RPs from rogwarriors like it's going out of fashion. Yeah, that's a fair and fun fight for you.

You want a guaranteed 1v1? Then go to SI, /nohelp and /duel challenge, in a frontier zone you're fair game for anyone else out there.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 29, 2004
Bracken said:
Nobody follows you round on purpose looking to ruin your fun. People randomly come across fights and engage an enemy - that's how they play the game, which is entirely different. And if you did follow me around on your sorc I'd probably start chatting with you and ask if you wanted to group up. But that's what I'm like.

As for where you roam it doesn't matter what you think or say about hanging round bridges or the edge of the zerg farming easy rps. It's what you do. Blaming it on the driver is so last year. So while it's always a pleasure to get farmed by you, you coming on here and then complaining about adds demonstrates a level of hypocrisy I've always suspected in you but have previously missed due to your highly evasive skills. :)

I dont complain if people like you who doesnt claim not to add, adds. I dont complain if we get adds at a bridge, tower or keep either (or well I do, but only to the driver for going there, and if he does it again I usually log) so I dont see where the hypocrisy comes in. There is a reason to why I dont wanna play when its iRvR etc.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 5, 2004
Phake said:
Darzil somewhat missed my point .. no worries .. alot of ppl do :p .. hehe .. mebbe its coz my english aint the best ... but anyways ..

first part .. the roleplaying thing .. no i dont roleplay anything .. u could look at my characters as buildingstones to Asylums FG .. buildingstones which makes a complete team .. you had football as an example in your post .. ill have the same .. we have one fast runner one heavy kicker etc etc .. u get the idea .. :p .. hehe

anyways to the important stuff its not the idea of realm vs realm concept im disagreeing with .. its the policy of WAR .. i mean the generall attitued that comes with it .. WE DO AS WE WANT thing becase its WAR .. thats what bothering me ..

we can look at DAoC world as a huuge space with alot of ppl .. where there are different interestgroups etc.. just as irl .. i mean .. if a few ppl are playing a cardgame somewhere do you come over to them with your deck of cards and assjam them with 4 aces? .. dont think so .. thats what im talking about .. the respect of others feelings .. the abuse and whine comes AFTER the actions have been taken .. not b4 .. so therefor we need to look at the actions not the reactions .. if u get what i mean :p .. hehe

anyways ... i could go on and on about this .. but sadly in an enviroment of thousands of ppl there will allways be ppl that dont give a shit about others and just continuing acting upon their own selfish ways.

ist a good comparison there about the card players etc. you agree to that maybe they shouldnt play the card game in the middle of times square at rush hour:p? If they do get disturbed then its not the enviroments fault...its rather them since they choose a bad place for their cardgame. I agree to that they should be able to play by themself, but dont you agree that they should go somewhere were they knew they wont get disturbed:)?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 29, 2004
ebenezer said:
You still dont see the difference i see:p
Example. Moron comes up to danos night spawn. He sees "poor campa man" sitting there. Moron calls his fellow morons to kill danos. Poor campa man yells in desperation: Pleeease i camped this spot for 10 hours, let me get it.
Moron answers( though most of the time the morons just did it and didnt say anything:p): You cant camp an artie looser!!.
1 hour later on FH.: A fg from guild Moron stole my artie!!
Answers: Yeh you cant camp and artie...tough luck!( many times stated by people that also liked fg action and hated adds)

And the rvr situasion: Crau bridge. Zerger squirrelbear comes out with 5 friends expecting fun fights around their bridge.
From other direction the fg chineese popcorns comes in full speed towards another fg near crau.
Zerger squirrel bear sees enemies, doesnt recognise any of them and attacks with his friends to drive enemies from bridge. At same time stealthers pops everywhere and addas to confusion:p

Ok..The difference in these two examples are clearly that in first example the artie stealers knew about the camper in before and totally disrepected him.
In second example the zerger just played for fun and saw a fight and attacked enemys near bridge. He didnt do it to ruin for them...he just played the game as he always have.
see difference?
over and out..

The whole point still is that the people that took the arti did nothing wrong, and they didnt do it to ruin anyones fun, they did it because they needed the artifact, and therefor whining about it and giving em abuse is just as wrong as whining about people adding and giving them abuse for it. How often do you think people ran around and searched for artis that were up and camped just for the sake of doing it, then when done destroyed the artifact and moved on?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 1, 2004
ebenezer said:
the reason why some poeple dont see it as a war between the realms anymore is cause they are arranging their fights over irc..and over vents and get to know eachother very well, that kinda kills the roleplaying aspect quite quickly. Which is fine for me...they can do that as much as they want.
But many people never experianced daoc that way...they never been on irc..they never wanted that contact when they are playing the game. I for once would quit daoc directly if i knew everyone i played against fun would that be...some arranged dueling down at crau bridge everyday,(puke). I am starting to hate that everytime you have a fight you are gonna be weighed and looked at how you performed. Someone feel the need to contact you for being killed and say that it was a good fight but but he only used this and that and it wasnt really fair. Its truning into something very silly this game..
Also only reason a person behind a computer screen would start crying if he was added on is cause he takes the darn game too seriously. That cant be blamed on the people that buy this game and goes in and wanna play as they liked, im sorry but they cant. I play lots of games with my rl friends and we kill eachother all the time , laugh it off and kill eachother again. Sure you get anoyed and adrenaline rushes but its all good teasing. if i would tell them to calm down and dont use this and that weapon and that i was a human being with feelings behind my screen, they would slap me and ask me what the heck i was on a bout and prolly call me wimp an wuss a few times:p
Its a believe how rediculous this game is becoming.

Evryone that feel anger or serious frustration in this game. Comon..leave the game or get some serious tranqueliser pills. Rest of the players dont wanna feel ur wrath cause you cant seperate reality from gaming..
over and out..

ooh but i sertainly dont feel like crying over anything in this game .. though i like competition over computergames .. ive allways have. . i look at sertain computergames as some look at sports .. though not included DAoC .. but still .. i dont like to loose in a competitive enviroment .. and DAoC is a competitive enviroment. so therefore why not let the ones that wants that get their share of what THEY think is fun ..

for the ones thats are thinking about replying the game mechanics this and that .. and the setup of the game is this and that .. i say NO its not .. DAoC is much more complex than that .. for example if it would have been a pure siege game the possibility to make 8ppl groups wouldent have been there .. and there wouldent have been any grouptype of abilitys .. and think about it .. how is the game balanced? .. is a mercenary very usefull in a siege fight? .. or even in a zerg? .. or mebbe an armsman? .. i mean common .. the game is balanced purely on FG fights and Solo RvR. ... not siege.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 1, 2004
ebenezer said:
ist a good comparison there about the card players etc. you agree to that maybe they shouldnt play the card game in the middle of times square at rush hour:p? If they do get disturbed then its not the enviroments fault...its rather them since they choose a bad place for their cardgame. I agree to that they should be able to play by themself, but dont you agree that they should go somewhere were they knew they wont get disturbed:)?

your quite right about that .. :p haha .. comparison with the card game was rather good .. though times square wassent :p .. HOhoHO :p ..


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 5, 2004
noaim said:
The whole point still is that the people that took the arti did nothing wrong, and they didnt do it to ruin anyones fun, they did it because they needed the artifact, and therefor whining about it and giving em abuse is just as wrong as whining about people adding and giving them abuse for it. How often do you think people ran around and searched for artis that were up and camped just for the sake of doing it, then when done destroyed the artifact and moved on?

I do still see a great deal of difference in intentions noaim The artie guys did ruin peoples camp situasion by purpose. While most people adding dont do that to grief, no natter how often fg/solo players think that. Its a matter of moral and principles. I would never steal someone artie no matter how right it is in the book..or not matter much i needed it. Just cause i feel for them sitting there. Now i dont add most of the time, just cause i just play that way. But is see a difference in the moral of adding, cause the people doing it are playing a game thats basicly built up that way and have always played it like that, they havent changed their playing like the non adders did all of a sudden.
Its no secreet that most people played the same way not many years back. And then suddenly some people just decided that what they done themself for so long is now the wrong thing to do^^
I can feel for the people that get added on cause i solo myself and would love the fight to be uninterupted. But its a crack in that picture that makes me feel its not moraly right in same way as in other situasions. First of all the non adders all added themself, second some of them abuse instead of trying to reason, third they have the oportunity to solve their problem soooo easy by going somewhere else, and they dont:p All that put together makes me feel its not a moral dilema. Its all about a big ego and their fault in seeing the whole picture. They are the ones that just want their way or the highway...not the other way around..
ok..sorry noaim..hijacked ur words for a long post again:p
over and out..


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 10, 2004
Phake said:
we can look at DAoC world as a huuge space with alot of ppl .. where there are different interestgroups etc.. just as irl .. i mean .. if a few ppl are playing a cardgame somewhere do you come over to them with your deck of cards and assjam them with 4 aces? .. dont think so .. thats what im talking about .. the respect of others feelings .. the abuse and whine comes AFTER the actions have been taken .. not b4 .. so therefor we need to look at the actions not the reactions .. if u get what i mean :p .. hehe

I get what you mean, but you're looking at a different level to me.

The real problem is not many sports involve as many people as Camelot, so it's hard to draw close comparisons. (Unlike comparing with wars, which is easy, as that's what the game is designed around, but you don't like those comparisons)

The card game comparison is flawed, cos those people are playing a game together, but in a massively multiplayer game we're all in the same game. This isn't a limited game like those Svart mentions in his first post. It's a game designed and advertised around simulating a war between 3 realms.

Personally, I enjoy solo fights (though I don't tend to do them much - few have the patience to hang around and lose to a pally - and most of my others aren't specced for the solo game - he isn't either, he's just hard to beat down in melee), and 8 vs 8 (on those rare occasions a person will invite a low RR like me into a decent group - particularly fun with my banelord merc), and RvR (so much more involving and complex).

However, certain things I'll do in all of those situations - I'll try to rezz realm mates if they need it, I'll try to help those in trouble against other realms (unless the fight looks even, in which case I'll wait and see what happens, unless my realm-mate asks for help), I'll not give anyone on my realm or the other abuse, whatever they do.

Is that a problem to anyone ?



Fledgling Freddie
Mar 5, 2004
Phake said:
ooh but i sertainly dont feel like crying over anything in this game .. though i like competition over computergames .. ive allways have. . i look at sertain computergames as some look at sports .. though not included DAoC .. but still .. i dont like to loose in a competitive enviroment .. and DAoC is a competitive enviroment. so therefore why not let the ones that wants that get their share of what THEY think is fun ..

for the ones thats are thinking about replying the game mechanics this and that .. and the setup of the game is this and that .. i say NO its not .. DAoC is much more complex than that .. for example if it would have been a pure siege game the possibility to make 8ppl groups wouldent have been there .. and there wouldent have been any grouptype of abilitys .. and think about it .. how is the game balanced? .. is a mercenary very usefull in a siege fight? .. or even in a zerg? .. or mebbe an armsman? .. i mean common .. the game is balanced purely on FG fights and Solo RvR. ... not siege.

I think no one disagree that they should play like they want. have anyone here said so?
The key is to where they want to excersise their joy:p If they do it by themself and get undisturbed sure:)) all is happy, then why isnt that happening?
Also you end with saying the game is purely based on solo and fg rvr. Im sorry but thats wrong. First of all the ones that made the game burst that bubble by saying its designed for large scaled battles:p But you can still play like you want. Also i solo ALOT...and i can tell you the game is NOT designed ourely for that hehe..The clases are when competing against eachother like a game of "stone scissor, and bag." No class is designed to be able to beat all other classes. Its not balanced at all...and was never intentioned for that.You come across specs that you just cant beat on ur spec etc. I agree more to that in a fg its much more balanced and i do believe that it was designed to balance fgs...but in ANY situasions..meaning fgs can also take parts in full scale battles.
Ow well..


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 10, 2004
Phake said:
for the ones thats are thinking about replying the game mechanics this and that .. and the setup of the game is this and that .. i say NO its not .. DAoC is much more complex than that .. for example if it would have been a pure siege game the possibility to make 8ppl groups wouldent have been there .. and there wouldent have been any grouptype of abilitys .. and think about it .. how is the game balanced? .. is a mercenary very usefull in a siege fight? .. or even in a zerg? .. or mebbe an armsman? .. i mean common .. the game is balanced purely on FG fights and Solo RvR. ... not siege.

No grouping in large scale warfare ?

I'll call the army and tell them to abandon regiments, squads etc and form a disorganised blob.

The game IS balanced around realm warfare. It's why Albion is 'slightly' less powerful at a group level, to make up for superior numbers. It's why some classes are overpowered at a solo level. It's why some groups are powerful at a group level. It's why scouts are much better in a siege, and considered weak otherwise.

Whether it should be at this stage in the game is another discussion entirely.



Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
try playing some freeshard and doing 1v1 instances, gets so extremely boring after a while. same with crau area, when everyone just sits in a circle and some people fight now and then it completely bores the shit out of me ;/

way more fun if its "spontanious duels", also called playing daoc "the way its meant to be played". and still, adds are frustrating. odd. :p


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 1, 2004
ebenezer said:
I think no one disagree that they should play like they want. have anyone here said so?
The key is to where they want to excersise their joy:p If they do it by themself and get undisturbed sure:)) all is happy, then why isnt that happening?
Also you end with saying the game is purely based on solo and fg rvr. Im sorry but thats wrong. First of all the ones that made the game burst that bubble by saying its designed for large scaled battles:p But you can still play like you want. Also i solo ALOT...and i can tell you the game is NOT designed ourely for that hehe..The clases are when competing against eachother like a game of "stone scissor, and bag." No class is designed to be able to beat all other classes. Its not balanced at all...and was never intentioned for that.You come across specs that you just cant beat on ur spec etc. I agree more to that in a fg its much more balanced and i do believe that it was designed to balance fgs...but in ANY situasions..meaning fgs can also take parts in full scale battles.
Ow well..

though i never said the game was made for 8v8 only .. i said its balanced and still are going to be balanced upon that.. the game is designed for largescale battles i know .. but when the developers are balancing things around 8v8 why is ppl still saying that the game is not ment for 8v8 or solo like the original post? .. erm.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 10, 2004
Phake said:
though i never said the game was made for 8v8 only .. i said its balanced and still are going to be balanced upon that.. the game is designed for largescale battles i know .. but when the developers are balancing things around 8v8 why is ppl still saying that the game is not ment for 8v8 or solo like the original post? .. erm.

It's because the developers are, as they keep stating, balancing at a realm level.


ps Can't link to quotes on that as I haven't got the access to at work

pps Look at ML abilites. They almost all effect either self or realm, not group. Does that sound like a game based on group ?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 1, 2004
Darzil said:
No grouping in large scale warfare ?

I'll call the army and tell them to abandon regiments, squads etc and form a disorganised blob.

The game IS balanced around realm warfare. It's why Albion is 'slightly' less powerful at a group level, to make up for superior numbers. It's why some classes are overpowered at a solo level. It's why some groups are powerful at a group level. It's why scouts are much better in a siege, and considered weak otherwise.

Whether it should be at this stage in the game is another discussion entirely.


ofcuz there are squads etc :p .. hehe but the game is generally balanced upon FG battle and solo battle ..therefore id like to c those running in FGs and add to know what they are dooing.

dont get me wrong here .. i dont care about sertain adders .. like if there comes a zerg yeah well then .. we have to blame ourselfs to positioning ourselfs to close to the zerg .. but if a FG add on us thats just pathetic .. they cant seriously be running around in FG without wanting that sort of playstyle? dont care much about soloers adding either .. coz their agenda is totally different from the FG agenda .. stealthers is kinda made for adding etc

but as i said FGs are totally different .. well ofcuz shit happens FG can be traveling from point A to B to go and defend to conquer a tower or whatever .. and we just happen to have a fight inbetween .. but that we could agree on that that issent the majority of the FG adds ..

Its the Roaming FGs that are adding on other FG fights thats rather stupid imo .. if everyone would be adding as FGs then even those roaming FGs which add nowdays wouldent get a single FG fight ..


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 1, 2004
Darzil said:
It's because the developers are, as they keep stating, balancing at a realm level.


ps Can't link to quotes on that as I haven't got the access to at work

pps Look at ML abilites. They almost all effect either self or realm, not group. Does that sound like a game based on group ?

does a game with firewizards with bolts, aoedamage spells, NS, and heavy DDs.. compared to lets say a berzerker look like a game balanced towards siegewarfare/largescale warfare?


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 5, 2004
Phake said:
though i never said the game was made for 8v8 only .. i said its balanced and still are going to be balanced upon that.. the game is designed for largescale battles i know .. but when the developers are balancing things around 8v8 why is ppl still saying that the game is not ment for 8v8 or solo like the original post? .. erm.

I never said it wasnt ment for anything, and cant answer for others....but im sure of that the game wasnt desinged purely for solo or 8 vs 8 as you said in post i quoted. Its designed for people to group up as many up to 8 and make a balanced group as you wish...if you then go full scale battle or stay agramon is entirely up to you. As darzil say eveyclass has its own purpose in mind when being created. But after that you can use it for anything. Thats the beauti of can put ur full toad hero in guild house as ornament ...or use your stealther as a visible....or melee with ur caster:p Its all up to you...and no one is suppose to get abuse over it.
over and out


Oct 26, 2004
Yay another "add" thread in which everyting gets repeated for the 1 zillionth time.

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