Some thoughts on 'adding'...


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Bertram said:
Am not normally adding but i have done it ... I have to be honest and yes i have jumped 2 peeps fighting and so what? I really like the 1vs1 fights but if i want to add or what ever, i will do that , and i dont wanna get flamed afterwards please...

funny shit, you like 1v1s but you don't want to get whined at when you ruin those 1v1s for others. xD

atleast if you add with banespike/battler/tripplewield on a rr4 scout, make sure you actually get the rps. ;)


Part of the furniture
Apr 9, 2005
No what i mean is what about the new people new to the solo scene, who just get steam rolled by everyone because "OMFG THERE NOT L337 THEY MUST BE AN ADDDER!"


Part of the furniture
Apr 9, 2005
Also isn't giving respect both a two way thing, surely the "soloers" should respect the fact that not everyone wants to go solo (not saying im one of them, but you got to see both sides) and if they get added on accept that maybe that person is one of them.

Freedom of to do what you want, isn't freedom from responsibility of your actions.

If someone adds on you, You have no right to call them a "twat" or whatever the cool l337 thing is that week!


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Mey said:
No what i mean is what about the new people new to the solo scene, who just get steam rolled by everyone because "OMFG THERE NOT L337 THEY MUST BE AN ADDDER!"

im quite tired atm, but as i understood it you mean ppl that recently rolled/re-geared there character to become a fearful soloer, well if they dont know the good locations were the solo figths take place, cuz i think there is still such places or am i mistaken ? was before atleast and it was great fun, brougth up my semi toaed warrior there for some fun 2 nigths in a row and it was a blast.

well anyhow, back to topic of this post, im quite sure if you pm someone (that someone being one that seems to be, or you heard is a soloer) and ask kindly they will tell you were the solo action is and you dont have to be added on and steamrolled. atleast in mid they were kind when i asked were the solozone were that day they replied, even got some buffs so i didnt have to use my buffcharges since i couldnt log a bb thoose 2 days and off i went. and ppl (both realm enemies and realm friends) stood by watching the figths w/o interupting with it, not even after the figth was lost they were kind to wait and let me run away and restore my hp. that is what i call respect between players atleast. it has nothing to do with being rp horny, because if they were im sure they would have killed me in the middle of the figth or straigth after.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 5, 2004
Roteca said:
you migth not notice the first time

you will deffo notice if they like if you add or not, and on the other hand, and ofc ppl should try to ask polite the first and second time, but when it happends over and over again its quite frustrating tbh. i dont know any exact numbers of fancy stats cuz i realy cba to find out, but i do know that daoc aint a growing game, there aint so many new ppl cooming. but they will notice anyhow when they start to venture the frontiers who likes to play the war part, and who does not.

Im not saying this to be cheeky,,,..but i have no clue what guild groups doesnt like adds etc:p I know about individuals that doesnt like it. Some i will not add on cause they are nice...and the rest insulted me the first time it happend, so they are on the herassment list instead:p
Im playing to little fg rvr though to notice...but yeh i know LA isnt to keen on adds:p...random roleplayers have thrown so many insults around in the frontier so everyone knows they dont like adds, but adds on them cause they didnt deserve any better:p(not sure how they are nowadays though)
over and out..


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Mey said:
Also isn't giving respect both a two way thing, surely the "soloers" should respect the fact that not everyone wants to go solo (not saying im one of them, but you got to see both sides) and if they get added on accept that maybe that person is one of them.

Freedom of to do what you want, isn't freedom from responsibility of your actions.

If someone adds on you, You have no right to call them a "twat" or whatever the cool l337 thing is that week!

ofc thoose who like to solo/8vs8 ect should try to avoid the places were the risk is great you will get added on, and also the ones getting added on should try to control there tempere and kindly /send, that they wish that if possible not to add and that they would be realy greatfull if so.

if someone get added on rigth outside a keep or on a bridge its pretty much there own fault and they shouldnt whine.

and also you have to agree that its easier not to add, then to avoid being added on, but yes respect should go both ways, both parts can try to both control there temper, both parts can try to avoid add/getting added on.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
ebenezer said:
Im not saying this to be cheeky,,,..but i have no clue what guild groups doesnt like adds etc:p I know about individuals that doesnt like it. Some i will not add on cause they are nice...and the rest insulted me the first time it happend, so they are on the herassment list instead:p
Im playing to little fg rvr though to notice...but yeh i know LA isnt to keen on adds:p...random roleplayers have thrown so many insults around in the frontier so everyone knows they dont like adds, but adds on them cause they didnt deserve any better:p(not sure how they are nowadays though)
over and out..

yea its prolly hard to keep track of them all, i dont know that many soloers who dont want and want to add, as i dont play that part realy much. but as you saw yourself you listed 2 guilds atleast, if you think abit (i know its late now :) ) i bet you can think of both alb and mid guilds even thou you are a hib that dont like it either. and as you said yourself some ppl insulted you the first time, that is wrong, they should ask kindly and im fairly sure you would respect that, instead of going all nuts on you the first time you did it. however if you keep doing it over and over again even thou they ask you nicely and calm not to, i can understand that they get pissed and frustrated and starts calling you named ect, im not saying its the rigth thing to do, but its a easy way to let the anger out sadly.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Roteca said:
i never said anyone should play as me, but that ppl should respect eachothers way of playing, in other words thoose who want to be left alone with fair figths let them be, apperently the part that want there war is big enough to figth eachother.

to be honest it seems like both parts are quite tired of the whine from eachother, the easiest way as it looks to me is thoose who like there war should leave the guild/set grps that want fair figths, duo or solocrews that want fair figths alone, and the ones that dislike adding and zerging should try to avoid the "choke-points" as bridges, areas that is directly linked to the iRVR parts were they are placed at the moment.

That's the thing. It's hilarious that many of those who say they want fg fights will loiter around the edge of bridges or iRvR zones and then whine about the adds. Most self-respecting zergers will never go to Agramon, happy to leave that to the fg'ers. And yet the dozey ***** who claim to want "fair even fights" will pick off easy rps round the edge of the zergy areas and then wonder why their fights get added on. Just tonight I ran into atleast 3 groups full of self-proclaimed fg'ers all around the Beno bridges. Now it's always lovely to see them and I really don't mind feeding them rps...but their hypocritical bullshit whining when we turn round and add on them makes my eyes bleed.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 29, 2004
Bracken said:
Because realm v realm isn't pve. One's against the CoC, one isn't. That's how the game is. There are of course alternative games if you don't like how this one is coded :)

Alot of the whine was about "stealing" camped artis, which isnt against CoC though, but basicly when someone camps an artis I run in and take it before they can, I ruin their camping, and when I am in an fg fight and people add, they ruin my fight.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 12, 2005
Another thing to be mentioned. It may be mentioned before but i hounestly didnt bother to read all the pages :p.

Lets say we have 3 persons:

person A is a steady soloer/duoer/trioer and love to have the good 1/ on 1 or smal grp action.

person B is a person who love the tactical challange of a nice FG vs FG fight against a well respected Guild grp just like his own.

Person C is a person who love the medieval setting of daoc (not necisarly a roleplayer) and play the game as if it was war between the realms

I just whant to start saying that all these types of players have equal right on playing their game the way they like.
These 3 groups have different ways of playing the game and we have seen whine and good arguments from all of them. I find myself mostly as Person A, sometimes C and very very rare B.

Lets see this from Person Bs view:
He will almost get add from Person C every time Person C see his group fight another FG, and there is no way stoping that exept ask nice, it may help.
Lets say person C run into person Bs FG every X/10 times they are in a fight, where X is a number.

In one of their runs the person B group see Person A roaming in the frontier and they steamroll him/her (many FGs do so!). Now person A gets pissed because he/she would like some respect from people who share the theory "fair fights givfs nirvana". So what happens Person A adds on Person Bs FG next time he/she sees them and will do it next time too.

Just to make it simple lets say Person A run into Person Bs FG in the middle of the fight X/10 times, just like person C. Witch means that Person Bs FG will get adds in 2X/10 of their fights. In other words twise as many.

This is ofc not near to the real number but my point to many of the FGs is, if you leave the smaller grps and soloers alone, you might get less adds.
Person C will always add! so there is nothing you can do with that.

I am not saying this goes for all the FGs but i know that there are FGs out there steamrolling soloers and if it happens to me i follow person As example to show the same respect that they offer me.

Just some toughts i have about the RvR , feel free to think its stupid.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 9, 2004
Vodkafairy said:
funny shit, you like 1v1s but you don't want to get whined at when you ruin those 1v1s for others. xD

atleast if you add with banespike/battler/tripplewield on a rr4 scout, make sure you actually get the rps. ;)

I find bertrams funny tbh. He always dou's with another BM,, but it's funny when they arti/ml/ra dump on you and still die.

It's like he says he likes solo fights, but has no worries, about zerging me with 4 other hibs countles numbers of times, when clearly it seems im the only mid who even bothers to boat to DC sometimes.

And today, he watches me for maybe 10 minutes with his other friend. when ever i went near him, he backed away, eventually i started fighting another hib, and he decides to add. Really the courage it outstanding.

And what i find funny is that even with 4 others, he still dumps on you. And then bow's to you after thinking that you should respect him.

lol :wanker:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
noaim said:
Alot of the whine was about "stealing" camped artis, which isnt against CoC though, but basicly when someone camps an artis I run in and take it before they can, I ruin their camping,when I am in an fg fight and people add, they ruin my fight.

You really can't complain about adds ruining your fun. Well you can...but it makes you look like a **** seeing where you roam.

Oh and he talked about people adding on mobs which is against the CoC.i.e. the mob is engaged. Incidentally I've seen camping whines in rvr that are even more hilarious than add whines.

I know, let's randomly determine what our form of fun is and then accuse anyone who doesn't go along with it of ruining our fun. Mine is people wearing blue. Anyone who wears blue is ruining my fun and I reserve the right to bitch at/ whine at / abuse and generally belittle them. Ok?


Great Unclean One
Jan 5, 2004
"You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Bracken again"



Fledgling Freddie
Mar 5, 2004
noaim said:
Alot of the whine was about "stealing" camped artis, which isnt against CoC though, but basicly when someone camps an artis I run in and take it before they can, I ruin their camping, and when I am in an fg fight and people add, they ruin my fight.

thing is, im sure i can quote 70% of the people that likes fg fights in threads regadring camping arties. Im sure they all answered: get over cant camp an artie:p So somehow that got kinda accepted by a lot of people and i seen tons of leet players caring nothing about people camping arties in hib and just steamrolled danos right in front of the nose of the poor camper. And then nag a bout being disrespectfull adding, so those two arguments doesnt seem to fit:p
Im not saying you yourself said something similar...or ever stole someones camp spot. But a lot of fg players and soloers have^^
Also finding an exp spot in frontier is a lot of work getting whole setup there etc. And then when they get zerged and the post on freddys half the FH choir holler in unison: Its an rvr should expect that to happend!:p
Shouldnt you kinda expect adds in an rvr zone as well then?
Just my thoughts...
over and out..


Gotmagi said:
Actually 8v8'ers usually show a lot of respect, lots of grps leave me alone when I solo on thane, except the few lamers like Realm hunters etc :D
You solo unbuffed, and did that for a while, so you made a name with that, which is nice and respectable, but same thing wont apply for my scout when I solo, even if I didnt shoot anyone from that group, if I run arround unstealthed death will meet me faster than I can make an emote. What applies for you doesnt and wont apply to every other soloer.
Quick example. Today went to mid bled area. rr4 hero was dueling a mid, a thane was watching, at same time a norse sb had a fight with a luri ns (or ranger), luwi won and next second thane did dds on him to kill him, then he started fight the hero who was at 1/2 hp. I shot the thane, killed him. Emoted friendly to hero, he started heal himself up with cl buffs, i went close to him, destealthed, emoted again (as /hug /wave) and started cast my cl buffs, when was casting 2nd one he slamed me and started wacking me. (killed him burning all my timers and using kite but oh well).
So the thane would say I added on his fight, but he was the rp hungry one, I helped the hero cause he was in a bad shape, and for that I got my reward in an unexpected way. I could have easy kill all 5 peeps who where fighting, shooting arrows at proper time and walk away with all timers up and rps.
Is simple as that, everyone plays the game the way they like, and I try to not expect anything good from anyone I dont know (and the ones I do, are very few :p).
And to vanish any doubts, if I would went closer to them and destealth emoting, prolly all of them would have turn on me, because was the only alb arround.
Aslo many times (got mos4) I see enemys stealthers and while I try to type a /no or /hug when there are other albs arround or a fg is inc, they go attack me and then when albs kill them or we both about to die to mids / hibs fg do /rude at me like I pulled them into a trap or called for help. Still this is not stoping me from trying to warn them, sometimes I return the emotes favor (ivynoxia comes in mind :p) but the game goes on :>


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 29, 2004
ebenezer said:
thing is, im sure i can quote 70% of the people that likes fg fights in threads regadring camping arties. Im sure they all answered: get over cant camp an artie:p

And the people who adds in rvr would whine when fg people takes their camped arti, but then all of a sudden it is ok to abuse people when they do something that is allowed by the CoC.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 29, 2004
Bracken said:
You really can't complain about adds ruining your fun. Well you can...but it makes you look like a **** seeing where you roam.

Oh and he talked about people adding on mobs which is against the CoC.i.e. the mob is engaged. Incidentally I've seen camping whines in rvr that are even more hilarious than add whines.

I know, let's randomly determine what our form of fun is and then accuse anyone who doesn't go along with it of ruining our fun. Mine is people wearing blue. Anyone who wears blue is ruining my fun and I reserve the right to bitch at/ whine at / abuse and generally belittle them. Ok?

So if you go out with your armsman to solo and I log in a sorc and basicly stick on you, as soon as you see a solo enemy I start nuking it, you wouldnt think I am ruining your fun?

And about where I roam, would be happy to have you on our ventrilo for an evening and you´ll see what I think of going to bridges/keeps/towers/generally zergy areas. I have logged from grps for going to zergy areas, because I dont enjoy that kind of rvr, so I dont know what your point with that comment was.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 5, 2004
noaim said:
And the people who adds in rvr would whine when fg people takes their camped arti, but then all of a sudden it is ok to abuse people when they do something that is allowed by the CoC.

first of all i never seen a zerger taking this comparison into the discussion:p
Its you and a few others that compare the two as a common ground for respecting people. And ur paranoid and flatter urself too much if you think the zergers do it to poison ur gaming. They play like they always have...the whiners are the ones who suddenly at high rr or after a long playtime decided that this is all that matters and if i i get added on the people that destroy my fun should be abused? Now thats very sensble and respectfull as well^^. The whiners have to get over the thinking that people are deliberetly destroying for them( a few does yes) and understand that they changed their gaming and their views...not the rest of comunity. Also i seen a fair share of fg people whine over camped arties, as a matter of fact the people that whine usually whines in every situasion they can:p( also you are free to decide if you are a whiner or not...i dont know you at all so not saying you are).


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 5, 2004
noaim said:
So if you go out with your armsman to solo and I log in a sorc and basicly stick on you, as soon as you see a solo enemy I start nuking it, you wouldnt think I am ruining your fun?

And about where I roam, would be happy to have you on our ventrilo for an evening and you´ll see what I think of going to bridges/keeps/towers/generally zergy areas. I have logged from grps for going to zergy areas, because I dont enjoy that kind of rvr, so I dont know what your point with that comment was.

If bracken would go beno bridge and you kill every solo enemy for him you see....i doubt he would whine:p he is smart enough to realise he can expect adds comparison to others. If he on the other hand go very secluded areas and a guy with radar follows him and destroy every fight he have...then he would prolly think someone is destroying his fun on purpose:p
over and out..


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 29, 2004
ebenezer said:
first of all i never seen a zerger taking this comparison into the discussion:p
Its you and a few others that compare the two as a common ground for respecting people. And ur paranoid and flatter urself too much if you think the zergers do it to poison ur gaming. They play like they always have...the whiners are the ones who suddenly at high rr or after a long playtime decided that this is all that matters and if i i get added on the people that destroy my fun should be abused? Now thats very sensble and respectfull as well^^. The whiners have to get over the thinking that people are deliberetly destroying for them( a few does yes) and understand that they changed their gaming and their views...not the rest of comunity. Also i seen a fair share of fg people whine over camped arties, as a matter of fact the people that whine usually whines in every situasion they can:p( also you are free to decide if you are a whiner or not...i dont know you at all so not saying you are).

I dont see where I said that I think they do it to ruin mine or anyone elses fun. It doesnt matter that its not anyones intention to ruin the fun for anyone else, they still ruin it. And I dont remember (m)any fg people whining about having their camped artis stolen when that was on the wall, I do however remember alot of randoms whining about Black Company etc stealing their artis. Then I am sure people that play fg etc said their opinion about it, but I dont remember (m)any threads started by those people.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 29, 2004
ebenezer said:
If bracken would go beno bridge and you kill every solo enemy for him you see....i doubt he would whine:p he is smart enough to realise he can expect adds comparison to others. If he on the other hand go very secluded areas and a guy with radar follows him and destroy every fight he have...then he would prolly think someone is destroying his fun on purpose:p
over and out..

Dont need radar to follow an armsman with a sorcerer really, and ofc it would be on purpose, but there is no such thing as ruining anyones fun, and no such thing as adding, so there wouldnt really be a problem, now would it?


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 5, 2004
noaim said:
I dont see where I said that I think they do it to ruin mine or anyone elses fun. It doesnt matter that its not anyones intention to ruin the fun for anyone else, they still ruin it. And I dont remember (m)any fg people whining about having their camped artis stolen when that was on the wall, I do however remember alot of randoms whining about Black Company etc stealing their artis. Then I am sure people that play fg etc said their opinion about it, but I dont remember (m)any threads started by those people.
I dont think whining about getting a camp stolen was divided into any spesific camps, at least not on hib Everyone that got a camp stolen whined a bit cause it was a lot of time spent on it. Also the difference was actually that alot of times people did steal their camps on purpose...whereas in rvr when someone adds its not to ruin anyones fun, more cause he allaways played that way and know that everyone else did as well in beginning:p

There is a difference there. A big one. When toa came out and the camping began people got anoyed right away since its just common cutresy to let someone that have sat 10 hours let him finnish his artie. But Eeveryone adds or added one time or another in rvr..cause its part of the game. I never stole a camped artie from someone cause im not like that..i would rather wait and get it some other time. But alot of the leet people that also whine and abuse people had same opinion when it comes to artie stealing as to abusing in rvr...they dont care about other people and consequenses for being they would go in and steamroll every artie they could find:p In same way they would say FO to someone adding on them..

Its all quite simple really when you think it through. its just hard for people that is poinoned by daoc add discussions to be objective and see through the lies and hypocrisy since they are in the midst of it. if a bystander came by and heard about this discussion he would say: What the heck...are these people trying to make their own rules and abuse people for not following them:p???
Also the root to this whole thing is people take the game way to serious. Why get upset over anything in a game excpept if you get abused? I cant relate to that at all tbh. Chill a bit all whiners and detox daoc and you will be happier and better human being in the end...
over and out..


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 29, 2004
You think people ran around and "stole" artis for fun?! Or to ruin the fun for someone else? Ofc they did it because they needed the artifact, and that was how they played to get artis, make a good grp, if its up you do it, if its down, you do another artifact, you dont camp 1 at a time. And since most fg´s got those grps ready faster, its only natural that people that did not run in as organised guilds had artis stolen from them more often, and thus whined more about it.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 13, 2004
No you cant be more wrong aim, reason ppl "stole" artifacts was ofcourse to satisfy themselves by griefing a n00b

Tafaya Anathas

Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
Svartmetall said:
It's war. It's not Realm Team Deathmatch, it's not Realm 1v1 Tournament Deathmatch, it's a 3-way Realm War. There is no such thing as 'adding'; it's just a term invented by people who wanted to jealousy cling to 'their' RPs. Every single enemy is fair game. All the time. Everywhere. I've always found it interesting that the people who whine the loudest about 'adding' are often the same people who are first to sneer 'someone died in an RvR zone' at anyone they don't consider part of their own little l337 clique.
Which is more than a little bit hypocritical.

You want guaranteed 1v1? Play Quake Tournament Deathmatch.
You want guaranteed 8v8? Play Quake Team Deathmatch.
You want war? Play DAOC.

A bunch of l337-kiddies will probably now leap in and flame me to death for saying this (oh noes, I only have one RR5 toon so far, how could I possibly know anything about the game?), but those are that facts. You can splutter in indignation all you want, but those are the facts.

DAOC is not a 1v1 game.
DAOC is not an 8v8 game.
DAOC is a realm war game.

If you want to try and have 1v1 or 8v8 fights in DAOC, fine, great, more power to you. But the game isn't set up for that, so don't whine if an enemy of your enemy helps kill your enemy. If your FG is fighting an enemy FG and more of either side or the third side piles on, oh well. Deal with it. It happens, and it's going to keep on happening...because that's how the RvR part of this game is set up.


Quick tip: if you want a 1v1 - or even an 8v8 - fight with someone with no chance of someone adding, do it down in the southern end of the Irish Sea. No bugger ever goes there, and the chances of you getting 'added on' are about as great as the chances of George Bush using a five-syllable word (and knowing what it means).

Don't try to have a 1v1 fight 10 feet to the left of Brynja Bridge and then howl in indignation when someone else piles in as well; it's a bit like deciding to have a screaming argument with someone in the middle of a restaurant and then going "FFS stop eavesdropping!" at everybody else.




Can't get enough of FH
Jan 25, 2004
Betrayal said:
You solo unbuffed, and did that for a while, so you made a name with that, which is nice and respectable, but same thing wont apply for my scout when I solo, even if I didnt shoot anyone from that group, if I run arround unstealthed death will meet me faster than I can make an emote. What applies for you doesnt and wont apply to every other soloer.
Quick example. Today went to mid bled area. rr4 hero was dueling a mid, a thane was watching, at same time a norse sb had a fight with a luri ns (or ranger), luwi won and next second thane did dds on him to kill him, then he started fight the hero who was at 1/2 hp. I shot the thane, killed him. Emoted friendly to hero, he started heal himself up with cl buffs, i went close to him, destealthed, emoted again (as /hug /wave) and started cast my cl buffs, when was casting 2nd one he slamed me and started wacking me. (killed him burning all my timers and using kite but oh well).
So the thane would say I added on his fight, but he was the rp hungry one, I helped the hero cause he was in a bad shape, and for that I got my reward in an unexpected way. I could have easy kill all 5 peeps who where fighting, shooting arrows at proper time and walk away with all timers up and rps.
Is simple as that, everyone plays the game the way they like, and I try to not expect anything good from anyone I dont know (and the ones I do, are very few :p).
And to vanish any doubts, if I would went closer to them and destealth emoting, prolly all of them would have turn on me, because was the only alb arround.
Aslo many times (got mos4) I see enemys stealthers and while I try to type a /no or /hug when there are other albs arround or a fg is inc, they go attack me and then when albs kill them or we both about to die to mids / hibs fg do /rude at me like I pulled them into a trap or called for help. Still this is not stoping me from trying to warn them, sometimes I return the emotes favor (ivynoxia comes in mind :p) but the game goes on :>

That is your problem. Is like running around solo as a lock and expect not to be ganked.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
noaim said:
So if you go out with your armsman to solo and I log in a sorc and basicly stick on you, as soon as you see a solo enemy I start nuking it, you wouldnt think I am ruining your fun?

And about where I roam, would be happy to have you on our ventrilo for an evening and you´ll see what I think of going to bridges/keeps/towers/generally zergy areas. I have logged from grps for going to zergy areas, because I dont enjoy that kind of rvr, so I dont know what your point with that comment was.

Nobody follows you round on purpose looking to ruin your fun. People randomly come across fights and engage an enemy - that's how they play the game, which is entirely different. And if you did follow me around on your sorc I'd probably start chatting with you and ask if you wanted to group up. But that's what I'm like.

As for where you roam it doesn't matter what you think or say about hanging round bridges or the edge of the zerg farming easy rps. It's what you do. Blaming it on the driver is so last year. So while it's always a pleasure to get farmed by you, you coming on here and then complaining about adds demonstrates a level of hypocrisy I've always suspected in you but have previously missed due to your highly evasive skills. :)

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