So we gonna end it or not?

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Not as old as he claims to be!
Dec 22, 2003
He tried guys, be nice and see what happens. I have never had a problem with anyone on here apart from @caLLous for being French but we don't know what is going on in other people's lives etc. Besides, and I mean this, without toht most of the threads would simmer out, I like the edge to it all and how everyone holds their own.

Fuck me I'm so hippy.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Sounds like beying hounds at a fox hunt. They just got their kill.

Lets run through the latest series of events shall we?

Scene: Old poster who hasn't been around in a while posts a pic of his kid with a caption about getting found out, sneaking out for a pint. Rather whimsical in nature.
Everyone except Toht: pleasantries
Toht: haha look at your phone battery, you must be a shit parent.
Everyone except Toht: Toht, Stop being a dick, its getting boring now.
Toht: OMG this place is sooooo toxic; waaaaaa I am leaving.


I am a FH squatter
Jul 18, 2004
I found it rather funny, not that I'd agree with it. Can't see why people would be offended so easily by his antics?

And yes, he really pushed for the martyr status in the end now.

Open message to Toht: Chill out and come back. Where would you go? You know you're lost out there, in the cold plains of the internet. You won't last a day!


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
If it was occasional and amusing it would be fine but it is every single thread, every single discussion.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
If it was occasional and amusing it would be fine but it is every single thread, every single discussion.

I'd often posted about how toht's "antics" was making sensible rational discourse around here next to impossible. Even when *begged* to leave certain threads alone all he did was deliberately derail.

This stuff:
What the bullypatrol is missing is that i'm not an antagonising twat, or a devils advocate. I behave that way on purpose

Mwaaaah! You're all supposed to know it's IRONIC and it's ALL YOUR FAULT - I'm not *really* being a twat - it may look like I'm derailing all your threads and creating a toxic atmosphere but it was ALL YOU, not me.

No. People now treat him like a twat because he's spent so much time being a twat and trolling "because it's payback". The entire concept of "payback" is childish and immature and shows an inability to let go of things like an adult. He's the only self-confessed troll here - and some part of him thinks that "every forum has one" and because of that it's in some way OK. But it isn't.

Nobody wants him to leave - @Moriath it's not baying hounds who've gotten their kill. I think everyone'd happily say stay if you don't troll - but if he stays and trolls then meh, tbh. And that feeling is because of what he's been doing for years...

I can understand that this has been coming for a while tho. Not because of what "nasty" people are doing, however. But because recently he's lost all perspective. Even when people have been doling out firm but fair advice to him on certain things he's been taking them as personal attacks. He's become paranoid beyond all reason. If you react to facepalms like people are actually shooting at you then you're emotionally way too fragile.

- I, personally, think his work and life situation is putting him in this frame of mind. I've seen it in some people before - and going out and getting a job would do him no end of good - but I think he's actually too scared to at the moment. He's therefore too involved in this place and, as I've said, has lost perspective. I feel bad for him because of this, it's an awful situation to be in - but the only person who can fix that is toht through his own actions.

Anyway, that's my last post on this thread. It may be a bit of a cry for help thread, but you can't cry help whilst lashing out at everyone else and expect to get a particularly caring answer.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
What's Freddy's policy on multiple logins? I imagine like most places they're banned. I'd vote for a one off relaxation if he wanted to create a new.Tohtori login and then put a massive great sign on the wall above his monitor saying "I MUST NOT TROLL, BEING A TROLL IS JUST BEING A DICK, I MUST NOT TROLL".

he could start again, clean slate. If he does come back and just takes a contrary stance against everything for trolling's sake, then he's just being a cock and I won't miss him even a tiny bit.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
I don't understand people hostility to Toht and I think it's a bit of a stretch to call him a troll, his posts just pop up like meandering thoughts, quite often out of synch or not even on subject, responding to them is like shouting at a passing duck that spoils a picture, he would be a big loss to the forum because his input is so different to most and from my experience it's Toht who get's trolled the most for his obscure thoughts and ends up losing his rag.
I see people foaming at the mouth in replies and I scroll back and can't find anything he has said to justify it...actually I usually find it hard to piece it together at all.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
I don't understand people hostility to Toht and I think it's a bit of a stretch to call him a troll, his posts just pop up like meandering thoughts, quite often out of synch or not even on subject, responding to them is like shouting at a passing duck that spoils a picture, he would be a big loss to the forum because his input is so different to most and from my experience it's Toht who get's trolled the most for his obscure thoughts and ends up losing his rag.
I see people foaming at the mouth in replies and I scroll back and can't find anything he has said to justify it...actually I usually find it hard to piece it together at all.

I think its the "hard to piece it together" bit that's the root of the problem; you end up in arguments with Toht and suddenly its twenty pages later and he's revised his stance fourteen times without ever disagreeing he was wrong about any of it, despite his current position being diametrically opposite to the position he had twenty pages ago. This last blow up, I read his post, went out for the day, came back in the evening and it was like a spider on PCP had scribbled all over the forum, and I was just "no fucking way am I picking through that".

I don't want Toht to leave, I don't want anyone to leave, for the same reason I never put people on ignore; contrary opinions are a good thing he's said plenty of interesting/funny things over the years. But if you're sat there just looking a stream of gibberish and thinking life is too short to deal with that, its probably a good idea that he takes a break.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
I don't understand people hostility to Toht and I think it's a bit of a stretch to call him a troll, his posts just pop up like meandering thoughts, quite often out of synch or not even on subject, responding to them is like shouting at a passing duck that spoils a picture, he would be a big loss to the forum because his input is so different to most and from my experience it's Toht who get's trolled the most for his obscure thoughts and ends up losing his rag.
I see people foaming at the mouth in replies and I scroll back and can't find anything he has said to justify it...actually I usually find it hard to piece it together at all.

He is a self confessed troll though? Quite freely admits that he doesn't believe in what he's posting a lot of the time, and he's just being contrary for the sake of it. It infuriates people and he enjoys doing that, the very definition of a troll. Anyway he'll love that we're discussing him like this.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
He is the very definition of a troll, he said it himself.
I don't want Toht to leave, I don't want anyone to leave, for the same reason I never put people on ignore;
Same. I've never called for him to quit and I don't want him to do so and I also never ignore people. But...
contrary opinions are a good thing
They're not actually his opinions - he is just saying it to be contrary. That's the mind-numbing part of all of this - he doesn't mean or believe most of the shit he says, he just says it because he knows it will wind people up.
Last edited:


Hey Daddy Altman
Dec 24, 2003
Lets run through the latest series of events shall we?

Scene: Old poster who hasn't been around in a while posts a pic of his kid with a caption about getting found out, sneaking out for a pint. Rather whimsical in nature.
Everyone except Toht: pleasantries
Toht: haha look at your phone battery, you must be a shit parent.
Everyone except Toht: Toht, Stop being a dick, its getting boring now.
Toht: OMG this place is sooooo toxic; waaaaaa I am leaving.

Link to thread?!


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Tbh every finnish person i have met has been a bit eccentric. Toht is no exception. Must be somethi g to do with the dark winters and such. But they are mostly harmless.

Not worth all this aggression if you ask me.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Meh, I treat people as they are. If they are annoying twerps then that is how they get treated.


Hey Daddy Altman
Dec 24, 2003
I've just read through those posts. Like I've told some people in the past, if you really want to know whether you dislike someone you need to ask:

If the person in question is later revealed to be acting like this because they were raped by their dad and every other male member of their family all the way up to their second cousins, would you still dislike them?


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Just to clarify folks; i'm killing the account due to anyone seeing the name/avatar/etc will already put themselves in a frame of mind that's not helping anyone. It's been proven before that it won't help if i just "change my ways" so to speak. Also i need to kill off the account so i can connect a new one etc.

Thought i'd try and get some folks to act a bit nicer while i did, meh, as said, last big troll. No psychological problems, no "big mysteries and stuffs". It's a troll account, it's not real, any psychoanalysis would be akin to analysing donald duck. Alway has been, with just enough RL stuff thrown in to make it believable.

So if you want to question any motives, or reasons, or anything like that; don't. It's pointless.

I've been planning on calling quits on it for a while and with all the moving etc going on, perfect time. Just need to hear back from stuffs and so on, and i will be taking a break just in general to let things simmer down and i've got a ton of socials to do this summer, but will be back with a new account.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
I know I said I wouldn't post but:

It's a troll account

Reasonable people don't have them. If you're looking for the root of your problems (and the increased level of toxicity on the forum in general) then look no further...


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Reasonable people don't have them.

I know. I as a person don't have any problems, any "problems" the toht might have are imaginary.

It's a remnant from older days of FH, just been an internet game like any other. I'm getting rid of it.

It has nothing to do with how the forum is, but none of that. We can have a reasonable discussion about that at a later date.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
I honestly don't understand the thinking behind it. What's wrong with just being yourself on an internet forum? It's so infantile to pretend to be something that you're not and deliberately make others users' experiences worse because of it. :\


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
I honestly don't understand the thinking behind it. What's wrong with just being yourself on an internet forum? It's so infantile to pretend to be something that you're not and deliberately make others users' experiences worse because of it. :\

Yep - this. It's 100% got something to do with how the forum is.

Trolling is destructive poison and only fun for the troll. People leave forums because of it. Period.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
What's wrong with just being yourself on an internet forum?

Nothing at all. And yes it is infantile, it's a game, it's also what fitted the place when it was more about taking the piss then "serious discussions and family things".

No idea how the forum will be without it though. Way more quiet for one thing.

@Scouse you're still trying to rationalise it. Don't. It's a troll account, with no point, no reason, no anchor in reality.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
So we've endured years, nay decades of your bullshit, just for your fun. It was all a game for you, and you aren't even in fact you? Do you have a different account under which you've actually been you all along? This is like the uber send off you tend to do at the end of threads that you've killed, where you say, only trolling trololol.... And we all roll our eyes and mutter fucks sake under our breath.... Again.

Please do fuck off then, and if you don't do it yourself, then unusually for this place I'd be entirely in favour of banning this entitiy you've apparently created. Enough of Trem's peace and love, if you're freely admitting to existing solely to piss people off, then your sad little existence on here should end.
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