
Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
So Polish couple sttacked on Rimini beach..hes besten up and shes raped by four dark..not black men.
Only the right wing sites are reporting their appearance.
Turns out they were dragged to a Mosque, beaten and raped..the men went on to beat up a trans prostitute.
The Polish girl was thrown in the water after the rape.
All comments removed of course...Trip advisor has removed Rimini forums relating to news.
Surely anyone van question the cover up in front of our eyes...why do they even try..it just feeds resentment.

So what's the story then @Job? Is it the rape or the ethnicity of the rapists? If your preferred news source of right-wing fuckwittery only reports the rapes committed by ethnic minorities, then effectively all rapes are committed by ethnic minorities. Show me Breitbart's reporting of all the other rapes in Italy over the last 12 months. You can't, because they're not interested in common or garden Italian rapists. And this, @Job, is why you're a racist.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
I'm not even complaining about the rape you fuckwit..if you stopped for one minute and leave your finger off the racist key, you will see I'm complaining about a western wide policy of playing down a subject which is highly sensitive in Europe, you can say it's best to play it down, but of course, they always get found out and there's another 10 thousand pissed off rightwingers left feeling their own liberal elite and media are conspiring against them.
This will hit the fan in Poland, in fact it's probably the straw for the Camels back, gang raped Polish woman on holiday, 'oh let's let more in.
You can only hope this is false news, but tbh I'm sure they have allready put two and two together


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
This will hit the fan in Poland, in fact it's probably the straw for the Camels back, gang raped Polish woman on holiday, 'oh let's let more in.
You can only hope this is false news, but tbh I'm sure they have allready put two and two together

nice to know you don't care about the actual crime, Job. so, you're saying:

1) a Polish woman was raped in Italy
2) the perpetrator(s) were possibly not white
3) the perpetrator(s) might be Muslim
4) some refugees are Muslim
5) you quote a ficticious Pole saying "oh let's let more in'

I'll assume I'm correct and, from (5), I can infer you suggest that Poland should close borders to Muslim refugees because they might rape Polish women. gosh, you truly live in a world of fear. I feel sorry for you.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Only you TDC could shuffle off and attach association fallacy to this.

The shit will hit the fan in Poland, they are allready turning against immigration, are you suggesting this will be ignored?
Just brush it off and carry on.....hardly, the fictitious 'Pole' is actually a reference to German led immigration policies enforced by the EU.

I know you like to make yourself fell clever by analysing the situation from a disconnected platform, but you know the reality is it WILL stir right wing racism, it's not me doing it, I'm just pointing out what WILL happen..you know it, but feel free to carry on blame me for thought crime.


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
ok you said alot so I'll try to break it down so I understand you better...

Only you TDC could shuffle off and attach association fallacy to this.
so all Muslim refugees are rapists? because that is what you're implying buddy.

The shit will hit the fan in Poland, they are allready turning against immigration, are you suggesting this will be ignored?
Just brush it off and carry on.....hardly,
please make up your mind if you're talking about immigration or accepting refugees (on humanitarian grounds). you tend to use the terms interchangeably. you should know that in 2015 Poland, Hungary, Slovakia and the Czech republic agreed to take in 160K refugees fleeing from the Syrian conflict, and they haven't done so yet. that's what is up. please make up your mind what you're trying to discuss.

the fictitious 'Pole' is actually a reference to German led immigration policies enforced by the EU.
yeah you hate that don't you. anyway, see above about making up your mind what you're talking about and I will respond.

I know you like to make yourself fell clever by analysing the situation from a disconnected platform, but you know the reality is it WILL stir right wing racism, it's not me doing it, I'm just pointing out what WILL happen..you know it, but feel free to carry on blame me for thought crime.

sweetie, I'm not making myself feel clever at all by analysing things. analysis helps me understand what is going on. it comes naturally to me. like that one time I made a handy picture to show where all the Syrian refugees were going. you know, when people were saying that "waves and waves" of them were crossing borders of whatever country. you may not agree with it, that's fine by me.

unfortunately this last remark of yours is the only one that is true in and of itself. right wing racists will take anything, anything at all, that suits the agenda even slightly and blow it completely out of proportion. they will use things like association fallacy and prey on people's intrinsic fears. why? certainly not because they actually care about the people they're influencing, that's for sure.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
At what possible point outside of your own head did I imply all muslims are rapists...not once..thats ridiculous

As for refugees..only a small percrntage are true refugees..its the media who call migrants refugees and they do it to attack people who are against migration by using the 'do you hate refugees' card...again bullshit..tiresome bullshit.

Is the EU or Germany in charge...well of course once Merkel allows in migrants they can go anywhere in the EU they like...so Germany basically made the decision for .them and the enforced quotas are causing political war scross the EU.

Syrian refugees. ..90% moved internally or to neighbouring countries..we took some direct from the camps...proper refugees.
Waves and waves...yes its almost an invasion...but of course the liberals call them refugees when it suits them pushing a guilt agenda...they are economic migrants.

And even if it.turns out this soman was raped by Polish holiday makers..back home the right wingers have all ready decided their.reaction and will transfer their anger to..thats what muslims would have done.

No matter how clearly I state the facts as we know them and my argument..you still come back that Im racist for bringing it up.

Guilty by association..exactly what you accuse me of, when its you doing it and I havent once.

I said its wrong to try to cover up the rapists race because its very important when there are millions of people waiting to pounce on it being immigrants, honesty is the best policy in the long run.
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Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
When you call Syrian refugees "economic migrants" when they come from a war ravaged travesty of a failed state you just prove yourself so far divorced from actual reality that the rest of your (clear) garbage can be discounted out of hand.

You're clearly deeply racist - the language you use, your pattern of posting and your carefully expressed opinions on every related subject is clear. You may not (often) use directly racist words (ethnics) but then you know it's actually illegal to do so...

Despite this I don't hate you, I just think you're a poorly educated idiot who's caught up in a self justifying narrative without the skills or world experience to show yourself why you're wrong.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
I'm still laughing at "ethnics" not heard that said in this context in 20 odd years.

Its like my granddad is alive and well.

@Job you may well have a valid and reasonable opinion about overall population numbers but unfortunately it gets lost in the rabid racism and poor English.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Im not really sure why the word is such a problem to you...is it because of the plural?
Ethnic is a word to describe a person in a minority.
They have ethnic radio stations.
I'm guessing ethnics makes you think the person is saying it in a ' that lot' sort of way.

If I had said Ethnic people maybe?

Just shows how far ingrained correct speak has burrowed.

That Italian newspaper used the word Maghreb to describe NA migrants...holy shit you wo ldnt use that over here.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Ethnic is a word to describe a person in a minority.

No it isn't.

ethnic Meaning in the Cambridge English Dictionary

ethnicity Meaning in the Cambridge English Dictionary

Ethnic can mean a majority too, such as ethnic British/English. The word itself has absolutely no numerical or mathematical value. You have used it in the context of "coloured folk" with racist connotations.

You don't understand the structure of English language. Like your theory that everyone will just regurgitate data in the future and not learn anything, prime example of how wrong that can go.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003

That Italian newspaper used the word Maghreb to describe NA migrants...holy shit you wo ldnt use that over here.

Why not? If they were from the Maghreb, that's what you'd say. Its not an insult, its a location.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Yes..but can you imagine a politician or tv presenter over here calling some a maghreb..no...because it feels like an insult.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
No it isn't.

ethnic Meaning in the Cambridge English Dictionary

ethnicity Meaning in the Cambridge English Dictionary

Ethnic can mean a majority too, such as ethnic British/English. The word itself has absolutely no numerical or mathematical value. You have used it in the context of "coloured folk" with racist connotations.

You don't understand the structure of English language. Like your theory that everyone will just regurgitate data in the future and not learn anything, prime example of how wrong that can go.
Piss of Raven..the very first dictionary result on google has ethnic...ethnics plural.


plural noun: ethnics
a member of an ethnic minority.

How far can you take this to try an attach some racism to the word and my use of it..in fact this is the very culture of pedantic miscontext of words that people complain about in the PC bubble.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
Yes..but can you imagine a politician or tv presenter over here calling some a maghreb..no...because it feels like an insult.

No it doesn't. Especially as I don't speak Italian. And neither do you.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Piss of Raven..the very first dictionary result on google has ethnic...ethnics plural.


plural noun: ethnics
a member of an ethnic minority.
If you use ethnics as the term and force Google to define that then even Google steps into line with all the other dictionaries (and everyone else in the civilised non-racist world) and defines it as "offensive" and "archaic".

You know this, though, and you're pissing your racist little pants with glee at the pretend furore.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
@Job, nobody wants a list of ethnic slurs, nobody wants a widening of any argument.

You used the racist term "ethnics", plural. You used it in a racist context. Period.

You're racist, no if's no buts. You're not getting kicked off FreddysHouse for being a racist cunt (and I'm personally fine with that - freedom of speech and all).

But I detest your cowardice. Be a fucking man and admit you're racist and all this silliness can stop - or at least people could properly engage you in a decent argument without you wasting everybody's time with your pretend bullshit.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Ha Scouse your true colours ...why don't you admit to your inner xenophobe..its there, everyday ...niggling away at your public face.

If calling groups of ethnic minorities ..ethnics is racist, then maybe they need to change every dictionary on the planet.
At the very worst...taking the most hair triggered liberal response..it could be called offensive in their world view.
Racist it is not...not on any level.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
I posted those links to point out the irony of calling s list of slurs ethnic slurs...which by the reasoning here is like having a website entitled 10 racist things you shouldnt say to Pakis.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
@Job You're an idiot. You may not realise this but you are., You may be very pleased with yourself indeed, for now, but your idiocy will destroy you. The sad things is, you are literally the only person that will care. That is your life.

Your daughters will be fucking black men, your nieces shacking up with "Indians" You're a dinosaur.
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