
Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
That's fabulous. If only that was the point of the EU.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
According to Churchill it IS the point of the EU.

Regardless of what little islanders think :)


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
That's fabulous. If only that was the point of the EU.

It is the point. All of the early thinking about Europe was that the end game was one Europe. "Ever closer Union" was always the objective. But, just to be clear, while Churchill was the first to articulate the need for a united Europe, he didn't see Britain as part of Europe, he saw Britain (and its dominions) as a separate thing altogether; but he made that speech in 1946 when it was still (just) possible to believe there might be some post-Imperial political Commonwealth that actually meant something.

Problem is when we joined in 1973 we wanted to join the EEC as it was at that point in its development (a free trade area) whilst ignoring all the other stuff; we've always been out of step with what other Europeans see as the point of Europe.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Of course we joined because we were broke from the unions, as soon as we fucked them off...stands up and salutes for Maggie...we started realising it was shite and I think they didnt want us because they knew we would start to complain.
Mags got the discount and its been downhill since.

Lets see how it plays out with the Visegard countries, they want a EU army to keep muslims out.
Last edited:


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Went to watch the nephew playing for Accrington Stanley youth team in a little place called Nelson, cute Mill town with rows of terraces on steep hills, canals and pretty bog standard Northerners, proper flatcap brigade.
Except it has had a major Indian, Pakistani, Muslim immigration influx.
Just holy fuck...in the small main street, every goddam shop run by Muslim wearing traditional clothing, at least twenty women in full Burqas, the rest in Hijab or other types of Islamic outfit.
I was the only white person in a busy petrol station,the only person not dressed as if I had just walked out of a Baghdad marketplace.
Every other car had the full hit passengers in Islamic gear, the town is basically overun by people intent on forcing their culture on it.
It has practical y been handed over to ghettoisation.
Just so shocking to see, except the local football club of course, entirely white northerners.
This went beyond my xenophobia to simple sadness at the loss of history and culture to such extremism, there are so many modern muslims around the world, but it would seem that once you move to a small town, you have to ramp up your culture, it just looks ridiculous against such quintessential Englishness.

I guess its bigoted/racist/anti religious to think like that..but holy fuck.


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
Every other car had the full hit passengers in Islamic gear, the town is basically overun by people intent on forcing their culture on it.

Yes fuck them for dressing the way they want or always have been. Because it's not like WE have that freedom or anything. The governments need to sort out a law that tells them to dress the way we want them to and fast, and if they refuse they should be shipped back to where they came from no matter the reason they left in the first place..

Really, fuck them for daring to think they have the same human rights as we do when they come from a country with a different religion...

And while we're at it, fuck them all just in case they may want to convert all of Europe (and UK in particular) to Islam. Because no sane person would willingly want to convert unless forced to...

Ooh ooh i have a really original idea that have never been done or suggested before. When we're done forcing our values on those poor misguided fools and made them dress and behave the way we want them to, lets make sure everyone knows that they aren't really human beings by forcing them to wear a mark of some sort.

Obviously only so we can keep track of them easier while we build all those open plan "hotels" for them. You know, the ones with big exercise yards surrounded by electrified fences and barbed wire? Should probably add a few guard towers with armed guards to. For their own safety i mean..

And just to be clear as this is SUCH a subtle piece of text. Yes i'm being sarcastic. Shocking isn't it?


Is now wearing thermals.....Brrrrr
Apr 21, 2008
Went to watch the nephew playing for Accrington Stanley youth team in a little place called Nelson, cute Mill town with rows of terraces on steep hills, canals and pretty bog standard Northerners, proper flatcap brigade.
Except it has had a major Indian, Pakistani, Muslim immigration influx.
Just holy fuck...in the small main street, every goddam shop run by Muslim wearing traditional clothing, at least twenty women in full Burqas, the rest in Hijab or other types of Islamic outfit.
I was the only white person in a busy petrol station,the only person not dressed as if I had just walked out of a Baghdad marketplace.
Every other car had the full hit passengers in Islamic gear, the town is basically overun by people intent on forcing their culture on it.
It has practical y been handed over to ghettoisation.
Just so shocking to see, except the local football club of course, entirely white northerners.
This went beyond my xenophobia to simple sadness at the loss of history and culture to such extremism, there are so many modern muslims around the world, but it would seem that once you move to a small town, you have to ramp up your culture, it just looks ridiculous against such quintessential Englishness.

I guess its bigoted/racist/anti religious to think like that..but holy fuck.
I can hear you bashing the keyboard from here and I'm at the other end of the country from you


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Fucking wankers. you would disagree with Job whatever he said. But on this occasion I agree with him.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Fucking wankers. you would disagree with Job whatever he said. But on this occasion I agree with him.
Hehe. I do think you should try and assimilate into the country you move to. Rather than making enclaves like bradford or luton.

But i wouldnt force anyone who didnt want to do that to comply as they have their own free will.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Yes fuck them for dressing the way they want or always have been. Because it's not like WE have that freedom or anything. The governments need to sort out a law that tells them to dress the way we want them to and fast, and if they refuse they should be shipped back to where they came from no matter the reason they left in the first place..

Really, fuck them for daring to think they have the same human rights as we do when they come from a country with a different religion...

And while we're at it, fuck them all just in case they may want to convert all of Europe (and UK in particular) to Islam. Because no sane person would willingly want to convert unless forced to...

Ooh ooh i have a really original idea that have never been done or suggested before. When we're done forcing our values on those poor misguided fools and made them dress and behave the way we want them to, lets make sure everyone knows that they aren't really human beings by forcing them to wear a mark of some sort.

Obviously only so we can keep track of them easier while we build all those open plan "hotels" for them. You know, the ones with big exercise yards surrounded by electrified fences and barbed wire? Should probably add a few guard towers with armed guards to. For their own safety i mean..

And just to be clear as this is SUCH a subtle piece of text. Yes i'm being sarcastic. Shocking isn't it?

No, but it would be nice for them to make even the slightest concession to try to assimilate, I know there are many complicated reasons why they hold on to their culture and in reality, theirs is under threat a thousand times more than ours, but they know how the locals feel and they don't give a shit.
I'm sure there are young muslims there who roll their eyes at traditional dress and women having to dress as ninjas and must have sympathy for the humungous changes they are imposing on a small town in the countryside.
It is tiresome, predictable and a bit pathetic to ramp up a reply of..'you obviously want them rounded up into concentration camps, you either welcome them with open arms or you are Hitler...hmmm ok.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Hehe. I do think you should try and assimilate into the country you move to. Rather than making enclaves like bradford or luton.

But i wouldnt force anyone who didnt want to do that to comply as they have their own free will.

If they weren't prepared to join into the country they came to, they shouldn't have come in the first place.


I am a FH squatter
Jul 24, 2004
What a fucking stupid comment. If England was suddenly embroiled in civil war and the only way to safe passage your family was to move to Iraq are you telling me you would happily wear the same clothes and adopt their values? Like fuck you would. I think skinny jeans and shirts with the top button done up should be banned, the look and the people wearing it offend me far more.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
I don't know about you but I certainly wouldn't abandon my wife to face the enemy while I go and work at Sports Direct.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
What a fucking stupid comment. If England was suddenly embroiled in civil war and the only way to safe passage your family was to move to Iraq are you telling me you would happily wear the same clothes and adopt their values? Like fuck you would. I think skinny jeans and shirts with the top button done up should be banned, the look and the people wearing it offend me far more.
Fucking stupid? How can you disagree with that? What right do they have to come to our home and make it how they want? we pay for people to come here some of the time, and pay for them to live here some of the time too, when their basic desire is to turn this country into the same shithole they came from. Fuck them. They want to come here and integrate - as many do - then no problem, so long as they're also bringing something useful with them. If they are refugees? Maybe try other Islamic countries first? Oh, but they don't want them, and they don't want to go there anyway.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Point being, the sheer amount of male cowards leaving their families behind to die so they can move to Europe.

I have nothing against someone wanting to move to better themselves but I draw the line at young men running from conflict and leaving their families behind to die.


I am a FH squatter
Jul 24, 2004
@throdgrain I somewhat agree with parts of that but your original post was defending Job and he was complaining about the sheer number and their dress. He didn't speak to any of them and none of them tried to convert him or enact sharia law. So your original post insinuates "if they don't dress like us they ain't us, an if they ain't us they can fuck off!!" To which I repeat my previous statement.

@Raven there may be a few cases of that but it would be in the minority. No matter what Farage and the mail say these are still people that love theit families and would die to protect them so get off your high horse and if you're that passionate about their perceived cowardice then head over there yourself and give them a hand


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
No one is really dying at home, only a tiny percentage actually have families at risk, the media over plays every bomb as if Syria was under siege, most of the country is safe and prosperous under Assad, they are almost entirely African migrants looking for a better life.
The actual Syrian refugees are being looked after in neighbouring countries in their millions.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Syrians i can understand but all the eretrian and other aftricas coming through lybia should be sent back


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
Fucking wankers. you would disagree with Job whatever he said. But on this occasion I agree with him.
tbh Throdbacon, I couldn't care less what Joe (or should that be Mo?) Refugee wears. Job, bless him, is so riled up it seems to me he's thinking some woman's wearing a hijab just to fuck with him. that's not the case. it's a tradition. just like the flat caps he mentions are basically a mode of dress for certain people in certain places.

'you obviously want them rounded up into concentration camps, you either welcome them with open arms or you are Hitler...hmmm ok.
thing is Job, the people you're talking about have basically been processed through a whole bunch of places that bear many similarities to the concentration camps you mention. fortunately the goal of a refugee camp is to get people out, and if they're really really really lucky they may even get to go home.

If they weren't prepared to join into the country they came to, they shouldn't have come in the first place.
ah Throd, they aren't joining in the sense you mean. they're sheltering here until they can get to go home. they very likely do not want to be where ever they are; they want to be home. unfortunately they've fled that place because, oh, I dunno, war and imminent death and all that.

I don't know about you but I certainly wouldn't abandon my wife to face the enemy while I go and work at Sports Direct.
I know you're trolling because you're much too smart to make that comment seriously Raven. I'll bite though: you don't know if your statement is the actual case. it may well be that the entire family has fled and become separated, or a myriad other possibilities. Fleeing a country is not always as easy as gathering up your wife and kids and buying some plane tickets.

Maybe try other Islamic countries first? Oh, but they don't want them, and they don't want to go there anyway.
Do I really have to dig up that diagram I made a while ago? You are perhaps not aware but the vast, vast majority of the current number of refugees are in fact being sheltered in countries neighboring or very close to where they have fled from. The number of refugees currently sheltering in the UK is a few 10th of a percent. Look it up, it's true.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
I'm not even referring to refugees, that poster child bullshit is a whole different pile of bollocks, dragged out by those with bigotry against the working classes to belittle them with their superior knowledge on the situation, which is actually a pile of media driven bullshit.
These people are immigrants, and are not Oxford educated Indian doctors who the metro elite get to meet at dinner parties.
They are ordinary Joes, bringing over their culture en masse and slowly taking over towns, OK, they are ripe for it after being abandoned years ago after the mill closed down, but they will end up entirely Islamic as the white people leave.
It is happening just about everywhere, Birmingham is pretty well going to be 10% white in 50 years.
Maybe the climate change modellers could map the demographics, birth rates and white flight to narrow it down.


I am a FH squatter
Jul 24, 2004
Have you ever considered why we have such a big Indian population? Might be something to do with us going over there and fucking shit up royally. Of this is the fall out it's a pretty small price to pay when we are still rich (yes even the poorest among us is rich in comparison) from our near ancestor's exploitation of their near ancestors. This shitty attitude everyone has is hilarious. You act like minor kings! I have a right to an easy life in relative wealth because I was pre ordained to be born in a wealthy country. They were born in a shitty poor country, that's their fault, they should of been a better sperm!! For peiple that bitch and whine about austerity you're not half hypocritical mother fuckers!!

Grow up, the world is getting smaller and thats a good thing. Learn to accept it or start a colony on the moon. Preferably without an atmosphere.


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
I'm not even referring to refugees, that poster child bullshit is a whole different pile of bollocks, dragged out by those with bigotry against the working classes to belittle them with their superior knowledge on the situation, which is actually a pile of media driven bullshit.
These people are immigrants, and are not Oxford educated Indian doctors who the metro elite get to meet at dinner parties.
They are ordinary Joes, bringing over their culture en masse and slowly taking over towns, OK, they are ripe for it after being abandoned years ago after the mill closed down, but they will end up entirely Islamic as the white people leave.
It is happening just about everywhere, Birmingham is pretty well going to be 10% white in 50 years.
Maybe the climate change modellers could map the demographics, birth rates and white flight to narrow it down.

I was going to type something intelligent but dear me, I wouldn't want to be accused of bigotry and/or belittling the working classes. In fact, while typing this I'm actually sorry I've bothered to grace your incoherent ramblings with a response.


I am a FH squatter
Jul 24, 2004
Also it makes no sense. I'm lower working class and I educate myself on the subject, causes and ramifications. If you feel belittled then you should educate yourself not blame your background.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
tbh Throdbacon, I couldn't care less what Joe (or should that be Mo?) Refugee wears. Job, bless him, is so riled up it seems to me he's thinking some woman's wearing a hijab just to fuck with him. that's not the case. it's a tradition. just like the flat caps he mentions are basically a mode of dress for certain people in certain places.

thing is Job, the people you're talking about have basically been processed through a whole bunch of places that bear many similarities to the concentration camps you mention. fortunately the goal of a refugee camp is to get people out, and if they're really really really lucky they may even get to go home.

ah Throd, they aren't joining in the sense you mean. they're sheltering here until they can get to go home. they very likely do not want to be where ever they are; they want to be home. unfortunately they've fled that place because, oh, I dunno, war and imminent death and all that.

I know you're trolling because you're much too smart to make that comment seriously Raven. I'll bite though: you don't know if your statement is the actual case. it may well be that the entire family has fled and become separated, or a myriad other possibilities. Fleeing a country is not always as easy as gathering up your wife and kids and buying some plane tickets.

Do I really have to dig up that diagram I made a while ago? You are perhaps not aware but the vast, vast majority of the current number of refugees are in fact being sheltered in countries neighboring or very close to where they have fled from. The number of refugees currently sheltering in the UK is a few 10th of a percent. Look it up, it's true.

It's nothing to do with refugees in that instance, those people Job is talking about are second or third generation immigrants that are destroying our country. And don't think in true Scouse fashion that when there are more Muslims than Kaffirs they will just get along with it hand in hand, they will be expecting the rest of us to change our ways to suit them. By force if necessary. If you can't see that you are truly deluded I'm afraid, and when it's time to say I told you so it will be too late.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
The liberal politicians and media bring out the refugee card like Greenpeace show pictures of Polar bears on sinking ice...all very emotional, but ultimately bolaks.
Genuine refugees are well catered for, the fact that the US and Russia are in the middle of a proxy war in Syria, bombing the fuck out of civilian areas and blaming it on Assad is the truth hardly anyone wants to here.
We are very likely to see an Africa of 2.5 billion population by 2050...most living in poverty, they will keep coming to Europe..in fact there is every chance they might decide to arm themselves with nothing to lose...allready migrants in Calais are getting aggressive to gain entry.
What do we do if a billion turn up at the door, we can only hope the Chinese start running the country and giving them hope before that.
We will go from saving Africans to finding ways to eradicate them in less than 30 years.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
The liberal politicians and media bring out the refugee card like Greenpeace show pictures of Polar bears on sinking ice...all very emotional, but ultimately bolaks.
Genuine refugees are well catered for, the fact that the US and Russia are in the middle of a proxy war in Syria, bombing the fuck out of civilian areas and blaming it on Assad is the truth hardly anyone wants to here.
We are very likely to see an Africa of 2.5 billion population by 2050...most living in poverty, they will keep coming to Europe..in fact there is every chance they might decide to arm themselves with nothing to lose...allready migrants in Calais are getting aggressive to gain entry.
What do we do if a billion turn up at the door, we can only hope the Chinese start running the country and giving them hope before that.
We will go from saving Africans to finding ways to eradicate them in less than 30 years.
Quite possible.

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