
Has a sexy sister. I am also a Bodhi wannabee.
Dec 22, 2003
Well of course they did.

It's a central bank. If they don't have it - they print it...

Of course, that's not what I have a problem with, it's the deceitful and suspicious nature of Mark Carney that I have a problem with.


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
I'll agree that there have no doubt been people that voted after simply listening to sound bites sure, but that's the same in every election.

Yes but who ends up PM in UK usually won't jeopardize the worlds strongest economy.

If what UK did starts a landslide of outs the Euro will be destroyed, unimaginably large amounts of money will just vanish in thin air and many countries will have a financial crisis on it's hand that they may never recover from. We're talking a financial crisis so severe that all the previous ones combined won't even come anywhere near...

This risk, no matter how small it may seem, is not something you place in the hands of the voters.

Especially not when the only requirement to vote on it is to have voting rights, they don't even have to be intelligent enough to know what they vote for or HOW to vote, because someone will "help" them...

Even if the damage caused are manageable i'll still call this vote criminally negligent, irresponsible and clueless.

Yes there are a lot of things that are wrong with EU as it is now, but what happened yesterday has a much higher risk of making everything way worse in a much shorter period of time.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Brits may want to take their own sweet time about moving but EU seems quite adament that they want it sooner rather than later to stop destabilising the rest of the union.

Guess its like handing in your notice and having to wait three months to leave. All the time tou been interviewing etc you really arent a profitable employee lol

More like telling someone you intend to hand in your notice then waiting 3 months to actually hand it in.

The EU is looking at legal ways to push article 50, not that it favours them.

FTSE 100 -2.7‰
FTSE 250 -7.19%


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
just woke up, sat up and watched the train crash happen over night...

the UK is just fucked

Scotland want to stay in the EU
Northern Ireland want to stay in the EU

with one fell swoop Leave voters have not only fucked their childrens futures for decades to come, they've also fucked it for the rest of us.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
Yes but who ends up PM in UK usually won't jeopardize the worlds strongest economy.

If what UK did starts a landslide of outs the Euro will be destroyed, unimaginably large amounts of money will just vanish in thin air and many countries will have a financial crisis on it's hand that they may never recover from. We're talking a financial crisis so severe that all the previous ones combined won't even come anywhere near...

This risk, no matter how small it may seem, is not something you place in the hands of the voters.

Especially not when the only requirement to vote on it is to have voting rights, they don't even have to be intelligent enough to know what they vote for or HOW to vote, because someone will "help" them...

Even if the damage caused are manageable i'll still call this vote criminally negligent, irresponsible and clueless.

Yes there are a lot of things that are wrong with EU as it is now, but what happened yesterday has a much higher risk of making everything way worse in a much shorter period of time.

Hmm, not sure about that. Not involving the population in the democratic process is part of the reason we're in this mess in the first place.

Bottom line is that 50% of the population are always going to thick as mince (IQ is on a curve after all), so unless you want to start getting all eugenics-y then you have accept the will of the people isn't always going to be the logical or "correct" choice. I guarantee you that if the UK (or more specifically, England) engaged people in more manageable democracy more often in the first place, you wouldn't have seen the outpouring of incoherent bullshit that this referendum has brought to life.

It is fucking galling that the people who actually contribute the most to the economy have effectively been kicked in the balls by those who contribute the least though.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Hmm, not sure about that. Not involving the population in the democratic process is part of the reason we're in this mess in the first place.

Bottom line is that 50% of the population are always going to thick as mince (IQ is on a curve after all), so unless you want to start getting all eugenics-y then you have accept the will of the people isn't always going to be the logical or "correct" choice. I guarantee you that if the UK (or more specifically, England) engaged people in more manageable democracy more often in the first place, you wouldn't have seen the outpouring of incoherent bullshit that this referendum has brought to life.

It is fucking galling that the people who actually contribute the most to the economy have effectively been kicked in the balls by those who contribute the least though.
There was no correct choice in the referendum. The remain was the correct choice for those that believed that etc etc.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
There was no correct choice in the referendum. The remain was the correct choice for those that believed that etc etc.

Depends what you mean by "correct". Remain was an empirically rational decision. Voting for the unknown is always the irrational choice unless you're actively in mortal peril at the time, and the unknown becomes the definitively least bad option, because like, you're on fire and jumping in a crocodile infested lake is a better option.


Chief Arsewipe
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 11, 1997
Depends what you mean by "correct". Remain was an empirically rational decision. Voting for the unknown is always the irrational choice unless you're actively in mortal peril at the time, and the unknown becomes the definitively least bad option, because like, you're on fire and jumping in a crocodile infested lake is a better option.
In your opinion. The point was that the population, thick, thin, intelligent, ugly, fat etc etc had the right to exercise their vote. Democracy working at its best. One side won. Move on and work together. The majority have made their point.


Chief Arsewipe
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 11, 1997
Likely not, given how fucked the UK is if this goes ahead, it's worth a try, even if the chances are monumentally small.
Not if, when. The majority have made their choice. Deal with it.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
In your opinion. The point was that the population, thick, thin, intelligent, ugly, fat etc etc had the right to exercise their vote. Democracy working at its best. One side won. Move on and work together. The majority have made their point.

That wasn't what I was talking about.


Chief Arsewipe
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 11, 1997
Yeah I bet you'd cheerfully fall into line if Remain had won. :)
Actually I said that to my son around 9pm yesterday. My words "Regardless of who wins we must stand together and move forward". Either way the vote would have showed that Europe is not working correctly (due to the low difference between the votes cast) and that is all I want fixed.

I certainly wouldn't be harping on like 90% of the remain behaving like cunts.


Chief Arsewipe
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 11, 1997
Nigel Farage wants second referendum if Remain campaign scrapes narrow win

Bet he won't support us for a second referendum though will he? nor will anyone that voted leave.

And @Deebs I am dealing with it, in my own, angry, disappointed in the general public way.
@BloodOmen Seriously whilst I was working in the datacentre (having heard that Remain were in the lead) I honestly thought we would remain. Oh well. Life goes on. Let's try and make enough noise that the twats in Brussels realise that the superstate they are building will just not work. However, when I left it was declared, a surprise for me. My biggest beef is the law making/interference, nothing else.


Chief Arsewipe
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 11, 1997
And yes, I have waited my entire life to be able to cast a vote in whether I want to be in the EU or out. One of the memories that wound me up was brussels making our street traders move from imperial to metric. For some reason that fucking pissed me off.


I am a FH squatter
FH Subscriber
Dec 23, 2003
Not at all. Have wanted to vote leave for many many years.
Yes, not you, your thoughts have been very clear on the matter. I was talking about these airy-fairy idiots who voted to Leave but now that Leave has actually won, they're thinking "omg I wish I had voted the other way". It shows how much thought went in to this MASSIVELY IMPORTANT vote for some people and the future of the country is in total jeopardy because of it.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Depends what you mean by "correct". Remain was an empirically rational decision. Voting for the unknown is always the irrational choice unless you're actively in mortal peril at the time, and the unknown becomes the definitively least bad option, because like, you're on fire and jumping in a crocodile infested lake is a better option.
Remain was on the surface a vote for status quo. But it wouldnt have been. Because things will have changed under that system too.

Both sides had unknowns imo.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
And yes, I have waited my entire life to be able to cast a vote in whether I want to be in the EU or out. One of the memories that wound me up was brussels making our street traders move from imperial to metric. For some reason that fucking pissed me off.

I agree with the law making part, I really do but what's just happened is... we've lost Europe (in 2 years), we're going to lose Scotland and we're going to lose Northern Ireland, the NHS WILL be sold off under Boris Johnson, especially given the financial state the UK will be in, the UK won't be able to support it anymore... was it really worth it?


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
I agree with the law making part, I really do but what's just happened is... we've lost Europe (in 2 years), we're going to lose Scotland and we're going to lose Northern Ireland, the NHS WILL be sold off under Boris Johnson, especially given the financial state the UK will be in, the UK won't be able to support it anymore... was it really worth it?
All conjecture and scaremongering.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
All conjecture and scaremongering.

Tell me where the financial support from the NHS is going to come from then?

And Scotland leaving is a given, Nicola Sturgeon is already pushing for a new Scottish referendum, Northern Ireland are saying they will use this to break free and unite all of Ireland again + they want to be a part of the EU still, so actually, it's not scaremongering, its reality, a harsh one at that.

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