Small Warning

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Fledgling Freddie
Feb 28, 2004
Heath said:
Wrong...i disagree with him totally..and all i have on my CM are a few tatty scrolls going dirt cheap. are wrong. Also, did RedHatred give you a phonecall and ask you to come back and "worthy" him??..Over something you prolly have no idea about. Did you even read the very first post...this is not even about irontwat anyway.

this is about a scammer called Fed. Ironfart did what he usually does, sticks his oar in to where it isn't needed and spout his 4 pages worth of self righteous bullshit and making people who oppose him feel inferior and stupid. While he is trying to be seen as the saviour of Albion. But, we all know him for the idiotic mad lunatic he is and usually ignore him anyway now. I know from now on i will.

And as for those Oh so special items...what are they??..what is oh so special to one person is crap to another. Can you even name some of the stuff or what it is good for if you don't even play the game. Moona, why not go to another forum you know nothing about and comment there, cos basically that is all you are doing here. TTFW.

Listen Kid,

1) Ironheart doesnt have my phonenumber
2) this is a forum , i can give my comment on anything i want, sure you dont have to agree with me but stop talking about Ironfart, Irontart , ect..
This guy also just wanted to give his comment, live with it
3) yes i read alwys the whole topic
4) i ve played Daoc 2.5y and i know what im talking about

have a nice day Heath Prick oh yea take your friend Marc with you , you guys could be really good friends


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
Moona said:
2) this is a forum , i can give my comment on anything i want, sure you dont have to agree with me but stop talking about Ironfart, Irontart , ect..
This guy also just wanted to give his comment, live with it

No shit sherlock, and that swings both ways (bit like you I heard)that we can also comment on the afore mentioned thread. Live with it


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 28, 2004
Marc said:
No shit sherlock, and that swings both ways (bit like you I heard)that we can also comment on the afore mentioned thread. Live with it
I can live with Sherlock


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Moona said:
Listen Kid,

1) Ironheart doesnt have my phonenumber
2) this is a forum , i can give my comment on anything i want, sure you dont have to agree with me but stop talking about Ironfart, Irontart , ect..
This guy also just wanted to give his comment, live with it
3) yes i read alwys the whole topic
4) i ve played Daoc 2.5y and i know what im talking about

have a nice day Heath Prick oh yea take your friend Marc with you , you guys could be really good friends

Who are you calling kid??...if you know so much about me..Kid is the last thing you would call me.

1) shame..could prolly find it under twat in the phonebook though
2) Same goe for comments..if you dont like them !!! with it
3)didnt sound like it...or did you just wanna pick the bits that would make a good post for you?
4) Played..or are still playing??...things change...the game has..or didnt you know ?

Dont call me prick..PRICK, at least i have friends. And Marc is a good friend...would rather have him as a friend than a fuckwad like you anyway.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 28, 2004
sure Mister "Listen to me , if you dont, your a twat"

now go on :fluffle:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Moona said:
sure Mister "Listen to me , if you dont, your a twat"

now go on :fluffle:

LMAO..where did i ever say that??...the only one who has come across with that attitude is Ironheart, not me.

Listen to me...take it or leave it..up to you. I never force anybody to listen to me. if you got that impression, then that is your problem.

Find me the bit where i said " listen to me, if you don't, you're a twat" .

I am still laughing at that....if that is all you can get me so funny. Not even a flame..more of a flint spark. Moona, i don't know you from Adam, nor do i wish to. But, if you gonna post something about me, or what i said...get both of them right first. Otherwise you look as stupid as Ironheart.


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
Mr 10 online mmoprgs played \o/ is livin in cuckoo land judging by his incomprehendable (sp) replies


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 28, 2004
Marc said:
Mr 10 online mmoprgs played \o/ is livin in cuckoo land judging by his incomprehendable (sp) replies
Mr im so jaleous i call peoples the same thing over and over again

so i played over 10 mmorpgs so what?



Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
Haha, surprise, surprise, Moona is here! :D I wondered when that guy would pop up again, you're getting a little too predictable. ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 28, 2004
Belomar said:
Haha, surprise, surprise, Moona is here! :D I wondered when that guy would pop up again, you're getting a little too predictable. ;)

wassup Belomar :p

i was just reading the trillion post " you stole my encounter, blah, blah, blah"
and i wanted to react thats all

if thats not even allowed , it looks to me as a sort of a racisme, you doont play the game anymore, fuck you , dont give your comment

predictable? lol , tell me when ill pop again? :clap:


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 1, 2004
Moona said:
wassup Belomar :p

i was just reading the trillion post " you stole my encounter, blah, blah, blah"
and i wanted to react thats all

if thats not even allowed , it looks to me as a sort of a racisme, you doont play the game anymore, fuck you , dont give your comment

predictable? lol , tell me when ill pop again? :clap:



Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Moona said:
wassup Belomar :p

i was just reading the trillion post " you stole my encounter, blah, blah, blah"
and i wanted to react thats all

if thats not even allowed , it looks to me as a sort of a racisme, you doont play the game anymore, fuck you , dont give your comment

predictable? lol , tell me when ill pop again? :clap:

Well...funny how people use the word Racism it racist to not let you post on a forum??...

RACISM:the belief that people's qualities are influenced by their race and that the members of other races are not as good as the members of your own, or the resulting unfair treatment of members of other races:

So, unless we are saying you cannot post on here because of your race..then use the word..otherwise, find out what it means first before trying it out.

Also, check Belo's sig...the word that says ACTIVE ...means he does, wrong on the 2nd account too.

Also, predictable!...well, i can bet you will be a few posts after this one anyway..don't you ??... (o:


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 28, 2004

read my last post

it says SORT of racisme...

maybe im expressing the wrong way because English is not my motherlanguage :p

but im trying...

Red HATred

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
Heath said:
RACISM:the belief that people's qualities are influenced by their race and that the members of other races are not as good as the members of your own, or the resulting unfair treatment of members of other races:

there is only one race you nitwits... the human race...
start using the term discrimination

your defenition of racism dates from the times where trees still spoke and elephants were dancing in your pants....

just enlightening you a bit here ;-)

if you would prefer to use the term racism...; pls let's hope aliens land on our beloved earth...discriminate the human race for beeing stupid.. then you could call the Alien race, racists :)

moona is a human (i hope) so..

lesson over ... /dismiss


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 21, 2004
alright. can some1 explain why i keep looking @ this thread. it aint really funny or something. we r totally off topic, but i still keep coming back to look. why oh why....


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
Red HATred said:
there is only one race you nitwits... the human race...
start using the term discrimination



Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
Moona said:
predictable? lol , tell me when ill pop again? :clap:
Well, yeah, you're kind of a forum vulture, circling around high up in the sky and only swooping down when something smells rotten--and then you have the audacity to complain about it! :cool:


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 16, 2004
Auw, c'mon guy's... stop fighting each other, and agree to dissagree.

Now all give a nice big hug, and lets all go kill some hibbies or middies...



Red HATred

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
Chopke said:
Auw, c'mon guy's... stop fighting each other, and agree to dissagree.

Now all give a nice big hug, and lets all go kill some hibbies or middies...





Loyal Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Well since this thread has made it's point on page 1 (The new fedaykin owner bein yet another prick hiding behind the anonimity of his PC screen) and it has now turned into an Ironheart bashing contest/Ironheart making a complete fool out of himself once again-thread, I might as wel join in :cheers: (I just can't ignore the cozyness of a good old-fashioned flamewar, so sue me).

Red HATred said:
there is only one race you nitwits... the human race...
start using the term discrimination

lesson over ... /dismiss
You're the one needing a lesson mate, anyone saying there's only one race (human = species, not race) suffers from an unhealthy dose of political correctness, so FYI:


But even allowing for overlaps and generalisations and mixtures we can classify three broad racial types in the modern world.
Caucasoids. 1,000 million people with variable skin colour; white-dark brown. Hair variable, never woolly, body hair often thick. Lips tend to be thin. Three subdivisions exist, the Nordic, the Mediterranean and the Alpine.

The Nordic group are often tall, blonde and narrow headed - Scandinavia, Baltic, Germany, France, Britain The Mediterranean group (Southern France, Spain, Italy and oddly, Wales Egyptians, Semites, Persians, Afghans and some Indians. Lighter in body build, dark and narrow headed. The Alpine group extends from the Mediterranean to Asia. Broad headed, square jaws, olive skin, brown hair.

Mongoloids Most numerous of the present day populations, split into three groups
  • The Eastern Siberians, Eskimos and the Northern American Indians
  • The Japanese, Koreans, Chinese
  • The Indonesians and Malays
Negroids 100 million from Africa south of the Sahara and Melanesians of the S Pacific.
Others. We also have to fit in somewhere the Central African pigmies, the Bushmen and the Australoids.


And tbh, I wouldn't have it any other way, as girlies come in different flavours :clap:

And another thing, if you're so fookin generous to your guildies, why aren't they here to defend you ?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Red HATred said:
there is only one race you nitwits... the human race...
start using the term discrimination

your defenition of racism dates from the times where trees still spoke and elephants were dancing in your pants....

just enlightening you a bit here ;-)

if you would prefer to use the term racism...; pls let's hope aliens land on our beloved earth...discriminate the human race for beeing stupid.. then you could call the Alien race, racists :)

moona is a human (i hope) so..

lesson over ... /dismiss

Er...i got my definition of Racism from the Cambridge Online Dictionary. I didn't write it, just copied and pasted. So, if tress still speak and elephants are in pants..blame them..not me. If you can find a more up to date version of the word my guest.

Also, i didnt use the term racism first, i was mearly pointing out it's meaning. And, it is still not outdated..look at the world today and racism is everywhere. And do you really think the human race would stop fighting each other for 1 second to fight off the evil alien have been watching too much Independence Day. get a grip...wars in this world are fought over Religion or Racism. Not much else.

positive discrimination noun UK
the practice of giving advantage to those groups in society which are often treated unfairly, usually because of their race or their sex

discriminate (TREAT DIFFERENTLY) verb
to treat a person or particular group of people differently, especially in a worse way from the way in which you treat other people, because of their skin colour, religion, sex, etc:

discriminate (SEE A DIFFERENCE) verb [I + adverb or preposition] FORMAL
to be able to see the difference between two things or people:

Hope you don't mind the lesson in words...but if you are going to type least know what they mean.

Seems to me the only one who needs enlightening is you.
enlightening , adjective
giving you more information and understanding of something (o:

Sounds about right, as you have already said your grasp of the English language is a bit rough (o;

P.S Lesson over..../dismiss :kissit:


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 26, 2004
What scroll is REALLY worth 20p .... or what artifact ??? 20p lol id never put 20p on ANY scroll or artifact ..... still dont change the fact what Fed did was very wrong !!!! im just wondering why any would pay 20p for anything in this game, i know somethings are hard to get or just plain rare drops but still :) :cheers:

its only a game .... :m00:


Fledgling Freddie
May 6, 2004
The only thing that I want to say here is condolences to Frosty for the death of his father. :(

Everything else here is all just shit, it's a game, with pretend people doing pretend things with pretend money.

Frosty, take a break mate and come to terms with your loss in the real world with real people. It's more important you sort your head out than worry about crap like this.

Take it easy.
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