Small Warning

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Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
slaaght said:
Frosty, take a break mate and come to terms with your loss in the real world with real people. It's more important you sort your head out than worry about crap like this.
I find that DAoC can be a useful way to get your mind off things. :)


Fledgling Freddie
May 6, 2004
Yeah fair point. In small doses, but not as an "escape".

Actually, re-reading my post, it was fairly presumptious of me to assume that Frosty isn't getting out into the real world and dealing with it, so apologies to him for that.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
My mother died in March. It was damn hard to cope with to begin with because of the stuff she had managed to shake off in the past (scarlet fever, cancer, heart attacks, stroke, blindness, diabetes, triple heart name a few). I saw her the day before she died and did my usual kiss, hug and cya mum. Got a phone call off my sister the next day round say that while my mum and dad were visiting her, she went for a quick sleep on the setee, and never woke up )o: . Devestated was an understatement. I am 34 (was 33) and i cried my eyes out. But, i did get out and about..i am lucky that i have a large close family too. I am the youngest of 5 children so it hit me hard that my mum was gone.

Even now it chokes me to think about it. But, playing the game is an escape from thinking about things like that. Not that i don't ever want to stop thinking of her. It just helps to be amongst people who i like, trust and who make me laugh. They say time heals all wounds...i dont want it to heal tbh. But, i dont think it is gonna hurt as much as it did as long as i have friends, family and the ability to lose myself in another (online) universe. Playing this helps a lot. Prolly sounds jumbled..soz. Just wanted to say that the game is a good healer.


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 10, 2004
Heath i do agree, being around friends does help alot. seems to take my mind off sad moments. and as ive been in ss from near the start i feel i know u all from real life. and do indeed count u as good friends and feel i could use you as shoulders to cry on if needed.

And slaaught dont feel like you have written anything wrong you havent m8. and it nice to see a caring post :p
as for all ppl who have given me there thoughts or backed me up on this small warning post..


/Viva le lag As they say in france


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Z^^ said:
another thread full of retards

there is only 1 retard in this thread (well, maybe a few more !!!) And he joined about 4 posts up !!!


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 31, 2004
Not on Feds account

Originaly posted by: Nerve
Well since this thread has made it's point on page 1 (The new fedaykin owner bein yet another prick hiding behind the anonimity of his PC screen)

I would like to clear up one fact and that is Federz is not on the Fedaykin account. He is on Fedaykiin's account they are both seperate and have no connection with each other now. I personnally have no idea who owns or runs the account with Federz on it.

I run Fedaykins account and I didnt buy it on ebay and I dont try and scam people or join in flames on FH, I just play Daoc for fun and enjoyment so I would appreciate it if people would stop pm'ing me with abusive messages and at least try to get the names of the right people instead of giving morons out there false information to use as amunition so they can look big harrasing innoccent people just quitly playing there own game.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 20, 2004
Oh my goodness. Ah well, I guess this is what your'e getting with ya if you buy a daoc account and wish to start play again. :(

Truly sry for what the old Federz did to you all. I do know it's not "enough" just to say that your're the new owner/player of the char. Just kinda wanna play this untill the day DAoC dies out ;) Really enjoying Albion, but this thread is goddamn sad.

Dunno what to say really :eek7: just hoping for people to give a new, nice owner a chance to show that he isn't a big fucktard as the owner who did this.

P.s. sry for bringing up an old topic, just felt like I had to write this after reading the replies.



Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
Have to say pple like that e-bay noob make me sick.
And we get again and again to the same sorry thing - one idiot can ruin a lot of fun.

If only all the Albs online acted like true positive characters, we could achieve the most of players would be uber equiped and we'd be wiping mids like if it was straw.

Just for example, I've lend a friend quite a nice sum... I can't use it since not online much ( :'( ) so why keep money at char that is hardly played? Used and turned into equipment they'll come for their purpose. With better equipment, you kill mobs faster, you can kill harder mobs -> you gain more money faster. So finally this whole is investment in future and directly or indirectly I'll gain interest (not in money, but in friendly and good equiped guildies). That's worth of it.

When I joined the DAoC, I thought this way would act everyone. Unfortunately, I did not meet much pple who would act like that. It makes one sad...

Just a few words to the original poster: You're still lucky... I was selling mad 3 at my cm, used /setprice and pressed one 0 less... I just hope this mad3 serves well to some person far different to that e-bay guy. My sincere condolences mate and hope to meet you sometimes online,
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