Small Warning

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Fledgling Freddie
Feb 7, 2004
Red HATred said:
i'll have to stick up for tis poor sod for even trying to get something....

don't blame that kid for his actions, blame all those ASSHOLES farming stuff and putting it on merchants at even more INSAINE prices.

ok he is a stupid tart for trying so. I'm not justifying the action, but justifying a possible reason for doing so....(he's just a stupid kid trying to fit in with the *cough* 'important' *cough* ppl cause he's lonely.)

see, 8hr+/day gamers tend to farm a 24 hr spawn events, then they call this stuff SPECIAL... while it is NOT. THen they say it is so hard to get.. so they augment the prices to rediculous ammount. That, while they are the only reason why it is so hard to get, because they are the only once ruining all events in down-time on the server.

compare it to real life....
Kapitalism, if you can call it that way.. the base for supply and demand.. only creates misery and problems...
If you don't believe is about fucking time all off you open you bedroom window and look outside... Real life will show you what kapitalism creates... poverty, misery, dismay, desease, psychotic ppl, war, death, greed... and fortune for the VERRY FEW ppl out there (those that exploit without a consience)

some, semi intelligent, players in here think that it is the way to go.... to uphold the rules of the real world in here.. INstead of trying to work the other way around... ignore the cash look at the ppl.. care fore the ppl.


IT's about fucking time all realize that having 20 mythril in cash does NOT give you anything more (take it from me). I'll tell you why... most think that the next expansion off the game will have new stuff that they will be able to buy for the same idiotic prices as they are now.. while THEY will be the once getting that stuff again and AGAIn exploit the same thing....AGAIN their balance will augment.. so they are stuck with USELESS gold.

OOoooo yes i forgot.. most of those ppl selling overrated stuff are SELLING GOLD ON EBAY for real life cash to cover their game expenses... i'll tell you what titfaces... start living in the real world; get a job work, earn cash and pay for it with that.. you'll have a whole lot more fullfillment in doing so , and at least you'll be able to think: "i did it" instead of "i stole for doing so"

so this is a nice long whine again.. just love to say it...

ppl will try to Ripp-off others only because off the IMPOSSEBILITY TO OBTAIN SOMETHING THE NORMAL WAY. So don't blame them, BLAME THE SELLING PPL.


btw: soujoners using teleporting at SoM.(if it does work); if you don't do it in a group to help ppl you ARE a thief.



Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Red HATred said:
rofl, you can't even maintain a decent rhyme pattern titface :)

verbal art you lack
a verry weak attack
your lines are so weak
you are a system's leak

now piss off to your job
and pull ur lill nob
give urselfe a break
all you know is how to take

and final word: you so called Leet Tits create these problems..; you ALL are SO stupid and BLind .. you would even be able to find..... the truth even if it were in front of ur soon to be bloddy nose.

At least mine make some looks like you sit there with a dictionary looking for words that end the same. I could point out spelling mistakes (but English might not be your language, and i am sure we all make spelling mistakes) but i wont, and if that is your idea of a poem !!..well, speak to the people that published a few of mine. I am sure they have been wrong for all these years while you were right.

Otherwise..shut up, i dont need to play with myself..i have a wife for that. And, stop being such an asshole. Also, look here for some ideas about poems


Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
Amazing. I turn my back and Ironheart shows up and barfs out the usual rubbish, mounting horses so high that he is touching the stratosphere, yet with absolutely nothing to back him up. Like Marc said, it was Ironheart who camped the tower keeper for weeks on end, it was Ironheart who first impersonated this greedy "titface" he keeps nagging on about in this thread, and it is Ironheart who needs to sober up, wash his mouth and get the heck out of this thread before things turn nasty.


Hey Daddy Altman
Dec 24, 2003
at the end of the day if anyone presses the accept button as aussie said and there was something wrong with the items it's his or her own fault.

that's why both parties have to accept in the first place in order to complete the transfer as well as why the timer resets if anything in the trade window is changed.

can't really blame it on a person being tired, careless, stressed or whatever.. he/she still has to press the accept button.

the only reason for a scammer or conman to try out these things is that they know there are people who fall for it. 20 failed attempts makes the 1 time they do succeed worth it.

how about before when people used to post those ebay links of others getting scammed? what did most people do?

they said "lol he is stupid for not checking details correctly. x-box BOX etc"


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 10, 2004
gunner440 said:
at the end of the day if anyone presses the accept button as aussie said and there was something wrong with the items it's his or her own fault.

that's why both parties have to accept in the first place in order to complete the transfer as well as why the timer resets if anything in the trade window is changed.

can't really blame it on a person being tired, careless, stressed or whatever.. he/she still has to press the accept button.

the only reason for a scammer or conman to try out these things is that they know there are people who fall for it. 20 failed attempts makes the 1 time they do succeed worth it.

how about before when people used to post those ebay links of others getting scammed? what did most people do?

they said "lol he is stupid for not checking details correctly. x-box BOX etc"

Ic so would you say the same in this example....
The girl got raped because she was wearing a short skirt she deserved it.
you cant blame rapist because she had the choice to wear the skirt or not.

Now in both cases i would say the victom is not at fault . same as little old ladies who get conned out on money in there own homes. some ppl just dont know any better and are trusting.
making a mistake should not be confused with being at blame.
imagine what would happen if the police said sorry but you left your window open its your fault the burgler climbed in.

In basic just because there are conners / thiefs / rapists/ muggers/ and druggers when they do their evil it's wrong and in no ay should be defended.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 12, 2004
Would firstly like to say Frosty that if you leave a window open and you get burgled your house insurance would not pay out and it would be your own fault!

On this matter:

I can feel for the original poster, although I must say if they were feeling fragile and felt that they may have been con'd in this manner if they hadnt of checked then maybe they should not have been playing.

I think it is irrelavant whether he put 20g or 20p, each side must check and accept any trade.

If you are not in a fit state to do this without error maybe you should be having a break from DAOC and come back when you can.

I do however agree that it is wrong. There are some children playing out there who may fall subject to this. However, again if they cant handle the game they shouldnt play!


*Our Keeps are important too :twak: *


Hey Daddy Altman
Dec 24, 2003
how are you relating rape to all of this
in the case of the 20p con BOTH parties choose to agree to it
not like the victim is gonna agree to being raped now eh? if so it wouldnt be rape anyway


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 16, 2004
Oh my god, overreaction central!

Dude was just issuing a warning to be careful, no need for all this toy throwing out of cotness :eek: *EDIT* and that's even without going into ironheart's uber (Unrelated) rant..

Perhaps leave it and just let the warning stand without all the bitching and talk of rape etc? (Which IS completely irrelevant)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
gunner440 said:
how are you relating rape to all of this
in the case of the 20p con BOTH parties choose to agree to it
not like the victim is gonna agree to being raped now eh? if so it wouldnt be rape anyway

Gunner..did you even READ the first post. He didnt push accept. I will say that again for the hard of learning and for the people whose learning curve is a flatline HE DID NOT PUSH ACCEPT.

He was warning us from a scammer. He was trying to help the Alb community. He didn't want to see anybody else fall for it. I fail to see how you cannot see this (unless of course you did not read the first post). So, run along, read the first post and come back to post something that makes sense.



Hey Daddy Altman
Dec 24, 2003
i didn't say he did, did i?

i said "if anyone"

and in the previous post i said "choose" not "chose".

I will say that again for the hard of learning and for the people whose learning curve is a flatline I SAID "CHOOSE" NOT "CHOSE"


Part of the furniture
Jan 9, 2004
I am waiting for more Ironfart diatribe, I guess the hospital has a lockin policy.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
gunner440 said:
i didn't say he did, did i?

i said "if anyone"

and in the previous post i said "choose" not "chose".

I will say that again for the hard of learning and for the people whose learning curve is a flatline I SAID "CHOOSE" NOT "CHOSE"

gunner440 said:
in the case of the 20p con BOTH parties choose to agree to it
they did not choose it. Only one party CHOSE to accept. The second party refused to CHOOSE it.

Either way, using the word choose or chose is a pretty shabby basis for losing 20plat.


Hey Daddy Altman
Dec 24, 2003
zzzzzz playing with words

i said

both . parties . choose . to . agree . to . it . compared to rape where this isn't the case

as in

both parties can choose to agree to it.. or not

as in

i didnt say anyone made a choice, just that they had the option

dont they speak english in norwich?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
gunner440 said:
zzzzzz playing with words

i said

both . parties . choose . to . agree . to . it . compared to rape where this isn't the case

as in

both parties can choose to agree to it.. or not

as in

i didnt say anyone made a choice, just that they had the option

dont they speak english in norwich?

You may be taking the step of using it with the rape context. I am not.

And, the guy who pressed accept made a choice. And the other who didnt also made a choice. Either way, it didnt happen. And, he come on here to post a warning..not get into a war of words with fools who will find the most minute detail and pounce on it. I for 1 hope you get scammed royally so you can come to FH and whine and see the posts.
Also, yes..we speak English in Norwich (although, i bet i dont have to look on a map to know where Spain is though). So, don't even try slagging down peeps for where they come from. Because i have seen lots of posts about the spanish. You seem to be doing your best to tar them all with the same brush. Luckily i know some good ones.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 4, 2004
rezzi rezzzalot said:
Fed go stand in the corner and be frigging ashamed of yourself not even for trying such a low trick but the way you responded to it.
People that just lost a dear person dont beg or call for sympathy on here and what if they did need some, is that so bad?
For crying out loud this must really be the lowest response i have seen on here for a hell of a long time. Just hope you dont have to go through a loss like that in a mighty long time cos im sure you would break.
To the initial poster, my heart goes out to you and never think people like this are representative for what albion stands for :fluffle:

What she said ^^


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
if you press the button then you've got no recompense but nothing wrong with posting a warning here to make sure you doublecheck when trading with this person.

Sad little scammer.


Hey Daddy Altman
Dec 24, 2003
Heath said:
I for 1 hope you get scammed royally so you can come to FH and whine and see the posts.

You seem to be doing your best to tar them all with the same brush. Luckily i know some good ones.

i hope so too

and nice to know that you know some good ones. congrats.


Part of the furniture
Dec 26, 2003
English ain't my mother tongue lets see if i got it

1. Fed tried to bribe a guy
2. He got caught
3. Managed to made a tit out of himself on FH
4. Now every1 knows about him n will avoid him as a plague ingame

Is this the sumarized story? :eek:

Red HATred

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
Belomar said:
Amazing. I turn my back and Ironheart shows up and barfs out the usual rubbish, mounting horses so high that he is touching the stratosphere, yet with absolutely nothing to back him up. Like Marc said, it was Ironheart who camped the tower keeper for weeks on end, it was Ironheart who first impersonated this greedy "titface" he keeps nagging on about in this thread, and it is Ironheart who needs to sober up, wash his
mouth and get the heck out of this thread before things turn nasty.

belly, i'll correct you..;
even NOW i'm at tower keeper spot and i never, ever claimed i owned that fookin mob.. all i did... is do what has to be done, get my factions sorted.. and yes.. i had to kill machines.. and you while killing i killed tk and tg...
Who do you think informed ppl on mobs and stuff to be found there???
It was I.
who do you think gave ppl advice on what they could do in that area??
It was I.
Who made sure you stupid insaine prices on that oil rag were destroyed in a minimum off tim..
It was I.
I made prices crash to 500 gp so all ppl could get em instead od those stupid idiotic wannebee something in here.
as usual , you are soo wrong.. and never even understood the real reason for a person to be in a spot.. and greedy ,me?? told you a thousand time , and now again...

YOU don't know SHIT about me.

cause i was fucking correct every single time one of you assholes started to claim things about me beeing there that weren't even correct...

if you even know what this game is about, i would say we can discuss, but you haven't got the faintest idea what this game has to offer.... so pls SHUT UP once and for all.. you retired... now stay dead i would say :)
and yes i had TONS of fight with assholes sitting there on their lame ass claiming they owned that mob , as they do here in TOA now...and yes i filled TONS of complaints vs those ppl even then...

i have forgiven all your ignorant idiocy... you just can't move on... you never learn, you don't evolve.. now you stimulate the same idiocy in TOA :)

cheerz :)

Red HATred

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
elbeek said:
I do. U are a tit.

damn, still awake?

ps tonight i called me guildmates together for a couple off events.. guess what..
i returned to the housing zone, emptyhanded...

not because we failed.. because i gave all away.
two artifacts and 15 high ranked drops ;-)
try beating that greed..; mates :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Vasconcelos said:
English ain't my mother tongue lets see if i got it

1. Fed tried to bribe a guy
2. He got caught
3. Managed to made a tit out of himself on FH
4. Now every1 knows about him n will avoid him as a plague ingame

Is this the sumarized story? :eek:

Spot on m8 (o:

although, you missed 3.5 Red Hatred made himself out to look a real idiot. :D

And, in the process, make out he was the saviour of the prices bottoming out of tk and tg drops...lmao. We had to crowbar the tool away from that area sometimes.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 23, 2004
Red HATred said:
belly, i'll correct you..;
even NOW i'm at tower keeper spot and i never, ever claimed i owned that fookin mob.. all i did... is do what has to be done, get my factions sorted.. and yes.. i had to kill machines.. and you while killing i killed tk and tg...
cmon mate, i used to camp there too and all the time i did (which was quite a fair bit) i NEVER saw you pull any other mob than the tower keeper unless it agro'd you when you were moving around the different tk spawn spots

Red HATred said:
Who do you think informed ppl on mobs and stuff to be found there???
It was I.
you and a hundred others tbh :/

Red HATred said:
who do you think gave ppl advice on what they could do in that area??
It was I.
you and a hundred others tbh :/

Red HATred said:
Who made sure you stupid insaine prices on that oil rag were destroyed in a minimum off tim..
It was I.
and yet i distinctly remember a conversation with you containing the text 'sold another oil rag for 2p today'

Red HATred said:
I made prices crash to 500 gp so all ppl could get em instead od those stupid idiotic wannebee something in here.
see above. most likely you HAD to end up selling at 500gp cos everyone had one by then.

Red HATred said:
as usual , you are soo wrong.. and never even understood the real reason for a person to be in a spot.. and greedy ,me?? told you a thousand time , and now again...
advisors, fire wizzy..... need i say more?

Red HATred said:
YOU don't know SHIT about me.
but ill wager from the information ive read on these boards that a lot of people dont have to know every detail of your life to think your a muppet :p

Red HATred said:
if you even know what this game is about, i would say we can discuss, but you haven't got the faintest idea what this game has to offer....
and here's me thinking that it was 'having fun' :/

Red HATred said:
and yes i had TONS of fight with assholes sitting there on their lame ass claiming they owned that mob , as they do here in TOA now...and yes i filled TONS of complaints vs those ppl even then...
fair play tbh, i was always happy to share with you when we were both there ;)

no offence matey, but your digging yourself in quite a big hole with information people all know is either extremely hypocritical or just plain false :/

although i do find reading your post quite amusing, keep it up :D

Red HATred

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
Heath said:
Spot on m8 (o:

although, you missed 3.5 Red Hatred made himself out to look a real idiot. :D

And, in the process, make out he was the saviour of the prices bottoming out of tk and tg drops...lmao. We had to crowbar the tool away from that area sometimes.


glued to the forum to defend urselfe i see...
think you will make one valid point?

if it weren't for the idiocy ppl run by in this friggin virtual shit.... i wouldn't be typing here...

and crowbaring me out of the spot....
lol, mate, not ONCE i budged from that zone cause of idiotic actions the ppl like you made over there...
i was stubborn and FFS i won...
If you wouldn't realize it by now..; the oil rag is worth SHIT.. and all that time you peeps were STEALING from wandering ppl with selling it for 10 plat +.
in that time period, i also helped tons off ppl getting their rag for FREE, those on my merchants were sold for 500 gp or so i think ....

just proves that insight is the thing you lack..
why even bother making high prices and things unavailble to most players...
even HERE you see it created problems...
Semi desperate ppl trying all sorts of scamms, trick and the like to even obtain something.
And not because they can't have it... because YOU make it impossible for most ppl to obtain it the normal way.

if you would even have one functional braincell left in that head off yours.. you wouldn't even try to confront me with YOUR truth, cause you're full off bull. And if you would have a bit off realism left in that crain..; you would know where my point here goes to.

to conclude..
you know what most answers were on the complaints i filed again your type off ppl?

'you are correct but you use to much confronting language'

and YEs i confront ppl with words, typed words... harsh words.. exagerated words, funny words, stupid words...
if you can't handle it..... you are missing a spine.

you know...
i'm correct...
and even when i'm wrong..
i'm still correct.

Red HATred

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004

you have no idea it seems..

first off all, NEVER EVER have i been there with my fire wizard. O , yes, once.. to complete the "restoring the magic quest", to get my Gwrl Ilendritch cloak from Cabalist meical.

I'll fill you in .. i was hunting there with three characters at that time..

a necromancer,a paladin and a levelling sorc

now think again about you even conversing with me ;-)

i'm not diggin here.. it seems you have no clue who i was playing with at that time period , so every argument you post here about -a certain - person, ... it wasn't me it seems.;
cause i was never there with a wizzy

had to edit..; it seems you are directing to some other spectacular event which none seem to comprehend, and even now still don't understand..
BArrows :)
aye , never regret one thing that happened there.. i had my reasons.. but well.. i won't restart on that part , lol, most are to stupid to comprehend it anyway.



Can't get enough of FH
May 7, 2004
Fed your a sad **** and i'll doubt u will never get another trade ....


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
And you say i am glued to the forum !!!..seems you camp this place more than the TK.

I know the oil rag is worth shit, i never owned one because i didnt want too.

And how were others STEALING it ??..if they got there..did the killing and got the drop, how can that be classed as stealing it??. Maybe in your mind it is.
Do you ever remember me being there at all??..If so, i would like to know what my "Idiotic actions" were. Because, looking for the tk and tg..finding it, killing it and getting a drop are not idiotic actions. Anyway, i must have did it about 4 times to help guildies.

And how do i lack insight ?? do you class as insight anyway??. I have a CM full of cheap as hell scrolls. I dont need them, so i am practically giving them away.

Semi desperate peole !!! ones who claim the the Barrows belongs to them??.

I have lots of braincells thank you. And, you call it MY truth !! why do 99% of people agree with me and you and your 1% agree with you??.

Also, what is "my type of people" ??..i would really love to know what i get put in with.
I dont camp artis, steal artis, scam, cheat, radar, hax, i help guildies out. I help anyone i see in trouble out. I play the game to have fun, and have a laugh with friends. I gotta see your explanation for what type of people we are.
And, if you really got answers that you were right, i am sure that if you were right, others would have known..BUT, because you use too much confronting language, they got away with it. Do me a favour..stop trying to make yourself out to be always right. You are not. Not even close to being right 99% of the time.

I can handle anything you can throw at me, if you think that your words really scare people, you need to get a grip. I used to get bigger and harder people than you crying their eyes out when i was in the army (and i was not a chef !!). So, nothing you can do or say is gonna make me "spineless". Maybe if you grew up a bit, stopped being such a tit-head and understood what real life would understand. But, as it is Half-term and you are allowed up later than normal..i wil leave you to the forum while i get some sleep. Because, i have a busy day tomorrow (today even) with my wife and 3 children.

NNFW (Night Night FuckWit) :kissit:


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Red HATred said:
first off all, NEVER EVER have i been there with my fire wizard. O , yes, once

lol, quality - pure quality.

Ironfart you have the ability to post the same thing over and over again with every post you make, but still it unleashes laughter and joy inside my heart.

Keep up the work, Queen of Arrows.
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