Small Warning

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rezzi rezzzalot

Fledgling Freddie
Apr 21, 2004
Fed you obviously dont have a clue about the community alb is and tbh you are doing a great job isolating yourself. Tbh old Fed would tear out his hair the way you are dirtying the reputation of what used to be a respected character in Alb.
I guess we got another silly ebay boy on our hands who doesnt know how to behave, but you will soon find out the consequences of that behavior. :twak:
Can anyone close this thread now please? ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 7, 2004
please dont call him fed, it like insults my friend :p call him ebaynoob!

and real fedaykin!! go givf pm, i nearly got inet working and we need to start our wc3 skillzing upz0r session again to win the winter ladder 2v2 AT on Northrend!


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 20, 2004
Fed said:
you have got that so wrong meight, dont try to make me look like a haxor con man that puts 20g instead of 20g, i put in 20g all the time, the first time you believed me and went and got mad3/3
...that puts 20g instead of 20g, i put 20g all the time ?

and the reply above that one......makes my head hurt tbh =P

anyway, whatever excuse mr "ebaynoob" has and no matter if its the dude that presses accept fault....a dude that tries to rip off ppl still suck more than any porn actress ever has! =P


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Fed said:
Blah blah blah


(Apologies to Repent - but it seems like it's time to award the "Twat of the Server" accolade to someone else)


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 23, 2004

im not usually one to label people without knowing em, but id bet that this 'Fed' bloke is probably a scrawny little weed using the anonymous guise of the internet to be a complete prick to people without getting the shit kicked out of him in front of everyone for doing so.

hows my aim Fed? or was it that you were just dropped too many times as a kid? ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 7, 2004
gorbash is 16-21 and good chance you are alot like the person u percive fed to bed. anyway 10 pints gone, im wasted, night night, and all go uni!


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
i can garantee you for sure federz doesnt have 20P and that he never could have put such amount even on the first time
greed blinded you..
who cares
why even bother to waist bandwith and storage on this at all.


Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
It's funny how Ebay:ed chars so often turn out to be owned by such lowlives as Exhibit A here.


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
Piss of Fedz u fckin ebay whore. You give the old fedaykin a bad name


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
Fed said:
you have got that so wrong meight, dont try to make me look like a haxor con man that puts 20g instead of 20g, i put in 20g all the time, the first time you believed me and went and got mad3/3

and stop talking like a fckin wanker. Its mate and hacker not meight and haxor. You are just making yourself look an even bigger prick (if thats possible).

Red HATred

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
i'll have to stick up for tis poor sod for even trying to get something....

don't blame that kid for his actions, blame all those ASSHOLES farming stuff and putting it on merchants at even more INSAINE prices.

ok he is a stupid tart for trying so. I'm not justifying the action, but justifying a possible reason for doing so....(he's just a stupid kid trying to fit in with the *cough* 'important' *cough* ppl cause he's lonely.)

see, 8hr+/day gamers tend to farm a 24 hr spawn events, then they call this stuff SPECIAL... while it is NOT. THen they say it is so hard to get.. so they augment the prices to rediculous ammount. That, while they are the only reason why it is so hard to get, because they are the only once ruining all events in down-time on the server.

compare it to real life....
Kapitalism, if you can call it that way.. the base for supply and demand.. only creates misery and problems...
If you don't believe is about fucking time all off you open you bedroom window and look outside... Real life will show you what kapitalism creates... poverty, misery, dismay, desease, psychotic ppl, war, death, greed... and fortune for the VERRY FEW ppl out there (those that exploit without a consience)

some, semi intelligent, players in here think that it is the way to go.... to uphold the rules of the real world in here.. INstead of trying to work the other way around... ignore the cash look at the ppl.. care fore the ppl.


IT's about fucking time all realize that having 20 mythril in cash does NOT give you anything more (take it from me). I'll tell you why... most think that the next expansion off the game will have new stuff that they will be able to buy for the same idiotic prices as they are now.. while THEY will be the once getting that stuff again and AGAIn exploit the same thing....AGAIN their balance will augment.. so they are stuck with USELESS gold.

OOoooo yes i forgot.. most of those ppl selling overrated stuff are SELLING GOLD ON EBAY for real life cash to cover their game expenses... i'll tell you what titfaces... start living in the real world; get a job work, earn cash and pay for it with that.. you'll have a whole lot more fullfillment in doing so , and at least you'll be able to think: "i did it" instead of "i stole for doing so"

so this is a nice long whine again.. just love to say it...

ppl will try to Ripp-off others only because off the IMPOSSEBILITY TO OBTAIN SOMETHING THE NORMAL WAY. So don't blame them, BLAME THE SELLING PPL.


btw: soujoners using teleporting at SoM.(if it does work); if you don't do it in a group to help ppl you ARE a thief.


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Freshly Ebay'd and acting like a muppet: nothing unusual there.

Red HATred

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
Night said:
i rly cba to read that Ironheart...


short version then:

The 7331,have smelly feet
The good,lack real food
The small,try to kick the ball
The large, live on a barge

A heart, honest and joyefull
A life, love and truthfull
A friend, a pall and beautifull
A world, big, ugly and harmfull

Bypass all the bad, be a good lad
Bypass the greed, be what others need
Bypass greedy ideas, they are nothing but useless fleas
Bypass thoughts of harm, drop those weapons and dissarm

poetic justice :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Red HATred said:

short version then:

The 7331,have smelly feet
The good,lack real food
The small,try to kick the ball
The large, live on a barge

A heart, honest and joyefull
A life, love and truthfull
A friend, a pall and beautifull
A world, big, ugly and harmfull

Bypass all the bad, be a good lad
Bypass the greed, be what others need
Bypass greedy ideas, they are nothing but useless fleas
Bypass thoughts of harm, drop those weapons and dissarm

poetic justice :)
Poetic bollocks..The concept of some poetry is not to finds words that look alike, ie..fleas and ideas, just because they end in eas....and not to add LL to the end of words to make them look the same. Unless you think that is how they are spelt..then ah well. But, as they is in the eye of the beholder (which is lucky for you then i guess).

Red hatred is a player
Who thinks he knows it all
He comes on here, and posts such crap
To make others feel small

We all know you are a loser
A twat of the highest degree
and probably a self abuser
With the brain the size of a flea

A self proclaimed king of the barrows
An excuse for making us mad
I wouldn't make you king of my shit
Because you are obviously sad

Now i must finish my tale
Of idiots who come on to post
Who's only joy is to flame and to moan
And think that they are loved the most

Anyway...Ebaynoob should piss off back to the grotty little corner he came from and rot there. It's people like that (and the pricks who then come on here to defend him) who make this game bad. Would like to see people like Gunner and Read Hatred giving the guy kudos from trying it if it had happened to them. They would probably be on here spitting more feathers than a pillow biter.
Fed's name is being dragged down by 1 arrogant (and pathetic) sad little human. The sooner he gets bored and moves along the better.

Red HATred

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
rofl, you can't even maintain a decent rhyme pattern titface :)

verbal art you lack
a verry weak attack
your lines are so weak
you are a system's leak

now piss off to your job
and pull ur lill nob
give urselfe a break
all you know is how to take

and final word: you so called Leet Tits create these problems..; you ALL are SO stupid and BLind .. you would even be able to find..... the truth even if it were in front of ur soon to be bloddy nose.

Red HATred

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
Heath said:
Would like to see people like Gunner and Read Hatred giving the guy kudos from trying it if it had happened to them. They would probably be on here spitting more feathers than a pillow biter.
Fed's name is being dragged down by 1 arrogant (and pathetic) sad little human. The sooner he gets bored and moves along the better.

o mate you know so little..

i have been ripped off a zillion time..; ppl asking to lend 10/20 platina...
i give em the loan;;; then they transfer it to another server .. delete their characters..; my cash is gone...

think i lose one second off sleep over that?
nope, i just made sure he got traced and locked..

Red HATred

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
hehe, i don't fight fire with fire :)

i fight fire with an inferno :)

hihi, joke :)


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Ironheart, you truly are a fucktard.

Keep posting, something to do while the servers are down.

Red HATred

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
eggy said:
Ironheart, you truly are a fucktard.

Keep posting, something to do while the servers are down.

ooo server down?

whassup? lagg problems :)))


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
flaming in poems is more amusing than normal flames tbh :)


Loyal Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
High prices for stuff is pretty lame, but tryna screw ppl out of items is even lamer, ppl who sell stuff for ridiculous prices are always gonna be around, so ppl who usually wouldnt do it and get one of these high price items put it up for the same price, usually cos they wanna fund their MP SC gear etc, which costs a fair whack at times.

All in all sad for the realms, hell sad for the game, noticed it myself past couple of weeks that the games becoming player vs Albion vs Mid vs Hib, some of us actually signed into the game under the impression it was about mass teamplay, that the realm would be striving all together for victory over the other opposing realms, this is no longer the case... fair enough if the game is gonna go that way... you can always quit.

What I'd like to see is a home invasion server like mentioned in the polls a while back, where ppl would be forced to work together, or be forced to hide out in the housing zones cos the opposing realm have worked together and wtfpwned everyone into retreat. Plus a big battle in camelot would rule ;)


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
What you all forget though, is ironheart was one of the first people in albion to start selling items over and above the so called marketprice. Remember when SI was launched? well he camped tower keeper 24/7 (seriously, the scrubber didnt shower for 3 weeks) selling oil drenched cleaning rag for as much as he could and shouting at anyone who got a horse to Ft.Gwyntell (i guess he had a buffbot at gwynt so he could see when people were turning up). He used to actually shit his pants on saturdays when everyone met at gwynt for Falcors or Aligros Sidi raids. Now he comes on here spouting off about how people are greedy, jesus, what a prick. Its like Hitler being alive today and saying "thou shall not kill thy neighbour"

Seein as though he likes poems, here is one i call "ode to ironheart"

Ironheart, you are a prick.


Loyal Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Said it once and going to say it again, sometimes i wish we lived in South Korea where people have been known to get their heads stuck in toilets irl for acting like a prick online.
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