Small Warning

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Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
Red HATred said:
Who do you think informed ppl on mobs and stuff to be found there???
It was I.
No. Believe it or not, people have other sources of information than to consult the Great Oracle Known As Ironheart<tm>. Contrary to what you seem to think, he universe does not, in fact, revolve around you.
Red HATred said:
YOU don't know SHIT about me.
Believe you me, after having read through your drivel here and on BW since day one, starting from the post where you put yourself forward as the ruler of Albion that we should all follow, I know you well enough--it doesn't take a rocket scientist to recognize an idiot when you see one. I know you much better, in fact, than you know the people you are constantly slagging off with your misplaced vulgarities, childish invectives (not going to call someone a "drol" here, or what was it again?), high-strung rambling propaganda, and sweeping statements of twisted solidarity.
Ironheart said:
so pls SHUT UP once and for all.. you retired... now stay dead i would say :)
Take a look at mine signature the next time your limited concentration span allows you to.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 8, 2004
Red HATred said:
I made prices crash to 500 gp so all ppl could get em instead od those stupid idiotic wannebee something in here.

I remember you wanting to sell it for 2plat to my Friar when I was crafting in Diogel so stop lying.


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
Ironheart the king of barrows hahahaheheheh

He proper used to spit his dummy out in barrows, to the point that you could actually imagine he was shedding tears in real life if you came anywhere near him in barrows. His trick was (which he will deny) was to watch where a necro was pulling, work out which mob the necro was going to pull and then nuke the mob first so the necro actually attacked a pulled mob, then he would tell the necro to leave or else he would contact goa and get them banned.

Red HATred

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
MOst can't be assed to read this ... i don't mind, but here i go.

i do feel sorry for the number of utter idiots that roam in albion tbh...

speaking words off events they so called "heard" in their gu or something.. or experience something that may see the way they saw it.

Never-ever did they bother to make a decent inquiry on what was happening at a certain given time period.
Some players felt offended at certain times in-game... but they forget that an equal ammount of ppl had the best experiences with me at other time periods...

Still they need to point the finger to me.. not thinking.. not even considdering .. "could i have been wrong at that period, could my behaviour have been the problem that started all?" nope, because that would have scratched their so called "imaginairy"-personality.

i'll come back on a sheme on how ppl create problems in-game and why ppl resort to some stupid actions like this person who this thread here is really dedicated to.

Some 12-16 year old youngsters receive a present from their parents. They receive a PC game called DAOC.
Those kids still are lucky to have a DECENT set off parents that are strickt when it comes to their kids and think of their main purpose at that age. That beeing school and education. So they limit their kids in playing time..; and follow their kids up when it comes to attending school instead of letting them run around aimlessly, visit the nearest cyber-cafe , skipp school and play DAOC like i have seen TONS in-game.(same goes for adults)
Those parents let their kids play for a certain ammount off time a day... because they know what it takes to make it real life.
Those kids, logg in every night for a couple of hours and, joyefull as they are, they encounter ppl, make friends and enter the world as it was created.

Then they encounter the SHITHOLES (schoolskippers, unemployed lazy bumms, junkies) (leaving ppl in bad health out off the picture here) that don't seem to have anything better to do then sit on their ass all day long.. ruining 60% off the game contents by farming, destroying everything there is to be found. Those kids ALSO want to be as good and have the same stuff as their friends...
Then they get confronted with the impossibility which artficially has been created by those 24 hr-daoc-geeks. They get confronted with the rediculous prices and impossebility to obtain something the normal way.
They discover that the ammount of cash needed to obtain something is just as impossible as the thing itselfe...
ALL because some shitholes deceided to make it special... in their POV.
These kids try to find a way off obtaining that stuff... and what you idiots don't realize is that youngsters ingenuity and inventivety is soooo huge.. They WILL try everything to get a hold of that thing. Be it cash, be it drops, be it some other form of useless bits and bytes.
So YOU are to blame for the actions other players try. BEcause you take away things from ppl without a decent reason. ONly because YOU think that it is special.

Again i say i don't justify the action from those youngster, ripp-offs, conn-artists, and the like, BUT i realize that there is a base to it all, a possible reason.

Well , i'll add one last thing, i'm so glad that i frigging make it my task to break that chain of impossebility. To kick those stupid asses , like these forum-trolls here, in their balls. And i'll tell you one thing, i'll keep it doing time after time.. if i get confronted with the idiocy you so-called "elite" run by in here... i'll fucking kick you in the balls again.

Everything in here is for everybody..
And you , you stupid fuckheads, won't deceide wether somebody can or can not obtain something. Everyone will get everything they want. And as long as you make it impossible for them to obtain something... you aren't even worth existing.

Most ppl have a good-balance-filled Real life... and your behaviour in this game here will not determine wether they will continue playing this game or quit because YOU ALL made them quit.

and i'll say it again...
every friggin thing i see on a market explorer that is to be sold for eg: 1p+ will be labelled as theft and unfair.

last detail.. i also made it my priveledge to buy expensive stuff from those assholes, yes, i do buy it.. then i GIVE it away.. to someone that is looking for it but can't afford it. Only one reason..not to promote your things.. not to augment your cash flow... just to help some ppl.

and yes call me an idiot again...

at this moment (things can change) i'm glad to run in a guild which seems to have a whole different mentality and maturety. Those ppl do know me shitloads more then you stupid forum-whores can even imagine.. they know how things really are... and they see what is done for them, with them and by them.
We have had a couple of visitors off your like.. well they left verry fast.; cause they felt that they didn't fit in.. they had to behave a bit responcable..; and don't get this wrong... we do bullshit in our guild (even fight) as well..but we maintain the lines off decency... those lines most off you here haven't even discovered , because it is easy to hide behind a screen and keyboard and act like a shithole without returning any form off decency... and hide behind the line " i pay my game, i play it the way i want " well... start thinking that there are a dozen of other ppl that do the same thing as you do.. they also pay to play.

so pls;;; all
wake up and change things.


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 21, 2004
dude stop it..

5 more pages of your bollox and everyone who tends to read this will go insane. you'll be all by yourself in albion because the rest of us will be living the rest of our lives in a asylum.

(you can make the prices as low as u want then :p )

Red HATred

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
Knolan said:
dude stop it..

5 more pages of your bollox and everyone who tends to read this will go insane. you'll be all by yourself in albion because the rest of us will be living the rest of our lives in a asylum.

(you can make the prices as low as u want then :p )

lol, maybee those ppl should never have left that asylum they came from mate :)


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
Beeks i cba read what he just posted. Can you summarise?


Part of the furniture
Jan 9, 2004
Marc said:
Beeks i cba read what he just posted. Can you summarise?

Sure............................I buy from the rich and give to the poor. I drop poppies in emain, I escort the elderly across the road, I am misunderstood, I am bordering on unstable..................................................................


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 6, 2004
elbeek said:
Sure............................I buy from the rich and give to the poor. I drop poppies in emain, I escort the elderly across the road, I am misunderstood, I am bordering on unstable..................................................................



Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Red HATred said:
Blah Blah Blah

WTF was all that about. You made me read that crap this early in the morning. How dare you post such drivel and utter bollocks on a public forum without sounding like a mad preacher standing on a soap box with a bible in your hand screaming about the next coming.

Your post does actually sound like you are some sort of Robin Hood/Jason Voorhees type character. Will rob from the rich to give to you....then slash your throat from behind while you are smiling.

You cannot post tons of utter crap and try to build up your own e-penis without us seeing what you are really like. A maniac. You are the person that mothers warned us about. The stranger with a nutty look in his eye, prolly the person in a ford tranist van with a bag of sweets for little kids. Wierd and very scary. Not scary in the "i had better not argue with him" way, but scary in the "he is gonna kill somebody if he doesn't get this pull" way.
You should keep your ranting to the street corners where i am sure you would fit in quite well.

From now on i am not gonna read anything you post because you are now coming across as a bit of a loser/nutter.
Are you sure you haven't killed anybody and blamed it on the DAoC community/arrogant people not letting the economy fall yet??.

Others have said it, you are a freak/loser/idoit/fucktard etc etc etc...can we ALL be wrong. Sometimes the majority ARE right. The comment about kicking people in the balls...lmao...will size 2 shoes really hurt ??.

And, it looks as only 1 person escaped from the asylum to me.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 26, 2004
Fed said:
actually i put 20gold in at first, not 20p, and when u went and got it, i didnt put the 20p into 20g, it was always 20g, so, that just shows how retarded and idiotic you are :D
sick fucker


Part of the furniture
Jan 9, 2004
TBH I really like Ironfarts posts. They always make me laugh. Keep up the posting Farty, it brightens my day. :)


Part of the furniture
Jan 9, 2004
Going back to the original thread. Is this the real Fed?...I somehow doubt it.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 26, 2004
lol, when i read the posts of this morning, i am really surprised how many ppl are already (or still?) drunk at this time.


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 21, 2004
Red HATred said:
lol, maybee those ppl should never have left that asylum they came from mate :)

im gonna dissapoint the community now.......but, you have a point <falls over.>


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 21, 2004
Schmerz said:
lol, when i read the posts of this morning, i am really surprised how many ppl are already (or still?) drunk at this time.

im always drunk just read my sig (and this aint the only game forum i read :>)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 6, 2004
Ironheart, im not looking to flame you too but theres certain points you are missing in your argumentation. You play the way you like, caring, giving away etc etc. Thats good, no doubt.
As for me, and I know a lot of other people would agree with this.. Ive done a lot of pve, a lot with you too, in my time in daoc.
In that period Ive gathered great wealth, filled my vaults with arcanium and gotten the artifacts and items I needed + a lot more to sell off. The artifacts for sale are not "stolen" from some guy who needed it but is in my posession because I either soloed it or won a fair lotto over ppl who, like me, wasnt really needing the artifact.
So why dont I just give everything away? Well for me the economical/financial side of daoc is great fun and I consider it as a big piece of the game (bit fecked up atm tho), I like earning fair money so I can buy what I want for my self or my mates who needs.

In the latest big guilds ive been a member of ive always crafted free stuff to everyone and will continue to do so. I spend my money on rl friends, crafting for ppl who might need so and selling the leftovers on my CMs. Thats good too, no doubt.

I cant believe that farming stuff is equivalent to "not helping" your realm etc. Well if i didnt farm 3x SoM 3o3 the price hadnt dropped to from 15P to 7.5P a piece. I would call that helping tbh.

In my opinion you need to respect that ppl use this game as intended. And maybe its you that should think twice before accusing ppl for being selvish.


Sorry for being off topic :drink: /cheers


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Red HATred said:
Everything in here is for everybody..
And you , you stupid fuckheads, won't deceide wether somebody can or can not obtain something.

Only you can decide whether someone obtains something or not, right?


Oh the humanity!


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 28, 2004
Red HATred said:
i'll have to stick up for tis poor sod for even trying to get something....

don't blame that kid for his actions, blame all those ASSHOLES farming stuff and putting it on merchants at even more INSAINE prices.

ok he is a stupid tart for trying so. I'm not justifying the action, but justifying a possible reason for doing so....(he's just a stupid kid trying to fit in with the *cough* 'important' *cough* ppl cause he's lonely.)

see, 8hr+/day gamers tend to farm a 24 hr spawn events, then they call this stuff SPECIAL... while it is NOT. THen they say it is so hard to get.. so they augment the prices to rediculous ammount. That, while they are the only reason why it is so hard to get, because they are the only once ruining all events in down-time on the server.

compare it to real life....
Kapitalism, if you can call it that way.. the base for supply and demand.. only creates misery and problems...
If you don't believe is about fucking time all off you open you bedroom window and look outside... Real life will show you what kapitalism creates... poverty, misery, dismay, desease, psychotic ppl, war, death, greed... and fortune for the VERRY FEW ppl out there (those that exploit without a consience)

some, semi intelligent, players in here think that it is the way to go.... to uphold the rules of the real world in here.. INstead of trying to work the other way around... ignore the cash look at the ppl.. care fore the ppl.


IT's about fucking time all realize that having 20 mythril in cash does NOT give you anything more (take it from me). I'll tell you why... most think that the next expansion off the game will have new stuff that they will be able to buy for the same idiotic prices as they are now.. while THEY will be the once getting that stuff again and AGAIn exploit the same thing....AGAIN their balance will augment.. so they are stuck with USELESS gold.

OOoooo yes i forgot.. most of those ppl selling overrated stuff are SELLING GOLD ON EBAY for real life cash to cover their game expenses... i'll tell you what titfaces... start living in the real world; get a job work, earn cash and pay for it with that.. you'll have a whole lot more fullfillment in doing so , and at least you'll be able to think: "i did it" instead of "i stole for doing so"

so this is a nice long whine again.. just love to say it...

ppl will try to Ripp-off others only because off the IMPOSSEBILITY TO OBTAIN SOMETHING THE NORMAL WAY. So don't blame them, BLAME THE SELLING PPL.


btw: soujoners using teleporting at SoM.(if it does work); if you don't do it in a group to help ppl you ARE a thief.


totaly true, the peoples who disagrees on this post have those so special items on the merchant for zillion plats :eek:

sure i dont play Daoc anymore , you can flame me on this , blah blah blah ...

sure Marc will do that right away
i'll be back in a few moment
cheers :drink:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Moona said:

totaly true, the peoples who disagrees on this post have those so special items on the merchant for zillion plats :eek:

sure i dont play Daoc anymore , you can flame me on this , blah blah blah ...

sure Marc will do that right away
i'll be back in a few moment
cheers :drink:

Wrong...i disagree with him totally..and all i have on my CM are a few tatty scrolls going dirt cheap. are wrong. Also, did RedHatred give you a phonecall and ask you to come back and "worthy" him??..Over something you prolly have no idea about. Did you even read the very first post...this is not even about irontwat anyway.

this is about a scammer called Fed. Ironfart did what he usually does, sticks his oar in to where it isn't needed and spout his 4 pages worth of self righteous bullshit and making people who oppose him feel inferior and stupid. While he is trying to be seen as the saviour of Albion. But, we all know him for the idiotic mad lunatic he is and usually ignore him anyway now. I know from now on i will.

And as for those Oh so special items...what are they??..what is oh so special to one person is crap to another. Can you even name some of the stuff or what it is good for if you don't even play the game. Moona, why not go to another forum you know nothing about and comment there, cos basically that is all you are doing here. TTFW.


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
Mr 10 online mmorpgs played \o/ has too many forums to choose from


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 31, 2004
Is this the real Fed

I would like to point out that Federz is not on Fedaykins account, so Fedaykin has nothing to do with this scam.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Bloodbath said:
I would like to point out that Federz is not on Fedaykins account, so Fedaykin has nothing to do with this scam.

S'ok m8.....we guessed that this was not the real deal...just a cheap plastic immitation. Not really worth the time and effort. (bit like Irontwat).

Fedaykin's name is still ok by us (o: :worthy:
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