No. Believe it or not, people have other sources of information than to consult the Great Oracle Known As Ironheart<tm>. Contrary to what you seem to think, he universe does not, in fact, revolve around you.Red HATred said:Who do you think informed ppl on mobs and stuff to be found there???
It was I.
Believe you me, after having read through your drivel here and on BW since day one, starting from the post where you put yourself forward as the ruler of Albion that we should all follow, I know you well enough--it doesn't take a rocket scientist to recognize an idiot when you see one. I know you much better, in fact, than you know the people you are constantly slagging off with your misplaced vulgarities, childish invectives (not going to call someone a "drol" here, or what was it again?), high-strung rambling propaganda, and sweeping statements of twisted solidarity.Red HATred said:YOU don't know SHIT about me.
Take a look at mine signature the next time your limited concentration span allows you to.Ironheart said:so pls SHUT UP once and for all.. you retired... now stay dead i would say![]()
Red HATred said:I made prices crash to 500 gp so all ppl could get em instead od those stupid idiotic wannebee something in here.
Knolan said:dude stop it..
5 more pages of your bollox and everyone who tends to read this will go insane. you'll be all by yourself in albion because the rest of us will be living the rest of our lives in a asylum.
(you can make the prices as low as u want then)
Marc said:Beeks i cba read what he just posted. Can you summarise?
elbeek said:Sure............................I buy from the rich and give to the poor. I drop poppies in emain, I escort the elderly across the road, I am misunderstood, I am bordering on unstable..................................................................
Red HATred said:Blah Blah Blah
retardFed said:actually i put 20gold in at first, not 20p, and when u went and got it, i didnt put the 20p into 20g, it was always 20g, so, that just shows how retarded and idiotic you are![]()
No.elbeek said:Is this the real Fed?
Red HATred said:lol, maybee those ppl should never have left that asylum they came from mate![]()
Schmerz said:lol, when i read the posts of this morning, i am really surprised how many ppl are already (or still?) drunk at this time.
Red HATred said:Everything in here is for everybody..
And you , you stupid fuckheads, won't deceide wether somebody can or can not obtain something.
hahahahahahahaRaguel said:plz don't make this game diablo, go play WoW
Marc said:lol u really are a fukwit Red hatred.
Red HATred said:i'll have to stick up for tis poor sod for even trying to get something....
don't blame that kid for his actions, blame all those ASSHOLES farming stuff and putting it on merchants at even more INSAINE prices.
ok he is a stupid tart for trying so. I'm not justifying the action, but justifying a possible reason for doing so....(he's just a stupid kid trying to fit in with the *cough* 'important' *cough* ppl cause he's lonely.)
see, 8hr+/day gamers tend to farm a 24 hr spawn events, then they call this stuff SPECIAL... while it is NOT. THen they say it is so hard to get.. so they augment the prices to rediculous ammount. That, while they are the only reason why it is so hard to get, because they are the only once ruining all events in down-time on the server.
compare it to real life....
Kapitalism, if you can call it that way.. the base for supply and demand.. only creates misery and problems...
If you don't believe is about fucking time all off you open you bedroom window and look outside... Real life will show you what kapitalism creates... poverty, misery, dismay, desease, psychotic ppl, war, death, greed... and fortune for the VERRY FEW ppl out there (those that exploit without a consience)
some, semi intelligent, players in here think that it is the way to go.... to uphold the rules of the real world in here.. INstead of trying to work the other way around... ignore the cash look at the ppl.. care fore the ppl.
IT's about fucking time all realize that having 20 mythril in cash does NOT give you anything more (take it from me). I'll tell you why... most think that the next expansion off the game will have new stuff that they will be able to buy for the same idiotic prices as they are now.. while THEY will be the once getting that stuff again and AGAIn exploit the same thing....AGAIN their balance will augment.. so they are stuck with USELESS gold.
OOoooo yes i forgot.. most of those ppl selling overrated stuff are SELLING GOLD ON EBAY for real life cash to cover their game expenses... i'll tell you what titfaces... start living in the real world; get a job work, earn cash and pay for it with that.. you'll have a whole lot more fullfillment in doing so , and at least you'll be able to think: "i did it" instead of "i stole for doing so"
so this is a nice long whine again.. just love to say it...
ppl will try to Ripp-off others only because off the IMPOSSEBILITY TO OBTAIN SOMETHING THE NORMAL WAY. So don't blame them, BLAME THE SELLING PPL.
btw: soujoners using teleporting at SoM.(if it does work); if you don't do it in a group to help ppl you ARE a thief.
Moona said::worthy:
totaly true, the peoples who disagrees on this post have those so special items on the merchant for zillion plats![]()
sure i dont play Daoc anymore , you can flame me on this , blah blah blah ...
sure Marc will do that right away
i'll be back in a few moment
Bloodbath said:I would like to point out that Federz is not on Fedaykins account, so Fedaykin has nothing to do with this scam.