Sidi raids poll !!! vote now !

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I soon ding rr5, but I vote for levle 50 anyway


Originally posted by Yussef
People who say raids are hard to organise, speak bullshit too.

You know what, that isn't true. Organising 100+ people is never easy, even worse online. And the really hard part is controlling everyone during the raid, putting up with all the shit ppl give you, the lotto, and then everyone bitching. I get a headache (literally) just from going and listening to ppl in cg moaning about everything and not listening to simple things like don't go past the stairs etc - I can't imagine what it's like to try to lead that mob.

I think that no matter which way this rr5+ thing goes, people should at least remember all the work Falcor has put in to this week after week and give him some respect for that. He is trying to work out a compromise because alot of people have been moaning at him about this. That doesn't make him a bad person, even if you disagree about the rule, so stop throwing shit at him please.


Originally posted by Yussef
People who say raids are hard to organise, speak bullshit too.

Not sure who your main is...
But trying to have 150 player follow orders over the course of 2 hours, were retards that don't speak English (note, I do not only mean Spanish retards) just walk around the place getting aggro, people go afk (and not for 30s, a tad longer). Several mobs needed to be approached in different ways (one will heal for example if a non-cleric hits it, or Apoc spawns adds if he kills one player....) and meanwhile, 75 of those 150 are pm'ing you for the stats on the last drop, won't turn in those drops, are pming you that they have a right on that specific drop, and they want +99 on their /random 100 roll...
But yeah, you have proved in the passed you can do all this.. (sarcasm btw).
Regards, Glottis


The poll is set up very manipulative (as can be expected by somebody who wants Falcor on the Raids instead of making it a more fair poll), but besides that point, more people are against Falcor's rule then infront.

Falcor when 2 times less then 80 people did show up, 2 times you gave excusses. What next, making 100 accounts to manipulate this poll or change your rules. You always claim you do what the majority wants. 2/3 off all people at barry are against it.

You gone be the "man" you claim to be, or prove for ones and for all who you really are, a manipulative, greedy, power hungry teenager.



I'd say running a decent lotto is far harder than running a good raid ;)

course it depends on who you take with you :)


Originally posted by skile
Ok, you should go see whom defends our fronteirs, especially when we did not have relics. Was it First Cohort? Black Falcons? GoL? No, it was the small guilds, mostly. It's them getting us DF, not the roaming groups in emain. Some bigger guilds were also there to help as well, but there was a great lack of the RvsR-based guilds.

1. Since when is getting df deffending the realm?
2. Who organized the last relic raid wich took 35 mins?

Dont got anny thing more to say.


Originally posted by treaza
1. Since when is getting df deffending the realm?
2. Who organized the last relic raid wich took 35 mins?

Dont got anny thing more to say.

someone else claimed it was :)

This whole "RR5 defend the realm more" should be entirely irrelevant to a PvE raid.

I may start basing my lotto rules on the price of cheese ;)


I voted against the RR5 rule and I'm RR5+

Someone who truly RvRs doesn't really need such a weapon anyway. You can cap all your stats quite easily and a MP crafted weapon will do just as much damage. There's only two things a drop can give you over a crafted counterpart, a non craftable proc and a different SPD. Sidi also has a variety of tinctures which probably cover the first point and we will be getting a whole new set of weapons to cover the SPD issue. So really the only reason to want these uber weapons is because? Well because they look cool and they're unique. They look cool on any char from RR1 to RR10 I don't see the need for a RR5 rule.



okey, i can see a way that everyone wins here, if you make it so that RR5+ only can roll for these weapons, then also make it that no one from an RvR guild can attend the raid, since they shouldnt be doing PvE anyway right? it makes more sense than limiting the rolls and it will piss everyone off instead of only half the people :D


Originally posted by Fagane
Falcor when 2 times less then 80 people did show up ...
80 people - matching the highest numbers ever to attend one of Aligros sidi raids.

Your making less and less sense as time goes on.

Originally posted by DreadsIt is the same <cough> 1337 <cough> attitude that makes me hear /b LGM WC'ER takeing ARC orders only in diogel. And /c Spams of YOU NOOBS!
Ah because crafters arent allowed to choose to take orders they might gain profit and/or skill from - are they.


Some points in no particular order. I personally find all preclaiming offensive, I have organised lots of big guild and alliance raids and they aren't easy to do but I do them so that my guild and alliance benefit not for personal gain and that is the way it should be. In my experience if you do a good raid with good people they will quite often give you useful items rather than you having to preclaim them. Anyways that actually is not relevant to the poll but to some things in the other posts.

I absolutely disagree with the rr5 rule and I have 2 rr5's so am not speaking from bias. RR5 indicates above all time spent in rvr, you spend enough time rvr'ing you'll get rr5 eventually.

Secondly, there can be very few RR5's without SC'd gear now so chances are these wonderful drops won't quite fit their template and will end up in someone's vault until they sell it or make a new template.

And we're talking here about what .3 dps? Get some perspective on it maybe?


Originally posted by Tilda
its not that hard to get RR5 tbh

Well not if you dont have a job, wife or any other "social" commitments to keep alive, then I guess attaining RR5+ is just patience and zerging enough.

And not aimed at Tilda, but there is no skill what so ever in daoc if you are'nt a assassin class character.

Nuitari L50 RR4L5 Theurgist
Lunatari L50 RR3L3 Minstrel
Reistlin L50 RR3L6 Wizard


Originally posted by nuitari
Well not if you dont have a job, wife or any other "social" commitments to keep alive, then I guess attaining RR5+ is just patience and zerging enough.

And not aimed at Tilda, but there is no skill what so ever in daoc if you are'nt a assassin class character.

Nuitari L50 RR4L5 Theurgist
Lunatari L50 RR3L3 Minstrel
Reistlin L50 RR3L6 Wizard



Originally posted by Asha
skile that isn't true (it really really isn't) and considering the percentage of the population that fc + hb make up, ALOT of the keep taking/upgrading/relic raids/pve raids/getting df/relic defending has been done by these people. This is going back a year too, during which time GoL and HB have made big big contributions to Albion - BF and FC less because we're smaller, but we do come when needed. Stop trying to make things into evul elitist rvr guilds. These guilds have done alot.

That has nothing to do with the rr5+ argument, I am just sick of hearing how rvr guilds do nothing. It's bullshit.

The guild based raids worked fine for Dragon Raids, and going back further for LB raids. We never had these arguments and the Guild Leaders generally made sure the weapons went to good use. Also smaller guilds weren't excluded from either.

Those RvsR guilds turn up, but not often. It's very selldom. Atleast from my impression. I'm not trying to lie or put shame on RvsR-guilds. The fact is, the small, random guilds are the ones whom pull the most work in the fronteirs. I was answering to ayb's (something) post. Not my intention do throw dirt at RvsR-guilds.


Originally posted by Falcor
U r full of ya self and full of soemthing else too

Thats like asking for the spanish inquisition back (no offense spanish ppl)

U DONT dictate to me skile after ya behavior i listen to ppl a lot, ppl unlike u who dont hold a grudge, will see how this changes over next few days, and then make a decision...i have always said it is left mostly upto ppl..

One thing i think u should note, its not as cut and dry as a lot of ppl i think thought it would be, 2:1 or so atm, thats still 30% who want the rule, a considerable number...

30% yes? But how is that relevant. A crushing majority of 60% disagrees with the rules. So adjust. It's funny you would keep me banned tho, since the only thing I've done is trying to lift this question up, in order to make your, or another leaders raids more popular.

I have nothing against you, rather your rules. And by your language you seem to be the one holding a grudge towards someone, that would be me.


My opinion has always been thus; If you sit through a potentially 5 hour raid you're rewarded with loot. If you RvR day and night you're rewarded with a high realm rank. I see no connection between realm ranks and sidi raids.

So, lets say, theoretically, that Sidi loot only goes to RR5+. By that logic RR5- should be forbidden from buying lvl51 crafted gear, because it could be better used by a RR5+.

DeaD GuRu

Originally posted by loxleyhood
My opinion has always been thus; If you sit through a potentially 5 hour raid you're rewarded with loot. If you RvR day and night you're rewarded with a high realm rank. I see no connection between realm ranks and sidi raids.

So, lets say, theoretically, that Sidi loot only goes to RR5+. By that logic RR5- should be forbidden from buying lvl51 crafted gear, because it could be better used by a RR5+.

nice one :)

strike one, no more tailoring for rr0 noobs


Originally posted by loxleyhood
My opinion has always been thus; If you sit through a potentially 5 hour raid you're rewarded with loot. If you RvR day and night you're rewarded with a high realm rank. I see no connection between realm ranks and sidi raids.

So, lets say, theoretically, that Sidi loot only goes to RR5+. By that logic RR5- should be forbidden from buying lvl51 crafted gear, because it could be better used by a RR5+.

Aye good note Lox.


Originally posted by loxleyhood
My opinion has always been thus; If you sit through a potentially 5 hour raid you're rewarded with loot. If you RvR day and night you're rewarded with a high realm rank. I see no connection between realm ranks and sidi raids.

So, lets say, theoretically, that Sidi loot only goes to RR5+. By that logic RR5- should be forbidden from buying lvl51 crafted gear, because it could be better used by a RR5+.

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

So true, well put.


Originally posted by loxleyhood
My opinion has always been thus; If you sit through a potentially 5 hour raid you're rewarded with loot. If you RvR day and night you're rewarded with a high realm rank. I see no connection between realm ranks and sidi raids.

So, lets say, theoretically, that Sidi loot only goes to RR5+. By that logic RR5- should be forbidden from buying lvl51 crafted gear, because it could be better used by a RR5+.
/hug loxley
good words, well said.

and falcor: 30% want to have the rr5 rule, which you say is great. why do you ignore the MAJORITY?
oh yeah... cause most of them aren't rr5 so they don't count for shite in your book


Originally posted by loxleyhood
So, lets say, theoretically, that Sidi loot only goes to RR5+. By that logic RR5- should be forbidden from buying lvl51 crafted gear, because it could be better used by a RR5+.

Whether or not you agree with the rule, that statement is just ridiculous... how can you compare the sale of items that anyone can, if they so choose, level a character to make with the lottoing of an item which may only drop once in a hundred, or even a thousand, raids?

The production and sale/purchase of crafted items is entirely in the hands of the player base. Whether or not an item drops is purely at the cruel whim of fate, and you can understand why some people would feel, rightly or wrongly, that such a rare item should go to someone who can use it to the full extent of its potential.


Originally posted by syri

and falcor: 30% want to have the rr5 rule, which you say is great. why do you ignore the MAJORITY?

He makes his raid, he makes his rules.

you make your raid, you make your rules.

get it?

Edit: typo


not such a big deal atm, but in 1.64 alot of drops become extremely powerful for example so this will actually become an important issue in the near future.

for myself i just think level 50 and can use the item, sure its annoying to see a guy in epic who plays twice a week getting these items, but what the hey its only a game :p


Originally posted by Aybabtu
He makes his raid, he makes his rules.

you make your raid, you make your rules.

get it?

Edit: typo

Then he should STEP OFF and let aligro hold the raids. Falcors says he listens to PEOPLE, what does that mean? People = Majority.

But then again, we aren't all behind democracy. Some stand behind the principals of dictatorship.


I think the RR5+ rule is lame as hell, but I can accept that only RR5+ can lotto for Apoc drops if RR5+ people is forbidden in any other lotto.


Originally posted by alithiel50


The production and sale/purchase of crafted items is entirely in the hands of the player base. Whether or not an item drops is purely at the cruel whim of fate, and you can understand why some people would feel, rightly or wrongly, that such a rare item should go to someone who can use it to the full extent of its potential.

Well mate, then look at it in another way, doesnt everyone help out on a raid?
Why is it that if for example, a rr4 theurg goes on this raid and does runs his pbt,
casts his pets and yet in the end only his friend the rr5 theurg who did no more
and no less to help retrieving this item gets to roll on the <item of choice> that dropped in the end of the raid?

I wouldnt be happy.

And the full extent of a weapon, well first for casters that means zero, nada, nothing, 16.5 or 16.2 yay! like a sorc ever kills something melee.
And for the other classes, fighter or rogue, well eventually everyone reaches rr5 and can use it to its "full potential" so telling some they cant roll for it is well plain greed.

Anyway as someone stated its Falcor's rule and he can chose what rule he wants,
still we do not have to agree do we?

And in the end this is a place for discussion is it not?

My 200 letters or so.


Originally posted by skile
Then he should STEP OFF and let aligro hold the raids. Falcors says he listens to PEOPLE, what does that mean? People = Majority.

But then again, we aren't all behind democracy. Some stand behind the principals of dictatorship.

Your getting sad Skile. Just cause you managed to screw over the Albs on the last Sidi raid so bad you got banned from the lotto, you now started a personal crusade against Falcor.
Sad git.
Regards, Glottis


Originally posted by Glottis_Xanadu
Sad git Glottis

Sad is the person who did in his last 200 posts only flame, and bring forth no argument except insults.

I am just waiting till somebody looks your name up in ancient greek, and everybody knows for what you stand.


ps: Come Glottis you can do it, give me another /flame farm
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