Sidi raids poll !!! vote now !

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Falcor should respect the outcome of the poll and base his rule on that, to end the flame of all flames.

And to you Loxley:
I was bored on the Sidi raid, I let my pet run around a bit. I targetted the MA and let it run there. Because of the pathing it runs a little wierd and will never actualy stand still. As every cabalist who did pygmy's know. If your pet pulls mobs one passive (or when he can't hit a mob) and he dies from those mobs, the mobs return to their starting locations because for the game the pet isn't part of the group.

So only if you play a level 50 RR5+ cabalist you can maybe tell me what to do with my pet, but also tell me why. I will not listen to 10 people who never played a cabalist like I did to kill my pet, just because..., understand?


should I add a new option,

All should be able to roll but RR5+'s should have an extra ammount added onto their roll?



I think if you go to the raid.. and you are 50 you should be able to lotto for any drop.


I think ppl who intend to put the items te good use should be able to /random
As long you RvR alot you should be able to vote for the RR5+ items, owners of buffbots who lotto for the bb should be banned

For the rest lvl 50 only would be nice :D


iirc theres a buffbot from TB who sits at apk all day with a sidi shield. Thats bloody pathetic imo :puke:


A pole like this doesn’t actually mean anything since anyone can vote who has a BW account, even if they don’t play the game, even if they play a different server, even if they play mid or hib. Also, there is the people who don’t read BW.

Tilda forgot the best option, guild based, which would cut down on the afk people and cut down on the selling of weapons right after the raid and would cut down on buffbots having sidi items and would cut down on people acting like idiots at the raid and would cut down on the lotto time and would cut down on the flames and arguments and would cut down on the strife.

But nevermind that, carry on Tilda. :rolleyes:


I could always zero the poll and add a 4th option? :p


Originally posted by Falcor
59% to 41% currently now maybe some of u c that, althought a lot r opposed a LOT also like the rule

Not taking any part,but <Imagines many peeps making 2nd accounts for poll :rolleyes: >


Originally posted by old.Zeikerd
Falcor should respect the outcome of the poll and base his rule on that, to end the flame of all flames.

And to you Loxley:
I was bored on the Sidi raid, I let my pet run around a bit. I targetted the MA and let it run there. Because of the pathing it runs a little wierd and will never actualy stand still. As every cabalist who did pygmy's know. If your pet pulls mobs one passive (or when he can't hit a mob) and he dies from those mobs, the mobs return to their starting locations because for the game the pet isn't part of the group.

So only if you play a level 50 RR5+ cabalist you can maybe tell me what to do with my pet, but also tell me why. I will not listen to 10 people who never played a cabalist like I did to kill my pet, just because..., understand?

The way you spoke on the raid sucked donkey balls, thats all im saying.


Originally posted by dimerian
Not taking any part,but <Imagines many peeps making 2nd accounts for poll :rolleyes: >

If they r sad enough too will stand same chance of happening on both sides


Originally posted by Vireb
so what , you expect the non rr5's to help you kill the mob so they should expect to have a chance at the drops........

But you (People that rather want to Xp/cash farm) expect the people who RvR's to get DF for you, some of you even bitch and moan about relic situation and then complains about RvR-guilds not doing somthing you wont do cos your to busy buying seals as if your life depended on it!


tbh/imo everyone under rr5 with chars that want stuff from sidi will vote for under rr5s ro lotto....


Originally posted by pinball
tbh/imo everyone under rr5 with chars that want stuff from sidi will vote for under rr5s ro lotto....

No Shit Sherlock.


Originally posted by Aybabtu
But you (People that rather want to Xp/cash farm) expect the people who RvR's to get DF for you, some of you even bitch and moan about relic situation and then complains about RvR-guilds not doing somthing you wont do cos your to busy buying seals as if your life depended on it!


Originally posted by Aybabtu
But you (People that rather want to Xp/cash farm) expect the people who RvR's to get DF for you, some of you even bitch and moan about relic situation and then complains about RvR-guilds not doing somthing you wont do cos your to busy buying seals as if your life depended on it!

What he says, and more.
RR5 for the top drops is only fair. Been done before on the Dragon Raids when he dropped the most uber stuff, and should be done now with the Caer Sidi drops.
Regards, Glottis


Originally posted by old.Zeikerd
Falcor should respect the outcome of the poll and base his rule on that, to end the flame of all flames.

If Falcor (or anyone else) organises a raid then he can set whatever rules he likes. People can then decide for themselves whether to attend or not. Personally I don't like the rr5 rule (I also happen to prefer guild based invitations/lotto), but it is entirely up to Falcor what sort of raid he wishes to run.


Nice tilda :). Raising our voices helps!

/vic for the 2nd class in daoc, the r5- ^^. A victory seems at hand. Elitism is loosing :D.


For the note, if Falcor refuses to applie the results of this vote. I have talked with Aligro, he has not promised to start doing raids again, but he seems positive :).


Originally posted by Aybabtu
But you (People that rather want to Xp/cash farm) expect the people who RvR's to get DF for you, some of you even bitch and moan about relic situation and then complains about RvR-guilds not doing somthing you wont do cos your to busy buying seals as if your life depended on it!
k rr5 + friar who was very active , when i was out of work, and now an active rr3 and up coming armsman , i sit and farm seal all time k thnx :p as my website shows all the mobs i killed


Originally posted by Aybabtu
But you (People that rather want to Xp/cash farm) expect the people who RvR's to get DF for you, some of you even bitch and moan about relic situation and then complains about RvR-guilds not doing somthing you wont do cos your to busy buying seals as if your life depended on it!

Ok, you should go see whom defends our fronteirs, especially when we did not have relics. Was it First Cohort? Black Falcons? GoL? No, it was the small guilds, mostly. It's them getting us DF, not the roaming groups in emain. Some bigger guilds were also there to help as well, but there was a great lack of the RvsR-based guilds.


skile that isn't true (it really really isn't) and considering the percentage of the population that fc + hb make up, ALOT of the keep taking/upgrading/relic raids/pve raids/getting df/relic defending has been done by these people. This is going back a year too, during which time GoL and HB have made big big contributions to Albion - BF and FC less because we're smaller, but we do come when needed. Stop trying to make things into evul elitist rvr guilds. These guilds have done alot.

That has nothing to do with the rr5+ argument, I am just sick of hearing how rvr guilds do nothing. It's bullshit.

The guild based raids worked fine for Dragon Raids, and going back further for LB raids. We never had these arguments and the Guild Leaders generally made sure the weapons went to good use. Also smaller guilds weren't excluded from either.


Originally posted by Asha

The guild based raids worked fine for Dragon Raids, and going back further for LB raids. We never had these arguments and the Guild Leaders generally made sure the weapons went to good use. Also smaller guilds weren't excluded from either.

I feel like i got the tax man watching me every move


Originally posted by skile
Nice tilda :). Raising our voices helps!

/vic for the 2nd class in daoc, the r5- ^^. A victory seems at hand. Elitism is loosing :D.

U r full of ya self and full of soemthing else too

Originally posted by skile
For the note, if Falcor refuses to applie the results of this vote. I have talked with Aligro, he has not promised to start doing raids again, but he seems positive :).

Thats like asking for the spanish inquisition back (no offense spanish ppl)

U DONT dictate to me skile after ya behavior i listen to ppl a lot, ppl unlike u who dont hold a grudge, will see how this changes over next few days, and then make a decision...i have always said it is left mostly upto ppl..

One thing i think u should note, its not as cut and dry as a lot of ppl i think thought it would be, 2:1 or so atm, thats still 30% who want the rule, a considerable number...


Originally posted by Falcor
One thing i think u should note, its not as cut and dry as a lot of ppl i think thought it would be, 2:1 or so atm, thats still 30% who want the rule, a considerable number...

Take into account all die-hards are on BW and lots of lower people are not I would say 61% is about as clear a call you can get.

BW is not a mirror of the real DAOC-community. You will see on avg. more RvR-active people here.

Just pointing out the obvious, you know my opinion and my vote and I my reasoning behind it.

Don't think it's fair to Falcor to force him into changing when the poll shows that. He organizes, he makes the rule, you can attend or not, easy as that.

Altho I think it would be a big boost in showing the realm Falcor is not out to elitism but actually helping and listening to the voice of Barryworld. Note how I say Barrywold and not Albion :p


Originally posted by vindicat0r
Top doesnt = most rps now does it ^^ ?

Scrap RR5 only rule, without the lowly sub Rr5's you wont take apoc tbh. Then again u could try it and see how far u get etc.

426 rr5+ on alb/excal so they could probably take apoc fairly easy? :> tho if u are lucky 15 of those come to the raid :p


Originally posted by Tilda
Five of the 38 weapons in Caer Sidi are only dropped by Apocalypse. It was requested by some people in the community to limit those drops to people who have aquired the Realm Rank of 5 and higher, so they have probed themselves to be of enough skill and dedication to wield such a rare and powerfull weapon.

i probed myself, do i win something?


Originally posted by Tilda
its not that hard to get RR5 tbh

Originally posted by Vireb
exactly so why is it a big deal if it goes to a sub rr5 it wont be that hard for them to get rr5 and use 'the full potential' a leet .3 dps more

Best point made about this entire rediculous attitude..... ever

Well done mate. 100% respect to you.

It is the same <cough> 1337 <cough> attitude that makes me hear /b LGM WC'ER takeing ARC orders only in diogel. And /c Spams of YOU NOOBS!

Peoples attitudes are selfish and childish at best atm, pity as it wasnt like this w while ago.

edit : btw poll is speaking.... the gap widens


What I find amusing is:

When Aligro/Loxley used to do Saturday raids, then Loxley/Falcor ambushed Aligro. Aligro used to do some Saturday slots etc, you hijacked his raids then decide to preclaim every other raid for the rest of the game's existance?

The reason you gave was about preclaiming, which you are doing in another way (by asking, wow big deal). Plus your raids are superior due to killing Apoc/kill speed etc. Now your raids are losing people to the RR5 rule you introduced? Similiar to a rule Aligro introduced?

A RR5 rule is shit, people who say, oh not many Apoc weapons make up a high % of Sidi weapons. Then saying people won't mind etc.

Hello? The rarer it is combined with the fact you're limiting it to a select few is going to be more worry than a "common drop" in my opinion.

People who say raids are hard to organise, speak bullshit too.
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