Shocked and didn't see this coming :(


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
We. Were. On. A. Break.

And that ended well didn't it? :D

Toht, this isn't a thread that needs a devils advocate.

Actually it needs it more then anything, it's about a guys life and if all answers poke him towards one decision with no one giving the opposing view, it's peer pressuring someone to a choice about their life.


Official Licensed Lump of Coal™ Distributor
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Let me try again Toht, no it doesn't.

Amphrax will make his own choices and should be encouraged to do so.

If he happens to agree with a suggestion that has been posted there is no need for you to try and change his mind for the sake of it.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Share some more shagger stories!

You know what you're like when you're 17, you'd shag the crack of dawn if you could get up early enough. The woman I knew before that girlfriend was an actual caravan-living gypsy. She was 26, and married. I was terrified most of the time ...

Anyway, we always used to go to this pub, and she'd always drink halves of cider. After a bit the pressure of it all got too much for me, and I gave her the good news. She took it quite well, and I said well, I got to go now, my train's here, do you want a drink ? She said yeah, I said Half a cider? she looked at me stone cold, and said "make it a pint".

Dunno why, still makes me laugh now :)

I got involved with my mates sister at another point in time, I'm really NOT going to go into details about that one, but suffice to say it ended up with her mum and dad ringing me up at home, her Dad saying he was going to come over and kill me, and her mum (who I had met many times) saying, and I'll never forget this "you are the devil himself. You corrupt everything you touch"

I was quite hurt to be honest, as I didnt deliberately do anything to anyone. As for her dad, I said, well come over anytime you like, bring it :p


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Let me try again Toht, no it doesn't.

Amphrax will make his own choices and should be encouraged to do so.

If he happens to agree with a suggestion that has been posted there is no need for you to try and change his mind for the sake of it.

Let me try again; i'm not trying to change his mind, i'm offering my advice as any other on this thread.

And i'm certainly not offering just that "for the sake of it" since it's his life.

Me saying he should try to hang on and see where it goes, instead of "get over it and f*ck a duck", doesn't make it somehow worse. It's an opposing view, which this thread needs because 90% of it is saying "get over it lols".


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
You know what you're like when you're 17, you'd shag the crack of dawn if you could get up early enough.

I did. Dawn was a lovely girl...

The woman I knew before that girlfriend was an actual caravan-living gypsy. She was 26, and married. I was terrified most of the time ...

Blimey, proper toy boy weren't you? Its funny, I've never ever shagged or been out with anyone older than me, not even by a day.

I got involved with my mates sister at another point in time, I'm really NOT going to go into details about that one, but suffice to say it ended up with her mum and dad ringing me up at home, her Dad saying he was going to come over and kill me, and her mum (who I had met many times) saying, and I'll never forget this "you are the devil himself. You corrupt everything you touch"

I was quite hurt to be honest, as I didnt deliberately do anything to anyone. As for her dad, I said, well come over anytime you like, bring it :p

One of the most annoying I had was an ex who started going out with my younger brother after I'd finished with her. I couldn't complain (even though I thought my brother was a dick for doing it, I'd finished with her and any hole's a goal when you're 17); but boy, listening to your brother and your ex banging in the next room gets old fast. He finished with her spectacularly at a house party a few months' later; every one of her friends slapped him across the face (to be fair he took it well) and she threw her self out of the bathroom window (don't worry, she'd forgotten the garage roof right outside - she fell about 2 feet). Cracking night.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
I did. Dawn was a lovely girl...

Blimey, proper toy boy weren't you? Its funny, I've never ever shagged or been out with anyone older than me, not even by a day.

One of the most annoying I had was an ex who started going out with my younger brother after I'd finished with her. I couldn't complain (even though I thought my brother was a dick for doing it, I'd finished with her and any hole's a goal when you're 17); but boy, listening to your brother and your ex banging in the next room gets old fast. He finished with her spectacularly at a house party a few months' later; every one of her friends slapped him across the face (to be fair he took it well) and she threw her self out of the bathroom window (don't worry, she'd forgotten the garage roof right outside - she fell about 2 feet). Cracking night.

lol I wouldnt have liked that either! My brother and his girlfriend split up, she secrectly started knocking about with one of our mates in the bike club, which was breaking rule number 1, we chucked him out the club (he actually did a runner when he realised we had found out) and that was the end of that. Sad really, she was a bit of a scrubber imo, and I lost a good mate becuase of her.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Jacks Teller would have shivved him for that! :p

Hahha :) We found his chop, it had the club name tooled into the leather seat, we cut it out with a stanley knife, and left it at that. I'm sure he got the message.


FH is my second home
Nov 7, 2004
Been in a similiar scenario and it worked out. Go out, get laid and see what happens.


No longer scrounging, still a bastard.
Dec 22, 2003
You know what you're like when you're 17, you'd shag the crack of dawn if you could get up early enough. The woman I knew before that girlfriend was an actual caravan-living gypsy. She was 26, and married. I was terrified most of the time ...

I did a caravan gypsy when I was 13 :) I was out in the country at my grandparents, tending to the cows on the field. She passed me and my mates, yelled "You wanna see my pussy??" then promptly lifted her 50 skirts showing us her hairy, raw pussy. We jokingly asked if she wants to fuck and she dragged me in a bush, hoped on me and started moving. I was terrified and shocked.

As I lay there, she realized i won't be able to satisfy her needs so she got up, spat at me and left. She must have been in her 20s.

Very weird. But I got bragging rights to my mates, which to me mattered more than shagging her :D


Part of the furniture
Apr 9, 2005
There is some comedy gold in this thread.

What I also like is you can clearly see who's had a real relationship with someone and who hasn't.

In regards to seels comments if it was just a fight or a pissing match she wouldn't take a "break". When someone takes a break they are usually saying im out but in too much of a coward to say so.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
And i think that's a very negative way of looking at things and only shows your own experience on it. Doesn't apply, nothing applies, different people.

Which ofcourse shows my own experience on it, or lack of "same thing over and over" happening. Not two people have been the same in these issues and i never treat them as such.

If you constantly get f*cked over by women, then i wouldn't be surprised if you advocate "dump and hump" protocol for mind protection, but that doesn't make it a universal fact. Also might say more about you if you get f*cked over the same way all the time ;)


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
And i think that's a very negative way of looking at things and only shows your own experience on it. Doesn't apply, nothing applies, different people.

Which ofcourse shows my own experience on it, or lack of "same thing over and over" happening. Not two people have been the same in these issues and i never treat them as such.

If you constantly get f*cked over by women, then i wouldn't be surprised if you advocate "dump and hump" protocol for mind protection, but that doesn't make it a universal fact. Also might say more about you if you get f*cked over the same way all the time ;)

So you can't use experience unless the exact same situation is happening again? How do you learn?


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
So you can't use experience unless the exact same situation is happening again? How do you learn?

That's not what i'm saying, i'm saying you can't apply one b*tchy GF to another GF. As in; you can say "this is what happened to me, she was a b*tch", but you can't say "Yeah get over her she sucks a different guys cock".

Different people, can't directly compare two breakup situations. Ok? Ok.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Different people, can't directly compare two breakup situations. Ok? Ok.

Yes you can. In the end it's a boy and a girl splitting up. There are more similarities than differences.

Yes, there are going to be unique things to the situation, but in the end it's a boy and a girl splitting up. That's the overwhelming similarity.

Experience matters, counts and is useful.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
So are you -really- honestly saying that because jane and jack did brake up because jane needed a break, it must be that it's over for jeff and jill because they too took a break?

Yes or no really.

I'm not questioning peoples experiences and how to deal with a break up, i'm questioning applying inevitable outcomes to a situation that is not necessarily inevitable.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Yes or no really.

You're such a tit sometimes Toht. I've already explained, very clearly and you understood, that if the unlikely happens and she calls then he makes a decision. Until then he carries on as if (and 99.99% chance it is) it's over.

What's "inevitable" about that?

You just don't know when not to troll, do ya?


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Unlikely, 99.99%, yeah you're saying inevitable. You're saying it's asolutely done for. Much like many others.

That, needs a counter and luckily i disagree so i shall provide one. Because you can't by any reason say that a three year relationship is without a doubt over just because someone needs a think.

And before you jump on some toht starting trouble thing; i offered my opinion to the man, you lot started a big problem with it because i don't agree on giving up on a relationship so easily.

That is all.


Has a sexy sister. I am also a Bodhi wannabee.
Dec 22, 2003

It's because you always take the opposite viewpoint just for the sake of it, and before you say "just because I have a different opinion? Am I not allowed an opinion?", it's almost every damn thread - you derail them by perpetual and relentless disdfghjbljjggvjgvgjvjvgjgjgvjvgjgvhvgdxrghgv


Part of the furniture
Apr 9, 2005
Only had it happen to me once and it was the gods honest most painful emotional experience of my life. I took the route your are advocating, hung around, hoping that she'd come back. I was like a fucking puppy, if she called I'd go running. When in reality I should have grown a pair of massive balls, thrown caution to the wind, fucked her mate and got drunk with my bro's.


FH is my second home
Sep 5, 2008
I ended up "on a break" for about 3 months before I realised that on a break = over


Part of the furniture
Apr 9, 2005
Also think about it, someone who you thought loved you as much as you loved them has just torn your fucking heart out for a few weeks (months) because they weren't sure they wanted to spend the rest of their life with you.

Could you honestly forgive that person for the kinda of emotional damage that was caused in that break, the heart ache, loneliness, self-loathing.

No could you fuck.

FUCK OTHER BITCHES, DRINK WITH BROS. It really is that simples.


Dec 26, 2003
I got suckered once - going out with a girl for a couple of months - she did the tearful breakup thing.

I was a bit non-plussed then a few days later she asked to see me again. I being at the time young n stupid went over and it turned out she wanted help moving - never spoke to her again :p

Never turn into a doormat...


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
That's not what i'm saying, i'm saying you can't apply one b*tchy GF to another GF. As in; you can say "this is what happened to me, she was a b*tch", but you can't say "Yeah get over her she sucks a different guys cock".

Different people, can't directly compare two breakup situations. Ok? Ok.

No one's saying that one girlfriend is exactly the same as another. If someone has so much doubt about their relationship that they want a break rather than try and talk out their problems with their partner then the relationship is probably over simply because you're not going to solve your problems with someone without talking to them. That's pretty universal. Same as if someone asks you if you're hungry. If you are then you know it. If you have to think about it or ask what they're offering then you're just deciding if you feel greedy or not.

Then you have a couple of choices:
Accept it's over, go force yourself to pretend to have some fun with mates and try not to think about it. If it's over then you've all ready made a start recovering and maybe even enjoyed yourself a bit. If it's not over then she'll call, you can decide if you want to give it another shot and she'll maybe not take you for granted so much when she finds out about all the fun you've been having with out her.
Or you can hope it's going to work and sit around waiting for her to come back. Either she does come back and you carry on before with the addition that you'll always have doubts about how much she loves you. Or you sit around moping and depressed for months until you figure it out. Or you might give in to the temptation to call her while she's thinking about it which will make you seem needy and make it hard for her to miss you.
Which seems like the better option to you?

Amprax, it's a shitty situation to be in but we've all been there. Well done on the steps you've made so far, it will get better. *fluffle*


Has a sexy sister. I am also a Bodhi wannabee.
Dec 22, 2003
No one's saying that one girlfriend is exactly the same as another. If someone has so much doubt about their relationship that they want a break rather than try and talk out their problems with their partner then the relationship is probably over simply because you're not going to solve your problems with someone without talking to them. That's pretty universal. Same as if someone asks you if you're hungry. If you are then you know it. If you have to think about it or ask what they're offering then you're just deciding if you feel greedy or not.

Then you have a couple of choices:
Accept it's over, go force yourself to pretend to have some fun with mates and try not to think about it. If it's over then you've all ready made a start recovering and maybe even enjoyed yourself a bit. If it's not over then she'll call, you can decide if you want to give it another shot and she'll maybe not take you for granted so much when she finds out about all the fun you've been having with out her.
Or you can hope it's going to work and sit around waiting for her to come back. Either she does come back and you carry on before with the addition that you'll always have doubts about how much she loves you. Or you sit around moping and depressed for months until you figure it out. Or you might give in to the temptation to call her while she's thinking about it which will make you seem needy and make it hard for her to miss you.
Which seems like the better option to you?

Amprax, it's a shitty situation to be in but we've all been there. Well done on the steps you've made so far, it will get better. *fluffle*

A good explanation, but you're wasting your time.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Fweddy, yes, that's a good answer and something i don't completely disagree with. Only part being that i'd say you should atleast wait a while before going full-on "it's over".There is no "which option" in this kind of a situation, you start off with seeing if it works out, but don't go overkill with the moving on. Especially after this short a time and this length of a relationship. Then you start moving on when you've talked it over and see it's over, or if the other person(after a reasonable time) doesn't want to talk it over.

I'm not saying that he should wait around by the phone for three months, i'm saying he shouldn't drop it all after three days.

And yes, some people here are saying just that all them b*ches be the same and bringing their experience as a "fact of all".

Big G, no i don't always take the opposing view and i certainly never take it "for the sake of it", but again some people do like to drag any discussion into that.

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