Shadowblade petition.



str relics do huge diffrence, and i know mid/pryd got all power atm.

but here is how it looks on excal, mp gear, sc, fully buffed thrust cookie cutter(50thrust, 44cs, 31env/stealth/dw) vs SZ(sc, fully buffed etc).
dont ask why i bother with BS. i dont ...anymore..


i see it like this: my only dmg output begins when i have the sb dragonfanged(i do whole CS evade line then..) THIS CAN BE PURGED.

SZ dmg output is anytime, this CANT be purged.

yes, 30%+ dmg nerf is alot, mayby too much.
yes, axe/sword line need a evade stun style like diamondback(NS,pierce)

shadowrun? crap ra, infils got vanish and 2nd PA? yea....right.(2nd PA is very hard too pull off...), i had vanish but respeced out of it....we all know NS got overpowered ra's when talking assasins(giiive AP).

Berz Blackburn

Originally posted by froler-mid

i see it like this: my only dmg output begins when i have the sb dragonfanged(i do whole CS evade line then..) THIS CAN BE PURGED.

SZ dmg output is anytime, this CANT be purged.

No you obviously haven't read what has been said...SZ can't PA/CD which is allready alot of dmg dealed so its only fair that SZ do more dmg output .... (note : sz do more dmg than others sb's cauz they spec higher in LA and weapon...., but then overtime if others sb PA/CD 5spec > sz).
Another thing so u have to rely on having purge ready to get df off ? lol

Oh and Froler if you want you can try out my SB :)


So he hit you once probably with a crit? no offence but thats hardly grounds for nerfage


its like those *OMG1!!111!! ALL ZERKERS HIT FOR 1500+ ALL TEH TIMEHH!½!!11" cause someone got lucky once or something ~~





Originally posted by Jenna.
its like those *OMG1!!111!! ALL ZERKERS HIT FOR 1500+ ALL TEH TIMEHH!½!!11" cause someone got lucky once or something ~~

With luck i hit for 500...

But yeah im no zerk..


I don't think anyones ever hit for 1500..I've seen a few 1100 or so but they ARE rare..and they are due PRIMARILY to vendo mode and whats more important is THEY ARE NOTHING TO DO WITH SB'S.

Personally I think friars should get a fat nerf seeing as they hit 3x harder than me..since when does this fit with the role of secondary healing class. It was quite funny in df..I was styling on a caster for 180 damage while a friar was hitting on me for 400 at the same speed. But hey I'm bitter.


Originally posted by toughguy
Elrond afaik i had capped slash resists and i was playing inf after that i retired it because it wasnt fun anymore. Hellskor minstrels wont get nerfed just keep attacking me your virtually free rps and will be even easier come 1.62 :p


I take it you're Luske then ? can't complain about the RPs I get from you :cool:


Generic Poster

Originally posted by old.Elrond
Personally I think friars should get a fat nerf seeing as they hit 3x harder than me..since when does this fit with the role of secondary healing class.

Friars can heal?

Maybe somebody should tell them... :eek:


Originally posted by old.Hellskor

I take it you're Luske then ? can't complain about the RPs I get from you :cool:


No im not luske i dont play buffed :p


Hmmmmm.... Where to begin?

Ok the LA nerf hurts the sb... in the end of the day the sb should never of had the la spec line at all. Mythic screwed up totaly the design of this assassin classes, and haven't done it any favours along the road. Worst of the 3 assassins?? Now possibly yes.. once upon a time the critblade was the god. Mythic gave the world Dragonfang and the cb began its steady decline. Does the sb deserve the LA nerf.. NO! It should never off had the spec line in the first place. Yes the buffed shadowzerker is a melee god at times... as for a rr7 buffed sb beating a rr6 tank.. MAd or Bad whoever was spouting complete garbage at the beginning of this laboureous whine. Try talking to a number of albs regarding the death I cause when I leave my little smurf home. Maxgirth, Mattshane, Velo, Endgringer, Shorti, Biggles, Araudry... all high rr and good players I respect all I have killed. Though admittingly I don't rvr much or at all anymore, the sb needs more than a nerf it needs a complete revamp. Turn it into what it should be an assassin, not a berserker who hides in shadows. The la nerf was needed for the sb... but not the berserker.

Before you make a single comment regarding my knowledge of classes Bad/Tranquil I have a lvl50 sb/ns/inf/paladin/armsmen/champ and merc so I'm very aware of the strengths of these classes.. the inf sits on top for rp whoring the sb at the bottom. The sb does not deserve the nerf.. but it does need it to hopefully force Mythic to look long and very hard at the class.



Originally posted by froler-mid
str relics do huge diffrence, and i know mid/pryd got all power atm.

but here is how it looks on excal, mp gear, sc, fully buffed thrust cookie cutter(50thrust, 44cs, 31env/stealth/dw) vs SZ(sc, fully buffed etc).
dont ask why i bother with BS. i dont ...anymore..

(Removed a silly screenshot)

i see it like this: my only dmg output begins when i have the sb dragonfanged(i do whole CS evade line then..) THIS CAN BE PURGED.

So you going unbuffed vs a buffed SB on a screenshot? He prolly got a crit off aswell, we wont know that cause your screenie is the only one on display. You also went against ~36% thrust resist (cba to do the math) and he would max have had 26% vs you. Hell, he might even have had BD absorb, screenie doesn't show that either.

Only thing I see on the screenshot is a lesser experienced going vs a experienced SB. You BS2 him, then choose to use a inferior style instead of Thigh Cut (BS2 follow up) and then use thrust anytime chain (?!) to back up dragonskill. I haven't played a thrustinfil but I'm guessing Garrote/AH would be a tad more damage, or just use Tranq/Wyvernfang if you don't want the defence penalty.

As soon as stun wore of SB purged your DoT and debuff leaving him fresh as a daisy.

I can post screenies of ppl hitting me for insane amounts, doesn't prove much unless you've got both sides of the story tho.


Originally posted by Caeli
So you going unbuffed vs a buffed SB on a screenshot? He prolly got a crit off aswell, we wont know that cause your screenie is the only one on display. You also went against ~36% thrust resist (cba to do the math) and he would max have had 26% vs you. Hell, he might even have had BD absorb, screenie doesn't show that either.

Where did you get the notion he was unbuffed? Rest assured the SB didn't get a crit, seen far too many screenies of damage in that range. Of course a decent SB has 36% thrust resist, that's the downside to DRAGONFANGUBEROMFG. As for BD abs, nice try but really you're getting a bit desperate now. I agree that a single screenie isn't allmighty evidence but trying to discredit it with things like that is just grasping at straws.

Only thing I see on the screenshot is a lesser experienced going vs a experienced SB. You BS2 him, then choose to use a inferior style instead of Thigh Cut (BS2 follow up) and then use thrust anytime chain (?!) to back up dragonskill. I haven't played a thrustinfil but I'm guessing Garrote/AH would be a tad more damage, or just use Tranq/Wyvernfang if you don't want the defence penalty.

I'm not an Infil myself, but then neither are you? So sitting here arguing theoretical use of styles and calling a RR9 now is it? Infil inexperienced just makes you look very silly. Garrote would probably been more damage yes but with a def penalty as you mentioned, as well as higher end cost.

As soon as stun wore of SB purged your DoT and debuff leaving him fresh as a daisy.

I can post screenies of ppl hitting me for insane amounts, doesn't prove much unless you've got both sides of the story tho.

Reading the log I guess it's Comeback, and yep he purged the debuff, and that's really all there is to the story. Closer to 400 on a evade style. You judge for yourself.

The point is your opinions are absolutely WORTHLESS and until you have made a shadowblade, got rr5, and give proof that you rip up fully buffed rr6 tanks in under 30 seconds noone is going to give a flying fuck what you have to say, end of discussion tbh?

And the point is that once you have a RR5 SB and can rip up tanks, you will be so infinitly biased your opinion matters equally little. Status quo.

should LA spec people get punished because the other lines suck so much that LA is clearly best

Let me translate this statement for you. The "other lines" are Crit Strike, Envenom, Stealth which are same as for all assassins, and Axe or Sword which Evade stun apart are very much similar to the base weapon lines of other realms. So what you're saying is that given the same speclines as other assassins, all those lines SUCK so much that LA is only option. In a nutshell you're saying LA is overpowered. A line which in comparison makes all other assassin lines SUCK can't be described any other way, and yes that is the way of this game, when there is an obvious disparity it gets nerfed.

Berz Blackburn

Originally posted by Tigerius
Let me translate this statement for you. The "other lines" are Crit Strike, Envenom, Stealth which are same as for all assassins, and Axe or Sword which Evade stun apart are very much similar to the base weapon lines of other realms. So what you're saying is that given the same speclines as other assassins, all those lines SUCK so much that LA is only option. In a nutshell you're saying LA is overpowered. A line which in comparison makes all other assassin lines SUCK can't be described any other way, and yes that is the way of this game, when there is an obvious disparity it gets nerfed. many times shall we explain to those dumb albs that YES all assassins have the same lines BUT NO they dont have the same spec points infil = 2.5x and sb/ns = 2.2x get more clues..

Before posting please read every posts....


Originally posted by Caeli
So you going unbuffed vs a buffed SB on a screenshot? He prolly got a crit off aswell, we wont know that cause your screenie is the only one on display. You also went against ~36% thrust resist (cba to do the math) and he would max have had 26% vs you. Hell, he might even have had BD absorb, screenie doesn't show that either.

Only thing I see on the screenshot is a lesser experienced going vs a experienced SB. You BS2 him, then choose to use a inferior style instead of Thigh Cut (BS2 follow up) and then use thrust anytime chain (?!) to back up dragonskill. I haven't played a thrustinfil but I'm guessing Garrote/AH would be a tad more damage, or just use Tranq/Wyvernfang if you don't want the defence penalty.

As soon as stun wore of SB purged your DoT and debuff leaving him fresh as a daisy.

I can post screenies of ppl hitting me for insane amounts, doesn't prove much unless you've got both sides of the story tho.

read my post, i was FULLY buffed. i have played my infil for 70days+ and im rr9+, tried every anytime style we got now...they all suck :X

meet Ztyx several times before. i use BS2 on easy targets and when i need the target too stop chasing someone.(in this case he chased a caster i bs:ed him.).

tranq-wyvern combo =really suck when u dont have relics. tranq doing around 90dmg..........etc.

garrote is fine dmg-wise, but end/defensive cost is bit too high..

i belive 5-spec sbs wont be soo 'nerfed' as they all cry about , SZ(50la,50axe) will suffer more tho, and they need it :D

Berz Blackburn

Originally posted by froler-mid

i belive 5-spec sbs wont be soo 'nerfed' as they all cry about , SZ(50la,50axe) will suffer more tho, and they need it :D

Of course they would, 5-specs sb's, LA dmg is allready low for them cauz they only specced 39 in it and nerfing the LA dmg will lower it more....

Btw Froler get your fingers out of your arse and come play my 5 spec one...


Originally posted by Berz Blackburn

Btw Froler get your fingers out of your arse and come play my 5 spec one...

ive played Myrddins loads of times, and he rox :D

(before sc tho)


Originally posted by Berz Blackburn many times shall we explain to those dumb albs that YES all assassins have the same lines BUT NO they dont have the same spec points infil = 2.5x and sb/ns = 2.2x get more clues..

Before posting please read every posts....

I actually have read every post, not that it has anything to do with it. I'm perfectly aware of the specpoints issue regardless. I still don't think 0.3 specpoints is justification for calling all other assassin lines sucky, it's just not admitting to yourself that LA is overpowered. Before posting count to 10 and you might loose some of that built up aggression.



Stats :

53 Axe
51 LA

Masterpiece Cleaver
Masterpiece Handaxe

that's pretty much the normal damage I get against mincer, thanks to just another round of Alb loving called Ablative Chant.
Every 2nd hit practically negated.

Berz Blackburn

Originally posted by Tigerius
I actually have read every post, not that it has anything to do with it. I'm perfectly aware of the specpoints issue regardless. I still don't think 0.3 specpoints is justification for calling all other assassin lines sucky, it's just not admitting to yourself that LA is overpowered. Before posting count to 10 and you might loose some of that built up aggression.

The 0.3 spec points justify thats its only fair that LA does more dmg than DW...

Plus look again you dont have clues about the 0.3 spec points

infil has 3706 spec pts at 50 ..SB 3253


Originally posted by Berz Blackburn
The 0.3 spec points justify thats its only fair that LA does more dmg than DW...

Which isn't what we've been arguing about...

You also know that does more = does 50% more, which isn't fair, for that to be fair SBs & Zerks would have to drop a whole lot more specpoints to their counterparts.

Still though what I brought up was that a statement of all other assassin lines being underpowered and LA viable is living in denial, the disparity is getting corrected and all the assassin lines will be more similar hopefully.

Berz Blackburn

The only assassin that needs to be modify its not nerfing infils, its not nerfing SB's but its to give some loving at NS styles....


Originally posted by Tigerius

Still though what I brought up was that a statement of all other assassin lines being underpowered and LA viable is living in denial, the disparity is getting corrected and all the assassin lines will be more similar hopefully.

Which will mean infil > Sb's because of DF stun

ie Mythic balancing the realms

Berz Blackburn

Originally posted by Tigerius
Which isn't what we've been arguing about...

You also know that does more = does 50% more, which isn't fair,

Where have you seen that it does 50% more? i never dealed 50% more dmg than any infils i met..


Originally posted by SilverHood
Which will mean infil > Sb's because of DF stun

ie Mythic balancing the realms

That's oversimplifying things, SBs will still have the edge in HP & armor type, but yep regarding Stuns Infils will have the advantage. Different issue entirely, LA concerns far more then assassin vs assassin balance, but yep argue it all you want.

Originally posted by Berz Blackburn
Where have you seen that it does 50% more? i never dealed 50% more dmg than any infils i met

Really quite irrelevant what your field experiences are as varying specs, resists & circumstances affect things. 50 LA/DW, 50 melee, same stats, try that. Easiest to perform using Merc & Zerk.


Tigerius, I don't usually stoop myself so low, as to call people names, or to swear, but read the fucking thread before posting.

That's oversimplifying things, SBs will still have the edge in HP & armor type

so an extra 50 hp (at most), is an edge over a 9 second stun? COUNT THEM


givf DF anyday

Berz Blackburn

Originally posted by Tigerius
That's oversimplifying things, SBs will still have the edge in HP & armor type, but yep regarding Stuns Infils will have the advantage. Different issue entirely, LA concerns far more then assassin vs assassin balance, but yep argue it all you want.

Tell when where a kobold sb is at the edge in HP ?

Really quite irrelevant what your field experiences are as varying specs, resists & circumstances affect things. 50 LA/DW, 50 melee, same stats, try that. Easiest to perform using Merc & Zerk.

First if you consider a SB did 50% dmg several times you may consider that the SB has a great chance to have had a crit as most of the SB's go for MoP.

What do you mean with comparing merc & zerk? Ask Sycho aka Mattshanes what he thinks about killing zerks :p

If i may i will quote him :

Zerkers do not bother me i can kill buffed ones and i do not use a buffbot,i always hit cap on them it seems

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