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- #121
ah ok. thx.
Originally posted by eneq
Like using the word Gay when having fun with friends etc etc.
I call them kids. And they prolly are much younger then me.
I call them uneducated. And i still think they are uneducated in my point of view.
To call someone cunt when debatting is very uneducated TO me.
Becasue then they havent been educated how you discuss things.
Or do you think ending the post with "U CUNT" is a very smart and educated thing to do ?
Soz must go have class.
Originally posted by eneq
Hmm so basically u flaming my spelling ?? and my use of the english grammar ? And u flamming me becaúse im a schoolteacher ?
Well u r Sick.
So i wont comment more on them issues. Try to stay ontopic stop next time u post.
Originally posted by Uncle Sick(tm)
You feel offended by the 'cunt'... I feel offended by your pathetic spelling attempts. *shrugs*
I don't know... I can't take anyone seriously who feels the need to write in d%d after proclaiming to be a school teacher. *shrugs*
Must be the Ekscaliber language corruption syndrom.
Originally posted by eneq
Well thats the difference between me and you.
Basically u saying all people that cant spell english are making you offended....
Do you understand how stupid that sounds ?
So all the kids that havent learned English should not even talk/speak to you.
And about 80 % of world pop shouldnt even try to communicate with you becasue they will only offend you.
Think of all the teachers in the world would be offended when kids trying to learn new language. And all the teachers trying to get adults to learn New language.
Its people like you that make me going..
"hmmm He really cant be serious in what he saying...."
"I can't take anyone seriously who feels the need to write in d%d after proclaiming to be a school teacher"
d%d ??
Whats that ?
This is no flame. Just wondering what it is.
Originally posted by Uncle Sick(tm)
No... are you getting me wrong on purpose?
It's the d%d talk that ticks me off... m8, u, ur, plz... it's retarded. And it makes people talking d%d look retarded.
Get my drift, Mr. Teacher?
Hey... admit it. For a teacher, with a good school education and a university diploma (I suppose even swedish teachers need a uni diploma in order to teach), your English is pretty poor.
Shit even.
Originally posted by eneq
Now you just plain stupid.
Saying "plz,m8" is retarded ??
Then 99 % of them posting on this forum retarded.
Do you know what retarded are ?
Hmm you think that we go to uni and learn english to be Schoolteachers ?
I must really qoute you again
"It's the d%d talk that ticks me off... m8, u, ur, plz... it's retarded."
Thx for pointing out where you stand in this thread.....
Originally posted by old.Niljindil
Why does using insults in a conversation has to be about "lack of education"? Thats why we are all disagreeing with you, cant you understand that?
You want to judge everyone by just saying that "anyone who does this, is that. Why? Because i say so!".
The thing about different social upbringing is one thing, the thing about saying it in a way that you make others think that their upbringing is worse than yours, thats whats pissing people off(at least its pissing me off, thats for sure).
Just because we are in a different social class/familiy etc etc, doesnt mean it makes you right and everyone else wrong, and if you didnt know, the "im just asking" you tried to do in the first post of yours really really didnt make you look like you werent of that opinion yourself.
Originally posted by eneq
Well i think they are uneducated because im educated that discussion shouldnt mean insult other humans.
Its rather stupid to insult people when discussing or conversation. Because insulting means hurting other people. And why should i do that when not agreeing with them ?
I dont mean that they are un-educated in other areas.
Just in the art of discussing and conversation.
Fuck off gay elf!Originally posted by Branco
Salute to all you cunts from a spanish bitch![]()
Originally posted by Envenom2
uncle sick why dont u just shut the fuck up u stupid prick.
enechanter is'nt even english atleast hes trying to learn proper english so shut it u fucking twat
Originally posted by Danyan
That's just normal envenom sick, be lucky you've never met him in game.
He's not the most hated person on hib/exc for nothing!![]()
Stop hiding behind those excuses every time someone wipes the floor with your arguments, and just admit when you're wrong.Originally posted by eneq
I can only blame my lack of time making posts and my bad English if it sounded that way.
Always loved your qoutes..Originally posted by Ensceptifica
Stop every time wipes the floor with you admit you .
Originally posted by Uncle Sick(tm)
And I would think that English is part of Swedish school education, right?
I pity the children you teach, Eneq.
"today, m8's we will laern how to spell proberly. ne questions, plz?"
Originally posted by Novamir
[/B][/QUOTE] Damn then i was right.You are becoming a NP zerger ?
Originally posted by eneq
BTW ( soz for offending you) this are the ones you calling retarded.
And that only on first page of this thread !!