Serious poll.



Originally posted by old.-k9-
ddi what cunts


i can honestly say all ddi are cunts and i have due reason to witnessing their cuntness on uo

what a bunch of freaks, especially harry the rl rper, what a cunt.

smooth criminal signing out.:>

Aaahhh that explains alot...
U r the kids that run around minax HQ and tried to get peeps red.
And when we tried to kill u, u run to big brother guard...
Guardrunner !!!

LoL i still remember u wimps.
The most funny part was when one of u Smooths bragged that no-one could kill him. Then i set my 4 WW and he died in 2 secs. Came back and yelled "THAT DONT COUNT I LAGGED"
And i set the 4 ww on him again and he died in 2 secs ;p
Strangely he didnt come back.

WEll im not surprised u using the "gaygun" word at all.
..wonder how u grief players in this game ?

Fot the NoN UO players i can tell u that in UO we had something called factions. Its rather like the RvR here with 4 factions attacking eachother.

When 2 in diff factions met they highlighted Orange and that ment enemy.
We had really huge battles sometimes. Often 60+ against 60 + at several occ. And always against a keep.
Often we used AoE spells.
When we did that the griefers, like k-9-, run trough the AoE spells adn then got themself killed.

K-9- wasnt in factions adn thus he gave the Faction guy a murder count. Giving a murder count was optional.
After 4 murder counbt a player would go red. And death when red meant u loose mucho skillpoints.. ;/

Guess how loved peeps such as K-9- was.........
It could take 3-4 months to get a 7 GM char and guys like k-9- ruined it in 30 mins....

We in DDi killed them on sight and we r the "cunts".....


ok i had to change this post coz it was so insanely offensive i'd have been banned from the internet for life.

right... me and my friends use words like cunt, wanker, bastard, retard, downy all the time, in normal every day conversation with each other. i mean, my work mates and even my boss call each other cunts, wankers and gits. usually behind each others backs, but still.. an example is one of the chaps at work might say to another "oi make the tea you lazy cunt"... which is just friendly banter.

but when i call novamir a cunt i mean it, literally.... a big hairy one. and treniel smells like poo, literally :(

spose people respond differently to that kind of language depending where they're from. in sweden it might be really bad to call someone a cock jokey or wank stain, but here its pretty much funny.


Karam, next time don't press the "submit reply" button. Just take your pills and go back to bed...


yep and when i call you a retard i mean it! :)


eneq you silly tard

no one cares about that shit

i never died to ddi, i killed banjax 1on1 with a 90magery etc etc char, 20 resist

7xgm char never took 4 months, it took 2 weeks.

ddi were weak, why you think we died to you?

yea.. counts silly cunt. those not in thief guild gave easy kills, to give counts, make factioneer cunts red.

we did it very well, im proud. no ddi would ever duel me when i asked, i was in ddi before factions and also during it.. so :>


Well I have always considered the c-word to be probably the worst swear word you could use. But, I suppose things change and obviously it isnt seen by some of the younger generation as that bad a word.

That said, I do think that some ppl should respect thae fact that there are young and older players in this game and curb the use of words that are likely to offend. I am very open minded and although I do swear at times in rl, I very rarely if ever swear in game (unless occasionally in a private send).

I did object recently in the bg when a player shouted over the cg "F***ers!" as he had got left behind. It was taken as an insult because it wasn't said in jest but in anger. I think it does make a difference in what context the swearing is used as to whether its offensive or not.

And how did this post get onto the subject of UO factions anyway? Laggy game......


I call my best friend bitch, but it's not ment as an insult. When she has done something fun and I had to work or be in school etc, it's like "You bitch, you should have waited for me" or something...never call people cunts tho, for some reason it just doesn't come out of my mouth right. I feel weird saying it. Maybe my mom did a good job raising me when it comes to that word, I dunno.

I do swear alot, in english, but as I now live in Denmark and speak mostly danish I rarely use the word fuck. I use the danish *bad* words, but they just don't sound as *bad* as fuck does. Maybe it's because I think the danish words sound rather funny in comparison to the english words.

so basically, cunt in english baaaaad, cunt in danish funny :p


Who want what whit it


Dont make me pimpslapp yew asses up.

Oh yeah side note, irl you might have to back that shit up, or u get smacked tha fuck up. And for you who say violence is not the resolution, stop playing quake and counterstrike and you might gain some credibility, fuckin weapon fetish fucks.

Edit, cunts!


Friends being funny-rude to eachother is ok, although personally I prefer my friends don't. And stuff like 'feck yeah did you see that aoe' doesn't bother me too much. Actually the fact that people still curse but just type it differently just so their curse doesn't get filtered is a bit funny (;

When using bad language is done as expressions of frustration and anger, it's something different. Namecalling and swearing coz people don't do as you say for example... It's done by people who can't control their emotions and rather insult and offend people than think and behave in a civilized way. Frankly, I think people who resort to swearing and cursing like that lack intelligence. Whenever I discuss something with someone and that person starts swearing etc, he admits to losing the discussion because he can't think of any sensible argument and has to resort to primitive expressions of anger.


is cunt on DAOC filtered? never had my filter on lol so... if it isnt maybe an update on the filter is needed.

Also "Cunt" is a very broad word indeed...
cunt Pronunciation Key (knt)
n. Vulgar Slang
The female genital organs.
Sexual intercourse with a woman.

Offensive. Used as a disparaging term for a woman.
Used as a disparaging term for a person one dislikes or finds extremely disagreeable.

[Middle English cunte.]

Source: The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition

As u see mainly used as a sexual term so fuck knows how it got into every day use lol but. also used as a name for a person you dont like...

my boss is a geordie (eeeek) uses the word "cunt" all the time. Im from south yorkshire an well errr i dont use it as often but stil use it in friendly banter. So i think in a roundabout way of saying it. It depends on where you come from ie. background etc.

Jeeez that made no sense now i feel a right cunt :/


it's filtered on DAoC - you can't say you're from scunthorpe..

what annoys me is the people that put extra letters in/symbols to avoid the filter - is /filter that hard to type?

Or maybe they're trying to show how clever they are by subverting the system! yeah I can put a dot between c and k ;)

(and no, I don't have my filter on, but some people might)


I think some of you takes this way to seriously. Everyone have the rights to say what the fuck they long as they don't directly use bad words to offend someone. But using those words is not at all any problem with me, and those who got problems with hearing those words (even in a funny matter with none offending ment), have a problem and have to learn to hear them without get annoyed. Maybe you have to change instead of trying to change the world.

Btw, I'm 20 years from Norway and use those bad-words alot in a funny manner alot. Something called Ironi (donno how to spell it in english) that many peeps at age 30+ seem to have a problem with.

I'm a fucking cunt, and I'm fucking proud of it...hate you all loosers and retarded cunts.

(actually I don't use the word cunt, it sounds to stupid)


Originally posted by old.Eternal[EW]
I think some of you takes this way to seriously. Everyone have the rights to say what the fuck they long as they don't directly use bad words to offend someone. But using those words is not at all any problem with me, and those who got problems with hearing those words (even in a funny matter with none offending ment), have a problem and have to learn to hear them without get annoyed. Maybe you have to change instead of trying to change the world.

Btw, I'm 20 years from Norway and use those bad-words alot in a funny manner alot. Something called Ironi (donno how to spell it in english) that many peeps at age 30+ seem to have a problem with.

I'm a fucking cunt, and I'm fucking proud of it...hate you all loosers and retarded cunts.

(actually I don't use the word cunt, it sounds to stupid)

Well if u think calling yourself "Cunt" is ironi then u right... i dont get all.

Nice that u think calling people retarded also ok.
U clearly havent stopped and think about the many hundreds of family that have "retarded" family members ?`That theres son or daughter is used as a "funny" remark to others ?

"Everyone have the rights to say what the fuck they long as they don't directly use bad words to offend someone"

Well as u clearly can c the words u using is making people
offended.. will u stop saying them ?

Saying "cunt" and stuff like that i might understand u saying. (i will never never say them but...) but using words like "retarded, Whore, rape, etc etc" im really offended b.


i wouldnt use cu*t to anyone i didnt know in real life, i mean u just don't know if they find it offensive or not....

besides turd-burgler is just as good :p


TBH eneq, people using "u" and "c" etc. instead of real words (especially on forums) annoys and offends me far more than people saying cunt in game.


I would be really interested in hearing from some of you potty-mouthed kiddies who think using offensive words to people you do not know is perfectly acceptable ... after you start to hear your children using them. Do you really think it would be okay for your son to call his mother by the c-word? Would you use these words in a job interview? Talking, or typing to people you do not know requires certain language skills that seem to be beyond the grasp of far too many players. I have no objection at all to people using offensive language in private messages to their friends. I was taught that if I wouldn't use certain language in front of my mother, then I shouldn't say it in any situation where it could be heard by anyone other than a very close friend to whom it was acceptable.

It all comes down to respect for other people, and it seems that the amount of respect in the world is limited, and some people just can't be bothered to find any to show other people some.


Originally posted by Jiggs

besides turd-burgler is just as good :p

superb :)

:clap: :clap:

Must use that one on some beggars in-game.


Probably just me but...

I would think you would find that a general straw poll of the ages/occupations of those who think using certain offensive words is okay would put most of them between 14 and maybe 24 at the outside, mostly students and or unemployed and very likely without a family (ie children not parents, brothers etc).

As a 31-year-old female gamer, married but without any children, with a 13 year employment stint as a journalist I find there are always plenty more ways of getting your point across than referring simply to people as fuckers, cunts, assholes or any other combination you can think of.

As for the use of the word rape I've had this argument before, it can never be acceptable to use an act which destroys the life of someone who has to suffer the agonies of it to killing a mob of NPCs or other players in a graphically generated computer game.

All this being said, those that think it is acceptable won't take any notice of those of us that don't ;-)


Originally posted by Danyan
TBH eneq, people using "u" and "c" etc. instead of real words (especially on forums) annoys and offends me far more than people saying cunt in game.

TBH .... hmmm .....
To be honest....TBH.....
You...... u.......
I can maybe understands that it ANNOYS u but offends u ??
How can it offend u ? Do my "u" make u look stupid or something ? Maybe i dont fully understand the word offend but i didnt know that how i typed words could offend people...

This was posted in another thread about the "u" and "r" words.

"Guy1: Hi, how r u?
Guy2: Fine, And u ?
Guy1: Very nice here, Im logging but c u soon.
Guy2: C u .

WEll this i do really often. BUT i think its due to me not having English as first language. I dont get upset as u do about it. Because i Dont have your background in typing and reading english.

Basically its faster way to comunicate. And therefore a better way.

U surely have crossed the FF number ? its the same number as 255. But becasue its more effecient to just type 2 numbers its better then 3.
But u and me reading it feels much better to c 255 then FF. Becasue we are used to 255.

Understand my reasoning ?"


Originally posted by eneq
U surely have crossed the FF number ? its the same number as 255. But becasue its more effecient to just type 2 numbers its better then 3.
But u and me reading it feels much better to c 255 then FF. Becasue we are used to 255.
That is exactly my point. I read "you" more quickly and easily than "u", because I am used to seeing "you" not "u". So in that sense it's not neccessarily faster. Slightly faster to type, but possibly slower for the other person to read. And it makes you look like a 13 year old moron (whether you intend it or not, the way you act carries connotations beyond what you might think).

Also "Basically its faster way to comunicate. And therefore a better way" is not always true. Faster often means conveying less meaning which can lead to more misunderstandings. Faster is not always better. Anyway, since when did the speed you type at really matter on a forum? In game I don't mind so much as it's realtime, people type slow, so less characters to type helps them. On a forum, it's not realtime so saving a few seconds typing a post is meaningless.


I think swearing is a way people express themselves sometimes, its powerful but its an expressive form of language

However extreme language and extreme derogatory language is quite hard to swallow as a moderator I try my best to curb language but to be honest we don't want to be Nazi's unless someone is really directing their abuse and threats at an individual I feel no need to intervene at the end of the day young people are exposed to bad language and violence each and every day if we choose to continually shelter them from it it just leads to more curosity on their part

All in all censorship has a positive and negative side, who are we to decide what is right and wrong and how people face abusive words or images, at the end of the day words such as c**t and f**k are strong words and need to be edited but in honesty its simply not practical to edit every post with a swear word

In a practical sense our user group is no younger than 15-16 and if they are younger than that then surely it is the responsibility of the Parent/Guardian to monitor what the children read or look at on the internet you do it with TV so why not the internet, in fact more so the internet

At the end of the day Barrysworld is a democracy with few reasonable rules that people have to live by on agreeing the statement when they make an account, we aren't going to edit ur language but we may ask you to ease it, if we started to censor bad language then we would be fundamentality be taking peoples right to free speech away

And thats something that we have to cherish as a democratic nation

Thanks just my 2p


Originally posted by Keri
I would be really interested in hearing from some of you potty-mouthed kiddies who think using offensive words to people you do not know is perfectly acceptable ... after you start to hear your children using them. Do you really think it would be okay for your son to call his mother by the c-word? Would you use these words in a job interview? Talking, or typing to people you do not know requires certain language skills that seem to be beyond the grasp of far too many players. I have no objection at all to people using offensive language in private messages to their friends. I was taught that if I wouldn't use certain language in front of my mother, then I shouldn't say it in any situation where it could be heard by anyone other than a very close friend to whom it was acceptable.

It all comes down to respect for other people, and it seems that the amount of respect in the world is limited, and some people just can't be bothered to find any to show other people some.

i would never swear at my mum simply because i've never been sworn at by her, though we swear in general conversation the whole time.

nope i wouldn't use offensive words to people i don't know, that's just rude, and im not a rude person! (really :))

swearing can be used very well sometimes as humour i find. if i call someone a cunt and they laugh then i assume they didn't take mortal offence.



I must say you got the general idea of the "spirit" of DaoC by posting that thread.:=) And I do try not to swear much myselfe but if you get owned and with no chance of fighting back cause of mezz about 10-15 times it´s really hard holding back the cursewords about the poor hibs/mids of Excalibur.:D But I do try.:p

ps. Kul att se lite flera svenskar spela förresten.:=)) ds.

<Dark Prophecy>
Elvodus Firestorm-45.1 Firewizard
Whos Yourdaddy-4 Mage (becoming Sorc)

"Remember my name, as you will scream it going up in flames!"


Originally posted by old.Tzeentch
when I say 'jozen got shot with the gaygun'
it doesn't mean jozen is a homosexual
it means jozen has become acquired some traits which do not appeal to me.
Fair enough, those traits do not appeal to you. You should have left it there.
the use of the word gay, I think, in most peoples language here, does not intend to mean they are homosexual, but it's just used as a generic, derogotary term, combining whatever insult you wish to get across in the context.
No, the people who use the word 'gay' in a derogatory manner (such as you) are actually saying that gay people are somewhat of a lesser person, because of who they like to shag. That's just plain wrong.

'that item is gay'

how can an item be homosexual?
it cannot.. it means in this instance, that it is crap
No, that would actually mean you think the item is bright and colourful.
'jozen stop being gay'
this does not mean I caught jozen having sexual intercourse with wuren, and I am asking him to stop

it means, stop acting out of character.
Being gay (a lesbian, if you must know) is part of who I am. To imply that someone is 'acting out of character' (as you so politely put it) when being gay makes me so angry I just want to scream. To ask me to stop, is to ask me to stop being who I am. But what makes me most angry is that you've been brought up (by your parents and society in general) to believe that gay people are somehow inferior, and that is why you use the word gay as an insult.

If you didn't already know it - LGB people are everywhere. Your school mates, work collegues, next door neighbours, maybe your teacher or boss - anyone you know could be gay. Oh wait a minute, let me guess...."he's not gay, I'd be able to tell if he was". Oh please! How?!! Lesbians, gay men, and bisexuals are exactly the same in every single way to 'straight' people, bar the fact that they prefer to share their beds with different people.

For you to imply otherwise, if you don't mind me saying, is incredibly narrowminded, and I strongly suggest you wake up and smell the coffee (or at least the orange juice).

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