Serious poll.



Originally posted by Keri
I would be really interested in hearing from some of you potty-mouthed kiddies who think using offensive words to people you do not know is perfectly acceptable ... after you start to hear your children using them. Do you really think it would be okay for your son to call his mother by the c-word? Would you use these words in a job interview? Talking, or typing to people you do not know requires certain language skills that seem to be beyond the grasp of far too many players. I have no objection at all to people using offensive language in private messages to their friends. I was taught that if I wouldn't use certain language in front of my mother, then I shouldn't say it in any situation where it could be heard by anyone other than a very close friend to whom it was acceptable.

It all comes down to respect for other people, and it seems that the amount of respect in the world is limited, and some people just can't be bothered to find any to show other people some.

Once i called a wasp a cunt infront of my mates dog, does that make me a bad man?? :(


Originally posted by Vell

Being gay (a lesbian, if you must know) is part of who I am. To imply that someone is 'acting out of character' (as you so politely put it) when being gay makes me so angry I just want to scream. To ask me to stop, is to ask me to stop being who I am. But what makes me most angry is that you've been brought up (by your parents and society in general) to believe that gay people are somehow inferior, and that is why you use the word gay as an insult.

If you didn't already know it - LGB people are everywhere. Your school mates, work collegues, next door neighbours, maybe your teacher or boss - anyone you know could be gay. Oh wait a minute, let me guess...."he's not gay, I'd be able to tell if he was". Oh please! How?!! Lesbians, gay men, and bisexuals are exactly the same in every single way to 'straight' people, bar the fact that they prefer to share their beds with different people.

For you to imply otherwise, if you don't mind me saying, is incredibly narrowminded, and I strongly suggest you wake up and smell the coffee (or at least the orange juice).

You assume a lot of who I am because of the way I use language to convey my thoughts and feelings.
For instance, I can convey a message in a formal manner, and seem all polite, but I tend to be honest in my thoughts and feelings, and I don't hold punches.

You assume I hold certain thoughts and beliefs due to my usage of a word, but then, you use the same upon me.
Isn't that what you are saying?
That I myself assume of others certain behaviour, that gays are inferior, and obvious to spot?

You said it yourself, "For you to imply otherwise, if you don't mind me saying, is incredibly narrowminded, and I strongly suggest you wake up and smell the coffee (or at least the orange juice). "

It is indeed incredibly narrowminded, but yet you fall victim to the same fault.

However, I do not magically excuse myself, since you have raised some interesting points.

I have no problem with people being gay, they can do as they wish...
But it doesn't stop the fact that the word 'gay' has become embedded in a lot of people I know, as a common derogotary term, and it's meaning seems to be obvious to those I use it on.

I have not been bought up to believe whatever you think I have... that is a rather large assumption to say you can know my upgringing.

The fact is, that the word 'gay' no longer means simply homosexual, it has very strong connotations which are altering it's meaning in everyday life, wrong as this may be, it is what is happening.

Gay no longer simply means 'homosexual'.
As it changed from meaning 'happy, bright' and so forth, it is now changing into a common insult, and in my experience of using the word, it's becoming more and more disassociated with the current 'official' meaning.


rofl at tzee


nice post tho tbh, played the man in the kilt


Originally posted by Keri
I would be really interested in hearing from some of you potty-mouthed kiddies who think using offensive words to people you do not know is perfectly acceptable ... after you start to hear your children using them. Do you really think it would be okay for your son to call his mother by the c-word? Would you use these words in a job interview? Talking, or typing to people you do not know requires certain language skills that seem to be beyond the grasp of far too many players. I have no objection at all to people using offensive language in private messages to their friends. I was taught that if I wouldn't use certain language in front of my mother, then I shouldn't say it in any situation where it could be heard by anyone other than a very close friend to whom it was acceptable.

It all comes down to respect for other people, and it seems that the amount of respect in the world is limited, and some people just can't be bothered to find any to show other people some.

Keri, please read my post on the first page of this thread.

As for 'potty mouth kiddies'.. what do you know of me to qualify me in this category?

I stated that where I live, it is a commonplace insult.. of course you do not utter foul language in front of, or direct such language to your parents, or in any formal environment.

However, this is FAR from any formal environment... people come here to be away from the stress of being bound in a white collar and tie, having to watch every word they say, having to do everything they are told to do by their superiors at work, school, wherever.

If people feel more relieved by letting off a few derogotary terms, and as long as they keep it seperate from the place where they should not use such language, then what is the concern?

You have to remember this is not a funeral, or a visit to someone on their deathbed, this is a game, to be enjoyed; I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that most people do not view such trivial things as language with the enormous amount of gravity that a few people in this thread are viewing it as.

There are far more important things to concern yourselves with, than a small verbal release.


keri is right but i'm too tired to post my motivations here so I'm gonna keep it short. Those words might be perfecly acceptable with very good friends in a certain context if its very clear to all that its joking around. However your sitting behind a computer. There is no intonation, grinning, smiling, etc while you do it so its very hard for ppl who observe the conversation if its all ment for fun. Also bare in mind that alot of players are youngsters who think its "cool" to talk like that and who like to go on talking like it without knowing where to draw the line. The quantity in wich you use it is also ppl who call other ppl homo, ass, twat 24/7 will never make it to my friendslist because no matter in wich situation it will not be funny anymore, its irritating instead. Finaly cunt ... ok I can see how you can say that in an IRL situation to a close friend (GUY) but never use the C word against a woman, it's just about the last thing I would say to one and it would also be the last she ever heard from me if I did say it. If you do call a woman a cunt over the net don't be surprised if she wont speak to you anymore.


Eneq, the thing is, that the swedish translation of cunt, is quite less used in sweden, and thus less accepted(or, thats what i think :p). Thats why you cant understand why people use it. Compare it to "milder" swearwords like "satan" or "fan" etc. Which are commonly accepted as not very offensive(at least where i live), except when you use them in an offensive manner of course. Compared to when we were in the middleages and saying "satan" could get you hanged ;)


Originally posted by Keri
I would be really interested in hearing from some of you potty-mouthed kiddies who think using offensive words to people you do not know is perfectly acceptable ... after you start to hear your children using them. Do you really think it would be okay for your son to call his mother by the c-word? Would you use these words in a job interview? Talking, or typing to people you do not know requires certain language skills that seem to be beyond the grasp of far too many players. I have no objection at all to people using offensive language in private messages to their friends. I was taught that if I wouldn't use certain language in front of my mother, then I shouldn't say it in any situation where it could be heard by anyone other than a very close friend to whom it was acceptable.

It all comes down to respect for other people, and it seems that the amount of respect in the world is limited, and some people just can't be bothered to find any to show other people some.

First, if you have read what everyone in here said, they said that they use the terms "cunt" and "gay" etc when talking with their friends. Not walking around town saying to anyone they meet "Hello you cunt!".

And on another note, you dont respect other peoples opinions on what THEY have been used to as "offensive" language. You fail to accept that people in different parts of the world are raised/used to different kinds of behaviour when talking and using words in different manners than the city 5 miles away, this may or may not exist in the world, but i do know that being "polite" can sometimes be taken in the wrong way, if you are not familiar with the person you are speaking withs culture etc.

Just the fact that YOU have been taught in one way, doesn't mean someone else has been that too, and might be offended with you talking very polite with them, because that might be a way to make fun of people where he/she comes from.

I know that im saying im an idiot too here, but that isnt really the point, the point im trying to make is that everyone thinks/feels/sees things different, and almost NOONE respects it(Edit: Please note that im not saying that I respect everyone else, because i really dont). So dont come here whining about respect when you dont have it for EVERYONE else!


Originally posted by appollo creed
i never say c-u-n-t in game, but i say fuck 100 times a day, inn game and in rl :)

ask any TRG members

Tis true and if you did use that c-word I'd have to chop you up into little pieces and feed you to the Glacier Giant :)


What say we all call something a 'Tzeentch' if it's bad?

This thread is Tzeentch..

Aw man you're so Tzeentch.

How would you like it? :)


Originally posted by Vell

Blah blah blah

Wow, I was really really drunk yesterday!

But my point still stands - to use the word gay in a derogatory manner, is incredibly offensive. Please don't do it - especially when around people you do not know (and that includes forums, and in-game).

/em spanks Tzeentch


He'd probably be flattered. He is an elf after all.


Offtopic: I'm really curious why u started this thread eneq. Is it because u are really interested in the reason why people use the c-word or did u post it just so u can tell people again how they should behave according to your book? Cause that's basically all u seem to do in about every post i read from u... telling people how they should behave according to your standards. Must be that schoolteacher-attitude of yours which u cannot seem to let go when replying to a game forum. So basically to me it looks like u have no respect for people who act or respond differently then yourself.

Ontopic: I hardly ever swear when playing DaoC simply because i hardly ever swear IRL. I consider serious swearing at a person as a sign of weakness and people doing this to me will find a nice spot on my /ignore list. But i really cannot be bothered by people swearing at eachother if it's meant in a friendly way... i just respect the fact that people from different countries have different habits and even different swearinglanguage.


Originally posted by Ziva
Offtopic: I'm really curious why u started this thread eneq. Is it because u are really interested in the reason why people use the c-word or did u post it just so u can tell people again how they should behave according to your book? Cause that's basically all u seem to do in about every post i read from u... telling people how they should behave according to your standards. Must be that schoolteacher-attitude of yours which u cannot seem to let go when replying to a game forum.

Well i think i basically said it all in first post.
Im really interested in the aspect of why some people use abusive language.
Think we must make a diff when talking swearing and abusive maybe.
Swearing to me is when u hit your thumb when using the hammer and nails.
Abusive is using words like "Jozen is gay." "u r a cunt", "u retarded gimp of as on of a bitch"

Why do i feel its a diff using the words cunt, gay, retarded etc etc is that there are people that are gay,. There r people that are "mentaly disabled" (right word ?) ie retarded.

Using them words is basically saying they gay, retarded are lesser humans.
And that is kind of racistic to me.
And u telling me that i shouldnt say anything about it....

Whats next step ?

Yes im a schoolteacher. I know what happens when u DONT tell kids (people) when they are doing wrong.
There r to many adults looking the other way.
Its strange that people saying here the call close friends for "cunts" but not there mom....

"So basically to me it looks like u have no respect for people who act or respond differently then yourself."

Yes i do respect people that do it there way. I DONT respect people that are making fun of retarded, Gays, etc etc.
But maybe u will change if u get a mentaly disabled child when u grow up. Maybe u will change when your son/daughter grows up and become gay. Well i hope for there sake u do.

P.s baby woke must go havent edit the post so it may sound stupid, (it usualy does until i edited it 5 times :p )


what does a cunt look like ? i need pictures or smth couse tzeen told me it was a slut like sonny but i dont know :(


can u cunts plz stfu? trying to drink mielk here.


gonna pm u for mielk if u dont post a pic of a slut (and no picture of sonny, i know what he lookes like)


Originally posted by old.Niljindil

First, if you have read what everyone in here said, they said that they use the terms "cunt" and "gay" etc when talking with their friends. Not walking around town saying to anyone they meet "Hello you cunt!".

And on another note, you dont respect other peoples opinions on what THEY have been used to as "offensive" language. You fail to accept that people in different parts of the world are raised/used to different kinds of behaviour when talking and using words in different manners than the city 5 miles away, this may or may not exist in the world, but i do know that being "polite" can sometimes be taken in the wrong way, if you are not familiar with the person you are speaking withs culture etc.

Just the fact that YOU have been taught in one way, doesn't mean someone else has been that too, and might be offended with you talking very polite with them, because that might be a way to make fun of people where he/she comes from.

I know that im saying im an idiot too here, but that isnt really the point, the point im trying to make is that everyone thinks/feels/sees things different, and almost NOONE respects it(Edit: Please note that im not saying that I respect everyone else, because i really dont). So dont come here whining about respect when you dont have it for EVERYONE else!

Hmmm .. I apologise ... I really was not aware that being polite was offensive to some people. I guess having only lived and worked on three continents, and living in what is probably the most culturally diverse city in the world means I have led a very sheltered life. Personally, I have yet to meet anyone who is offended by politeness, but I agree with you that it does not necessarily mean such people do not exist.

Tell you what, the very first time I do meet such a person, I will tell them to "Fuck off!!" .. would that be the right way to talk to them? As you can see, I really do need some worldly advice here, and I'm sure you will give me a mouthful of it.

I would say thank you Niljindil for setting me straight ... but I'm afraid straight is one thing I'll never be.

Vell .. you ROCK girl!! You said it all far better than I could have done, and I totally agree with everything you said. Unfortunately, people will still use the offensive words in-game and on the forum, as it is perceived as freedom of speech.


hmm, i never said "Fuck off" to anyone i dint know before

except this one guy in a club who was moshing to cheese and being a general cunt


I wouldn't normally do it either, but apparently, there are some people somewhere in the world to whom being polite could be considered offensive. I'm just trying to find out how I should talk to such people. Any suggestions?

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