Savages are overpowered



Originally posted by stunned
Btw where are all teh necros gone ? Oh wait los abuse not possible anymore, nm.

I think you'll find most necros are happily leveling more lvl50 chars, necro is after all "one" of the most effective pwr lvlers going..


Originally posted by old.krane
IT will be fixed....

the only not known factor is time here...

this bullshit is ridiculous...

fyi rr8 paladin with most af and defense in this fucking game died to literally 1 secs to 2 savages...

that is not balanced...and will get nerfed soon...but prolly WoW is out by than and thats gonna be the moment when daoc dies...

Wasnt SWG going to end DAOC??

Some people quite like DAOC and wont move to another game.


Originally posted by uglymug
ooo 2 qoutes, did i touch on something to close to home?

and blaming Mid for getting Mid

like blaming a women that has been raped for wearing too sexy an outfit

blaming the victim is just sad, and if you do yer not in the best of company .. yer bedfellows include just about every biggot and racist there ever was

And gross generalisations epitomise many posters in these forums.

blaming the victim? you dont even wanna go there!, savages are afterall asking for it :p (Oouu gross generalisation or simply the truth?)


Originally posted by Whisperess
And that has what to do with anything? Did you even bother to read the entire thread?

If you were shouting at warriors / skalds / runemasters whatnot, I would still defend them if I found the reason for the whine was nonsense.

I did read the entire thread, but posted on what I saw up to the message I was at, and frankly the fact you have a savage simply satisfies my curiosity, but then again, who would think for one moment that a savage wouldnt defend his/her own class so vehemently.

So yes it does make a difference actually, if your arguments came from say a Hib then perhaps people might take it more seriously.


Originally posted by iluvatur
did you even read his post arn0r? he has a savage.. ( although he pves like a whore sometimes levels them in like 2 weeks ^^) dakeyras is old sk00l and i value his opinions at least ( an awesome privliedge to have :D) he has levelled, rvr'd, and fully kitted out his savage and thinks they are overpowered by far. yet all others still try and deny it, maybe he's just a better player and gets more out of the class.

if savages were hard to play i wouldnt mind, i think all skilless classes should get nerfed, and difficult ones rewarded. like necroes and bonedancers ( ages 2-5). Necroes power tap shouldnt have a dd effect, and i think bonedancers lifetap should be castable ( and thus increasing there damage and maybe forcing them to use there pets for something other than uninteruptable healing )

w00t managed to whine about my 3 most hated classes in one paragraph! and offered awesome solutions to balance them.

I forgot that Necros & BD's had such a big impact on RVR these days....

perhaps when Mythic actually get off their fat arses and actually fix necros then I might tend to agree with you re: sub spells but until such time as they fix RA's, Use items, lvl 44 pet, pet feckin off for a laugh, feck all resist effects, Dungeon lag casting time need I go on...clearly a DD on the power tap is over powered.....


Originally posted by Garbannoch Nox
actually the chance of three independant savages hitting with a quad in the first combat round is 0.05 * 0.05 * 0.05 = 0.000125 or 0.0125% (if you take a 5% quad chance).

The chance for 2 independant savages hitting with a quad at the same time or one savage hitting with 2 consecutive quads is hence 0.05 * 0.05 or 0.25% - 2 consecutive quads happen to me daily... 5% quad chance my ass

Nuff said


Originally posted by driwen
uhm no? I do not even play a savage (unless you count the lvl 10 savage i created 4 months ago)
I was wondering, because if it was you, you would be able to login and play in a different realm for a week and make up your own mind :/ but it's not, so I guess it'll still mad skillz etc...


Originally posted by old.Nol
I was wondering, because if it was you, you would be able to login and play in a different realm for a week and make up your own mind :/ but it's not, so I guess it'll still mad skillz etc...

mad skillz what? Running around assisting somoene else and pulling off positionals and remembering which buffs to activate? Off course it takes some practise, but its hardly mad skillz (support and the one being assist are ofc slightly harder if played well).


Originally posted by driwen
mad skillz what? Running around assisting somoene else and pulling off positionals and remembering which buffs to activate? Off course it takes some practise, but its hardly mad skillz (support and the one being assist are ofc slightly harder if played well).

yep, and playing merk for example takes skills?
running around assisting some1 and pulling off backchain takes more skills than Running around assisting somoene else and pulling off positionals and remembering which buffs to activate?


Originally posted by old.anubis
yep, and playing merk for example takes skills?
running around assisting some1 and pulling off backchain takes more skills than Running around assisting somoene else and pulling off positionals and remembering which buffs to activate?

Merk cant prolly solo any1, savage can. So assist in savages group is recommended, assist in mercs grp is required. That's the only difference.
Well assisting mercs group is just a good one, the same group with savages is a brilliant one.


i was just reading out of boredom and was not gonna take part but after reading mumin and parzi's posts felt the need to ask

do u guys find ur classes fine? thx in advance


Originally posted by old.anubis
yep, and playing merk for example takes skills?
running around assisting some1 and pulling off backchain takes more skills than Running around assisting somoene else and pulling off positionals and remembering which buffs to activate?

nope mercs take just the same amount of skill as savages, but somehow an alb tank group(with the "perfect" setup) still loses of a mid tank group (with savages). Now this could have been because of mad skillz on midgard side or just that savages are more powerful than mercs/armsman and so midgard has an advantage, but it might also be an addition of 10 other things that are different in those groups (pb disease, etc). Anyway I didnt really know why nol said it, but I assumed he meant it that I must think savage groups win more often, because of mad skillz, which I do not.


Can anyone who's played a savage and another tank/light tank/hybrid class honestly, hand on heart, say they are not considerably more powerful than any other tank class?


i was just reading out of boredom and was not gonna take part but after reading mumin and parzi's posts felt the need to ask

do u guys find ur classes fine? thx in advance

Can anyone who's played a savage and another tank/light tank/hybrid class honestly, hand on heart, say they are not considerably more powerful than any other tank class?

<waits in suspense>

ps. parzi's said in numerous threads that he thinks savages need a bit of 'fixing' :p

interested to see lethul's pov tho..


Originally posted by donttouchpoopy
Can anyone who's played a savage and another tank/light tank/hybrid class honestly, hand on heart, say they are not considerably more powerful than any other tank class?

on df raid group with 2 savages (+aug healer also) got all seal loot from group with 3 prenerfed zerkers :p


anubis were the savages abusing their insta taunt?:)


Originally posted by driwen
mad skillz what? Running around assisting somoene else and pulling off positionals and remembering which buffs to activate? Off course it takes some practise, but its hardly mad skillz (support and the one being assist are ofc slightly harder if played well).

It's definitely not the savage that is overpowered, it's the people playing them that use these brilliant new features like /assist, positional styles and they have to remember when to use their self buffs...stuff like that makes them far superior players to the other people on excal who have to use stuff like /assist, positionals and remember to press buttons for class abilities.

I must say that savages assisting is a new development since I went on holiday, previously they didn't have the decency to bother with things like /assist.


Originally posted by quinthar
So yes it does make a difference actually, if your arguments came from say a Hib then perhaps people might take it more seriously.

Because a hib have more experience playing a savage - noticing where changes could be made that would require them to be a lot more tactical - without destroying the class?

All I've ever heard from albs/hibs is that savages are un-CC'able, un-slamable, quad every hit and do 1000+ damage every round at cap speed.

Why on earth should I not react to that when I know that is not true? And why on earth should 'people' take that nonsense more seriously than mine and Parzi's suggestions to adjust the s/d/t/q ratio to the intended values as well as penalize savages harder for activating the buffs?

Yes - I have a savage, otherwise I would not comment on it since I wouldn't know wether it was true or not! Also I wouldn't have realistic suggestions as to how they could bring savages in line to what they are supposed to be. Also I clearly say that I do think that some changes need to be made.

But no matter what I type - no matter how many suggestions are brought up - you will keep on crying and whining until they are less desirable in a group than thanes at the moment.


well said whisperess
all rr5+ savages i know agree that they are overpowered, but that does not mean that they have to agree to some of the bullshit that is posted here

also i dont know any savage that says "haha we wtfpwnd you cause we got ubermadsk1llz!!11"

but i have seen many ppl that claim savages are unkillable do 1kdmg every sec etc, maybe they do this so they can feel really uber1337 wenn they kill one ?

well even a savage that just spamms crappy anytime and uses the the wrong buffs in the wrong time will do just fine atm, but that does not mean that all savages are noobs and crappy players.
also ofc it does not mean savages are better players in generall, but heard noone saying that.


Originally posted by old.Nol
It's definitely not the savage that is overpowered, it's the people playing them that use these brilliant new features like /assist, positional styles and they have to remember when to use their self buffs...stuff like that makes them far superior players to the other people on excal who have to use stuff like /assist, positionals and remember to press buttons for class abilities..

SIGH i agree savages are overpowered, i agree that assisting for mercenary's or savages doesnt cost so much skills. What the hell do you want? Savages are NOT harder to play than mercs or BM's or any other tank. Properly played they are harder than a DF spamming zerker, but then a DF spamming zerker isnt being played properly.


Name another melee class that comes close to the savages damage output and defensive abilities. Not match or exceed, but comes within touching distance.

There isn't one is there?


does that have to do anything with how the char is played or how good the players are ?

Jarahl Valinor

Admit it, Savages are 2 good, but how the hell did a caster survive 3 quad hits in a row??!?! :O


Originally posted by Jarahl Valinor
Admit it, Savages are 2 good, but how the hell did a caster survive 3 quad hits in a row??!?! :O

Because even though the quads fired, I bet not even half of them landed :)


hmm battery of life, instas good healing and some could be misses, cant see that in the screen. also offhand damage varies from 120-200 on casters


well like or not savages will be nerfed (or bug fixed or balanced whatever u choose to call it), i dont see any question in that happening

i'm more concerned with what middie class everyone will cry for the next nerf


Originally posted by envenom
but u zerg anyway so whats the problem noobamir arsehole.

you got your relics back now stop whining there working as intended get over it.

if someone can 2 shot you so what?

you must post a savages are overpowered thread atleast once a week guess what there getting really boring

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