RvR Poll!



After playing a healer for the last 3 days I must say stealther adds ;)

I HATE damn stealther adds on me!!!! =D

But a fg add on a nice 1v1 is just as bad


Originally posted by VodkaFairy
Running from a savage is kinda hard tbh :p

Back stun + in groups with shaman (= perma disease) and perma end :p

think before u post

firstly, think what char i am theres a big hint in my sig - then think that a sav needs to get to u to kill you, thus you have like 2500 or whatever clip range is to run and hide/stealth etc.


Originally posted by old.m0000
think before u post

firstly, think what char i am theres a big hint in my sig - then think that a sav needs to get to u to kill you, thus you have like 2500 or whatever clip range is to run and hide/stealth etc.


And this is different from chanters, how? Chanters stun isn't from clip range you know, nor is pet attack. If you can't hide before being stunned you're just slow.


savages dont need a shammy for end xD xD xD

also: NAS NAS NAS NAS!!!111 xD


o please :rolleyes: how can you argue chanters! a class who has to debuff to do heavy damage. other casters should be in line with enchanters. not nerf the chanters. the damage they deal on a debuffed target is the damage any cloth wearer should get.

A chanter can own a tank in 4 nuked a chanter can own a caster is 2 (1 with heavy crit OR vs low realm rank)

A savage can kill a tank in 4 hits. a savage can kill a caster in 2 hits.

the difference: You know them all by now! :p

yes enchanters hit harder then most if not all other casters WHEN they use the debuff. ZZZZZZ if you think this is more over powered then a tank who hits as hard as someone who wears cloth with little HP, no evade interrupt and cast cast damage spells when moving.


Yes I agree most casters should do more damage than they do atm, nuking for 130(-180) vs Sheph earlier is hardly worth the power to cast.
However then you have to sort out CC as hib caster groups would become even more powerful, and alb/mid caster groups would be so weak when they get mezzed.


I think the big issue for chanters are more their soloing capabilities rather then their grping abilities..

A chanter can do a hell of alot solo ;) while in grp rvr they dont stand out as much.. think the difference between a chanter and any other caster is their frontload dmg over time on range. What caster can do such dmg for such power drain at such rate? You stil gotta remember casters are restricted to their power pool. Taking out a series of ppl with debuff combo eats you mana! Ofc there are ways of going around this.. but they dont take away the issue with mana drain.

ppl whine about the chanter dmg... (even thou it took the chanter 40% of his mana) and cant continue like like that for verry long.. While actully lets compare to the "normal" range nukers, they can continue for a much longer period of time.. but as most might know fast dmg is the key to getting targets down.. so that might be the real issue.. fast kills is what makes you win? Atleast fgvfg fights? Dunno just some I tought about while im working ;)


Its not just the debuffing of the own dmg type that is making chanters overpowered. Its a combination of things like...

Debuffing own damage, 9 second baseline stun (if you debuff heat before stun it lasts a full 9 seconds on non det chars), powerful pets who pets who can chain snare you or pets who have insane hits, pets that get their owners resists... etc I would say BoaD too but thats only obtained at a decent RR level, and its getting nerfed in the future.

But yes i agree that rather than have just chanters nerfed, mythic should boost other casters to their level.

My biggest gripe with chanters and (to a lesser extent) eldritches is their 9 sec baseline stun. If they swapped it for a long single cast root it would help a LOT. No class with ranged decent damage should be permitted a ranged long duration stun tbh.

But as far as levels of overpowered go, Savage = Chanter x 10 ;/

The thing i hate most about savages isnt their fecking crazy dmg per second its the fact that running is useless. You cant run from a savage, infact its the worst thing you can do. Stupid 9 second rear positional style ;(


1) savages
2) dragonfang
3) determination should be nerfed and hybrid tanks should get lvl 2 available to them!



Originally posted by hotrat
Haha classic reply, can't think of a decent response to what is exactly the reason why hib pbae groups are so strong at the moment.

I never hear anyone complain of anything in alb apart from SoS BoF and Infils.

No as a matter of fact the only thing we "I" complain about is your zergs. <insert cloth wearing class here> and see what it feels like to die by blah blah before youve actually realised theres an enermy there. Tbh weve all got an enermy class we can wtfpwn aswell as one that'll wtfpwnedme.

p.s votes for all of the above plus sc armour/resists etc etc. just give fun fights.


Originally posted by Ace_
p.s votes for all of the above plus sc armour/resists etc etc. just give fun fights.

SC works both ways, you dont have it I 2-3 shot you.

I love SC yet i loathe it, the ultimate confusion of an casters existance, the balance between damage output and survivability. People say well we are casters we are supposed to do damage. If your not alive you cant do that damage regardless. Admittingly sometimes death cannot be avoided like when you have an assist train on you, but when its a pet or just one tank every hitpoint/resist% is worth it.


so savages won ?

do we get stuffed versions of all the savage voters as prices ?


Originally posted by dub
so savages won ?

do we get stuffed versions of all the savage voters as prices ?

No, you get stuffed versions of all the abusers who tries to deny the fact that savages are overpowered


Can't believe that no one STILL have not even said anything about interrupts.. lol


not only chanters who can debuff their own nukes ;o
runie, bd, cabby can too.
cabby even is better as their baseline bodynuke is same dmg as chanters light nuke BUT its a lifetap!

and id rather have sm pet (intercepts) or cabby pet (chainstun) then chanter pet ;o


Originally posted by Spamb0t
not only chanters who can debuff their own nukes ;o
runie, bd, cabby can too.
cabby even is better as their baseline bodynuke is same dmg as chanters light nuke BUT its a lifetap!

and id rather have sm pet (intercepts) or cabby pet (chainstun) then chanter pet ;o
Caba damage is not the same damage this patch, its increased next patch when debuffing your own damage gets nerfed.

A cabalist in a group is ae disease, body debuff, spirit debuff, lifetap, pet, nearsight, pretty poor although still better than a fire wiz.

Each line of a cabalists spec lines have only 1 good spell, body - disease, matter - nearsight, spirit - debuffs. Compared to a chanter who has all their good spec spells in one spec line.


Can't believe more ppl haven't said enchanters.

That dps debuff interupt shit has just got to go, such a cheap spell.

The damn zealot pet has its own debuff so its nukes do more damage! The companion has a snare nuke, the ally can heal!

A sorc can get a level 50 pet which in theory is better than a level 44 pet but until they put some decent mobs in emain/odins its far worse.

Main thing that annoys me now though is the debuff interupt, WHY should chanters get such an advantage over other casters?


Originally posted by hotrat
Can't believe more ppl haven't said enchanters.

That dps debuff interupt shit has just got to go, such a cheap spell.

The damn zealot pet has its own debuff so its nukes do more damage! The companion has a snare nuke, the ally can heal!

A sorc can get a level 50 pet which in theory is better than a level 44 pet but until they put some decent mobs in emain/odins its far worse.

Main thing that annoys me now though is the debuff interupt, WHY should chanters get such an advantage over other casters?

Back to basics


but what would all you kiddies do with yourselves if you didnt have all these things to bitch and moan about all day?

the real world is gonna eat you alive


Oookay so maybes my last [edited] post was a little extreme :)

but i have had more time to think about it.. and there's something bugging me atm about rvr..

/assist and /face

back in the day.. ahh.. we used to use our eyes and judgement to take down what we thought was the same target yes.. /assist is taking away a lot of the fun from rvr atm.

and as for /face.. why is it an insta turn thingy? i cant turn on a sixpence instantly in rl.. so why not have /face on a kinda timer.. so u turn as if u where holding down the arrow button to face the person u /face'ing manually?

and also.. since playing my druid.. i have found that the spamming of disease and it interrupting is prolly the most annoying thing atm.

can understand the whines about overpowered classes like savages and manachanters.. just wanted to add something different to the arguement instead of joining in with the nerf XXX brigade.

not drunk atm.. thats the truth for once. can talk sense from time to time peeps :) hehe

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