

Resident Freddy
Jan 23, 2005
Peak for DAoC was 250,000.

Agree with the nostalgia/time was right for it vibe of the above responses, but as also stated I believe the overarching factor that made DAoC PvP work was simply the three realms. Of course, instancing takes away from proper PvP a lot too, but that's a whole different issue.

You have to understand though at the time mmo's were seen as games only for hardcore roleplayer types who played board games while eating doritoes and discussing which elf babes were the most sexy :p

WoW is the mmo that really introduced it to the masses, and the only reason so many new mmo's are based on wow's system (and yes Rift is disgracefully blatent in this as was warhammer) is becaus ethey are trying to elbow in on wow's player/subscriberbase, game mechanics wise Daoc is still miles ahead in playability :(

I think i will be resubbing tomorrow , i will still play Rift to 50 (im 33 atm) and see if they implement anything but i dont see myself hanging around if it stays as is, which is a shame as the questing is fun:m00:


Resident Freddy
Jan 19, 2004
what i miss from daoc (among other things) is the tight ingame community while lvling. It was rarely just totally random people youd never group with again, and in order to get good exp you had to group up so you got to know alot of players. Dont seem like it in most other MMOs


Resident Freddy
Jan 23, 2005
what i miss from daoc (among other things) is the tight ingame community while lvling. It was rarely just totally random people youd never group with again, and in order to get good exp you had to group up so you got to know alot of players. Dont seem like it in most other MMOs

Yea i remember pugging while xping in SI on my enchanter and generally you would have 2-3 pbaoes as they were fotm at the time and it was always uber xp or you would get 1 lunatic who pulled too much and it was a failcascade :p

I remember this most oin my 1st rr5 my enchanter Snowslash while in the guild "Fantasy" at the top of the big drop in consucrating mine in groups with people like Aloin, good times :D

I also remember pugging to rr5 with people like Vulcan Tierk Pimpdaddy(violet celt bard lol, he was damn good too) and the like, fooking good times !


Resident Freddy
Jan 23, 2005
Thing with Rift atm is im kinda Meh about logging on and thats only after a fucking week, if daoc was like that when i started playing id prolly be married by now with a respectable job ! (THANK YOU DAOC) PHEW LOL :D


FH is my second home
Feb 17, 2006
In DAOC when your guild group is good you can take on 50+ or even like dem hibbies/nolby pride/eclipse 100+

This is a problem though in its own right, while people like you and I may love that about DAoC it poses an issue to the casual player. Player skill made a huge difference in DAoC, thereby alienating a lot of people, obviously that means lost subs. Unfortunately, MMOs are a victim of their own success - they have become big business and as such the devs have to cater to the common denominator and more often than not that means dumbing down the gameplay.

Just look at Warhammer, that game could be played effectively by a trained chimp because Mythic thought if they appealed to more people they would make more money. They failed because the game was irrevocably broken from the beginning, but I do believe the kind of gameplay was what they were aiming for as the people that stuck around in that game were, generally speaking, more towards the casual type of players that I think would probably have been much more marginalised in a game like DAoC.

Arguing the pros and cons of this approach is fruitless because, like it or not, it is how the industry is now. Right through gaming in fact, not only MMOs, just look at consoles - 32987 Call of Duty titles later they don't look like stopping, EA will probably soon start to bring out a new Fifa game called 'FA Cup Edition', or at least they would if they could skim a few extra bucks off it - etc etc.

Cynicism perhaps, but sadly seemingly very true.


Resident Freddy
Jan 19, 2004
punish, i feel the same, its fun and all but i dont get the same urge as i did with DAoC when i started (although that was my first MMO so ofc its different) im really missing that tingling in games


Resident Freddy
Jan 23, 2005
punish, i feel the same, its fun and all but i dont get the same urge as i did with DAoC when i started (although that was my first MMO so ofc its different) im really missing that tingling in games

When i resub it lasts for maybe 2 weeks, and its normally on my Minstrel or NS, i have 1 of every tank in the game but a zerker and thane ml10 templates and most other things templated too :D

Live is the real freeshard for me tbh


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
I get excited about playing DAOC until I get to the first bridge or drop off.


Dec 26, 2003
I'm fully aware of how pathetic this is, I just have a severe distaste for being told I've written/said something I simply haven't. Pedantic, maybe, but whatever. Anyway, I believe the previous post sums up my position on it, I won't debase myself further by arguing such a non-issue.

Lol - your hilarious - please write more so I can be condescendingly nice about it since your ego seems to be so fragile.

I have kids so if I can be encouraging about scribble on a piece of paper I'm sure I'll find something nice to say about your work :)


Dec 26, 2003
punish, i feel the same, its fun and all but i dont get the same urge as i did with DAoC when i started (although that was my first MMO so ofc its different) im really missing that tingling in games

I think a big chunk of the problem is that you (as in everyone) have changed.

You can't recapture the first thrill you felt in daoc because all the other pvp mmo's are in some way derivative and you too have become cynical.

There's also the first fix problem known to junkies - you'll never get off on X as well as the first time.


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
what i miss from daoc (among other things) is the tight ingame community while lvling. It was rarely just totally random people youd never group with again, and in order to get good exp you had to group up so you got to know alot of players. Dont seem like it in most other MMOs



Fledgling Freddie
May 18, 2004
Lol - your hilarious - please write more so I can be condescendingly nice about it since your ego seems to be so fragile.

I have kids so if I can be encouraging about scribble on a piece of paper I'm sure I'll find something nice to say about your work :)

This thread is about Rift (and slowly turning into us all being emo and re-discovering our pasts), not for you to purposely piss people off for your own amusement. Do that elsewhere.


FH is my second home
Feb 17, 2006
Lol - your hilarious - please write more so I can be condescendingly nice about it since your ego seems to be so fragile.

I have kids so if I can be encouraging about scribble on a piece of paper I'm sure I'll find something nice to say about your work :)

I feel sorry for your kids if you won't even be able to teach them the difference between your and you're.

Irony being you obviously ignored me outright showing your stupidity and how wrong you were in the first place, so just went straight to the crutch of being flippant. Lolol fragile ego much1?1/1!?1


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
I feel sorry for your kids if you won't even be able to teach them the difference between your and you're.

Irony being you obviously ignored me outright showing your stupidity and how wrong you were in the first place, so just went straight to the crutch of being flippant. Lolol fragile ego much1?1/1!?1

Well to be fair, the use of irony there is a bit ironic considering the rest of the post ;)

Regarding DAoC though, it was fun, the community was good(well most of us still hang on the internets so..there), but it lacked a certain something(personal taste). Probably the fun part, the useless stuff, the filler so to say.


Part of the furniture
Jan 30, 2004
can some mod remove ALL the shit plze, including any i may have posted, lets keep it to the game and game only !


Resident Freddy
Jan 23, 2005
Well people only started talking about daoc because i said at 33ish im bored and considering playing daoc as im kinda meh about logging in to Rift, in fairness for anyone thinking of buying the game its all relevant

As for the people insulting each other, well we will be handing out internat hardman medals later, so make sure and get them gimpsuits shining :D


Can't get enough of FH
May 18, 2006
This is a problem though in its own right, while people like you and I may love that about DAoC it poses an issue to the casual player. Player skill made a huge difference in DAoC, thereby alienating a lot of people, obviously that means lost subs. Unfortunately, MMOs are a victim of their own success - they have become big business and as such the devs have to cater to the common denominator and more often than not that means dumbing down the gameplay.

Just look at Warhammer, that game could be played effectively by a trained chimp because Mythic thought if they appealed to more people they would make more money. They failed because the game was irrevocably broken from the beginning, but I do believe the kind of gameplay was what they were aiming for as the people that stuck around in that game were, generally speaking, more towards the casual type of players that I think would probably have been much more marginalised in a game like DAoC.

Arguing the pros and cons of this approach is fruitless because, like it or not, it is how the industry is now. Right through gaming in fact, not only MMOs, just look at consoles - 32987 Call of Duty titles later they don't look like stopping, EA will probably soon start to bring out a new Fifa game called 'FA Cup Edition', or at least they would if they could skim a few extra bucks off it - etc etc.

Cynicism perhaps, but sadly seemingly very true.

Agree, casual players will quit if its skill > gear.
Remember when my guild group hit lvl 40 in warhammer we had really the perfect setup, then we went in the warfront and allthough we won mostly vs another group, it took so freaking long that healers cannot be stopped casting when beeing attacked, then we went open rvr....... ohhh boy so we thought well we were good in DAOC lets pwn these noobs, ROFL i was typing /release faster then on my ns when walking past AMG the first year on EXCAL LOL!!

We adjusted Tacs but we how good we played we could not beat 2+ groups that had healers no way.

It really sucks that everything is casual crap these days :(


Fledgling Freddie
May 18, 2004
So what specs are people rolling out for PvP?

Mine [cleric solo melee]

Absolutely awesome solo spec. 3 second silence, snare, spell interrupt, 2 mana regens & a lot of different heals.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
So, wanking with the left hand... does it feel like you are cheating on your right hand?


Part of the furniture
Jan 30, 2004
So what specs are people rolling out for PvP?

Mine [cleric solo melee]

Absolutely awesome solo spec. 3 second silence, snare, spell interrupt, 2 mana regens & a lot of different heals.

so the pvp soul is better for healers ? Only used the first line so far, being L39, but its invaluable. I'd drop everything from warden & put it in Justicar tbh, but thats just me. I'm up to 33g a respec already ffs. Trying out all the different specs is just fabulous - if you like that sort of thing its the BESTEST fun eva !


Fledgling Freddie
May 18, 2004
so the pvp soul is better for healers ? Only used the first line so far, being L39, but its invaluable. I'd drop everything from warden & put it in Justicar tbh, but thats just me. I'm up to 33g a respec already ffs. Trying out all the different specs is just fabulous - if you like that sort of thing its the BESTEST fun eva !

I'm in 2 minds. The PvP soul should be a no brainer for the -crit etc but I've got so use to the silence & the pre-cast orbs from the warden tree. I was a bit disappointed the PvP soul focuses on heals and less so dps.

I suspect I will respec as I gain Prestige & gear. I'm immensely worried how I will be able to kill a healer with or without silence anyway as more people hit 50 and gain the pvp-stat as I kind of rely on crits :x


Part of the furniture
Oct 26, 2004
Some pretty hefty changes coming next patch concerning class balance :)

My paragon is going be stlong \o/


Part of the furniture
May 15, 2004
My bard hit level 38 last night. Really enjoying the game, I'm at the point of addiction and cannot wait to get home and take it out for a spin.

I'm a little disappointed at the news that bard healing is getting nerfed whilst champions and their ability to kill me in six seconds remains unchanged but we'll just have to see how they deal with balancing issues as the game matures.

There is a fair bit of crowd control and utility on characters. None of it seems as heavy handed as implement in DAoC or Warhammer, though, and it is a big improvement on DCUO (the last MMOG I played). It is a fine balance creating a game that calls for strategy and tactics yet not make crowd control, healing or DPS the be all and end all.


FH is my second home
Feb 17, 2006
The Mage buff is huge. I'm already critting people for over 2k with Cinderburst procs/Fulminate - I'm pretty concerned Pyros are going to be disgustingly OP if this patch goes live as-is.


Part of the furniture
Oct 26, 2004
Do you happen to play a dwarf called Zippo? :p or not on shivermere server, eksdee?


Chief Arsewipe
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 11, 1997
Welcome to FHOT, live with it or GTFO.

Actually I have removed some of the posts as they were crap and I will remove more.

Keep it on topic please.

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